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Film Presentation Script

Genevieve Sanders
Projector: Title
The Development of the Apocalyptic Film Genre in Post-Modern Cinema by
Genevieve Sanders

Projector: Item 1: List of Post-Apocalyptic Films


The definition of Post-Apocalyptic:

Denoting or relating to the time following a nuclear war or other catastrophic

event. "A post-apocalyptic action picture of the Mad Max type: tough loner
fights for survival against hordes of barbaric scavengers"

Denoting or relating to the time following the biblical Apocalypse. "The postapocalyptic kingdom of God"

According to Wikipedia there are over 302 post-apocalyptic films and for my
research I wanted a range of old and new films so I could track how the genre
has developed over the years.

I chose the first and the most recent of the Mad Max films because both films
are known for their amazing editing and music. Having both films directed by
the same director with 36 years between them, but still having the same
style and characters it allows the audience to see the changes in the genre
and how the advance in technology makes a huge difference to the genre
unlike some other genres.

I chose the Book of Eli because it fits into the second definition of postapocalyptic and focuses on religion and focuses on looking for hope and how
people try to rebuild humanity and how things people used to take for
granted suddenly become priceless objects.

Projector: Item 2: Mad Max: Fury Road (2015) George Miller

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George Miller doesnt focus on the narrative of the film, instead he made a
piece of art. Just watching the trailer audiences get an adrenaline rush.
*watch trailer* The film target audience are young men and old fans of the
films but this film also appeals to women, having a strong female character
who depends on Max just as much as he depends on her. Unlike at a lot of
action films, the attention isnt just on the explosions but on all the stunts in
the foreground and the background each perfectly timed and designed.

George Miller focused on cinematography and editing in this film. Shooting all
the stunts and not using CGI, apart from editing out the safety rigs and
equipment. There was over 400 hours of footage and it took over 3 months to
watch it all. A large theme in the film is equality *watch scene* Max and
Furiosa are portrayed as equals; their relationship is based off mutual respect
and towards the end of the film trust. Unlike a lot post-apocalyptic films
Furiosa isnt a side character who needs to be saved every 5 minutes. The
wives start off very weak and nervous never having experienced the outside
world, but they grow stronger and braver and quickly adapt through the film
as well. They arent portrayed as weak princesses who have never struggled
before, but instead they have struggled for years in ways Max and Furiosa
would never be able to understand fully.

Projector: Item 3: Mad Max (1979) George Miller


This was George Millers first full length film. The film had a very small budget
and was a huge success. The film inspired a whole new at look for the postapocalyptic genre. The Mad Max franchise never explains how they got into
that situation but for the audience it doesnt matter.

The Mad Max film has a certain style to it, with the cars and the costumes it
made unforgettable. It gives the post-apocalyptic genre a certain style to it,
with futuristic but simple costumes and large and exciting cars. The film
gives Max a backstory and focuses more on the plot than Mad Max: Fury
Road. It is the beginning of new universe of Max and his challenges for life
and the sacrifices he has to make.

In the scene you see Nightrider as a weak, crazy man who thought he was
braver than he was and how the Nightrider isnt portrayed as a very brave or
very smart but after he dies the he gets turned into a martyr by the rest of
the cult. They forget all of his flaws and weaknesses and turn him into a godlike figure and they worship him and try to get revenge for him.
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Projector: Item 4: The Book of Eli (2010) Allen & Albert Hughes

The Hughes Brothers focused on lighting a lot within the film, they
edited the colours in the film to almost make the film black and white.
Without the colours, they were able to focus on the lighting and use of
shadow. The costume in the film has the same futuristic back simple
effect, but unlike the Mad Max films they also focus on the past, like
the KFC wipes, which Eli trades, something which before had very little
value suddenly in worth something and you are able to trade with it.

The scene with the Hijackers focuses on the lighting and a lot of
information on Eli, who up until this point has been very peaceful and
non-violent and then the audience see him cut off a mans hand like in
is the easiest thing in the world.

Projector: Item 5: The Book of Eli Study Guide by Craig Detweiler


A big part of the film is the narrative and the storyline, the film focuses
on religion and hope. The post-apocalyptic genre has a few different
fields they can go into; pure madness (like the Mad Max films),
cannibalism (the Road) and religion and the hope of rebuilding what
they lost. The study guide focuses on religion and how the film can
inspire a new way at looking a religion and a new way of living. The
post-apocalyptic genre isnt just about non-stop action and thrillers for
audiences, it can also help audiences appreciate the world they are
living in now.

Projector: Item 6: The Making of Mad Max: Fury Road

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The video talks about how the film was shot and the different aspects
that went into shooting the film. For the film 80% of the effects in the
film are real practical stunts and sets. CGI was only used to enhance
the Namibian landscape, to remove stunt rigging and get rid of
Charlize Therons arm. It focuses on the cinematography and the
editing and how much work went into setting very thing up to work
perfectly, and how many new cameras they had to make to suit the
desert and the small insides of the rig and how 10 years ago it
wouldnt have been possible. So the development of the postapocalyptic genre also depends on the advance of technology and
editing and CGI, to create and new and dying world.

Projector: Item 7: Mad Max: Fury Road Behind the Music


A huge part of the post-apocalyptic genre is the music. The music adds
atmosphere and it gives the film and the characters a personality. Mad
Max: Fury Road Junkie XL wanted to give the feel of a huge car chase
and he used Rock Opera to get the intense, dramatic and very overthe-top. Each character had a different theme and their theme showed
their personality through the music, giving the audience another way
to connect with the film and the characters and to experience what
they feel.

Projector: Item 8: VICE Talks Film: George Miller on Mad Max: Fury Road

This interview focuses on the Safety and the making of the film, and
how much effort goes into making film, partially of this genre. George
Miller talks about how he made the characters suit the environment
they live in and how their histories make them who they are. George
Miller didnt want Mad Max: Fury Road to be a reboot of the first film,
he wanted to give the audiences a new story and continue Maxs
journey and see what happens to him after his family dies.
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Projector: Item 9: Crisis Cinema by Mick Broderick


The book has a whole chapter focusing on the Mad Max films. It talks
about the Myths and the origins of the film and how much the film links
in with religion without it being obvious to the audience. The book talks
about how Max is like Jesus and is there to save the world from the
itself. This book shows that most of the post-apocalyptic genre focuses
on religion and the search for hope and redemption.

Projector: Item 10: Keeping the Light On: Post-Apocalyptic Narrative, Social
Critique and the Cultural Politics of Emotion

The study talks about how, people have recently been obsessed with
the apocalyptic and post-apocalyptic genre, some audiences like the
idea of rebuilding a new and better world, a new start. Other audiences
prefer the chaotic madness of the post-apocalyptic world, and how
easily people morals and society break apart.

Projector: Item 11: Mad Max: Fury Road vs Mad Max Trilogy

Even with the years between the Mad Max films and how much Mad
Max: Fury Road has changed in style with the colour correction and
being continuous car chase. It still keeps the original Mad Max feel to
it. With the shots and the characterisation of the main characters. Even
having a new Max, the film is still very easily recognised as a Mad Max
film, even with the advance in technology and the development in the
genre, it still manages to stay within roots of the old post-apocalyptic
and doesnt complicate the narrative by explaining what happened to
the world, is just continues on in the its universe where no one knows
whats happened to cause the dying world.
Genevieve Sanders 0014

Genevieve Sanders 0014

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