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1. Accept and understand that my relative got a sickness, a very

weird one but we are not alone.
2. What is going on with my relative is not a joke is a real sickness,
doesnt matter what most doctors say.
3. We love him, and hi/she loves us too! But with drugs into her or his
system they dont behave in the normal way. THEY DONT BEHAVE
4. During the last 20 years neurosciences had made big steps to
understand what an addiction is.
5. This is not a sin, an insanity, or nothing like this, but a brain
6. Everybody can develop an addiction. The poor ones, the rich ones,
tall, short, male or female, everybody can develop an addiction
7. Young people are highly vulnerable to get it.
8. An addict person is a very common person but has a brain
condition that was developed after years of using and using.
9. They usually believe that us dont understand them, and
sometimes is right. But what happens with us is that we dont
have enough information. That explains the anger, frustration and
many other feelings we have
An addict person is one that is running away from pain and
chaos. But this path is always the same. Come back to the
12 steps programs are highly advised!
We accept to go where we have to go to express our
feelings, by knowing this is maybe one of the best way we can
deal with it
We ought to understand that this is a process not an event
We understand that if we love our relative, we have to do a
few changes in the way we all behave and understand several
Being an addict is a sickness, but stay clean and sober once
received our help is up to him/her
What happens is not our fault. Everyone has to learn to deal
with his/her life. And to learn how to overcome many issues.
Love is a general rule.
Thought love some times works, some times doesnt. So the
guide is love
There exist many 12 steps that can help us.
Aggressively behavior is a normal answer for most patients
In the very beginning of recovery process
ALWAYS there is an option. So we can not loose the faith and
continue asking God the way we understand it the guide, faith,
and power to overcome what ever appears.

GOD, the way we understand what God is, we trust it is guiding un to the
best, no matter if some times it is weird for us to understand.

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