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Greyson Powell

Cover Letter
Math 1050
March 2, 2016
Mileage is a very important thing. Gas prices are always being compared to
find the most efficient. In this project we analyzed a trucker and costs to maintain
his truck, his wages and gas reimbursement. We began by analyzing the distance
he had to drive and the speeds at which he could drive. The minimum speed was 50
miles per hour and losing twelve one hundredths of gas mileage per additional mile
up to 70 miles per hour. Gas prices in this project remained constant so we could
have constant numbers. This lets us plan the best economic speed that should be
The math used in this project first involved basic algebra by placing the
constants of 50 mph to 70 mph. In the next step we introduced variables that
depend on the mph. You may replace that variable to receive the total cost by
covering the distance at a constant speed of your choosing between 50 and 70 mph
in this example. The process used here involves solving the parameters of different
situations then applying critical thinking to solve solutions found in the middle of
the parameters.
This project has affected my view on math in real world applications. Most the
time math only seems to really show itself is in financial situations. I never really
liked doing projects to simply find the height of something through some obscure
way. This project shows that I can apply more to my financial minded self by not
simply discussing rates of interest, but by analyzing the cost of things around us.

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