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Wilson Castillo Avils

Nelson Nazario
Ingl 3104 Sec 020
4 March 2016
Sly 2: An unlikely Alliance
After escaping from Interpol agent Carmelita Fox in Alaska, Sly, Murray, and Bentley
also known as the Cooper gang heads to Canada to find the missing Clockwerk parts
where Jean Bison, a member of the Klaww Gang, has the remaining parts: the stomach,
lungs, and the talons. Bison is moving spice using the Clockwerk lungs and stomach
while the location of the talons remains unknown. The stomach and the lungs allow his
trains to run indefinitely. Sly sneaks into Bison's hideout to find the locations of the
talons. While inside Bisons hideout, Sly overhears a phone conversation between Bison
and Arpeggio, the Klaww gangs chief inventor and the only Klaww gang member not in
police custody. Arpeggio inquires as to whether the Northern Light Battery" will be
ready when he comes to pick it up; Bison says that it will. The Cooper gang manages to
place bombs on the train without anyone noticing. After the Cooper gang sabotages
Bisons trains, they quickly take the Clockwerk parts and head back to the safehouse.
After Bison learns of the sabotage, he flees to a lumber camp, where he puts the
Clockwerk talons up as a first place prize in the Lumberjack Games. The gang discovers
the Northern light battery at the camp and modifies it so that they can stow away inside
it when Arpeggio arrives. The gang decides to enter the Lumberjack Games to win the
final Clockwerk parts .The Cooper gang enters the Saw Mill where the games is taking
place but they soon realize that it was all a trap. Bison had completely sealed off all the
exits and had his best men attack the gang. Sly and Murray try to fight them off so that
can Bentley is able to override the controls and escape the area. The fight was intense but
Sly and Murray were holding on. A few minutes later, Bentley manages to unlock the
entrances. The Cooper Gang escapes the saw mill control room and confronts Bison.
Bison tells the gang that he found their safehouse on the outskirts of his lumber camp and
sold all the Clockwerk parts they stolen to Arpeggio. Bison escapes and went into hiding.
They see blimp approaching and the gang headed inside the northern light battery. On
the blimp, Sly finds Arpeggio and find that Arpeggio has reconstructed Clockwerk.
Arpeggio plan to use the Northern light battery to hypnotize people into being his
slave. Arpeggio spotted Sly and quickly joins the Clockwerk body to become immortal
and inserts the northern light battery in to the body. Sly rushes outside the blimp trying
to escape. Bentley and Murray see that Sly is in trouble. Bentley has an experimental
turret which uses an electrical discharge that is able to penetrate Clockwerks armor.
Murray carries the turret while Bentley is aiming. Bentley located Clockwerk and shoots
it down; rendering him immobile for a few minutes. Sly reunites with his gang. The turret
became damage and time was running out. They located defense turrets on the blimp that
are more powerful and able to use the shock ammo. The gang split up, modified the
ammo, and were ready to attack. Clockwerk regain consciousness and began attacking
the gang. They started shooting and Clockwerk was taking heavy damage. However,
knowing that he was outmatch, he clashes his body into the blimp making Sly and his
gang fall out of the sky. Luckily the gang had a personal parachute where he could land

safely. Clockwerks body lands in Paris. The clash had made it useless. Bentley goes
inside to take out Arpeggio only to find out that he wasnt there. Instead he was
transformed into Clockwerk itself. Right when Bently was doing the finishing touches to
plant a virus in Clockwerks mind, agent Carmelita Fox find the crew and attempted to
arrest them. Clockwerks fail safe measure activated. It released three smaller owl
counterparts equipped with bombs powerful enough to destroy every major city. Agent
Carmelita and the Cooper gang made a truce, they work together, and she will give them
a ten second head start so they can escape. Bentley found the location of all three owls;
they were all located deep in an abyss near Paris. All three headed inside. Murray moves
all the rocks sealing the entrance and found them. Carmelitas weapon was equipped with
Bentleys shock ammo. She shot them and was destroyed instantly. Bentley proceeds in
planting the virus and Clockwerk disintegrated. They all reunited and Carmelita was true
to her word, he gave the ten second head start. Bentley and Murray escape while Sly
stayed. Carmelita began counting down while Sly says he wont go until she goes on a
date with him. She arrests him but she accepts the date. They dine on top of the Eiffel
Tower; they talked, told jokes and stories about their past adventures. When they were
about to finish, the waiter delivered dessert without them ordering it. The dessert
exploded. It was actually Bentley in disguise. The area was full of smoke. When it
cleared Sly had escape and he left a note. It said: Thanks for the wonderful date, until
we meet again, Sly. Carmelita was smiling. Months later, Bison was found frozen near
Alaska. Apparently he was trying to find a hidden treasure when a storm appeared and
froze him.

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