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500gr hard bread flour

270gr lukewarm water
30gr dry white wine
5gr dry yeast

2 tablespoons tahini
2tablespoons sugar
1 tablespoon salt
Sesame seeds

o Add the water, the yeast, sugar and tahini in a mixers bowl
and mix.
o Add the salt and flour and set aside for ten(10)minutes.
o Spread some olive oil in a bowl, put the dough inside and
cover it. Let it rise for about one hour (1)
o Use a big baking tray,oil the bottom, spread the dough on
the tray and let it raise for another fifteen (15) minutes
o Make some holes on the lagana bread and sprinkle with
water and sesame seeds
o Bake it in a preheated oven at 180C for about twenty five
(25) minutes.



Esmeralda Pjetri

Vocational School of Ierapetra

for the etwinning project

Bread as tradition

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