Blessings of Liberty DE2 PDF

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Blessings of liberty

WE THE PEOPLE of the United States, in Order to form a more

perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility,
provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare,
and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this
Constitution for the United
States of America

By MBA Jos Yerak Nez Torres

People of the United States of America:
I gladly salute you, embracing each of you as brothers, sons of the same
planet, watched and guarded by the same God in which we all trust,
always respectful of how we individually decide to recognize him.
I would need to recite a whole thesis to describe all the history we share, our
differences and those things that unite us, Mexicans and Americans.
I am 32 years old, A man who had the privilege of growing up in a lovely
home, youngest brother of three, a teacher and a lawyers son.
The reason of writing this letter to all of you started with the hope that you
could think for five minutes of your day, with my words, what in my humble
opinion has been a terrible lie almost insulting your intelligence.
Somewhere in the first half of the past year, Mr. Donald Trump announced
his intention of running for the US Presidency, with the goal of you, our north
neighbors, could be a great country once again.
Headlines from different media sources have been constant and diverse
around the world, after all, there is no such thing as bad publicity,
nevertheless, I have listened and analyzed Mr. Trumps words, with a little bit
of sadness I may add, and since a couple of weeks ago I felt compelled to
raise my voice about something that I felt as an offense to all the North
American state, to its history, to its greatness, and to the memory of all
those who spilled blood and tears to achieve the fact that all of you can
go out to the streets and walk freely on this very day.
At the beginning i asked myself, can this be true? that I, being a Mexican
who had only visited Texas once may have a better understanding of the
mystic and essence of what American way of life means than Mr. Trump? At
first, I must confess, I was skeptical and afraid of being surpassed by my own

But this couldnt be possible, how can a man who has generated such an
empire and jobs in a more significant way that the common entrepreneur
would ever be able to have such a little capacity of analysis and common
Mr. Trumps speech constantly contradicts itself, changing course pointing
of what is convenient according to polls, so I ask you, Do you really want a
President without determination in his affirmations?, Do you want to put your
safety and your way of life on hands of someone who insults politics when
he even cant establish his own ideology?, because I have to tell you this, a
candidate without a true ideology, is not a candidate at all.
Neither is who goes after the power just to satisfy his own arrogance, the
chair is for service, not for hanging a medal on the wall, because a man is
measured by his own hearts humility, and the lack of these qualifications
makes Mr. Donald Trump the smallest man in North America.
Its incredible that still in the 21st century, in such a developed country like
the US someone has the nerve to give a speech that divides men by their
race, be careful; the last time someone gave these kind of speeches many
Jews suffered the consequences.
At the beginning of this letter, I quoted the initial text of the Constitution of
The US, where I underlined the ideals that this great document pursuits,
those ideals which gave birth to your freedom and identity, the common
defense and the general welfare were meant for everyone, nonobservant
of social condition, skin color or religion, a text I assume Mr. Trump have
never read.
Is it not true that justice and freedom are the biggest ideals we all can
aspire? Contravening these ideals is neglecting everything that defines us,
especially if we are talking about a country which was built by immigrants
from all around the world.
I find absurd that Mr. Trump can even dream about leading the free world
when he doesnt even understand and accept it as it is, and if Im wrong,
let Mr. Trump trace his Native American ancestry.

Diverse enunciations have come together to preserve the principles on

which your beautiful country was once built, enunciations coming from a
wide range, from the brilliant Hispanic Antonio Banderas to the brave
young woman Marwa Balkar.
Anyone could challenge Mr. Trump to debate if he should or not be a
candidate, but it would be pointless to discuss something that any
American teenager with basic knowledge of his constitution and civil rights
could win.
We can always debate about ideas, but we can never debate about
facts, and the fact is that all women and men are born equal.
My dear American friends, if you have chosen to support Mr. Trump, I invite
you to reconsider and ask yourselves how would you like to be treated?
and how would you like your sons to be treated if you practice Islam or if
you had been born on this side of the river?, if you still maintain the same
stand after those questions I would like to point out Voltaires most famous
quote with the respectful hope of you changing your minds.
A man will never be superior than another man, no matter his culture or
traditions, no one will never be more than another, at the same time will
never be less, at Gods eyes, you, me and even Donald Trump are valuable
with the same potential to do good.
On Your currency, one of the elements that represents your countrys
power, the phrase In God we trust is printed, this makes us think that if we
are loyal to God with full trust, we should also fulfill his expectations, and one
of Gods greatest sayings is: You shall love your fellow as you love yourself
Americas strength resides in its patriotism, but not the one that divides and
spread beliefs of hate, but the one integrated by faith, by sacrifice, by
brotherhood, by cooperation and similarities, by everything that made
possible you could became the great country you still are today.
Dont believe for a second that your freedom can be defended with
absurd ideas and hate, you deserve more, you deserve a presidential
campaign of true competitors, with propositions and real solutions to real
problems, a campaign full of joy, faith, enthusiasm and honor.

At the beginning of this letter I told you that you had been deceived, and
finally here is the truth:
Mr. Trump doesnt believe in his own words, he is a clever man who knows
that it would be impossible to bring his migratory and civil control measures
into action not only because they would be unconstitutional but also
because he would be powerless without the support of the congress. Mr.
Trumps campaign is just based in marketing, constantly appearing on
internet and press, in order to create a false image of strength.
His project didnt have a solid speech, reform project or integral public
policy plan, so he only could do what he does better, sell, he began with
a racist speech and convinced supporters after studying pools and data of
what some part of you might come to believe is right.
Dont let anyone deceive you, you are valuable people in a great country,
you deserve better, and its time you show again to the whole world your
strength and leadership, but this will only be done if you are united, dont let
anyone convince you to betray the very ideals your heroes and ancestors
fought for.
At some point of your lives, youll look back to the day when a person
wanted to manipulate you and separate you in order to complete his own
personal agenda, so where you will say you stood?, among of those who
did nothing and let his own minds were restricted by ghost chains? Or
among those who choose love over hate, hope over fear, unity over
division and action over statism?
Choose any time in the future of your nation any democrat or republican
you rather, but not someone who tries to take you for fools and want to
spread ideas he actually doesnt believe in.
Remember who you are, a nation meant to guide nations, this being the
main source of your leadership, dont let a poor minded homeland policy
destroys a foreign policy built by friendship and years of hard work.
Choose today, which feeling you want to carry in your conscience when
you see your sons straight to their eyes, thinking if you accomplish to inherit
them the blessings that every American has in his heart, the Blessings of

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