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Hector Juan Salvador Ortiz Muoz


MIV-U1 Actividad 1. Imaginary situations /

Situaciones imaginarias

MIII-U1 Actividad 1. Activities occurring in

the past

Ingls II
Karen Cruz Milans

Fecha de entrega: 17 de febrero del 2016

Exercise 1:

Modals: could, would and might to form conditionals / Auxiliares could, would y
might para formar el tiempo condicional.
Completa los enunciados utilizando could, would and might. Puedes buscar las
palabras que desconozcas en tu diccionario.

1. There are several things we __could_________ do to protect the

2. Did you know that one recycled glass bottle __would_________ save
enough energy to power a computer for 25 minutes?
3. To reduce pollution, we __might_________ use more our bicycles rather
than our cars.
4. With use native plants in your yard, you __could_________ save energy
with less mowing.
5. We ____could_______ save more water if we wash our cars with a
bucket and not with a hose.
6. You ___might________ save gasoline and time if you decide to carpool.
7. Industries and businesses ____could_______ consider environmental
factors when producing goods or services.
8. If
we ___could________ prevent streets from flooding.



9. The major ____could_______ implement some actions to make our city

more environmentally friendly.
10. What ____would_______ you do to save the environment?
Exercise 2. Composition
Write a composition about the problems that you see in your city about environmental
conditions. Propose solutions to these problems. Write at least 100 words.
Escribe una composicin sobre los problemas que ves en tu ciudad relacionados con las
condiciones del medio ambiente. Propn algunas soluciones para esos problemas.
Escribe al menos 100 palabras.

In my community is burning very common fields. This is very serious because it

is not an accident is it is caused by people from the same community may not
realize that not only burning the hills we are doing harm to the environment but
also it hurts ourselves, because every day that goes by breathing contaminated
air that harm the ozone layer is why every day the heat is strongest when we
went without food for the animals that live in the hills. Instead of burning these
hills can make reforestation campaigns in which we can plant more trees in
deserts or places that are needed.

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