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Brain teasers:

1. The Barber of Seville shaves all men living in Seville. No man living in Seville is allowed
to shave himself. The Barber of Seville lives in Seville. Who shaves the barber of Seville

2. A Clerk butcher shop stands five feet ten inches tall and wears size 13
sneakers. What does he weight?

3. A complety b lack dog was strolli8ng down main street during a total
black out affecting the entire town. Not a single streetlight had been
on for hours .As the dog crosses they center of the road of a buick
skylark with two broken headlight speed towards it but manges to
swerve out of the way just in time . how could the driver see the dog to
swerve in time.
4. If you were running a race and you pass the person in 2nd place. What
place would you be in now?
5. A taxi driver runs through four red lights two stop signs and goes
through a house . A policer officer witness this but doesent do
anything . Why not?

Answer key
1. Moving to a fro, dancing all time only be move by others to
allow them to pass by, Who am I?
2. The eyes have I, all in a row when the red one open all freeze
what am i?
3. Im stand when im sitting im jump when im walking who am I?
4. Whats get wetter and wetter the more you dry?
5. What animals walks on all fours in the morning two in the
afternoon and three in the evening?

1. No body the barber of Seville is a woman. Female barbers are

rare but they exists
2. meat
3. it was during day
4. you would be in 2nd place you past the person of 2nd place nopt
1st place
5. The taxi driver is not in his cab hes out of run the house
he went through was his own cause he was done running

1.door 2.traffic light 3.kangaroo 4.towel 5.a

1. Moving to a fro, dancing all time only be move by others to
allow them to pass by, Who am I?
2. The eyes have I, all in a row when the red one open all freeze
what am i?
3. Im stand when im sitting im jump when im walking who am I?
4. Whats get wetter and wetter the more you dry?
5. What animals walks on all fours in the morning two in the
afternoon and three in the evening?

1. Moving to a fro, dancing all time only be move by others to
allow them to pass by, Who am I?
2. The eyes have I, all in a row when the red one open all freeze
what am i?
3. Im stand when im sitting im jump when im walking who am I?
4. Whats get wetter and wetter the more you dry?
5. What animals walks on all fours in the morning two in the
afternoon and three in the evening?

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