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Agenda for Celebrating Cromford

meeting held at The Greyhound and

then The Boat;
Tuesday 8th March, 2016
7.30 pm.

Present: John & Clarice Pass, John Haynes, Barbara Bowman, Stewart & Rosie Ayliffe, Ian and Sylvia
Evetts, Isabelle Chapman, Ted, Richard Ash, Malcolm Scothon, Duncan & Kerry Irvine, Paul & Marie
Turner, Russ Boyack, Dave Mitchell, Nigel Huish. Lorraine Mountford.

1. Easter Egg hunt

March 28th. Start North St, 10:30am. Rachel, Sylvia and Marie to organise. The workshop, materials etc are all
in hand. Marie asked if people can people supply any spare buttons, ribbons etc. For prizes, John P will
organise an egg and some sweets for prizes.
2. Friday
Tony Wood is organising a village walk at 10am. Lorraine liaising.
Start proper at 7pm.
Hill Pull Ian Strange will be supplying his steam engine. We need to arrange a pub team for the pull, with a
team captain for liaison re: H&S. Action: Marie to contact Jenna at The Bell.
Music Ted will organise a pop-up band which can play on North Street or just inside The Bell depending on
the weather.
3. Saturday
Ian Copes steam engine all day
Green Gecko booked pm and eve.
Zoo booked pm.
Fell race will be on (Tony).
Bottle Rockets.
the cave outside the school.
Dale Diva 2pm.
RAF fly-past
Eye in the cave, dragon in the Lock-up, new wishing pig story-telling trail.
Star Wars still a possibility John P.
Market Stalls stalls from the council will cost 600 this year. There was some discussion about whether we
want to spend this amount or whether we could ask stall-holders to bring their own tables etc. It was agreed
that we would ask last years holders whether they would like to bring their own or whether theyd be prepared
to pay more this year. Action: Richard Ash.

4. Sunday
Church service, 11am.
Village bbq on the prom. Have a lamb on Lorraines roasty thing. And a veggie option. Ted will do a couple of
bands with support music over the pa.
5. Programme Ted will edit and publish - deadline copy date beginning May. 2 nd May. Adverts needs sorting
Paul and Nigel will divide the businesses between and liaise.
6. Music
Sat night Acoustic Union and The Dana Ally Band with Barney Rubbles as support (7:30pm).
Van with a band? Not sure if this is going to happen.
Other things:
Pallets Gardens these wont be included in the programme but on a separate sheet of A4 because people will want
to look at them both on CC weekend and Open Gardens weekend. Its still going to be a competition with two
categories (adults and children).
Barbara the plant sale (May 21st) money will be used to fund veg show (Aug bank holiday). A subgroup will be called
for that. Also sunflowers will be judged on Aug bank holiday.
John Haynes - Good Friday, 25th March Marquee 10:00am 205 The Hill. Circulate to the new volunteers to help. Also
May 26th for Rachel Pinks at Rowsley Station Yard.
Paul The Parish Council will donate the insurance money again this year. Grateful thanks are extended to the

Next CC Meeting: Tues 12th April, 7:30pm, The Greyhound

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