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Quire 1

Joseph Quire Jr.

Health 22
28 February 2016
Project #3
If I was in Katyas position, I would not seek professional help because I
would first talk to the people around me to try and help me out. After that I
would try to find other class mates to study with me that way I can have help
in areas that I was stressing over. This would also allow me to see the class
from a different perspective than my own. Allowing me to help and learn the
material more because I might be able to help someone else learn the
material that I know really well.
From a health perspective I think that it would be extremely bad for
that condition to happening. In an article form Ebscohost on the Pasadena
City College Library it states, College students consistently identify
academics, relationships, and traumatic events as major categories of
stressful events (e.g., Archer & Lamnin, 1985; Baldwin, Chambliss, & Towler,
2003; Kariv & Heiman, 2005; Murphy & Archer, 1996). Some of the actions
that I would take would be to overcome the health issue is talking to people
more. That would allow me to relieve more stress that way I could relax. A
way that I would learn to use optimism is by remembering that once I pass
the class I have one less class till I graduate. Also I would look at the class as
something that would help me get a better job in life.

Quire 2

A good way to form realistic expectations before the beginning of each

semester is to look at the class that you have to take and to make a schedule
that also allows for wiggle room. After you do this start to read ahead before
the class starts that way you can already be a little ahead of where you need
to be. Also you can use the breaks between classes if you have them and
designate them to different classes that way you can use your time wisely.
Also you can create a study group within the first week or two of class
because most people who are going to miss class will miss class the day
after the instructor says they have their roster set until someone needs to be
dropped. That way you can make friends with people who are reliable.
In conclusion if I were Katya I would try to take to my friends and
family that way she can help try to relive the stress of her test. Also she
could try to email classmates to see if they wanted to meet up before the
test that way she can have a relief of stress with the help of fellow
classmates. Also if she planned her schedule from the start of the year she
would have the confidence in herself to do well on the test.

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