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Term Paper


Approximation Algorithms


Group Members
Ammar Samiee – 211370104
Arvab – 211370090
Ayesha Kanwal – 211370178

What Are Approximation Algorithms?

Approximation algorithms are practical problem-solving techniques used in computer
science and mathematics. They provide near-optimal solutions to complex optimization
problems when finding the exact best solution is computationally infeasible or too time-
consuming. They provide solutions that may not be optimal but are close enough to be
practically useful.
Why Do We Need Approximation Algorithms?
In today's data-driven world, we encounter optimization problems daily. These
problems involve making decisions to achieve the best outcome, such as minimizing
costs, maximizing profits, or optimizing routes. However, many of these problems are
so challenging that finding the absolute best solution is practically impossible due to
their computational complexity.

Real-World Applications:
Network Design:
Network Design is a critical problem in the field of computer science and
telecommunications. It involves designing communication networks in such a way that
they are efficient, reliable, and cost-effective. This problem is essential for various
applications, including the optimization of cell tower placements and data center
layouts for telecommunication companies
Telecommunication companies face the challenge of providing reliable and high-quality
network services to their customers. This involves the deployment of cell towers for
mobile networks and data centers for internet services.
Approximation algorithms can help find near-optimal tower placements that minimize
the number of towers required while ensuring sufficient signal coverage. These
algorithms take into account factors like terrain, population density, and signal
propagation characteristics.
Natural Resource Management:
Natural Resource Management is a multidisciplinary field that focuses on the
sustainable utilization and conservation of natural resources while safeguarding the
environment. This encompasses the responsible allocation of resources such as land,
water, forests, minerals, and wildlife to meet human needs while preserving the
ecological balance and the well-being of present and future generations.
The core problem in natural resource management revolves around the allocation of
these resources in a way that ensures their responsible use while minimizing negative
environmental impacts. Balancing human development and environmental
conservation can be challenging due to competing demands and limited resources.
Approximation algorithms help in natural resource management by optimizing the
allocation of land for conservation. They balance the allocation of limited resources,
like land, to protect endangered species and ecosystems while minimizing negative
environmental impacts. These algorithms efficiently find near-optimal solutions, as
finding exact optimal solutions is often computationally infeasible due to complex
ecological and spatial constraints. Through approximation, conservationists can make
ecologically sound decisions and efficiently allocate resources to preserve biodiversity

NP Hardness:

What is NP-Hardness?
NP-hardness is a classification of computational problems that signifies their high level
of difficulty. Specifically, a problem is NP-hard if it belongs to a class of problems
known as "nondeterministic polynomial-time hard."
How is NP-Hardness Relevant to Approximation Algorithms?
NP-hardness is highly relevant because many optimization problems that
approximation algorithms aim to solve fall into this category. These problems are
exceptionally challenging, as there is no known algorithm that can efficiently find the
exact optimal solution for all possible instances.
The Traveling Salesman Problem serves as a relatable example to understand NP-
hardness. As the number of cities increases, finding the optimal solution becomes
exceedingly difficult and time-consuming.
Some types of Approximation algorithms:

• Greedy Algorithms:
How They Work:
Greedy algorithms make locally optimal choices at each step in the hope of finding a
globally optimal solution. They iteratively select the best available option without
considering future consequences.
The Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) problem, where you aim to connect all nodes in a
graph with the least possible total edge weight. Kruskal's and Prim's algorithms are
greedy approaches that produce good approximations for MST.
• Randomized Algorithms:
How They Work:
Randomized algorithms introduce randomness into the decision-making process. By
making random choices, these algorithms aim to find approximate solutions with a
certain probability.
The Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP), where a salesperson needs to visit a set of
cities once and return to the starting city while minimizing travel distance. Randomized
algorithms like simulated annealing and genetic algorithms use randomness to explore
solution spaces and find near-optimal tours.
• Heuristic Methods:
How They Work:
Heuristic methods are problem-specific techniques that rely on expert knowledge or
experience to make educated guesses about the solution. They do not guarantee
optimal results but are often effective in practice.
In the Knapsack Problem, where you must select items with given weights and values
to maximize the value of items within a weight constraint, heuristic methods like the
"greedy knapsack algorithm" can quickly provide good solutions by prioritizing items
based on their value-to-weight ratio.
Approximation Ratios:

An approximation ratio is a mathematical measure that quantifies how close the
solution produced by an approximation algorithm is to the optimal solution. It is typically
expressed as a ratio or a percentage.
They provide a standardized way to compare the quality of solutions produced by
different approximation algorithms for the same problem. They serve as benchmarks to
assess how well an approximation algorithm performs. Smaller approximation ratios
indicate better algorithmic performance.
Mathematical Formulation:
Suppose "OPT" represents the cost (or value) of the optimal solution, and "ALG"
represents the cost (or value) of the solution produced by the approximation algorithm.
The approximation ratio (R) is calculated as:
R = Approximated value / Optimal value = ALG / OPT

Key Points:
 If R=1, it indicates that the approximation algorithm produces an optimal solution.
This is the best-case scenario.
 If R>1, it means the algorithm produces a solution worse than the optimal one.
The larger the value of R, the further the solution is from optimality.
 If R<1, it signifies that the algorithm produces a solution that is better than or
equal to the optimal solution. However, this is rare and usually indicates that the
problem may not be as hard as initially thought.

Consider a minimization problem where the optimal solution (OPT) has a cost of 100,
and the approximation algorithm (ALG) produces a solution with a cost of 150. The
approximation ratio in this case would be:
R = ALG/OPT = 150/100 = 1.5
This means that the approximation algorithm's solution is 1.5 times worse than the
optimal solution.
Traveling Salesman Problem:
A salesperson must visit multiple cities while minimizing the total distance traveled.
Algorithm name:
Nearest Neighbor Algorithm
Algorithm Overview:
 Start from an initial city.
 Select the nearest unvisited city.
 Repeat step 2 until all cities are visited.
 Return to the starting city, closing the tour.

Detailed Steps:
 Choose an initial city (the starting point).
 Create an empty tour list.
 Mark the chosen city as visited.
Main Loop:
 While there are unvisited cities:
 Find the nearest unvisited city to the current city.
 Add this nearest city to the tour.
 Mark the nearest city as visited.
 Set the nearest city as the current city.
Completing the Tour:
 Once all cities are visited, return to the starting city to complete the tour.
Tour Evaluation:
 Calculate the total distance of the tour by summing the distances between
consecutive cities in the tour.
Let's illustrate the Nearest Neighbor Algorithm with a simple example. Suppose we
have 5 cities: A, B, C, D, and E, and the distance matrix is as follows:

A 0 2 3 1 4
B 2 0 2 3 5
C 3 2 0 2 1
D 1 3 2 0 3
E 4 5 1 3 0

 Starting from city A, the algorithm proceeds as follows:

 Start from A (current city) and initialize the tour as [A].
 The nearest unvisited city to A is D (with a distance of 1), so add D to the tour:
[A, D].
 Set D as the current city.
 The nearest unvisited city to D is C (with a distance of 2), so add C to the tour:
[A, D, C].
 Set C as the current city.
 The nearest unvisited city to C is B (with a distance of 2), so add B to the tour: [A,
D, C, B].
 Set B as the current city.
 The nearest unvisited city to B is E (with a distance of 5), so add E to the tour: [A,
D, C, B, E].
 All cities are visited, so return to the starting city A to complete the tour.

The tour is [A, D, C, B, E, A], and the total distance is 1 + 2 + 2 + 5 + 4 = 14.

Approximation ratio:
According to Held-Karp algorithm, the optimal tour for this TSP instance is as follows:
Optimal Tour:
A -> D -> C -> E -> B -> A
Total Distance:
7 units

The approximation ratio here is:

R = ALG/OPT = 14/7 = 2
This means that the solution produced by the algorithm (with a total distance of 14) is
twice as long as the optimal solution (with a total distance of 7). An approximation ratio
of 2 indicates that the algorithm's solution is within a factor of 2 from the optimal
solution, which is a common result for the Nearest Neighbor Algorithm for TSP.
Job Scheduling Problem (JSP):
A set of jobs must be scheduled on a single machine to minimize the total completion
time. Each job has a processing time, and the goal is to find the order in which the jobs
should be scheduled to minimize the time it takes to complete all of them.
Algorithm name:
Shortest Processing Time (SPT)
Algorithm Overview:
Select the jobs with shortest processing time first until all jobs are scheduled. It is a
greedy algorithm that schedules jobs based on their processing times. It aims to
minimize the total completion time by giving priority to shorter jobs.

Detailed Steps:
Start with an empty schedule and a set of unprocessed jobs.
At each step, select the job with the shortest processing time from the remaining
unprocessed jobs.
Schedule the selected job next on the machine.
Continue this process until all jobs are scheduled.

Suppose you have the following jobs with their processing times:
Job A: 3 units of processing time
Job B: 2 units of processing time
Job C: 1 unit of processing time
Job D: 4 units of processing time
Job A

Job B

Job C

Job D

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5

Using the SPT rule:

Job C: Starts at time 0 and completes at time 1 (processing time = 1).
Job B: Starts at time 1 and completes at time 3 (processing time = 2).
Job A: Starts at time 3 and completes at time 6 (processing time = 3).
Job D: Starts at time 6 and completes at time 10 (processing time = 4).

Total Completion Time:

1 (Job C) + 3 (Job B) + 6 (Job A) + 10 (Job D) = 20 units

Approximation Ratio:
According to web, the optimal value for this instance is 20 (according to ChatGPT).
R = ALG/OPT = 20/20 = 1
This means that the SPT-produced schedule has the same total completion time as the
optimal schedule, indicating that the SPT rule provides an optimal solution for this
particular instance.
 Approximation algorithms do not provide exact solutions to optimization
problems. Instead, they offer solutions that are close to the optimal, often within a
certain factor or ratio. The quality of the approximation depends on the algorithm
and problem, and in some cases, the solution may be far from optimal.

 The effectiveness of approximation algorithms can vary significantly depending

on the specific optimization problem. Some problems have well-established
approximation algorithms that work effectively, while others may not have
efficient approximation methods at all.

 Some problems are inherently difficult, and approximation algorithms may not
provide good approximations, especially when the problem's hardness is well-
established (e.g., NP-hard problems). In such cases, even approximation
algorithms struggle to provide satisfactory solutions.

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