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The use of interactive approach in EFL classroom

Key words:

Interactive pedagogy
Innovative methods in teaching
EFL environment
Learning styles
Multiple intelligences
Students interaction
Roles of EFL teacher
Roles of EFL students
Use of technology and media in EFL teaching

Brown, H. (1994). Teaching by principles: An interactive approach to language pedagogy.
Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall Regents.
Carrell, P. (1988). Interactive approaches to second language reading. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
Connell, R. (2011). Teaching with multimedia: Pedagogy in the websphere. Cresskill, N.J.:
Hampton Press.
DePietro, P. (n.d.). Transforming education with new media: Participatory pedagogy, interactive
learning and Web 2.0.
Lunenberg, M., & Dengerink, J. (n.d.). The professional teacher educator: Roles, behaviour, and
professional development of teacher educators.
Nager, N. (2000). Revisiting a progressive pedagogy: The developmental-interaction approach.
Albany: State University of New York Press.
Newton, P., Driver, R. & Osborne, J. (1999). The place of argumentation in the pedagogy of
school science. International Journal of Science Education, Volume 21 (5). pp. 553-576.

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