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Eddie and Josh

How many times can a man die?


Pallywood would want

you to believe 5

What is Pallywood?
Pallywood the name of anti Israel, pro palestinian propaganda. It
is most often a staged event, a picture, or video that is used out of
context in world media to win the public relations war against

(Eichner, 2016)

The Problem
Using photography/ videos to create fake stories
Setting up situations to stage the IDF for crimes they did not
IDFs identity being ruined
(Jones, 2012)

The solution
Raising awareness

Encouraging people to check the facts of what is on the


Not believing everything you hear

(Arieh , 2015)


The main message

A picture or video can appear to be something that is not, to
understand the situation, one needs context.
(Israel Uncategorized, 2019)

Work Cited
Arieh, Noga Gur. "Pallywood's World of Lies." Jewish Journal. 2 Sept. 2015. Web.
1 Jan. 2016. <www.jewishjournal.

"Pallywood Exposed: Meet the disabled Terrorist in a Wheelchair." Behind

The News. N.p., 15 Feb. 2016. Web. 02 Mar. 2016.
Eichner, Itamar. "CBS News Network on Jerusalem Terror Attack: 'Three
Killed'" 03 Feb. 2016. Web. 10 Feb. 2019.
Jones, Bryony. "Q&A: What Is Hamas?" CNN. CNN, 24 Nov. 2012. Web. 23 Feb. 2016.

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