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Greek heroes

All people and cultures have different ideas on what a hero is. Some say they
need capes some say they need to be brave others say they are strong. Well the
book odyssey by Homer is a good example of a Greek heroes specifically Odysseus.
Greek heroes need to be after kleos (glory), smart, and have gone through
Heroes heed kleos so there story will be remembered. This next part
will show when Odysseus was shooting for kleos. You shameless cannibal you,
daring to eat your own guests in your own home so Zeus and the other gods paid
you back! 9.536-8. in this homer was trying to show Odysseus trying to get kleos
even if it could kill his crew. He may not have known then that the Cyclops was
Poseidons son but he could have been more careful. This also shows getting kleos
was a dangerous game. But to most of the Greek heroes it was worth it to die for
Greek heros also needed to be smart. Like when he got to Ithaca. he
chocked it back always invoking the cunning in his hart. 13.289-290 in this homer
shower that Odysseus was not only smart bet le licked using it to his advantage.
Homer also showed he used his cunning everywhere not just on the battle field not
just when faced with a tough decision but in normal every day talking. If Odysseus
wasnt as smart as he is then the story would have taken a different course and he
probably would not have made it home. This shows it is important to be smart as a
Greek hero.
Greek heros also needed to have suffered on their journeys. This shows his
suffering. no one of the Achaeans labored as much as Odysseus labored and
achieved, and for him the end was grief for him and for me a sorrow that is never
forgotten for his sake, how he is gone so long, and we knew nothing of whether he
is alive or dead.4.106-110. Homer was trying to show that Odysseus suffered more
than any one still alive in his time. It also shows it was tough for his family. Homer
was also trying to show that everyone around a Greek hero will most likely suffer.
This shows what Greek heroes need to have to be a true Greek hero. All
heroes in other cultures have their own traits like flying or cunning. Every culture
has heroes.

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