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Bxtiyar Vahabzad

Ata v oul
ziziym, balasn,
rkd od qalasn.
Mn istrm balam,
Balam istr balasn.
Yans dand, kz dand,
Oul, daha bsdir, az yor zn!
Yardn odunlar grr on gn.
Ay ata, glirm, sn ke iri.
On df demim bayqdan bri
Szm baxmrsan gr glmsn,
Soyuqda sninl duracaam mn.
zn bil, dur orda, grk bu axam
Bunun hamsn yarb qurtaram.
A bala, soyuqdur, gl qz bir az!
Kii z iini sabaha qoymaz.
Ata ox yalvard, oul yox dedi.
Dediyi szndn geri dnmdi.
Birdn ev kedi ata, bu ara
Qucanda uaq xd bayra.
Bunu grn kimi oul bozard,
Qzb qlcm zn sard.
Dillndi: - Ay ata, soyuqdur ax,
Niy xartmasn l ua?
Ata glmsnb syldi: - Ndn,
Bel qoruyursan uan sn?
Mnim uamsan, ay oul, sn d!..
Mn sni soyuqdan bayaq gdnd,
Szm baxmrdn Beldir qayda
Balasn istr hr ks dnyada.
Father and son
Translated from the Azerbaicani language by Shahla Naghiyeva and Luke Whisnant(USA)
A father watches his son
cutting wood in cold weather:
"My son, come in, don't get tired.
The wood you've cut is plenty."
"Father, don't worry. Go in,
I'll follow soon."

"My son, if you stay,

I stay. Such weather!"
"Whatever, Father. Stay.
I'll finish, cut all the wood."
"My son, come in and warm up.
Some things are best left for another day."
The more the father begged, the more
his son refused. Finally father went inside,
took a baby, went back out.
The son in anger spoke:
"Father, don't you see this cold weather?
Why did you bring my baby outside?"
The father, smiling, said,
"You protect your child. And see,
you are my child.
When I asked you,
you didn't obey me.
It's a law of life,
all parents wish happiness to their children,
and the children wish it for their own."


Four Poems
Translated by Shahla Naghiyeva and Peter Makuck (USA)



Glirsn, gedirsn

I watch you

Gzm znd,

As you come and go,

Bilmirsn n sorur, n deyir atan.

Wondering if you can guess

zndn, gzndn,

That your father tries to read

Hr bir szndn

Your looks and silent speech,

Qlbini oxumaq istyir atan.

Tries to unlock the coffers of your


Glirsn, gedirsn he n sormuram

Baxlar danr, baxlar ancaq.
Bilmk istyirm, a mnim balam,
Sni isidirmi qonduun budaq?

Qnama, bldm mn bu hyata,

Kim rxi geriy dndr bilmi?
vlada qzldan taxt verr ata,
Qzldan bxtini kim ver bilmi?

Glirsn, gedirsn,
Dyimi bizim
Szmz, sorumuz

But I ask nothing

As you come and go like this
And only glances have to serve for
I want to know, my sweet
Whether you feel warm in your
new nest.
Don't be upset with me.
This is cust one of
our courney's changes.
Everything seems plotted. If a
Father could give a golden coach
to his daughter,

Bu sn,

Couldn't he also give her golden


Bu da mn.

So you come and go

And now we speak differently

El glirsn ki, el bil qzm,

Bu evd doulub bymmisn.

As if, dear daughter, you weren't

Brought up in this familiar house.

Bir az yad olmusan,

You have become strange and shy,

Bir az utancaq

So unlike the you of years ago.

vvlki rkini istrm yen.

You come and go a guest,

Glnd qonaqsan, gednd qonaq,

This house so quickly

N tez zgldi bu ocaq sn?

Strange to you,
No longer the same.

Snin xisltin d nec dyidi,

Dem gileyliym, yox, yox, adam m
Sev ki, sevilsn
Bizimki kedi,
ndi snin n narahatam mn.

Qoru hr lkdn mhbbtini,

Hr yerd,
Hr zaman, qzm.
Arxan atan evi
Yalnz r evind tapasan, qzm.

Bir salama dymdi

Bu gn mn sni grdm, salam verm


Youve changed
But I dont complain.
In fact , I am glad
You love and are loved in return
My troubles seem selfish.

Protect your love,

Wherever you go dear daughter.
My house here is an addition
To the love of your own loves

zn yana tutdun.
Syl illrdn bri
Qlbimizin bir duyub bir vurduu illri
Ax n tez unutdun?


Be ild gzmzdn axan o qanl sell


Seeing you today, I tried to nod


Bir salama dymdi?

But you avoided my eyes and


Hycanla, kdrl, qml dolu o illr

Bir salama dymdi?
He zm baxmadan yanmdan nec

How could you forget that year

When I was delightful, and you so

We helped each other through

Sn eqin salamn qorxuyam dyidin
painful times
And now I'm unworthy of even
Yoxsa sn z eqin ilqarna a oldun?
O qdr yaxn ikn, bu qdr uzaq old
All that longing, and our endless
irin gllrimiz, ac fanlarmz
Not worth even a sidelong glance?
Bir salama dymdi?
You've let your love wither into
Qayl anlarmz, qaysz anlarmz
Bir salama dymdi?
Sn neyldin bir dn?
Yalnz indi anladm:
ah, sn daha mnimn
latmaz bir iksn,
Yaanm gnlrimtk geri dnmyc

We who were once in spirit so

How could you become so distant,
Betray deep feelings, and break
my heart?
All those times we laughed and

The sorrow shared, the grief, and

Qop ey tufan, s ey yel! Xzl olum, t
soft embraceklm!
Those memories not worth a
Dz be il ryimd
fleeting look?
Bsldiyim mhbbt bir salama dy
What is it that you did? Think for a

Bir gnlk hsrtim dz bilmyn

Bs n oldu?
Bu hsrt bir salama dymdi?
Getdin dalnca baxdm,
can ayrld canmdan,
Sn nec etinasz t bildin yanmdan
Ah kdim, bam st yarpaqlar sdi,
Snin qlbin smdi.
Geriy d baxmadn!

You might discover why you're
avoiding me.
No matter, you are the flower I
cannot have.
You are my past withering with
Ah, let the wind blow hard
And let me like a yellow leaf drift
Five years of love not worth a

Niy snin yolunu mhbbtin ksmd You couldn't bear longing for even
a day,
Qazancmz de bumu?

you said. So what happened?

Deyilmmi o salam lvidamz oldumu


Wasn't that longing worth at least

a nod?

Sn mn zlm eyldin, mn zlm ya You walked right past me, I looked

Bir salama dymyn eq lm yara I felt as if my body, parted from
Were torn in two. Then I think:

Mnim anam

Indifferent, cruel, and cold of

I sighed. Dry leaves trembled in a

Adn da yaza bilmir
Mnim anam.
Ancaq mn say yrdib
Ay yrdib
l yrdib

Your soul was still, not to be

Why didn't our love come back to
Are we better for that unlucky

n vacibi: Dil yrdib

Adieu, for that unspoken greeting.

Mnim anam.
Bu dil il tanmam
Hm sevinci
Hm d qmi.
Bu dil il yaratmam
Hr strimi
Hr nmmi.
Mn bir hem,
Mn yalanam.
Kitab-kitab szlrimin
Mllimidi mnim anam!

My mother was illiterate,
Could neither read nor write.

Mn kompasam

Mn fikir evrilmim.
Yox, mn yoxam.
Mn fikirm.
Bu fikrimd, bu zmimd
Mn vahidm
Birm, birm!
Yollardak ayrclar,
Fikirdki budaqlar,
Arzudak haalar
Mn tapmam z ynm,

She taught me how to count,

Call days, months, and years to
She taught me my mother tongue
And to what nation I belong.
This language allowed me to know
Happiness, grief, and sorrow,
Led me into its rhythms, writing
Proud poems to be said and sung.
But I have liedI am nothing
If not my mother. Who else would I
All my poems she sang to me.

He ks mn dey bilmz
Ora dnm
Bura dnm.
Mn kompasam,
Birdir zm,
Birdir ynm!

I have become a thought and
I am no longer human.
I am one thought,

Bir gminin yolusuyuq

And focused in all that I do.

I do not want
Crosses in roads,

Dnya adl bir gminin yolusuyuq

Or alternate routes in the mind.

Sn d, mn d, o biri d

I do not want dreams that diverge.

Yaradan da el bizik

I have found my true direction.

Sevinci d, kdri d.
Taleyimiz birdir bizim,
Qasralar tk dmnin, tk dmnim.
Mn hamnn taleyin cavabdehm,
Ham mnim.

Bir gminin yolusuyuq,

Birldirir yollar bizi.
zn gmi, szn gmi
Bir mchula yollar bizi.
Biz ortaq dnizdki tufana da,

No one can make me swerve.

I am a compass
With one face
And one appointed way.

Dalaya da.
Xo mlayim havaya da.

Gmi gedir,
Qasrann rktdy
Dalalarn qucanda

Ah, n qdr glmlidir

Bir gminin yolular
Di qcarda bir-birin.


Translated from the Azeri

by Shahla Naghiyeva and
Peter Makuck(USA)

Were sailing on the same ship,

You and I and so many others,
Always steering toward or away
From our own happiness and sorrow,
Always sharing the same luck.
Hurricanes are the enemy
And teach us togetherness

Me for you, you for me.

We are sailing on the same ship,
With endless possible headings,
Our course veering this way or that,
Uncertainty always in the offing.
We share the torture
Of storms and plunges into bitter gulfs
Or the ecstasy
Of glinting azure seas.
Now the ship moves off,
Diving into a deep gorge
Of hurricane waves,
Then surges to the crest again.
Isnt it curious
That shipmates could fix each other
With anger in their eyes?

Tar River Poetry, East Carolina University, NC. USA, Spring 2004.-p. 39-41.

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