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Carson Wood

Mrs. Perkins
Multicultural Mythology

My creation myth

In a time before time there existed another universe full of worlds before
ours. Worlds in which many creatures lived all that ceased to exist when the gods
began the war before time as we know where the gods battled to the last until one
remained. Alphonai, battered and bloody after the war of the gods fought only to
defend himself was now alone in the universe. So by his will the universe was
reborn using the bodies of the gods that fell in the war to create the universe.
Looking upon the new worlds he spread the seeds of life, the world eggs, or the
single cells from which all life upon a planet came to be. Weary and hurt, the Last of
the Gods rested for several millennia which for a god seemed like a few days.
On the world he created were the immortal Exalted or the people of gold who
were like humans except had a ring of horns on their heads that pointed out evenly
like a flattened crown. They had feathered wings on their back and a prehensile
spaded tail. They accepted Alphonai as their creator and father and the world
prospered until the eldest son and eldest daughter of the Exalted came to him with
a dispute over who should rule the world. Alphonai had them explain how they
would like to rule the first world. Heylel the firstborn son proposed a world of
freedom where only the strong survive while his sister Azazel proposed a world of
order where leadership was based on birthright. Both plans were flawed but to
prevent another war Alphonai sent both to different worlds along with their followers

and stripped of their immortality. Heylels people would become known as Demons
and slowly lose their wings and some of their horns. While Azazels people would
lose their horns and tails to become known as Angels who despite the name could
be just as vile as Demons. Only seven of the Exalted remained immortal because
unlike the others they didnt choose a side in the conflict and they continued to live
with Alphonai.
Losing hope in living creatures Alphonai found a world with only animals
using knowledge from the previous universe he created the humanoid people of
silver from nanomachines. He called them Golems they were like robots from the
previous universe except unlike robots they were soft skinned, required food and
water, would grow old and die and could feel emotions. In ways they were very
similar to humans but unlike humans they had shiny metallic looking skin lacked
whites of their eyes and could manipulate what their children would be like before
they were born. But not entirely, personality was an entirely different matter
altogether. With his first success Alphonai had so he left them so they could grow
into a prosperous society. But their own need to better understand themselves
would be their unmaking.
The last of the Gods decided to try his luck with an intelligent creature once
again. This time the people of Bronze who were the dragons. They were a sexless
psychic race who would begin life as a limbless serpent hatching from an egg but
due to their immense psychic power they could change their bodies in ways they
see fit from limbs with joints to lungs that could breathe fire. They could survive
anywhere even in the cold dark space between worlds and didnt require food or
water and could live for an eternity but they were not immortal. They would often
travel between world often hunting or being hunted. They were far spread out and

had a love for conversation by telepathy or by tongue depending on how said

dragon decided to grow.
Satisfied Alphonai decided to rest until he saw fit unbeknownst to him
however a fourth people, the people of Iron were born from the other worlds where
seeds of life had been planted one such planet was Earth a planet that Alphonai
would take much interest in once he awoke although there were other planets
nearby with the same people he picked earth because it was closest to where he
was at the time. Humans were very flawed when compared to all the people that
came before them but to Alphonai it was these flaws that made them perfect
because humans were quite simple when compared to previous peoples possessing
no extraordinary abilities they were the only ones that had a good future but would
never discover any of the other people or would they?

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