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Task: To create a simple web app in AngularJS

For a practical test of your skills, use AngularJS to create a simple web app,
that collects data about their users.

On the main page do a spreadsheet of all added users, that shows:

E-mail adress
Entity (yes/no)
The date of user creation
The spreadsheet must enable sorting through each of these fields, outside
the spreadsheet create a entry field, which enables search through users.
Add a button X to each line, which can delete the line.
Also add a button, which opens up a modal window to add users. Design of
the page is not so important but it must be user-friendly.

Design for the modal window is in the attached PSD file, try to get as close
to it as possible. If user is not a company, let the placeholder Entity turn
into a Name & surname, also hide the field of the Taxpayer. If the user
is an entity but not a taxpayer, hide the field Tax number
Dont allow to add the user if he does not comply with terms of service.

Data from the main page is shared with the one of modal window: we
recommend the use of Angular service or Factory.
For sorting and search we recommend the use of Angular filters (orderBy,
We wish you a successfully completed task.

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