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Trailer analysis of how women are

portrayed within film: Cinderella

This shot displays to the audience a
golden carriage with the Fairy
Godmother holding a magic wand, and
looking closely at something. The gold
could suggest royalty and power to the
audience, which fits within the
characters role within the film, as the
Fairy Godmother holds a relatively large
amount of power.

In this shot a long shot had been used to

demonstrate how important the Fairy
God Mother is within the film, as the
mise en scene used has been specifically
created to be dark, so the Fairy
Godmothers flamboyant costume stands
out boldly. This could also be some
reference to light within the film, and
darkness and how the Fairy Godmother
brings light, and positivity to the film.

Trailer analysis of how women are

portrayed within film: Cinderella

This close up shot implies she is

disgusted at something she has seen, or
shocked. The rosy cheeks and pink
lipstick, implies she is warming and
comforting, along with her blond hair
and blue and white collar suggesting
innocence and purity, which in turn
suggests she is perfect for the
motherly role.

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