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Labeling In


In society we have the habit to label people based on

the pigment of their skin, last name, and their social

Society has different terminology

to put people into groups.

Latino and Hispanic are two different terms.

Latino includes all people of Latin America.
While Hispanic is usually used for a person with Spanish
These two terms can be every offensive to different
For example if you ever call a Salvadorian Hispanic they
will be offended, just if you were to assume they are
Mexican for their color of their skin.

Labels and colors

Society has the tendency to label people from the color of
their skin.
Anglo and Caucasian are the correct term instead of
Someone born in Mexico is labeled brown even others
from central American are labeled this.
We shouldnt use these terms because we compare and
contrast each other, this makes it okay and its not.

African American versus term black

There is a lot of controversy of these two terms. Usually a
person from Africa parents and they were born in America
are labeled as African American by society.
Many African Americans chose to be called Black because
again, society has made it an acceptable term.
When they should be able to call themselves American or
African American if they please.

The language we use in society

as terminology has been

The new term Chicano

Chicano is a terms used today by a younger generation in
society that acknowledges they are born Americans but
their ancestors were born in Mexico.
The new term Chicano, sometimes seen as xican@ (yes
seriously) with an X connected to ancient roots is now a
new term chosen by Mexican-Americans, who believe in
change and non-labels against society.
We dont see this term in the census.


Mexican-American is a term that is used more by all types
of generations, where they feel because they were born
here and their parents were born in Mexico, they have the
freedom to label themselves as they please.
While they still follow the culture from their parents, they
also involve the American culture to the family.

This is the term that really caught my attention, there are
many African American living in Mexico today.
One parent might be African American while the other
may be Mexican, while they both continue celebrating
their culture in peace.
The institution of the Family is the dismissal of difference
between these two parents, they both celebrate their
ancestors traditions.

Society has the tendency to

label people from the way
they look.

Pigment of a persons skin

Society has made it okay to label a person by the color
of their skin. We unfortunately have gotten so used to this
habit that we all do it without realizing it.
We make assumptions of where a person is from because
of the pigment of their skin. Many people take offense to
this, while others have unfortunately gotten used to the
assumptions people make.

Our Last Names

Sanchez, Lopez, Hernandez, Gomez: are usually last
names that are seen as Latino or Hispanic
Society makes assumptions of where we are from
depending on what our last name is just as they do when
they see the color of our skin.

Apparel determines social

Some people tend to be very humble, but society , going
back to making assumptions has the habit of labeling
people by the brands they were.
Some people just choose to spend their money wisely,
even if they do come from a wealthy class. This doesnt
just affect the Latin race but all of the races.
We see famous American wearing simple clothing because
their strongest belief is being humble.

Social conflict, both of these men are

wealthy but they have the choice to be
humble or Pretentious and society has a big
effect on that.

Chris Pratt

Kanye West

The Government, I feel likes to put

people into groups so they may feel
superior to them. Many people want to
change the labels of society and have
started with their own terms to label
themselves. Society is usually a part of
social norm, people tend to go with what
other people do.

Work Cited
Christopher, Peter. "Assumptions: identifying race." ETC.: A Review of General Semantics 56.1 (1999): 84+.

Literature Resource Center. Web. 12 Feb. 2016.

"The Institution of Language." Grand Strategy The View from Oregon. N.p., 06 Jan. 2011. Web. 13 Feb. 2016
Calderon, Jose. ""Hispanic" and "Latino"" Jstor. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Feb. 2016.
"James Franco Interviews His Female Alter Ego: 6 of the Most Pretentious Celebrity Interviews."The
Independent. Independent Digital News and Media, n.d. Web. 21 Feb. 2016.
Telles, Edward E., and Velma Ortiz.Latino Policy & Issues BriefNO. 21 (2008): n. pag. July 2008. Web. 21
Feb. 2016.
Berwick, John. "10 Of Hollywoods Most Humble Celebrities John Berwick 04.21.15 LifeStyle."TheRIchest.
N.p., 21 Apr. 2015. Web. 21 Feb. 2016.
"El Movimiento: The Chicano Movement in Colorado."Westword. N.p., Autumn 2015. Web. 21 Feb. 2016.

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