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Key Performance Indicators

Supply Chain Res pons ibility
Carbon Footprint
Taking the Firs t Steps
Office Operations
Sus tainability Education
Happy to Help
Charitable Contributions

Supply Chain Responsibility

Supply Chain Res pons ibilt y wTaking t he F ir s t S t eps wHappy t o Help





Free from

pounds of organic
ingredients purchas ed
in FY 2014, keeping
many pounds of toxic
pers is tent pes ticides out
of the air, water and


of total unit s ales in

FY2014 were from
organic products .

Toxic pers is tent pes ticides ,

hormones , artificial colors ,
flavors or pres ervatives ,
antibiotics , s ynthetic
fertiliz ers , and G MOs

Supply Chain Res pons ibilt y wTaking t he F ir s t S t eps wHappy t o Help

The Pouch Problem

Pouches and other flexible plas tics have a

10% lower


overall carbon

of pouches alone went to
landfill in 2014. Thats more
than the weight of two adult
blue whales .

footprint than glas s , Tetrapak, and PET

plas tic bottles . But this flexible plas tic is
not recyclable. Thats why weve
partnered with OSC2, the SPC, and
How2Recycle to addres s this is s ue.

Supply Chain Res pons ibilt y wTaking t he F ir s t S t eps wHappy t o Help

product lines is
completely recyclable.

Turning off
electronics and lights ,
reducing paper
us age, and diverting
office was te can help
s hrink our carbon

Supply Chain Res pons ibilt y wTaking t he F ir s t S t eps wHappy t o Help

is not recyclable.
Supply Chain Res pons ibilt y wTaking t he F ir s t S t eps wHappy t o Help

Carbon Footprint

as s es s ed from
our energy us e in
our Bois e office.

Bellies, Creamies, Crisps,

Cookies, Freeze Dried
Snacks, Happy Times, Melts,
Munchies, Rice Cakes, Nutri
Shakes, Pouches, & Teethers

1 out ofX

Supply Chain Res pons ibilt y wTaking t he F ir s t S t eps wHappy t o Help

X tCO2e

N ot including corrugated cardboard and

paperboard, the packaging on

55,000 pounds
of unus able raw ingredients
at PouchTec s ent to Full Circle
Organics to be us ed for
compos ting.


ins talled at
Cheer Pack.
2,898 tCO2e
have been s aved to date.

solar panels

Supply Chain Res pons ibilt y wTaking t he F ir s t S t eps wHappy t o Help



Office Operations

77 %

Taking the First Steps


of full-time
are women.


of upper management
are women.

Supply Chain Res pons ibilt y wTaking t he F ir s t S t eps wHappy t o Help


of office was te diverted

from landfill. W e need
you to help us track and
increas e our was te divers ion by decreasing
paper us age, compos ting, and recycling

FY2 0 1 4

FY2 0 1 6

? Tons

? Tons

Supply Chain Res pons ibilt y wTaking t he F ir s t S t eps wHappy t o Help

Sustainability Education

Industry Collaboration
Starting this month,
were introducing a
monthly sustainability
challenge in the HR
newsletter to green our
office space and engage
employees with
sustainability initiatives.

W e know our pouches arent recyclable. Thats why weve joined the

Sustainable Packaging Coalition

working group on flexible film recovery.

Happy to Help

W eve als o joined our major competitors in OSC2s

Compostable Packaging Coalition

to develop a compos table flexible pouch.

Supply Chain Res pons ibilt y wTaking t he F ir s t S t eps wHappy t o Help

Charitable Contributions

Supply Chain Res pons ibilt y wTaking t he F ir s t S t eps wHappy t o Help


60 hours


meals and s nacks donated
to women and children in
need from our production
facilities in FY2014.

Supply Chain Res pons ibilt y wTaking t he F ir s t S t eps wHappy t o Help



already logged for 2015!

logged in 2014 in
the Bois e office.

Next Steps

Supply Chain Res pons ibilt y wTaking t he F ir s t S t eps wHappy t o Help


Next Steps: We need your help!

Help build our s us tainability metrics program
As s es s carbon footprint of employee travel and NYC offices in 2014
Help Emily + Intern get co-packers and co-manufacturers to meas ure, track &
report their footprint at PouchTec, W atershed, Ameriqual, Andros , CAP & Kerry
in 2016
Make s us tainability fun!
Increas e volunteer hours by participating in a river clean up, planting trees, help
plant a s chool garden whatever inspires y ou and is good for the planet!
Participate in s us tainability challenges compete against other teams and
offices !
Zero W as te Initiative

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