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Belonging short story - Lavender Town

The wind starts to spiral into a powerful, resilient, fiery tornado. The tornado
projects an image of a skull with blood. Sweat starts to drip down Ronalds body
like a shower. Ronald wipes his body with a towel but the sweat continues to drip.
Ronalds legs start to accelerate like a car and his body starts to move forward
along with Matuj and Johanne up ahead.
Theyre here! The polices voices echoed across the dead desert.
The three prisoners, continuously sprint for four hours, they lose the sight of the
police. A bizarre oval-shaped mirror attracts Ronalds oceanic azure eyes like a
magnet. The reflective glass shows the reflection of Ronald walking skeptically
from a distance. The reflective glass of the mirror suddenly thickens into a black,
tinted glass. Ronald pulls his hand out and touches the mirror; he can feel his
hand being pulled into a catastrophic world. As soon as his hand entered through
the mirror he could see corpses and cemeteries. Ronald freezes half-way as, his
elongated blonde hair dances everywhere towards the mirror. Matuj and Johanne
step back and run straight at Ronald like bulls. All three of them fall straight into
the mirror; it was as if they were floating in space. The space particles were
zooming in closer and closer at the speed of light as they continued to fall down.
Ronald can feel his skin being peeled off from the friction.
AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH they all scream from the excruciating pain.
Ronald closes his eyes in fear, along with the others. After a few secondsRonald
opens his eyes and sees a daunting place. About a few steps awaya sign post
Lavender Town glowed blood-red in the darkness. Ronald and the others got up
and strolled cautiously to the gate. As they were walking to the entrancethe
path smouldered to a violet-poison colour. The smell of lavender was becoming
stronger and stronger as they kept walking in. The smell of lavender was so
strong that it was like putting chilli in your nose. They reached the gate and tried
opening ithowever they could not open the gates. Right next to the gate, there
are strange letters and symbols. Johanne had great experience with solving
puzzles she slowly analysed the symbols.
read out the symbols nervously.
MehI want to explore this town!!! So lets go! Ronald courageously said.
The gates slowly opened...the three brave prisoners gallantly entered the town.
The moon had a horrendous smile as it peeked through the purple sky, the stars
danced away from the clouds and moon. A transparent fog appears before them,
blurring their vision. It was as if they were walking blindfolded. However, they
can still smell the lavenders and corpses. Ronald felt a sudden adrenaline rush as
he walked through the strange atmosphere. His heart started to pump faster
than a water tank. Sweat was continuously dropping but this time it was freezing
in the cold like as if it was snowing. Matuj and Johanne felt the same as Ronald.
The fog started to clear up after a few minutes. From a distance, Ronald can see
a black, bipedal, humanoid creature with two creepy ruby eyes staring straight
into Ronalds sapphire azure eyes. The creepy creature suddenly disappeared.
Ronald had goose bumps crawling up to him as if a phantom was touching him.

I saw something!!! Matuj and Johanne did you? Ronald questioned rapidly
No. Ronald, are you alright? Johanne and Matuj replied and questioned with
I swear, I saw something!!!! Ronald kept saying.

Belonging short story - Lavender Town

Ronald, you definitely need rest. Matuj suggested.
Pfft Ronald ignored Matuj and Johanne and decided to go for a run to cool
down and discover this mysterious place. Matuj and Johanne lost sight of Ronald
as the fog grew thicker again.
The wind screamed and warned Ronald to go back as he continued to run.
Though, Ronald did not care so much about it. There were many coffins; the
cemetery was like the size of an airport. Ronald gulped and stopped jogging. His
body froze like ice and he felt a cool gale pushing him back. Ronald didnt move
one bit. The moonlight focused on Ronald and gave him a dead-kiss. Ronald
closed his eyes for a few seconds a black creature appears right in front of him.
The black creature was the same creature as before. The triangular ears pointed
at Ronald and the ruby eyes glowed at Ronald. The creature had fur around its
neck which seemed to be covered in blood. Ronald could not move at all. The
creature gave an evil smile and the jagged-shaped teeth jumped out from its
mouth. The teeth were razor sharp and were moving closer to Ronalds neck.
Ronald closed his eyes and fainted. The creature kidnapped Ronald and took him
to a nearby cave.
Ronald woke up and saw his body tied up on a log. The creature held a
pendulum-like device and swang it left to right as my eyes followed it. An
uncanny, spooky song started to play in the background and the creature sang a
lullaby which sounded eerie.
Ronald fell under the spell of hypnosis and the creature had control over him
the creature then gave off a proud smileand he lit a firethe fire whistled the
lullaby again
I shall abandon my friends and stay with you forever! Ronald whispered.

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