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Stage 1: Desired Results

UBD Template

Topic/Theme: Independence Movements and Revolutions: Mexico, India, and China

Time frame: 3 weeks
Class/Grade Level: 11th Grade AP World History
Established Goals: (Including state standards)
SS.912.H.1Essential Concept and/or Skill: Understand historical patterns, periods of time, and the relationships among these
SS.912.H.2 Essential Concept and/or Skill: Understand how and why people create, maintain, or change systems of power,
authority, and governance.
SS.912.H.4 Essential Concept and/or Skill: Understand the role of individuals and groups within a society as promoters of
change or the status quo.
Understandings: Students will understand that
1) Individuals/people can be driven to revolt due to political, economic, social, religious, ideological, and infringement on
2) Revolution is not necessarily limited to a single social class and can be unilateral across several classes
3) There can be a combination of internal and external factors that push a nation to revolution
4) Revolutions can occur under peaceful or violent means
Essential Questions:
1) What is a revolution?
2) What is a movement?
3) What pushes a group of people to revolt?
4) How can global influences affect revolution/movements?
5) How do revolutions/movements affect geopolitics?

6) What do revolutions need to be successful? What do movements need to be successful? A powerful military? Strong leaders?
Foreign allies? Support from the wealthy elite? Support from the common masses?

Stage 1: Desired Results

UBD Template

Knowledge: Students will know INSERT # OF U IT SUPPORTS

1) Mexico
1. The Bourbon Reforms and how they influenced Mexicans decision to rebel against Spain (U1, U4)
2. The effects of Catholicism on the Mexican people (U1)
3. Miguel Hidalgo and his Conspiracy of 1809 (U2,U3, U4)
1. The Grito de Dolores and the Hidalgo Phase
2. The failure of Hidalgo
4. The Morelos Phase and the emergence of Constitutional ideals (U2)
5. The Guerrilla Phase (U3)
1. Guerrero and Victoria
2. Iturbides Intervention
6. Establishment of The Army of Three Guarantees and how the Spanish are defeated
2) India
1. The reasons why India wanted to remove the British East India Company and the British Raj from power (U1,U2)
2. The background on British colonization and influence (U1,U3)
3. Gandhi
1. Background on him (U2)
2. Development of satyagraha principle (U4)
3. Gandhis effort to unify independence movement (U2)
4. Dandi (Salt) March and Civil Disobedience (U2, U4)
5. The Government of India Act 1935 (U3)
1. Protect minority interest
2. Loose Federal Structure
3. Provincial autonomy
6. WWII Effects on Indian Independence (U3)
7. Partition of India into India and Pakistan (U1,U3)
3) China
1. Fall of the Qing Dynasty, 1912, introduction of democratic republic (U1)
2. WWI and collapse of democratic process (U1,U3)

Stage 1: Desired Results

UBD Template

1. Japanese 21 Demands
2. Loss of Chinese sovereignty
3. Declaration of new empire of China, triggering civil war (U1)
4. Constitutional Protection Army
5. May Fourth Movement
3. Establishment of Nationalist Party and government
4. Second Sino-Japanese War 1937-1945 (U3)
1. American Involvement
5. Civil War (U1,U2, U3, U4)
1. Kuomintang Republic of China
2. Communist Party of China
o The Long March
3. Communist Victory
Establishment of Peoples Republic of China and Republic of China (Taiwan)
Skills: Students will be able to insert # of U and K it supports]
1) Argue for an opinion, using facts from multiple sources (U1,U2,U3,U4, K1,K2,K3)
2) Compare and contrast the paths of the revolutions/independence movement ((U1,U2,U3,U4, K1,K2,K3)
3) Identify and defend what they believe the most influential cause of independence movements is, in verbal or written form (U1,
4) Analyze primary and secondary documents, knowing the difference between them, and evaluating bias within sources (U1, U3,
K1.1, K1.3, K2.3, K3.2.1, K3.5)

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