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Abdominal Pain


Abuse (Substance)
AC Separation

Acid Reflux





Lower abdominal pain due to menstrual cramps

Lower abdominal pain with cold extremities
Lower abdominal pain due to endometriosis
Lower abdominal pain due to pelvic inflammatory disease
Intestinal spasms and cramps
Due to gallstones
Due to food poisoning, travelers diarrhea, or infection
Due to constipation
Due to irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
Due to ulcerative colitis (UC), Crohns disease
With hypochondriac pain, fidgeting, restlessness, and irritability
With acid regurgitation, belching
Dull pain with fatigue and diarrhea
Due to Kidney stone
Severe abdominal pain
With severe blood stagnation
Lung abscess, profuse yellow phlegm
Breast abscess
Ulcerative colitis with mucus and blood in the stool
All swelling and inflammation of the lymph nodes and glands
Irritable bowel syndrome with mucus and pus in the stool
With infection
See Addiction
Shoulder pain from injury
With severe pain
Heartburn, belching, indigestion, gastritis, ulcers, foul breath
Caused by stress
With excess heat, constipation, sweating, thirst, possible fever
With bleeding
With pus and redness
Inability to focus and concentrate
Inability to focus and concentrate with hyperactivity

Blood stagnation in the uterus or lower jiao

Cold and deficiency of blood
Qi and blood stagnation in the lower jiao
Damp-heat in the lower jiao
Intestinal qi stagnation
Damp-heat in the Liver and Gallbladder
Damp-heat in the Intestines
Heat in the Large Intestine
Liver qi stagnation
Damp-heat in the Large Intestine
Liver qi stagnation
Stomach heat
Spleen qi deficiency
Qi stagnation with dampness accumulation
Severe qi and blood stagnation
Blood stasis
Phlegm and heat in the Lung
Phlegm stagnation in the upper jiao
Damp-heat in the Large Intestine
Phlegm accumulation
Damp-heat in the Small and Large Intestine
Accumulation of toxic heat

Balance (Cold)
Resolve (Lower)
Flex (SC)
Dissolve (GS)
GI Care II
Gentle Lax (Excess)
GI Harmony
GI Care (UC)
GI Care
GI Tonic
Dissolve (KS)
Add Herbal Analgesic
Add Circulation (SJ)
Poria XPT
Resolve (Upper)
GI Care (UC)
Resolve (AI)
GI Harmony
GI Harmony and Herbal ABX

Qi and blood stagnation

Severe qi and blood stagnation
Stomach heat
Liver qi stagnation
Excess fire
Excess heat
Toxic and damp heat accumulation
Liver qi stagnation
Liver wind with shen (spirit) disturbance

Arm Support and Traumanex

Add Herbal Analgesic
GI Care
GI Care and Calm
GI Care and Gardenia Complex
Notoginseng 9
Dermatrol (PS) and Herbal ENT
Calm (Jr)
Calm (Jr)


Inability to focus and concentrate with poor memory

Inability to focus due to deficiency
With excess heat in all three jiaos manifesting in red face,
constipation, hyperactivity and short-temper
With blood stagnation manifesting in signs of purplish tongue,
possible distended sublingual veins
Withdrawal symptoms associated with smoking, drugs or alcohol
Liver damage with elevated liver enzymes

Symptoms of adrenal insufficiency

Addisons Disease
Adrenal Insufficiency Diminished function of the adrenal glands and endocrine system


Alcohol Abuse

Liver qi stagnation with Heart deficiency

Heart and Kidney deficiencies
Excess heat

Calm (Jr) and Enhance Memory

Enhance Memory
Calm (Jr) and Gardenia Complex

Blood stagnation

Calm (Jr) and Circulation (SJ)

Toxic heat in the Liver and shen (spirit)

Toxic heat in the Liver

Calm (ES) and Liver DTX

Kidney yang deficiency

Deficiencies of Kidney yin, yang and jing
Early signs of aging with weakness, fatigue, forgetfulness, dizziness, Deficiencies of qi, blood, yin and yang
Neurodegeneration with early signs of dementia and Alzheimers
Deficiencies of Kidney yin, yang and jing
Poor memory and forgetfulness
Heart and Kidney deficiencies
Premature aging with chronic fatigue
Kidney and Lung deficiencies
Premature aging with decreased mental and physical performances Deficiencies of Kidney yin, yang and jing
Degeneration of soft tissue (muscles, ligaments, tendons, cartilage) Kidney and Liver yin deficiencies
Decrease in bone density
Kidney jing (essence) deficiency
Gray hair
Kidney jing (essence) deficiency and Liver blood
Thirst with dry skin
Stomach and Lung yin deficiencies
General Kidney yin deficiency signs such as blurry vision, weakness Kidney yin deficiency
of the back and knees, tinnitus, dryness, flushed cheeks, possible
low-grade fever, etc.
General Kidney yang deficiency signs such as coldness, low libido, Kidney yang deficiency
premature ejaculation, weakness and soreness of the back and knees,
pale complexion, polyuria, etc.
Short temper, flushed face, possible constipation
Liver qi stagnation or Liver yang rising
Compromised immune system; frequent viral and bacterial infections Wei (defensive) qi deficiency
For complications, see appropriate disease and symptoms
See Addiction
Allergic rhinitis or sinusitis, clear, watery nasal discharge, stuffy
Wind-cold with fluid congestion
nose, sneezing
Allergic rhinitis or sinus infection, yellow nasal discharge, stuffy
Damp-heat with fluid congestion
Skin allergy, rash, itching, eczema, and other dermatological
Wind-heat at the skin level, heat in the blood

Liver DTX
Imperial Tonic
Neuro Plus
Enhance Memory
Cordyceps 3
Flex (MLT)
Osteo 8
Polygonum 14
Nourish (Fluids)
Kidney Tonic (Yin)

Kidney Tonic (Yang)

Calm or Calm (ES)

Immune +

Magnolia Clear Sinus

Pueraria Clear Sinus
Silerex or Dermatrol (PS)

Adverse reactions from exposure to drugs, chemicals, heavy metals,

environmental and airborne toxins
Asthma due to allergy with heat symptoms such as redness of the
face, yellow phlegm and red tongue
Asthma due to allergy with cold symptoms such as clear or white
Profuse post-nasal drip and sputum in the throat
Ears plugged, nose and throat with yellow nasal discharge and
ticklish sore throat
Allergy with cough
Food allergy with underlying digestive weakness and loose stool
Hair loss, premature gray hair, split ends, dry and dull hair
Stress related hair disorders
Forgetfulness, poor concentration, compromised mental and physical
Alzheimers Disease functions
With constipation





Toxic heat

Herbal DTX

Lung heat

Respitrol (Heat)

Cold in the Lung

Respitrol (Cold)

Phlegm accumulation
Toxic heat accumulation in the upper jiao

Poria XPT
Herbal ENT

Lung qi reversal
Spleen qi deficiency
Blood deficiency with dryness
Blood deficiency with Liver qi stagnation
Deficiencies of Kidney yin, yang and jing
(essence) with phlegm obstruction
Kidney deficiency with phlegm obstruction, and
heat and dryness in the Large Intestine
Dull lower abdominal pain, cold extremities, edema, generalized
Coldness of the uterus with underlying qi and
blood deficiencies
Sharp lower abdominal pain in a fixed location due to fibroids with Coldness of the uterus with blood stagnation
cold extremities, edema, generalized weakness
Amenorrhea with irregular or delayed menstruation with scanty
Kidney yang deficiency and blood stagnation
discharge, cold extremities
Caused by stress or change of environment
Liver qi stagnation
With severe blood stagnation, purplish tongue, dark complexion, or Severe blood stasis
past history of surgery
With fatigue, lack of energy, poor appetite
Blood and qi deficiencies
With insomnia, excessive worries, disturbed sleep
Spleen and Heart blood deficiencies
With irregular menstruation, cold extremities, dizziness, lumbago
Coldness of the uterus
With chronic headache
Blood deficiency
With excessive stress, anxiety and insomnia
Liver qi stagnation with underlying deficiency
Acute ankle pain
Qi and blood stagnation
Chronic ankle pain
Qi and blood stagnation
Ligament or connective tissue injury
Qi and blood stagnation
Acute sprain and strain with bruises and swelling

Qi and blood stagnation

Poor to no appetite, weight loss, sallow complexion

Anorexia with fatigue, thirst, dryness, dizziness and general

Spleen deficiency
Qi, yin, yang and blood deficiencies

Respitrol (CF)
GI Tonic
Polygonum 14
Polygonum 14 and Calm
Neuro Plus
Neuro Plus and Gentle Lax
Balance (Cold)
Balance (Cold) and Resolve (Lower)
Circulation (SJ)
Imperial Tonic
Schisandra ZZZ
Balance (Cold)
Calm ZZZ
Knee & Ankle (Acute)
Knee & Ankle (Chronic)
Knee & Ankle (Acute) and Flex
Knee & Ankle (Acute) and
GI Tonic
GI Tonic and Imperial Tonic

(Side Effects)





Dry mouth, thirst

Stress, irritability, restlessness, nervousness
With pronounced anger, neurosis or insomnia
With excessive worrying, pensiveness and indecisiveness

Stomach yin deficiency

Liver qi stagnation
Liver fire with shen (spirit) disturbance
Liver qi stagnation with Spleen and Heart
Anxiety and stress with inability to calm down, overactive mind in Liver qi stagnation with qi deficiency
patients with deficiency
ADD or ADHD in children
Liver wind with shen (spirit) disturbance
Anxiety caused by forgetfulness
Heart and Kidney deficiencies
With hypertension
Liver and Kidney yin deficiency with Liver yang
Chronic, dull pain in the lower right quadrant of the abdomen
Moderate to severe infection
Toxic heat
With severe pain
Severe qi and blood stagnation
With fever
Toxic heat accumulation
Loss of appetite due to excessive worrying
Spleen and Heart deficiencies
Loss of appetite because of generalized weakness and chronic
Spleen qi deficiency
Loss of appetite from stress and nervousness
Liver overacting on the Spleen
Excessive appetite with weight gain
Stomach heat
See Anxiety
Arm pain from injury
Qi and blood stagnation
Shooting pain with numbness originating from dysfunction of the
Qi and blood stagnation
cervical spine
With shortness of breath, general weakness
Kidney and Heart deficiencies
In angina pectoris
Chest bi zheng (painful obstruction syndrome)
With high cholesterol/triglycerides
Damp accumulation
With high cholesterol, fatty liver and obesity
Excessive damp accumulation
In peripheral vascular disease
Qi and blood stagnation
With deficient type of hypertension
Liver yang rising with Liver and Kidney yin
With excess type of hypertension
Liver fire
With excessive blood stagnation manifesting in purplish tongue, dark Blood stasis
See Cholesterol
See Arthritis
Pain, swelling, inflammation, redness with heat sensations
Bi zheng (painful obstruction syndrome) due to

Nourish (Fluids)
Calm (ES)
Calm and Schisandra ZZZ
Calm ZZZ
Calm (Jr)
Enhance Memory
Gastrodia Complex
Resolve (AI)
Resolve (AI) and Herbal ABX
Resolve (AI) and Herbal Analgesic
Add Gardenia Complex
Schisandra ZZZ
GI Tonic
Arm Support and Traumanex
Arm Support and Neck & Shoulder
Cordyceps 3
Cholisma (ES)
Flex (NP)
Gastrodia Complex
Gentiana Complex
Circulation (SJ)

Flex (Heat)

Chronic arthritis with weakness, soreness, pain; worsens during cold Bi zheng (painful obstruction syndrome) due to
and rainy seasons
cold and damp
With severe pain
Bi zheng (painful obstruction syndrome) with
severe qi and blood stagnation
Of the neck and shoulder
Bi zheng (painful obstruction syndrome) with qi
and blood stagnation
Of the arm
Of the back
Of the knee and ankle



Gouty arthritis
With degeneration of soft tissue (muscles, ligaments, tendon,
With blood stagnation manifesting in purplish tongue, previous
trauma or history of surgery, dark complexion, etc.
Elevated levels of liver enzymes, AST and ALT (SGPT and SGOT)
Elevated liver enzymes due to exposure to drugs, chemicals, heavy
metals, environmental and airborne toxins
Wheezing, dyspnea, yellow sputum, heat sensations
Wheezing, dyspnea, white sputum, chills
Chronic asthma with wheezing, shortness of breath, shallow
Maintenance formula for asthma triggered by over-exertion
Maintenance formula for asthma triggered by allergies
Maintenance formula for asthma triggered by exposure to chemicals,
heavy metals, environmental and airborne toxins
With cough
With excessive phlegm or sputum that may or may not be easy to
cough out
With allergy, sinusitis or rhinitis manifesting in yellow nasal
With allergy, sinusitis or rhinitis manifesting in clear or white nasal
With severe dry throat, mouth and skin


See Cholesterol

Bi zheng (painful obstruction syndrome) with qi

and blood stagnation
Bi zheng (painful obstruction syndrome) with qi
and blood stagnation
Bi zheng (painful obstruction syndrome) with qi
and blood stagnation
Qi and blood stagnation with Kidney jing
(essence) deficiency
Re bi (heat painful obstruction)
Liver and Kidney yin deficiencies

Flex (CD)
Add Herbal Analgesic
Neck & Shoulder (Chronic) with a
Flex formula
Arm Support with a Flex formula
Back Support (Chronic) with a Flex
Knee & Ankle (Chronic) with a Flex
Osteo 8 with a Flex formula
Flex (GT)
Flex (MLT)

Blood stasis

Circulation (SJ)

Toxic-heat in the Liver

Toxic heat

Liver DTX
Liver DTX and Herbal DTX

Lung heat
Lung cold
Deficiencies of the Lung and the Kidney

Respitrol (Heat)
Respitrol (Cold)
Respitrol (Deficient)

Lung and Kidney deficiencies

Lung qi deficiency
Toxic heat

Cordyceps 3
Immune +
Herbal DTX

Lung qi reversal

Respitrol (CF) with a Respitrol

Poria XPT with a Respitrol formula

Excessive phlegm accumulation

Lung heat
Lung cold
Stomach and Lung yin deficiencies

Pueraria Clear Sinus with a

Respitrol formula
Magnolia Clear Sinus with a
Respitrol formula
Nourish (Fluids) with a Respitrol

Attention deficit


Aversion to
Back Pain

Muscle atrophy due to stroke
Muscle atrophy with weakness, poor appetite
Congenital deficiency with weakness of the bones
Degeneration and atrophy of soft tissue (muscles, ligaments, tendons,
Of the arm
Of the neck and shoulder area
Of the back area
Of the knee and ankle area
Muscle atrophy with weakness, dizziness, blurry vision, listlessness,
palpitation, shortness of breath, spontaneous sweating
With blood stagnation manifesting in numbness
Developmental delays and learning disabilities
Graves disease
Multiple sclerosis
Rheumatoid arthritis

Wei (atrophy) syndrome

Spleen qi deficiency
Kidney jing (essence) deficiency
Kidney jing (essence) deficiency and Liver yin
Wei (atrophy) syndrome
Wei (atrophy) syndrome
Wei (atrophy) syndrome
Wei (atrophy) syndrome
Qi, blood, yin and yang deficiency

Neuro Plus and Imperial Tonic

GI Tonic
Osteo 8
Flex (MLT)

Add Flex (NP)

Calm (Jr)
Neuro Plus
Flex (Heat)

Hashimotos thyroiditis, chronic thyroiditis

Type I diabetes
Sjogrens syndrome

Blood stagnation
Shen (spirit) disturbance
Excess Liver yang
Qi and blood stagnation
Bi zheng (painful obstruction syndrome) due to
Kidney yang deficiency
Stomach, Lung and Kidney yin deficiencies
Lung yin deficiency with heat

Myasthenia gravis
Reiters syndrome

Zhong (central) qi deficiency

Excess heat in all three jiaos

Weak immune system with increased susceptibility to catching colds Wei (defensive) qi deficiency

C/R Support
Gardenia Complex and Gentiana
Immune + or Cordyceps 3

Acute low back pain

Chronic aches, weakness and soreness of the lower back

Back Support (Acute)

Back Support (Chronic)

Upper back pain in the chest, ribs, thoracic area

Due to slipped disk
Due to bone spurs
Due to osteoporosis
Due to recent traumatic injury

Qi and blood stagnation

Qi and blood stagnation with Liver and Kidney
Qi and blood stagnation with Liver yin and body
fluid deficiencies
Qi and blood stagnation
Qi and blood stagnation
Qi and blood stagnation
Kidney yin, yang and jing (essence) deficiencies
Qi and blood stagnation

Due to kidney stones

Due to kidney infection

Qi and blood stagnation

Heat in the lower jiao

With spasms and cramps

Add Arm Support

Add Neck & Shoulder (Chronic)
Add Back Support (Chronic)
Add Knee & Ankle (Chronic)
Imperial Tonic

Nourish (Fluids) and Herbal ENT

Back Support (Acute) and Flex (SC)

Back Support (Upper)
Back Support (HD)
Flex (Spur)
Osteo 8 and Back Support (Chronic)
Traumanex with Back Support
Dissolve (KS)

Bacterial Infection
Bad Breath



Bells Palsy
Benign Prostatic

Bile Duct
Binge Eating
Bipolar Disorder

Due to dysmenorrhea

Qi and blood stagnation

And soreness due to chronic nephritis or nephritic syndrome

With severe blood stagnation from previous injury
Due to Kidney yin deficiency with symptoms of blurry vision,
flushed cheeks, soreness and weakness of the back and knees,
low-grade fever, night sweats, etc
Due to Kidney yang deficiency with symptoms of coldness, low
libido, polyuria, weakness of the back and knees, etc.
Severe back pain
See Infection
Foul breath with excessive hunger
Excess heat in the body
With bitter taste in the mouth, short temper
With dry mouth
With throat infection
Poor balance with dizziness and vertigo
See Hair Loss
Bed-wetting, frequent urination, terminal dripping of urine
Disruptive, rude or aggressive behavior
Acid reflux, heartburn, foul breath, indigestion
Poor appetite, loose stool, fatigue
Dry throat, thirst
Chronic, stubborn belching with blood stagnation (purplish tongue)
or for unknown reasons
Facial paralysis
With difficult, painful and burning urination
With back soreness, terminal dripping of urine, coldness

Toxic heat in the Kidney

Qi and blood stagnation
Kidney yin deficiency

Mense-Ease and Back Support

Kidney DTX
Add Circulation (SJ)
Kidney Tonic (Yin)

Kidney yang deficiency

Kidney Tonic (Yang)

Severe qi and blood stagnation

Add Herbal Analgesic

Stomach heat
Heat in all three jiaos
Liver fire
Lung and Stomach yin deficiencies
Toxic heat accumulation
Liver wind rising

Gardenia Complex
Gentiana Complex
Nourish (Fluids)
Herbal ENT
Gastrodia Complex

Kidney yang deficiency

Liver yang rising with shen (spirit) disturbance
Liver wind with shen (spirit) disturbance
Stomach heat
Spleen qi deficiency
Stomach yin deficiency
Blood stasis

Kidney Tonic (Yang)

Calm (ES)
Calm (Jr)
GI Care
GI Tonic
Nourish (Fluids)
Circulation (SJ)

Wind attack with qi and blood stagnation

Damp-heat in the lower jiao
Kidney yang deficiency

Moderate to severe cases of infection and inflammation

Accumulation of toxic heat

Inflammation or obstruction of the bile duct

With severe pain due to bile duct obstruction
Excessive appetite
Manic behavior

Damp-heat in the Liver and Gallbladder

Severe qi and blood stagnation
Stomach heat
Liver yang rising with shen (spirit) disturbance
Stagnation of phlegm, qi, blood and food with
deficiencies of the Spleen and the Heart

P-Statin or Saw Palmetto Complex
P-Statin or Saw Palmetto Complex
and Kidney Tonic (Yang)
Saw Palmetto Complex and Resolve
Dissolve (GS)
Dissolve (GS) and Herbal Analgesic
Calm (ES)

See Urinary Tract Infection, Urinary Stone, and Urination (Frequent)

Kidney or urinary stones
Shi lin (stone dysuria)

Dissolve (KS)

Bladder Stone
With severe pain due to kidney stone
With bleeding
With fever or heat sensation


General bleeding
Abnormal uterine bleeding due to heat
Abnormal uterine bleeding due to cold
Bleeding from peptic and duodenal ulcers
Intestinal bleeding with diarrhea due to food poisoning
Rectal bleeding due to hemorrhoids
Lower gastrointestinal bleeding due to ulcerative colitis
Subcutaneous bleeding, purpura
Bleeding and bruises from traumas
Excessive bleeding leading to anemia or fatigue and weakness
Oral herpes

Genital herpes
Nerve pain, shingles due to herpes zoster
Chicken pox


Blood Clot
Blood Pressure
Blood Sugar Level

With epigastric fullness, heartburn

With PMS, mood swings, breast distention, stress
With dysmenorrhea
Due to endometriosis
Due to irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
Due to ulcerative colitis
Due to weakness of the digestive system
Severe bloating and pain
Hypochondriac distention with stress
Severe blood stagnation in the extremities
Coronary heart condition
Severe blood stagnation in the body
See Hypertension or Hypotension
See Diabetes or Hyperglycemia

Severe qi and blood stagnation

Qi and blood stagnation with heat pushing blood
out of the vessels
Qi and blood stagnation with heat or fire
All causes
Heat in the lower jiao
Coldness and deficiency of the uterus
Stomach heat
Toxic heat in the Large Intestine
Heat in the Large Intestine
Damp-heat in the Large Intestine
Spleen qi deficiency with inability to keep blood
in the vessels
Qi and blood stagnation
Qi and blood deficiency
Toxic heat

Dissolve (KS) and Herbal Analgesic

Dissolve (KS) and Notoginseng 9
Dissolve (KS) and Herbal ABX
Notoginseng 9
Notoginseng 9 with V-Statin
Notoginseng 9 with Balance (Cold)
Notoginseng 9 with GI Care
Notoginseng 9 with GI Care II
Notoginseng 9 with GI Care (HMR)
Notoginseng 9 with GI Care (UC)
Notoginseng 9 with Schisandra ZZZ

Notoginseng 9 with Traumanex

Notoginseng 9 with Imperial Tonic
Lonicera Complex with Gardenia
Damp-heat in the lower jiao and Liver channel
Gentiana Complex
Qi and blood stagnation
Dermatrol (HZ) with Herbal
Wind-heat invasion with toxic heat accumulation Lonicera Complex and Silerex
in the Lung
Toxic and damp-heat accumulation
Dermatrol (PS) or Silerex and
Gardenia Complex
Stomach heat with qi stagnation
GI Care
Liver qi stagnation
Liver qi stagnation with blood stasis
Qi and blood stagnation in the lower jiao
Resolve (Lower)
Liver qi stagnation
GI Harmony
Damp-heat in the Large Intestine
GI Care (UC)
Spleen qi deficiency
GI Tonic
Qi stagnation
Add Herbal Analgesic
Liver qi stagnation
Blood stagnation
Flex (NP)
Blood stagnation
Blood stagnation
Circulation (SJ)

Bone Disorder

Bone Spur


Bowel Movement



With infection
Acute phase of traumatic injuries with severe pain, inflammation and
Moderate to severe cases of infection and inflammation with bone
Delayed healing of bone fracture
Recovery phase of external injuries in all parts of the body;
strengthens the bones, tendons and ligaments
Bone spur
Bone spur with severe pain
Bone spur
Accompanied by severe pain
Neck and shoulder pain

Toxic heat accumulation

Kidney yin and jing (essence) deficiencies
Qi and blood stagnation

Resolve (AI) and Herbal ABX

Osteo 8

Accumulation of toxic heat

Traumanex with Herbal ABX

Deficiency of Kidney jing (essence)

Liver and Kidney deficiencies

Osteo 8
Flex (MLT)

Qi and blood stagnation

Severe qi and blood stagnation
Qi and blood stagnation
Severe qi and blood stagnation
Qi and blood stagnation in the upper jiao

Low back pain

Qi and blood stagnation in the lower jiao

Upper back pain

Qi and blood stagnation in the upper jiao

Arm (shoulder, elbow, wrist) pain

Knee and ankle pain

Qi and blood stagnation in the upper jiao

Qi and blood stagnation in the lower jiao

Due to food poisoning or gastrointestinal infection

Due to stress and anxiety
Due to irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
Due to weakness of the digestive system
See Constipation, Diarrhea, Ulcerative Colitis, Irritable Bowel
Syndrome (IBS), Hemorrhoid, Crohns disease
See Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy
Alzheimers, dementia, Parkinsons, post-stroke complications and
other neurodegenerative disorders with compromised mental and
physical functions
Poor memory, forgetfulness
Under-developed breasts
Breast distention, PMS, irritability
Breast lumps, benign breast disorder, fibrocystic disorders
Breast cancer patients receiving chemotherapy or radiation

Damp-heat in the Intestines

Liver qi stagnation
Liver qi stagnation
Spleen qi deficiency

Flex (Spur)
Flex (Spur) plus Herbal Analgesic
Flex (Spur)
Flex (Spur) plus Herbal Analgesic
Flex (Spur) plus Neck & Shoulder
Flex (Spur) plus Back Support
Flex (Spur) plus Back Support
Flex (Spur) plus Arm Support
Flex (Spur) plus Knee & Ankle
GI Care II
GI Harmony
GI Tonic

End stage breast cancer

See Asthma, Cough, Dyspnea, or Common Cold

Kidney yin, yang and jing (essence) deficiencies Neuro Plus

Heart and Kidney deficiencies

Kidney yang and jing (essence) deficiencies
Liver qi stagnation
Liver qi stagnation with phlegm and heat
Wei (defensive) qi and zhong (central) qi
Yuan (source) qi deficiency

Enhance Memory
Resolve (Upper)
C/R Support

Lung qi reversal

Respitrol (CF)

CA Support

Bronchitis /

Bruxism (Teeth

Burned Out

Cough, dyspnea, fever, yellow sputum

Cough, dyspnea, clear white sputum, intolerance to cold, chills
Cough, profuse yellow sputum, chest congestion
Chronic bronchitis with dryness and scanty sputum

Lung heat
Lung cold
Lung heat with phlegm
Lung qi and yin deficiency

Moderate to severe cases of chronic bronchitis with infection and

Coughing of blood

Accumulation of toxic heat

To enhance the antibiotic effect

See Trauma
With stress
With severe stress and insomnia
Binge eating followed by abdominal pain or self-induced vomiting
Obesity, excess appetite with mental disorder
Fatigue, over-exhaustion, lack of interest, and decreased vitality
Chronic fatigue
Overall weakness and deficiency
Burned out with Kidney yin deficiency signs of night sweats,
low-grade fever, blurry vision, tinnitus, weakness and soreness of
the back and knees, etc.
Inflammation and redness of the joints

Toxic heat in the Lung

Respitrol (Heat)
Respitrol (Cold)
Poria XPT
Respitrol (Deficient) and Nourish
Respitrol (Deficient) and Herbal
Notoginseng 9 with one of the
Respitrol formula
Add Herbal ABX

Liver qi stagnation
Liver qi stagnation with shen (spirit) disturbance
Shen (spirit) disturbance
Shen (spirit) disturbance with Stomach heat
Kidney yang deficiency
Lung and Kidney deficiencies
Qi, blood, yin and yang deficiencies
Kidney yin deficiency

Calm (ES)
Calm (ES)
Calm (ES) with Herbalite
Cordyceps 3
Imperial Tonic
Kidney Tonic (Yin)

Bi zheng (painful obstruction syndrome) due to

Severe qi and blood stagnation
Qi and blood stagnation
Qi and blood stagnation
Qi and blood stagnation
Qi and blood stagnation
Liver and Kidney yin deficiencies

Flex (Heat)

Phlegm accumulation
Deficiency of Kidney yin and jing (essence)

Flex (Spur)
Osteo 8

Qi and blood stagnation

Severe qi and blood stagnation
Blood stasis
Qi and blood stagnation

Flex (SC)
Flex (SC) with Herbal Analgesic
Flex (SC) with Circulation (SJ)
Flex (SC) with Knee & Ankle



With severe pain

Of the shoulder
Of the elbow
Of the hip
Of the knee
With degeneration of the soft tissue (muscle, ligaments, tendons,
Calcification of joints
Calcium deficiency seen in osteoporosis or decreased bone density
See Stones
Spasm and cramps
With severe pain
Chronic stiffness from old injuries with blood stagnation
With knee or ankle pain

Lung heat

Flex (Heat) and Herbal Analgesic

Neck & Shoulder (Acute)
Arm Support
Back Support (Acute)
Knee & Ankle (Acute)
Flex (MLT)

Nausea, vomiting, compromised immune system, generalized

Cancer / Carcinoma weakness, and other side effects of chemotherapy and radiation
Weakened or compromised immune system
Compromised respiratory and reproductive systems
Dry mouth and thirst
End stage cancer in patients who are too weak to receive
chemotherapy or radiation
Genital itching and yellow discharge
Ulcers in the mouth
Canker Sore
Frozen shoulder with pain

Deficiencies of yin, yuan (source) qi, and wei

(defensive) qi
Wei (defensive) qi deficiency
Lung and Kidney deficiencies
Stomach yin deficiency
Yuan (source) qi deficiency

C/R Support

Damp-heat in the lower jiao and Liver channel

Stomach heat
Qi and blood stagnation

Painful inflammation
Wrist pain
With severe pain
Enhancing the growth of muscles, tendons, ligaments and cartilages
With blurry vision, dry eyes, weakness of the lower back and knees,
With hypertension, flushed face, possible constipation
Accumulation of cellulite with excessive hunger
Cellulitis due to infection
Swelling, inflammation and enlarged glands
Cerebral Circulation Forgetfulness, poor concentration associated with dementia or
Alzheimers Disease
Poor memory and forgetfulness
Severe blood stagnation
Chancre of mouth
Chancre in the genital region

Toxic heat with phlegm accumulation

Qi and blood stagnation
Severe qi and blood stagnation
Liver blood and Kidney yin deficiencies
Liver and Kidney yin deficiencies

Gardenia Complex
Arm Support and Neck & Shoulder
Resolve (AI)
Arm Support
Arm Support and Herbal Analgesic
Flex (MLT)

Carpal Tunnel

Change of Life
Chest Pain

See Menopause
See Poisoning
See Cancer
Cardiovascular/coronary heart disorders, chest pain, dyspnea with
physical exertion
Cardiovascular/coronary heart disorders with severe pain
Asthma with fever, yellow phlegm
Asthma with chills, white or clear phlegm
Chest pain due to cough
Chronic respiratory condition
Chest congestion, pain with coughing, yellow sputum

Immune +
Cordyceps 3
Nourish (Fluids)
CA Support

Liver yang rising

Stomach heat
Toxic heat accumulation
Phlegm stagnation
Poor circulation with deficiencies of Kidney yin,
yang and jing (essence)
Heart and Kidney deficiencies
Blood stagnation
Toxic heat accumulation
Damp-heat in the lower jiao and Liver channel

Gentiana Complex
Herbal ABX and Herbal ENT
Resolve (AI)
Neuro Plus

Blood stagnation in the chest


Qi and blood stagnation

Heat in the Lung
Cold in the Lung
Lung qi reversal
Lung qi deficiency
Heat and phlegm in the Lung

Circulation with Herbal Analgesic

Respitrol (Heat)
Respitrol (Cold)
Respitrol (CF)
Respitrol (Deficient)
Poria XPT

Enhance Memory
Circulation (SJ)
Herbal ABX and Herbal ENT
Herbal ABX with Gentiana
Complex or V-Statin

Chicken Pox


Chinese Restaurant


Cholesterol /

Chronic Fatigue

Cigarette Smoking

Severe blood stagnation or past history of injury or surgery in the

chest area
With stomach ulcer
Blisters with itching
With severe itching
Common cold/flu with ticklish throat, fever
Common cold/flu with clear or white nasal discharge, sneezing
Fever and chills from stomach flu or food poisoning with diarrhea
With fever, sore throat, ear pain
Hypersensitivity to MSG with headache, thirst and abdominal
Burning sensation with urination, discharge and pain
Inflammation of the gallbladder with or without gallstones
With elevated liver enzymes, possibly with liver impairment
With fatty liver and high cholesterol
Gallstones with or without cholecystitis
Gallstones with elevated liver enzymes, possibly with liver
With severe pain due to gallstones

Blood stagnation

Circulation (SJ)

Stomach fire
Toxic heat invading the Lung
Wind-heat invasion
Wind-heat invasion
Wind-cold invasion
Damp-heat in the intestine
Toxic heat accumulation
Toxic, damp-heat

GI Care
Lonicera Complex
Lonicera Complex and Silerex
Lonicera Complex
Respitrol (Cold)
GI Care II
Herbal ENT
GI Care II with Liver DTX

Damp-heat in the lower jiao and Liver channel

Damp-heat in the Gallbladder
Damp-heat in the Liver and the Gallbladder
Damp-heat in the Liver and the Gallbladder
Damp-heat in the Gallbladder drying up the fluid
Damp-heat in the Liver and the Gallbladder

Dissolve (GS)
Dissolve (GS) with Liver DTX
Dissolve (GS) with Cholisma (ES)
Dissolve (GS)
Dissolve (GS) with Liver DTX

With qi and blood stagnation

With fatty liver and high cholesterol

With fever

Damp-heat in the Liver and the Gallbladder

Liver fire

Dissolve (GS) with Herbal

Dissolve (GS) with Cholisma (ES)
Dissolve (GS) with Gardenia

See Cholecystitis, Cholelithiasis

Elevated levels
With excess type hypertension
With deficient type hypertension
With coronary heart disease
With obesity and excessive appetite
With fatigue
With fatty liver
Short-term tiredness and lack of energy
Chronic fatigue with generalized weakness
Chronic fatigue with reproductive and respiratory deficiencies
Adrenal insufficiency
Inability to concentrate
See Addiction
Poor peripheral circulation with numbness and pain of the

Accumulation of damp and phlegm

Damp and phlegm with Liver fire
Damp and phlegm with Liver yang rising
Damp and phlegm with blood stagnation
Damp and phlegm with Stomach heat
Damp and phlegm with Lung and Kidney
Damp and phlegm in the Liver
Qi deficiency
Qi, blood, yin and yang deficiencies
Lung and Kidney qi deficiencies
Kidney qi deficiency
Heart and Kidney deficiencies

Cholisma with Gentiana Complex
Cholisma with Gastrodia Complex
Cholisma and Circulation
Cholisma and Herbalite
Cholisma with Cordyceps 3

Qi and blood stagnation

Flex (NP)

Cholisma (ES)
Vibrant plus Imperial Tonic
Vibrant with Cordyceps 3
Enhance Memory

Circulation, Poor

Cluster Headache



Poor circulation due to blood stagnation from previous injuries or

Coronary heart condition
Acute or chronic cluster headache with blood deficiency
Acute cluster headache
Severe cluster headache

Severe blood stasis

Circulation (SJ)

Qi and blood stagnation in the upper jiao

Qi and blood stagnation with blood deficiency
Qi and blood stagnation
Severe qi and blood stagnation

Caused by stress
With short-temper, irritability, red face, red eyes and possible
Memory impairment due to neurodegenerative disorders

Liver qi stagnation or Liver yang rising

Liver fire

Migratrol or Corydalin plus Herbal
Corydalin with Calm or Calm (ES)
Corydalin with Gentiana Complex

Poor memory and forgetfulness

See Common Cold
Cold extremities with weakness of the lower back and knees, clear
Cold extremities due to poor blood circulation
In females with weakness and irregular menstruation
Female infertility with no ovulation

Cold Sores
Colic Pain


Common Cold

Coldness and pain of the joints

Fever blisters with pain and inflammation
Moderate to severe cases of infection and inflammation
See Gallstones, Kidney Stones or Bladder Stones
Ulcerative colitis or Crohns disease
Colitis with diarrhea due to infection
Moderate to severe cases of infection and inflammation
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
With bleeding
See Constipation, Diarrhea, Colitis, Diverticulosis, Irritable Bowel
Syndrome (IBS), Crohns Disease, Ulcerative Colitis, etc.
Sore throat, headache
Fever, dyspnea, chest congestion
Runny nose with clear watery discharge, sneezing, nasal congestion
Chest congestion, profuse yellow sputum, cough
Moderate to severe cases of infection and inflammation

Deficiencies of Kidney yin, yang and jing

(essence) with phlegm
Heart and Kidney deficiencies

Neuro Plus

Kidney yang deficiency

Kidney Tonic (Yang)

Enhance Memory

Blood stagnation
Flex (NP)
Cold in the uterus with qi and blood deficiencies Balance (Cold) and Kidney Tonic
Kidney yang deficiency
Blossom (Phase 3) and Kidney Tonic
Cold bi zheng (painful obstruction syndrome)
Flex (CD)
Lonicera Complex
Accumulation of toxic heat
Lonicera Complex and Herbal ABX
Damp-heat in the Large Intestine
Damp-heat in the Large Intestine
Accumulation of toxic heat
Liver qi stagnation
Heat accumulation pushing blood out of the

GI Care (UC)
GI Care II
GI Care II plus Herbal ABX
GI Harmony
Add Notoginseng 9

Toxic heat accumulation in the colon

Lung heat
Lung cold
Lung heat with phlegm
Accumulation of toxic heat

Gentle Lax (Excess)

Lonicera Complex
Respitrol (Heat)
Respitrol (Cold)
Poria XPT
Poria XPT and Herbal ABX




Contagious Disease

Coronary Heart

Prevention of common cold and flu

With severe sore throat and possible ear ache
Pale with fatigue and weakness
Pale with dizziness and anemia
Dark circles under the eyes, soreness and weakness of the lower
back and knees, dizziness, tinnitus, possible spermatorrhea, hair loss
and dryness
Dark complexion with purplish tongue, dry hair, coldness; menstrual
cramps and blood clots in women
Dark complexion from chronic blood stagnation resulting from
surgery or old injuries
Red complexion with high blood pressure and fast heart rate
See Infertility
Redness and swelling of the eyes, red eyes
Inflammation and swelling of the eyes
Moderate to severe cases of infection and inflammation
Excess type constipation with yellow tongue coat and red face
Deficient type constipation with dryness
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)

Wei (defensive) qi deficiency

Toxic heat in the Lung
Qi deficiency
Blood deficiency
Kidney yin deficiency

Immune +
Herbal ENT
Imperial Tonic
Schisandra ZZZ or Balance (Cold)
Nourish or Kidney Tonic (Yin)

Blood stagnation


Blood stasis

Circulation (SJ)

Heat in all three jiaos

Gardenia Complex

Liver fire rising

Heat in all three jiaos
Accumulation of toxic heat
Excess heat in the Large Intestine
Heat in the Large Intestine with yin deficiency
Liver qi stagnation

With cold extremities, pale complexion, preference for warmth,

polyuria and excessive urinary urges at night
With thirst, dryness, dizziness; in postpartum or convalescing
With hemorrhoid
With dryness and thirst
With bleeding
Post-surgical constipation

Kidney yang deficiency

Gentiana Complex
Gardenia Complex
Gardenia Complex and Herbal ABX
Gentle Lax (Excess)
Gentle Lax (Deficient)
Gentle Lax (Deficient) and GI
Gentle Lax (Deficient) and Kidney
Tonic (Yang)
Gentle Lax (Deficient) and
Schisandra ZZZ
GI Care (HMR)
Nourish (Fluids)
Add Notoginseng 9
Traumanex and Gentle Lax

See Infection
Childhood convulsion
High blood pressure, redness of the face and eyes, tremors
Dryness of the eyes, soreness of the back and knees, tinnitus
Chest pain with numbness due to poor blood circulation
Chest pain with high cholesterol/triglycerides
Chest pain with high cholesterol/triglycerides, fatty liver and obesity
Chest pain with deficient type hypertension, dizziness, tinnitus
Chest pain with excess type hypertension, headache, flushed face,
red eyes, anger
Chest pain with generalized weakness

Blood deficiency
Blood stagnation
Stomach yin deficiency
Heat in the intestines
Qi and blood stagnation

Liver wind
Liver wind with Liver yang rising
Liver and Kidney yin deficiency
Blood stagnation
Blood stagnation with damp and phlegm
Blood stagnation with damp and phlegm
Blood stagnation with Liver yang rising
Blood stagnation with Liver fire

Calm (Jr)
Symmetry with Gastrodia Complex
Symmetry with Nourish
Circulation and Cholisma
Circulation and Cholisma (ES)
Circulation and Gastrodia Complex
Circulation with Gentiana Complex

Blood stagnation with qi deficiency

Circulation with Imperial Tonic



Crohns Disease

Severe chest pain

Severe blood stasis manifesting in dark, purplish complexion,
purplish tongue, possible distended sublingual veins
General cough
Dyspnea, yellow nasal discharge or sputum, fever
Dyspnea, white nasal discharge or sputum, chills
Early stage of infection, cough with pronounced sore throat
Mid-to-late stage of infection, cough with chest congestion and
yellow sputum
Chronic dry and non-productive cough, chest pain

Qi and blood stagnation

Blood stasis

Circulation and Herbal Analgesic

Circulation (SJ)

Any cause
Lung heat
Lung cold
Lung heat with phlegm

Respitrol (CF)
Respitrol (Heat)
Respitrol (Cold)
Respitrol (CF) and Herbal ENT
Respitrol (Heat) and Poria XPT

Lung yin deficiency

Moderate to severe cases of infection and inflammation

Accumulation of toxic heat

Cough due to exposure to drugs, chemicals, heavy metals,

environmental and airborne toxins
Chronic respiratory disease with weakness

Toxic heat

Respitrol (Deficient) and Nourish

Respitrol (Deficient) and Herbal
Respitrol (CF) and Herbal DTX

With phlegm or feeling of plum-pit syndrome, hypochondriac

distension, short temper
Dry cough, thirst, dryness
Muscle spasms or intestinal cramping
Menstrual cramps
Stomach cramp with acid reflux or ulcer
Intestinal cramps from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
Intestinal cramps from ulcerative colitis
With severe pain
Diarrhea, rectal bleeding, poor appetite, fever, night sweats, weight
With pronounced poor appetite and weakness
With severe bleeding
Emotional disturbance during menopause

Liver qi stagnation or Liver fire




From stress
With stress, fatigue, insomnia
Cysts in the breast
Ovarian or uterine cysts
Cysts elsewhere in the body
Acute stage with urinary urgency, burning and painful urination
Chronic stage with urinary urgency, frequent re-infection

Lung and Kidney deficiencies

Lung and Stomach yin deficiencies

Liver yin and body fluid deficiencies
Blood stagnation
Stomach heat
Liver qi stagnation
Damp-heat in the intestine
Severe qi and blood stagnation
Toxic heat accumulation in the intestines with
yin-deficient heat
Spleen qi deficiency
Heat pushing blood out of the vessels
Kidney yin deficiency with shen (spirit)
Liver qi stagnation
Liver qi stagnation with qi deficiency
Liver qi stagnation with phlegm accumulation
Qi and blood stagnation in the lower jiao
Qi and phlegm stagnation
Damp-heat in the Urinary Bladder
Damp-heat in the Urinary Bladder with yin

Respitrol (Deficient) and Cordyceps

Respitrol (CF) and Calm (ES)
Respitrol (CF) and Nourish (Fluids)
Flex (SC)
GI Care with Flex (SC)
Flex (SC) with GI Harmony
Flex (SC) with GI Care (UC)
Flex (SC) with Herbal Analgesic
GI Care (UC)
GI Tonic
Add Notoginseng 9
Balance (Heat)
Calm or Calm (ES)
Calm ZZZ
Resolve (Upper)
Resolve (Lower)
Resolve (AI)
Gentiana Complex with Nourish

Moderate to severe cases of infection and inflammation

Interstitial cystitis

Dairy Product



With bleeding
With fever
Diarrhea and bloating
Of the nervous system
Of bone density
Decrease in function of adrenal glands and the endocrine system
Pre-mature aging with gray hair and hair loss
Degenerative arthritis of the upper body
Degenerative arthritis of the lower body
Poor memory and forgetfulness
Of soft tissue (muscle, tendon, ligament, cartilage)
Decreased or absence of libido
Causing cramps
From diarrhea due to food poisoning
Due to chronic diarrhea with weak digestion and poor appetite
Due to excess fire, fever, inflammation or infection
Resulting in excessive thirst and dryness
With anxiety, irritability, restlessness and insomnia
With constipation
With heat sensation
With severe blood stagnation manifesting in purplish tongue, dark
complexion or in cases where other herbs dont seem to work
Memory impairment due to neurodegenerative disorders


Poor memory and forgetfulness

See Addiction
With fatigue, lack of interest
With signs of vegetative state
With restlessness, irritability, anger (manic depressives)
With increased appetite and weight gain
With poor appetite

Accumulation of toxic heat

Damp-heat accumulation and blood stagnation in
the lower jiao
Heat pushing blood out of the vessels
Fire accumulation in the lower jiao
Spleen qi deficiency

Gentiana Complex and Herbal ABX

V-Statin with Circulation (SJ)

Kidney yin, yang and jing (essence) deficiencies

Kidney yin and jing (essence) deficiencies
Kidney qi deficiency
Liver blood deficiency with Kidney yin
Kidney yang deficiency
Liver yin and Kidney yin deficiencies
Liver yin and Kidney yin deficiencies
Heart and Kidney deficiencies
Liver and Kidney yin deficiencies
Kidney yang deficiency
Blood deficiency with qi and blood stagnation
Damp-heat in the Intestines
Spleen qi deficiency
Fire in the qi (energy) level
Yin and fluid deficiency
Liver fire
Qi stagnation and excess fire
Excess fire
Severe blood stasis

Neuro Plus
Osteo 8
Polygonum 14

Deficiencies of Kidney yin, yang and jing

(essence) with phlegm
Heart and Kidney deficiencies

Neuro Plus

Stagnation of phlegm, qi, blood and food

Severe stagnation of phlegm, qi, blood and food
Stagnation of phlegm, qi, blood and food with
Liver and Heart fire
Stagnation of phlegm, qi, blood and food with
Stomach heat
Stagnation of phlegm, qi, blood and food with
Spleen qi deficiency

Shine with Vibrant
Shine with Calm (ES)

V-Statin with Notoginseng 9

V-Statin with Gardenia Complex
GI Tonic

Neck & Shoulder (Chronic)
Back Support (Chronic)
Enhance Memory
Flex (MLT)
Flex (SC)
Nourish (Fluids) with GI Care II
Nourish (Fluids) with GI Tonic
Gardenia Complex
Nourish (Fluids)
Calm (ES)
Calm (ES) with Gentle Lax (Excess)
Gardenia Complex
Circulation (SJ)

Enhance Memory

Shine with Herbalite

Shine with GI Tonic

With sexual dysfunction or lack of libido

With low energy
With insomnia or too little sleep
Post-partum depression
Pre-menopausal and menopausal depression
With inability to concentrate



With headache
Rash, itching, redness
Moderate to severe cases of infection and inflammation
Severe itching
With redness and heat sensation
Accumulation of toxic substances in the body leading to
compromised liver function (alcohol, drugs, medication, smoking,
Accumulation of toxic substances in the body leading to
compromised kidney function
Adverse reactions from exposure to drugs, chemicals, heavy metals,
hormones in meat, environmental and airborne toxins
Accumulation of toxic substances in the gastrointestinal tract
To cleanse the blood
To cleanse the lymphatic system
For weight loss
High blood glucose

With impotence
With urinary tract infection
With blurry vision
With high cholesterol
With peripheral neuropathy
With excessive thirst
Loose stool or diarrhea with poor appetite and weakness

Stagnation of phlegm, qi, blood and food with

Kidney yang deficiency
Stagnation of phlegm, qi, blood and food with qi
Stagnation of phlegm, qi, blood and food with
lack of nourishment to the shen (spirit)
Stagnation of phlegm, qi, blood and food with
blood deficiency
Stagnation of phlegm, qi, blood and food with
yin-deficient heat
Stagnation of phlegm, qi, blood and food with
Heart and Kidney deficiencies
Stagnation of phlegm, qi, blood and food
Wind-heat or damp-heat at the skin level
Accumulation of toxic heat
Toxic heat
Excess heat accumulation
Toxic heat in the Liver

Shine with Vitality

Toxic heat in the Kidney

Kidney DTX

Toxic heat accumulation

Herbal DTX

Toxic heat accumulation

Blood stagnation
Damp and phlegm accumulation
Stomach fire
Yin deficiencies of the Lung, the Stomach and the
Yin deficiencies of the Lung, the Stomach and the
Kidney with yang deficiency of the Kidney
Yin deficiencies of the Lung, the Stomach and the
Kidney with damp-heat in the Urinary Bladder
Yin deficiencies of the Lung, the Stomach and the
Kidney with false heat
Yin deficiencies of the Lung, the Stomach and the
Kidney with damp and phlegm accumulation
Yin deficiencies of the Lung, the Stomach and the
Kidney with qi and blood stagnation
Stomach and Lung yin and fluid deficiency
Spleen deficiency

Gentle Lax (Excess)

Circulation (SJ)
Resolve (AI)

Shine with Cordyceps 3

Shine with Schisandra ZZZ
Shine with Imperial Tonic
Shine with Balance (Heat)
Shine with Enhance Memory
Shine with Corydalin
Silerex with Herbal ABX
Dermatrol (PS)
Add Gardenia Complex
Liver DTX

Equilibrium with Vitality

Equilibrium and Gentiana Complex
Equilibrium and Nourish
Equilibrium and Cholisma
Equilibrium and Flex (NP)
Equilibrium and Nourish (Fluids)
GI Tonic





With foul-smelling stool, burning sensation of anus, abdominal

discomfort and pain, nausea and vomiting, travelers diarrhea
Due to ulcerative colitis, Crohns disease, diarrhea with pus and
Due to irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
Moderate to severe cases of infection and inflammation
With bleeding
Extreme thirst and dryness from diarrhea
Poor appetite, fatigue, loose stool
Excess appetite, overweight
Food poisoning or travelers diarrhea
Excessive appetite with high cholesterol
Excessive appetite with high cholesterol, fatty liver and obesity
Excessive appetite with gallstone
Excessive appetite with hepatitis
Clear and watery nasal discharge
Thick and yellow nasal discharge
Yellow vaginal discharge
Clear vaginal discharge
Moderate to severe cases of infection and inflammation
Ear discharge from infection
Nipple discharge from fibrocystic disorder
Head: due to deficient type of hypertension
Head: due to excess type of hypertension
Chest: coronary heart disease
Chest: wheezing or dyspnea with fever, yellow sputum
Chest: wheezing or dyspnea with white sputum
Chest: chronic respiratory disorder with dyspnea
Hypochondriac area
Abdomen: due to irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
Abdomen: due to ulcerative colitis (UC) or Crohns disease
Abdomen: with weakness of digestion
Lower abdomen: due to fibroids
Lower abdomen: due to endometriosis
Breast distention
Severe breast distention
Swelling and edema

Damp-heat in the Intestines

GI Care II

Toxic heat in the intestines

GI Care (UC)

Liver qi stagnation
Accumulation of toxic heat
Heat pushing blood out of the vessels
Yin and fluid deficiency
Spleen qi deficiency
Dampness accumulation with Stomach heat
Damp-heat in the intestine
Damp accumulation
Damp phlegm accumulation
Damp-heat in the Gallbladder
Toxic heat in the Liver
Wind-cold at the exterior
Damp-heat at the nose
Damp-heat in the lower jiao
Kidney yang deficiency
Accumulation of toxic heat
Toxic heat invasion
Phlegm accumulation and Liver qi stagnation
Qi and blood stagnation
Liver yang rising with yin deficiency
Liver fire
Xiong bi (painful obstruction of the chest)
Lung heat
Lung cold
Lung qi deficiency
Liver qi stagnation
Liver qi stagnation
Damp-heat in the intestine
Spleen qi deficiency
Qi, blood and phlegm stagnation
Qi and blood stagnation
Liver qi stagnation
Liver qi stagnation
Fluid and damp accumulation

GI Harmony
GI Harmony and Herbal ABX
Add Notoginseng 9
Add Nourish (Fluids)
GI Tonic
GI Care II
Cholisma (ES)
Dissolve (GS)
Liver DTX
Magnolia Clear Sinus
Pueraria Clear Sinus
Balance (Cold)
V-Statin and Herbal ABX
Herbal ENT
Resolve (Upper)
Gastrodia Complex
Gentiana Complex
Respitrol (Heat) with Poria XPT
Respitrol (Cold)
Respitrol (Deficient)
GI Harmony
GI Care (UC)
GI Tonic
Resolve (Lower)
Resolve (Lower)
Calm and Resolve (Upper)
Herbal DRX




Drooling of Saliva



Due to anemia
Due to hypertension

Spleen and Heart deficiencies

Liver yang rising or Liver fire

From exposure to drugs, chemicals, heavy metals, environmental and

airborne toxins
With migraine or headache from blood deficiency
With ear, nose or throat infection
With blurry vision, tinnitus, hot flashes, low-grade fever or night
With flu or common cold

Toxic heat

Diverticulitis with inflammation

With acute constipation

Damp-heat in the intestine

Qi stagnation with heat

With chronic constipation or dry stool

Yin deficiency with stagnation

With severe pain

Increased dreams, difficulty falling and staying asleep, poor appetite,
epigastric fullness and distension, fatigue
Nervousness, forgetfulness, restlessness, weakness
Anger, short temper, hypochondriac discomfort
Difficulty falling or staying asleep, stress, anxiety, restlessness with
With paralysis, bells palsy
With profuse saliva, poor appetite, pale complexion, loose stool
With ulceration in the tongue, bitter taste, constipation, irritability

Severe qi and blood stagnation

Spleen and Heart deficiencies

Herbal ENT
Balance (Heat) or Kidney Tonic
Lonicera Complex or Respitrol
Resolve (AI) with GI Harmony
Resolve (AI) with Gentle Lax
Resolve (AI) and Gentle Lax
Resolve (AI) and Herbal Analgesic
Schisandra ZZZ

Heart and Kidney deficiencies

Liver fire
Liver qi stagnation with qi deficiency

Enhance Memory
Calm (ES)
Calm ZZZ

Liver wind
Spleen qi deficiency
Stomach heat

GI Tonic
Herbal ENT and Gentle Lax

Liver and Kidney yin deficiencies

Liver blood and Kidney yin deficiencies
Lung and Stomach yin deficiency
Kidney yin deficiency

Polygonum 14
Nourish (Fluids)
Kidney Tonic (Yin) and Balance

Stomach heat
Damp-heat in the Intestines

GI Care
GI Care II

Accumulation of toxic heat

Heat pushing blood out of the vessels
Excess heat accumulation
Qi and blood stagnation

GI Care II with Herbal ABX

Add Notoginseng 9
Add Gardenia Complex

See Addiction, Detox, Poisoning

Dry eyes
Dry skin, hair, nails
General dryness with thirst
Severe dryness with tinnitus, hair loss, blurry vision, weakness and
soreness of back and knees, hot flashes, low-grade fever, malar
flush, night sweats, etc.
Ulcer with abdominal pain
Diarrhea with foul-smelling stool, burning sensation of anus,
abdominal discomfort and pain, nausea and vomiting
Moderate to severe cases of infection and inflammation
With bleeding
With fever
With bloating and blood clots

Blood deficiency
Wind-heat and toxic heat invasion
Kidney yin-deficient heat
Wind-heat or wind-cold invasion

Schisandra ZZZ
Gastrodia Complex or Gentiana
Herbal DTX




Ear Infection

Eating Disorder


Due to endometriosis or uterine fibroids

With pelvic infection or inflammation
With severe pain
Cough, dyspnea, chest congestion, yellow sputum, with or without
Cough, white sputum or nasal discharge, chills
Chronic respiratory disorder; dyspnea with light physical exertion
Cough with no other significant signs
Chronic respiratory disorder with underlying Lung and Kidney
Painful urination due to heat
Kidney or urinary stones
Moderate to severe cases of kidney stone with infection and
Chronic nephritis
Due to prostatitis
Due to prostate enlargement
With bleeding
With fever
With severe pain
Ear infection with fever, pain
Moderate to severe cases of infection and inflammation
With swelling
With fever
See Anorexia, Bulimia
Skin allergy, rash, eczema, itching, general dermatological disorders
Of the genital area
Chronic itching
Skin reaction due to exposure to drugs, chemicals, heavy metals,
environmental and airborne toxins
Chronic eczema with underlying blood deficiency or anemia
With redness, burning or fever
Stubborn eczema due to blood stagnation with dark appearance and
purplish tongue
General edema with swelling
With coldness of extremities, dizziness, irregular menstruation
Edema in hypothyroid patients
Due to hypertension
Due to obesity and excess appetite

Qi and blood stagnation

Toxic heat accumulation and blood stagnation
Severe qi and blood stagnation
Lung heat

Mense-Ease with Resolve (Lower)

Mense-Ease with V-Statin
Mense-Ease with Herbal Analgesic
Respitrol (Heat)

Lung cold
Deficiencies of the Lung and the Kidney
Lung qi reversal
Lung and Kidney qi deficiency

Respitrol (Cold)
Respitrol (Deficient)
Respitrol (CF)
Cordyceps 3

Damp-heat in the Urinary Bladder

Dysuria due to stone; shi lin (stone dysuria)
Accumulation of toxic heat

Dissolve (KS)
Dissolve (KS) with Herbal ABX

Toxic heat with dampness and Kidney deficiency

Damp-heat accumulation in the lower jiao
Damp accumulation and qi stagnation
Heat pushing blood out of the vessels
Excess heat accumulation
Severe qi and blood stagnation
Damp-heat in the Liver and Gallbladder channels
Accumulation of toxic heat
Damp-heat accumulation
Excess heat accumulation

Kidney DTX
Saw Palmetto Complex
Add Notoginseng 9
Add Gardenia Complex
Add Herbal Analgesic
Herbal ENT
Herbal ENT and Gentiana Complex
Herbal ENT and Resolve (AI)
Herbal ENT and Gardenia Complex

Wind-heat at the skin level, heat in the blood

Damp-heat in the lower jiao
Toxic heat accumulation
Toxic heat accumulation
Toxic heat accumulation with blood deficiency
Excess heat accumulation
Blood stagnation

Add Dermatrol (PS)
Silerex or Dermatrol (PS) and
Herbal DTX
Silerex with Schisandra ZZZ
Silerex and Gardenia Complex
Silerex and Circulation (SJ)

Water accumulation
Spleen deficiency with damp and cold
Kidney yang deficiency with damp accumulation
Liver yin deficiency with Liver yang rising
Stomach heat with damp

Herbal DRX
Balance (Cold)
Thyro-forte and Herbal DRX
Gastrodia Complex





Endocrine Disorder

With coldness and weakness

Due to chronic kidney disease
With weak digestive system and diarrhea
With lymphedema
Due to diabetes
Tennis elbow, golfers elbow, pain
With severe pain
Soft tissue degeneration (muscles, tendons, ligaments and cartilage)
Weight loss, fatigue, over-all deficiency
Chronic fatigue with compromised lung and kidney functions
Weight loss, loose stool, poor appetite, fatigue with weak digestive
General Kidney yin deficiency signs such as blurry vision, weakness
of the back and knees, tinnitus, dryness, flushed cheeks, possible
low-grade fever, etc.
General Kidney yang deficiency signs such as coldness, low libido,
premature ejaculation, weakness and soreness of the back and knees,
pale complexion, polyuria, etc.
Instability with stress, PMS, nervousness
Instability with Heart fire manifesting in restlessness, insomnia and
Instability with mood swings in menopause patients
Instability, over-active mind, stress and insomnia in patients with
Excessive worrying, pensiveness, anemia

Kidney yang deficiency

Kidney deficiency
Spleen deficiency
Damp and phlegm accumulation
Yin deficiency with damp
Qi and blood stagnation
Severe qi and blood stagnation
Liver and Kidney yin deficiencies
Qi, blood, yin and yang deficiencies
Lung and Kidney deficiencies
Spleen deficiency

Kidney Tonic (Yang)

Kidney DTX
GI Tonic
Resolve (AI)
Arm Support
Add Herbal Analgesic
Add Flex (MLT)
Imperial Tonic
Cordyceps 3
GI Tonic

Kidney yin deficiency

Kidney Tonic (Yin)

Kidney yang deficiency

Kidney Tonic (Yang)

Liver qi stagnation
Liver and Heart fire

Calm (ES)

Kidney and Liver yin deficiencies

Liver qi stagnation with qi deficiency

Balance (Heat)
Calm ZZZ

Spleen and Heart blood deficiencies

Qi, blood, phlegm, food, fire and damp
Pent-up emotion with red face, constipation, excess fire
Excess accumulation of fire
Chronic, stubborn emotional imbalance that doesnt seem to respond Blood stagnation
to any treatment
Dyspnea, wheezing, scanty or no sputum, weakness
Deficiencies of the Lung and the Kidney
Dyspnea, wheezing, white sputum
Lung cold
Dyspnea, wheezing, fever
Lung heat
Maintenance formula to improve breathing
Lung and Kidney deficiencies
Cough with no other pronounced symptoms
Lung qi reversal
Diminished function of the adrenal glands and endocrine system
Deficiencies of Kidney yin, yang and jing
Diabetes mellitus
Yin deficiency with dampness and heat
Excess heat
Kidney yang deficiency
Addisons disease
Kidney deficiency

Schisandra ZZZ
Add Gardenia Complex
Add Circulation (SJ)
Respitrol (Deficient)
Respitrol (Cold)
Respitrol (Heat)
Cordyceps 3
Respitrol (CF)




(Lateral or Medial)

Epigastric Pain

Erection Difficulty
Esophageal Reflux

Cramps and pain with or without menstruation

Severe menstrual cramps
With back pain

Blood stagnation in the lower jiao

Blood stagnation in the lower jiao
Blood stagnation in the lower jiao

Causing infertility

Blood stagnation in the lower jiao

Short-term tiredness and lack of energy

Chronic fatigue with generalized weakness and deficiency in qi,
blood, yin and yang
Chronic fatigue with Lung and Kidney weakness
Low energy and weak immune system
Low energy and weak digestive function
Chronic sluggishness with blood stagnation signs of purplish tongue,
dark complexion, past history of trauma or surgery
To enhance the size and the shape of the breasts

Qi deficiency
Qi, blood, yin and yang deficiencies

Resolve (Lower)
Resolve (Lower) and Mense-Ease
Resolve (Lower) and Back Support
Resolve (Lower) and Blossom
(Phase 1-4)
Vibrant and Imperial Tonic

Lung and Kidney deficiencies

Wei (defensive) qi deficiency
Spleen qi deficiency
Blood stagnation

Cordyceps 3
Immune +
GI Tonic
Circulation (SJ)

Kidney yang and jing (essence) deficiencies


Diarrhea with foul-smelling stool, burning sensation of anus,

abdominal discomfort and pain, nausea and vomiting
Ulcerative colitis, Crohns disease
Moderate to severe cases of ulcerative colitis and Crohns disease
Chronic enteritis with weakness, poor appetite, and diarrhea
Due to chemotherapy
With excess heat and inflammation
Enteritis with pain
Enteritis with bleeding
Tennis elbow
For degeneration of the joint and related soft tissue (muscle,
ligaments, tendons, cartilages)
For severe pain
Epigastric fullness and pain, stomach ulcer, gastritis, acid reflux
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), Crohns disease, gas with
Pain due to gallstones
With severe pain
With obesity and excessive appetite
Childhood convulsions, epilepsy, seizures and twitching of muscles
Convulsion, epilepsy, seizure or twitching in adults
See Impotence
Skin and lymph infection
See Acid Reflux

Damp-heat in the Intestines

GI Care II

Damp-heat in the Large Intestine

Accumulation of toxic heat
Spleen qi deficiency
Qi deficiency and heat accumulation
Excess heat
Qi and blood stagnation
Heat pushing blood out of the vessels
Qi and blood stagnation
Wei (atrophy) syndrome

GI Care (UC)
GI Care (UC) and Herbal ABX
GI Care II and GI Tonic
C/R Support
GI Care II and Gardenia Complex
GI Care II and Herbal Analgesic
GI Care II and Notoginseng 9
Arm Support
Flex (MLT)

Qi and blood stagnation

Stomach heat
Liver qi stagnation

Add Herbal Analgesic

GI Care
GI Harmony

Damp-heat in the Liver and Gallbladder

Severe qi and blood stagnation
Stomach fire
Liver wind
Liver wind

Dissolve (GS)
Herbal Analgesic
Calm (Jr)

Toxic heat accumulation with phlegm

Herbal ENT and Herbal ABX



(With Dark Circles)
Facial Paralysis

Breast discomfort with PMS

Breast discomfort with lumps, possible fibroids
Dryness of the eyes with blurred vision
Hypertensive patients with red eyes, blurred vision, dizziness or
Hypertensive patients with red eyes, flushed face, short temper
Red eyes due to infection
Dry eyes with blurred vision
With generalized weakness, possible tinnitus, blurry vision, night
sweating, low-grade fever
With coldness, soreness and weakness of the low back and knees,
spermatorrhea, low libido, polyuria, hair loss, etc.
Bells Palsy
See Hypoglycemia, Hypotension
Infertility due to obstruction

Liver qi stagnation
Liver qi stagnation with phlegm stagnation
Depends on each phase
Kidney yin deficiency
Kidney jing (essence) deficiency
Liver and Kidney yin deficiencies
Liver yang rising

Resolve (Upper)
Blossom (Phase 1-4)
Balance (Heat) and/or Nourish
Osteo 8
Gastrodia Complex

Liver fire rising

Accumulation of toxic heat
Liver and Kidney yin deficiencies
Kidney yin deficiency

Gentiana Complex
Herbal ABX
Kidney Tonic (Yin)

Kidney yang deficiency

Kidney Tonic (Yang)

Wind attack with qi and blood stagnation


Qi and blood stagnation of the lower jiao

Inflammation of the fallopian tubes

Abscess and inflammation
Infertility due to scarring, coldness and weakness
Obesity with excess appetite
High cholesterol and triglycerides levels
Fatty tissue deposit, such as lipomas
Short-term tiredness and lack of energy
Chronic fatigue with generalized weakness
Weakness, insomnia, excess worries
Patients who are burned out with fatigue, lack of energy and drive
Chronic fatigue with lung and kidney weakness
Low energy and weak immune system
Low energy and weak digestive function, poor appetite, loose stool
Due to coronary artery disease

Damp-heat in the lower jiao

Phlegm obstruction
Blood stagnation with Kidney yang deficiency
Damp-heat accumulation with heat
Damp-heat accumulation
Phlegm stagnation
Qi deficiency
Qi, blood, yin and yang deficiencies
Spleen and Heart qi deficiencies
Deficiency of Spleen and Stomach
Lung and Kidney deficiencies
Wei (defensive) qi deficiency
Spleen qi deficiency
Chest pain; chest bi zheng (painful obstruction
Toxic heat in the Kidney
Yuan (source) qi and wei (defensive) qi
Blood stasis

Resolve (Lower) with Blossom

(Phase 1-4)
Resolve (AI) and V-Statin
Resolve (AI)
Vibrant with Imperial Tonic
Schisandra ZZZ
Cordyceps 3
Immune +
GI Tonic

Fallopian Tubes



Due to chronic nephritis

In cancer patients

Fatty Liver

In chronic patients with severe blood stagnation manifesting in

purplish tongue
Fatty liver with high cholesterol and obesity

Damp and phlegm accumulation

Kidney DTX
C/R Support or CA Support
Circulation (SJ)
Cholisma (ES)


Fever Blister
Fibrocystic Disease

With hepatitis
Fear, restlessness, anxiety
Easily frightened, poor sleep, excessive dreams
See Infertility
General fever
Fever in viral infections, common cold and flu
Fever in bacterial infections, pneumonia, or bronchitis, cough,
Fever, chest congestion, yellow sputum
Low-grade fever in the evening with perspiration
Various types of infection
Fever due to hyperthyroidism
Fever due to exposure to drugs, chemicals, heavy metals,
environmental and airborne toxins
Fever with swelling and inflammation
Unremitting fever due to blood stagnation manifesting in purplish
Cold sores with pain and inflammation
Moderate to severe cases of infection and inflammation
Fever blister with severe pain
Fibrocystic breast masses
Fibroids in the uterus and ovaries
With coldness and/or numbness

With heat sensations
With spasms and cramps
Due to stress
With extreme fatigue due to deficiency

Filatovs Disease

Due to bone spurs

With severe pain
Due to blood stagnation manifesting in purplish tongue
See Irritability
Fever, pharyngitis, enlarged lymph
Excess fire and heat signs

Toxic heat in the Liver

Shen (spirit) disturbance with fire
Spleen and Heart blood deficiency with shen
(spirit) disturbance

Cholisma (ES) and Liver DTX

Calm (ES)
Schisandra ZZZ

Heat in all three jiaos

Lung heat

Gardenia Complex
Lonicera Complex
Respitrol (Heat)

Damp-heat in the Lung

Yin deficiency with false heat
Heat at various parts of body
Liver fire excess
Toxic heat

Poria XPT
Nourish with Balance (Heat)
Herbal ABX
Herbal DTX

Heat with phlegm stagnation

Gardenia Complex with Resolve

Circulation (SJ) with Gardenia
Lonicera Complex
Herbal ENT and Herbal ABX
Herbal ENT and Herbal Analgesic
Resolve (Upper)
Resolve (Lower)
Flex (CD)

Blood stasis
Accumulation of toxic heat
Qi and blood stagnation
Liver qi stagnation with phlegm
Blood stagnation in the lower jiao
Bi zheng (painful obstruction syndrome) with
cold and deficiency
Bi zheng (painful obstruction syndrome) with
Bi zheng (painful obstruction syndrome) with
Liver yin and body fluid deficiencies
Bi zheng (painful obstruction syndrome) with
Liver qi stagnation
Bi zheng (painful obstruction syndrome) with qi
Qi and blood stagnation
Severe qi and blood stagnation
Blood stasis
Toxic heat accumulation with dampness
Excess fire in all three jiaos

Flex (Heat)
Flex (SC)
Calm or Calm (ES)
Calm or Calm (ES) and Imperial
Flex (Spur)
Flex (Spur) and Herbal Analgesic
Circulation (SJ)
Resolve (AI) and Herbal ENT
Gardenia Complex


Five-Center Heat



Follicular Phase

Food Poisoning


Fissures with dryness

With ulceration or from hemorrhoids
With acute constipation
With chronic constipation or dry stool
With infection

Yin deficiency
Damp-heat in the lower jiao
Qi and blood stagnation
Yin deficiency
Toxic heat

With sweating, irritability

With thirst, dryness

Yin deficiency with heat

Yin deficiency

With extreme Kidney yin deficiency

Due to irritable bowel syndrome
With burning diarrhea or infection
With weakness, poor appetite with diarrhea
With ulcerative colitis, Crohns disease
Stress related bloating and distension
With gallstones
See Common Cold, Influenza
Intestinal Flu
Inability to focus, poor memory, forgetfulness
Alzheimers disease
Infertility; follicular phase

Kidney yin deficiency

Liver qi stagnation
Damp-heat in the intestine
Spleen qi deficiency
Damp-heat accumulation
Liver qi stagnation
Damp-heat in the Liver

Diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting

Moderate to severe cases of infection and inflammation
With fever
Poor memory, forgetfulness
Poor memory, poor concentration associated with Alzheimers
With dizziness, weakness, difficulty sleeping, anemia, excessive
thinking and worrying
ADD or ADHD in children
Diminished mental and physical functions

V-Statin and GI Care (HMR)
Gentle Lax (Excess)
Gentle Lax (Deficient)
Gentle Lax (Deficient) and Herbal
Balance (Heat)
Balance (Heat) and Nourish
Kidney Tonic (Yin)
GI Harmony
GI Care II
GI Tonic
GI Care (UC)
Dissolve (GS)

Toxic, damp-heat in the Intestines

Liver wind with shen (spirit) disturbance
Heart and Kidney deficiencies
Kidney yang deficiency
Qi and blood deficiency, Kidney jing (essence)
Damp-heat in the Intestines
Accumulation of toxic heat
Accumulation of toxic heat
Heart and Kidney deficiencies
Deficiencies of Kidney yin, yang and jing
Spleen and Heart deficiency

GI Care II
Calm (Jr)
Enhance Memory
Neuro +
Blossom (Phase 2)

Liver wind with shen (spirit) disturbance

Deficiencies of Kidney yin, yang and jing
Kidney yin deficiency

Calm (Jr)

With Kidney yin deficient signs of blurry vision, weakness of the

back and knees, tinnitus, dryness, flushed cheeks, possible low-grade
fever, etc.
With Kidney yang deficient signs of coldness, low libido, premature Kidney yang deficiency
ejaculation, weakness and soreness of the back and knees, pale
complexion, polyuria, etc.

GI Care II
GI Care II and Herbal ABX
GI Care II and Gardenia Complex
Enhance Memory
Neuro Plus
Schisandra ZZZ

Kidney Tonic (Yin)

Kidney Tonic (Yang)


See Bone Disorders

Acute pain and immobility

Frozen Shoulder
Chronic, dull pain, immobility, numbness
Pain due to bone spur
With severe pain


Fungal Infection



Due to peptic ulcers

With irritability and stress
With constipation
Before or during menstruation
Due to endometriosis, uterine or ovarian fibroids
Due to gallstone
Due to irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), Crohns disease
Due to ulcerative colitis
With weakness, poor appetite and loose stool
In those undergoing chemotherapy/radiotherapy
See Infection
Swelling with redness and pain
Moderate to severe infection
With severe pain
Chronic, non-healing cases with blood stagnation manifesting in
purplish tongue
See Cholecystitis, Cholelithiasis
See Stones
See Flatulence
Heartburn, acid reflux, stomach pain
Stress related gastritis with heartburn, acid reflux, stomach pain
Gastritis with weakness, poor appetite and loose stool
With bleeding
With dryness and thirst
Diarrhea with foul-smelling stool, burning sensation of anus,
abdominal discomfort and pain, nausea and vomiting
Moderate to severe cases of infection and inflammation
Ulcerative colitis, Crohns disease or symptoms like such
Gastrointestinal symptoms associated with exposure to drugs,
chemicals, heavy metals, environmental and airborne toxins

Qi and blood stagnation

Neck & Shoulder (Acute) and Arm

Qi and blood stagnation with Liver yin deficiency Neck & Shoulder (Chronic) and
Arm Support
Qi and blood stagnation
Neck & Shoulder (Acute) and Flex
Severe qi and blood stagnation
Neck & Shoulder (Acute) and
Herbal Analgesic
Stomach heat
GI Care
Liver overacting on the Spleen and Stomach
Qi stagnation of the Large Intestine
Gentle Lax (Excess) or Gentle Lax
Liver qi stagnation
Blood stagnation in the lower jiao
Resolve (Lower)
Damp-heat in the Gallbladder
Dissolve (GS)
Liver qi stagnation
GI Harmony
Damp-heat accumulation
GI Care (UC)
Spleen qi deficiency
GI Tonic
Stomach yin and qi deficiencies
C/R Support
Toxic heat
Severe qi and blood stagnation
Blood stasis

Resolve (AI)
Resolve (AI) and Herbal ABX
Resolve (AI) and Herbal Analgesic
Circulation (SJ)

Stomach fire
Stomach fire with Liver qi stagnation
Spleen qi deficiency
Heat pushing blood out of the vessels
Stomach yin deficiency
Damp-heat in the Intestines

GI Care
GI Care and Calm
GI Tonic
Add Notoginseng 9
Nourish (Fluids)
GI Care II

Accumulation of toxic heat

Damp-heat accumulation
Toxic heat

GI Care II and Herbal ABX

GI Care (UC)
Herbal DTX

Reflux Disease
Genital Herpes
Genital Itching
Glandular Fever

With bleeding
With fever or excess heat
Acid reflux, heartburn, stomach pain and discomfort

Heat in the blood

Excess accumulation of heat
Stomach fire with rising Stomach qi

Notoginseng 9
Gardenia Complex
GI Care

Stress related

Liver qi stagnation

GI Care and Calm

Downward displacement of the stomach

See Herpes
Itching and discomfort in the genital area
Moderate to severe cases of infection and inflammation
Chancre, sore, warts
See Infection
Fever, pharyngitis, enlarged lymph
Compromised kidney function with proteinuria and edema
Drug related
See Diabetes, Hypoglycemia
Enlargement of the thyroid gland due to hyperthyroidism

Qi and yang deficiency

C/R Support and GI Tonic

Damp-heat in the lower jiao

Accumulation of toxic heat
Damp and toxic heat in the lower jiao

V-Statin or Gentiana Complex

Use either above with Herbal ABX
V-Statin and Herbal ABX

Toxic heat accumulation with dampness

Toxic heat accumulation
Toxic heat accumulation

Resolve (AI) and Herbal ABX

Kidney DTX
Kidney DTX and Herbal DTX

Liver qi and phlegm stagnation with shen (spirit)

Spleen and Kidney yang deficiencies
Damp-heat in the lower jiao
Hot bi zheng (painful obstruction syndrome)
Severe qi and blood stagnation


Kidney yin, yang and jing (essence) deficiencies

Stomach heat
Liver yin and blood deficiencies
Liver qi stagnation with yin and blood

Osteo 8
Gardenia Complex
Polygonum 14
Polygonum 14 and Calm

Liver blood deficiency

Qi and blood stagnation
Yin deficiency with heat
Qi and blood stagnation
Qi and blood stagnation

Balance (Cold)
Flex (NP)
Balance (Heat) or Nourish
Arm Support
Neck & Shoulder (Acute)

Toxic heat in the Liver

Toxic heat in the Liver with qi and blood
Heat in the Liver and the Stomach
Yin and fluid deficiencies
Excess fire accumulation

Liver DTX
Liver DTX and Corydalin

Graves Disease


Enlargement of the thyroid gland due to hypothyroidism

Discharge, dysuria with burning sensation and pain
Pain, redness and swelling
With severe pain
See Hyperthyroidism
Growth retardation
Bleeding or swollen gums
Premature gray hair, dry scalp, hair, nails
Stress-related hair disorders
See Bad Breath
Cold hands with weakness or anemia
Cold hands due to poor circulation
Feeling of heat in the palms and feet
Pain or numbness of the arm
Tingling, pain or numbness of the hands originating from cervical
Excessive consumption of alcohol
Hangover with headache
Hangover with stomach pain, nausea and vomiting
With excessive thirst
With excess heat and fire signs

Gentiana Complex or V-Statin
Flex (GT)
Flex (GT) and Herbal Analgesic

Liver DTX and GI Care

Nourish (Fluids)
Liver DTX and Gardenia Complex

Hay Fever

Hearing Loss
Heart Attack
Heavy Metal
Helicobacter pylori

See Nodules
See Hypothyroidism
See Allergy
Immediate relief for a variety of headache or migraine
Due to hypertension with dizziness
Due to stress
Temporal or vertex headache with flushed face, anger
Due to common cold, fever, sore throat
Sinus headache with white watery nasal discharge

Qi and blood stagnation

Liver yin deficiency with Liver yang rising
Liver qi stagnation
Damp-heat in the Liver channel
Wind-cold with fluid congestion

Sinus headache with yellow thick nasal discharge

With ear, nose or throat infection
Blood deficient type of hollow headache
Stubborn, stabbing headache due to previous trauma to the head or
blood stagnation
Headache with excess heat signs manifesting in red face, fast
heartbeat and possible constipation
With facial paralysis, Bells palsy, TMJ or trigeminal neuralgia
Diminished hearing or ringing of the ear
See Angina Pectoris, Cholesterol, Hypertension, Hypotension,
Coronary Heart Disease
Coronary heart disease

Damp-heat with fluid congestion

Toxic heat invasion
Blood deficiency with qi and blood stagnation
Blood stasis

Corydalin and Gastrodia Complex
Corydalin and Calm
Corydalin and Gentiana Complex
Corydalin and Lonicera Complex
Corydalin and Magnolia Clear
Corydalin and Pueraria Clear Sinus
Corydalin and Herbal ENT
Corydalin and Circulation (SJ)

Excess heat

Corydalin and Gardenia Complex

Qi and blood stagnation

Kidney yin deficiency
Lung and Kidney qi deficiencies

Corydalin and Symmetry

Cordyceps 3 and Nourish

Blood stagnation in the upper jiao


Fast with high blood pressure

Acid reflux with stomach pain and discomfort
Heaviness and/or sluggish feeling
Obesity with excessive appetite
See Poisoning, Detox
Stomach or duodenal ulcer due to H. Pylori infection

Excess fire
Stomach fire
Damp accumulation
Stomach heat

Gardenia Complex
GI Care
Herbal DRX

Stomach heat

GI Care

Vomiting of blood
Blood in the stool
In ulcerative colitis, Crohns disease
With hemorrhoid
Blood in the urine with infection
Muscle stiffness, paralysis, difficult movement
With muscle cramps and spasms

Stomach heat
Heat in the Intestines
Damp-heat and toxic heat in the Intestines
Heat and blood stagnation in the lower jiao
Heat in the bladder or lower jiao
Qi and blood stagnation
Qi and blood stagnation with Liver yin and body
fluid deficiencies

Notoginseng 9
Notoginseng 9
Notoginseng 9 with GI Care (UC)
Notoginseng 9 with GI Care (HMR)
Notoginseng 9 with V-Statin
Neuro Plus
Neuro Plus with Flex (SC)


Facial paralysis, Bells Palsy

Coughing of blood
See Bleeding
Excess type constipation with hemorrhoids

Qi and blood stagnation

Heat in the Lung or deficiency

Respitrol (CF) and Notoginseng 9

Heat in the Large Intestine

Deficient type constipation with hemorrhoids

Heat in the Large Intestine with yin deficiency

With severe pain

Severe qi and blood stagnation

With bleeding
With elevated liver enzymes
With gallstones or cholecystitis

Heat pushing blood out of the vessels

Toxic heat in the Liver
Toxic heat in the Liver, damp-heat in the
Toxic heat

Gentle Lax (Excess) with GI Care

Gentle Lax (Deficient) with GI Care
GI Care (HMR) with Herbal
GI Care (HMR) with Notoginseng 9
Liver DTX
Liver DTX with Dissolve (GS)



Due to exposure to drugs, chemicals, heavy metals, environmental

and airborne toxins
With fatigue and weakness
Moderate to severe cases of infection and inflammation
Adverse reactions from exposure to insecticide, pesticide, herbicide
Herbicide Poisoning and other toxins
Compromised liver function due to exposure to toxins
Compromised kidney function due to exposure to toxins
Slipped disk with pain
Herniated Disk
With back sprain and strain
With severe pain

Herpes (Genital)

Genital herpes outbreak with lesions and pain

Frequent genital herpes outbreaks
Moderate to severe cases of infection and inflammation
With severe pain

Herpes (Oral)
Herpes Zoster

Fever blisters with pain and inflammation

Moderate to severe cases of infection and inflammation
Acute pain and inflammation of herpes zoster
Moderate to severe cases of infection and inflammation
With severe pain
With foul breath, hunger, redness of the face

Qi, yin, yang and blood deficiency

Accumulation of toxic heat
Toxic heat in the Liver
Toxic heat in the Liver
Toxic heat in the Kidney
Qi and blood stagnation
Qi and blood stagnation

Liver DTX with Herbal DTX

Liver DTX with Imperial Tonic
Liver DTX with Herbal ABX
Herbal DTX

Liver DTX
Kidney DTX
Back Support (HD)
Back Support (HD) and Back
Support (Acute)
Severe qi and blood stagnation
Back Support (HD) and Herbal
Damp-heat in the Liver and Gallbladder channels Gentiana Complex or V-Statin
Damp-heat in the Liver and Gallbladder channels Gentiana Complex with Nourish
with underlying yin deficiency
Accumulation of toxic heat
Gentiana Complex and Herbal ABX
Severe qi and blood stagnation with heat
Gentiana Complex and Herbal
Lonicera Complex and Herbal ABX
Accumulation of toxic heat
Lonicera Complex and Herbal ENT
Dermatrol (HZ)
Accumulation of toxic heat
Dermatrol (HZ) and Gentiana
Severe qi and blood stagnation with heat
Dermatrol (HZ) and Herbal
Stomach heat

With poor appetite, loose stool or diarrhea, generalized weakness
Chronic and unknown in cause
High Blood Pressure See Hypertension
Post-traumatic care
Hip Fracture
To strengthen and rebuild the bones and connective tissues (muscles,
ligaments, tendons, cartilage)
For pain associated with hip fractures
With severe pain
Immune deficiency with frequent infections
Chronic fatigue with immune deficiency
See Itching
Localized infection of one or more sebaceous glands
Hordeolum (Sty)
Estrogen deficiency
Testosterone deficiency
Low libido in men or women
Diabetes Mellitus
To detox hormones present in milk and meat
See Infection
With menopause signs
Hot Flashes
With thirst, dryness, and sweating
With irritability and restlessness
With insomnia due to deficiency


With insomnia due to excess

See Menopause
See Diabetes
Excessive sweating with a weak immune system



Due to excess heat manifesting in red face, fast heartbeat, possible

high blood pressure and constipation
See Cholesterol
Excess type with flushed face, anger, redness of eyes
Deficient type with dizziness, vertigo, tinnitus, and blurry vision
Hypertension in patients with chronic kidney disorder

Spleen qi deficiency
Blood stagnation

GI Tonic
Circulation (SJ)

Qi and blood stagnation

Kidney jing (essence) deficiency

Osteo 8 and Flex (MLT)

Qi and blood stagnation

Severe qi and blood stagnation with heat
Wei (defensive) qi deficiency
Lung and Kidney deficiencies

Add Back Support (Acute)

Add Herbal Analgesic
Immune + with Herbal ABX
Immune + with Cordyceps 3

Toxic heat accumulation

Kidney yin deficiency
Kidney yang deficiency
Kidney yang deficiency
Kidney yang deficiency
Liver fire
Yin deficiency
Toxic heat

Herbal ABX and Resolve (AI)

Kidney Tonic (Yin)
Vitality and Kidney Tonic (Yang)
Herbal DTX

Yin deficiency with deficient heat

Yin deficiency with deficient heat and dryness
Yin deficiency with Liver qi stagnation
Yin deficiency with Spleen and Heart
Yin deficiency with shen (spirit) disturbances

Balance (Heat)
Balance (Heat) with Nourish
Balance (Heat) with Calm ZZZ
Balance (Heat) and Schisandra ZZZ

Liver wind with shen (spirit) disturbance

Calm (Jr)

Lung qi deficiency and wei (defensive) qi

Excess heat accumulation

Immune +

Damp-heat in the Liver

Liver yang rising with Liver and Kidney yin
Toxic heat in the Kidney

Gentiana Complex
Gastrodia Complex

Balance (Heat) and Calm (ES)

Gardenia Complex

Gastrodia Complex and Kidney DTX


With excess fire manifesting in red face, red eyes, heat sensation,
fast heart rate, high blood pressure and possible constipation
With high cholesterol
With coronary heart disease
With headache
With blood stagnation manifesting in purplish tongue
Hyperthermia due to hyperthyroidism
With elevated T3 and T4 levels and enlarged thyroid gland

With irritability
With hypertension


With excess heat or fever

See Cholesterol

With fidgeting, restlessness, irritability

Hypochondriac Pain With anger, neurosis
Due to hepatitis
With cholecystitis or gallstones
In patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
With severe pain
Chronic pain with blood stagnation
Low blood sugar level, dizziness
With overall weakness and deficiencies of yin, yang, qi and blood
Low blood pressure with dizziness, fatigue
Coldness of the body and extremities
With fatigue, aversion to cold, decreased heart rate and blood
pressure, muscle weakness or sluggishness, and other related
With low energy
With depression
With coldness or slow metabolism
Post-operative healing
Decrease in bone density following the operation
Hot flashes, irritabilities, mood swings, night sweating
With dryness and thirst
With dry hair or graying of hair
Mild to moderate cases of irritability and stress

Excess fire in all three jiaos

Add Gardenia Complex

Damp and phlegm accumulation

Blood stagnation
Qi and blood stagnation
Blood stasis
Liver qi stagnation with heat
Qi and phlegm stagnation with shen (spirit)
Qi and phlegm stagnation with shen (spirit)
disturbance and Liver qi stagnation
Qi and phlegm stagnation with shen (spirit)
disturbance and rising Liver yang
Excess fire

Add Cholisma or Cholisma (ES)

Add Circulation
Add Corydalin
Add Circulation (SJ)

Liver qi stagnation
Liver fire
Toxic heat in the Liver
Damp-heat in the gallbladder
Liver qi stagnation
Severe qi and blood stagnation
Blood stagnation
Spleen and Heart blood deficiencies
Qi, blood, yin and yang deficiencies
Deficiencies of qi and yang
Cold accumulation with Kidney yang deficiency
Yang deficiency of Heart, Spleen, and Kidney

Calm (ES)
Liver DTX
Dissolve (GS)
GI Harmony
Add Herbal Analgesic
Calm and Circulation (SJ)
Schisandra ZZZ
Imperial Tonic
Imperial Tonic
Kidney Tonic (Yang)

Qi deficiency
Qi, blood, food and phlegm stagnation
Yang deficiency
Blood stagnation
Kidney yin and jing (essence) deficiencies
Kidney yin deficiency with deficient fire
Yin and body fluids deficiencies
Kidney jing (essence) and Liver blood
Liver qi stagnation

Thyro-forte with Imperial Tonic

Thyro-forte with Shine
Thyro-forte with Adrenoplex
Osteo 8
Balance (Heat) with Nourish
Nourish (Fluids)
Polygonum 14

Thyrodex and Calm

Thyrodex and Gastrodia Complex
Thyrodex and Gardenia Complex


Moderate to severe cases of mood swings, anger, restlessness,
Disorientation, crying spells, inability to control oneself, restless
Stress, anxiety, restlessness, insomnia in patients with deficiency
Excessive worrying, pensiveness, dreams, anemia, mostly in women
IBS (Irritable Bowel See irritable bowel syndrome
With frequent viral or bacterial infections
Immuno-deficiency With weak constitution
Due to chemotherapy and radiation
With respiratory and reproductive weakness
End-stage cancer patients who cannot receive chemotherapy or
Generalized male sexual dysfunction
Due to complications of diabetes
Decreased sexual desire and stamina due to adrenal depletion
Due to nervousness and anxiety
With poor appetite, weakness, loose stool or diarrhea
With palpitation, shortness of breath, spontaneous sweating, sallow
complexion, emaciation, listlessness, poor appetite, loose stool
Due to irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or stress
Due to ulcerative colitis, Crohns disease
Due to food poisoning, improper food intake, travelers diarrhea or
Incomplete Emptying Urinary symptoms due to benign prostatic hypertrophy
With coldness symptoms such as cold extremities, weakness and
coldness of the lower back and knees, light-colored urine
Indigestion and burning diarrhea with stomach pain, fullness and
discomfort due to improper food intake
Loose stool, poor appetite, weak digestion and generalized
Food stagnation
Slow digestion, or due to irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
Generalized: Various types of infection
Sinus: infection with clear and watery discharge
Sinus: infection with sticky and yellowish discharge
Lung: Fever, dyspnea, chest congestion

Liver fire with shen (spirit) disturbance

Calm (ES)

Yin deficiency with false heat

Calm (ES) with Balance (Heat)

Liver qi stagnation with qi deficiency

Spleen and Heart blood deficiencies with shen
(spirit) disturbance

Calm ZZZ
Schisandra ZZZ

Wei (defensive) qi deficiency

Qi, blood, yin and yang deficiencies
Qi and yin deficiencies
Lung and Kidney deficiencies
Yuan (source) qi deficiency

Immune +
Immune + with Imperial Tonic
Immune + with C/R Support
Immune + with Cordyceps 3
CA Support

Kidney yang deficiency

Kidney yin and yang deficiencies
Kidney yang deficiency
Liver fire with shen (spirit) disturbance
Spleen qi deficiency with Kidney yang deficiency
Spleen and Heart deficiencies

Vitality with Equilibrium
Calm (ES)
Vitality with GI Tonic
Schisandra ZZZ

Liver qi stagnation
Toxic heat in the Intestines
Damp-heat in the Intestines

GI Harmony
GI Care (UC)
GI Care II

Stagnation or damp-heat in the lower jiao

Kidney yang deficiency

P-Statin or Saw Palmetto Complex

Kidney Tonic (Yang)

Damp-heat in the intestines

GI Care II

Spleen qi deficiency

GI Tonic

Food stagnation
Liver qi stagnation
Heat at various parts of body
Wind-cold at exterior
Damp-heat in the interior
Lung heat

GI Harmony
Herbal ABX
Magnolia Clear Sinus
Pueraria Clear Sinus
Respitrol (Heat)


Lung: Runny nose with clear watery discharge, sneezing, nasal

Lung: Chest congestion, profuse yellow sputum, cough

Lung cold

Respitrol (Cold)

Lung heat with phlegm

Poria XPT

Lung: Common cold and influenza

Severe sore throat, strep throat, or tonsillitis
Oral herpes with blisters
Gastrointestinal infection with abdominal pain and diarrhea
Genital: Infection of the genital area, such as herpes, gonorrhea, and
other sexually transmitted diseases; bacterial or fungal infections
Genito-urinary infection in both women and men
Infection with inflammation and swelling
Infection with pain
Fever, pharyngitis, enlarged lymph

Wind-heat or wind-cold at the exterior

Toxic heat invasion
Wind-heat or Stomach heat
Damp-heat in the Intestines
Damp-heat in lower jiao

Lonicera Complex
Herbal ENT
Lonicera Complex
GI Care II
Gentiana Complex or V-Statin

Damp-heat in the lower jiao

Toxic heat accumulation
Toxic heat invasion
Toxic heat accumulation with dampness

Herbal ABX with Resolve (AI)
Herbal ABX with Herbal Analgesic
Dermatrol (HZ)
Herbal ENT

Male infertility, low sperm count, poor sperm motility, morphology

and mobility of the sperm, generalized male sexual dysfunction
Female infertility (Menstrual Phase)
Female infertility (Follicular Phase)

Kidney yang deficiency


Qi and blood stagnation

Qi and blood deficiency, Kidney jing (essence)
Kidney yang deficiency
Liver qi stagnation
Coldness in the uterus

Blossom (Phase 1)
Blossom (Phase 2)

Female infertility (Ovulatory Phase)

Female infertility (Luteal Phase)
Female infertility due to weakness and cold


Female infertility due to obstruction (cysts, endometriosis, tubal

obstruction, fibroids, etc.)
Female infertility with coldness, irregular or delayed menstruation
with scanty discharge
With extreme stress
With inflammation or infection of the pelvis (ovaries, uterus,
fallopian tubes)
Women past 35 years of age with more prominent signs of yin
deficiency and heat signs
Women past 35 years of age with more prominent signs of yang
deficiency and cold signs
Soft tissue or joint inflammation with pain and redness
Joint pain that worsens with cold and dampness
Inflammation with severe pain
Muscle spasm and cramps
Inflammation and pain due to external injuries

Kidney yang deficiency and blood stagnation

Blossom (Phase 3)
Blossom (Phase 4)
Blossom (Phase 1-4) with Balance
Blossom (Phase 1-4) with Resolve
Blossom (Phase 1-4) with Menotrol

Liver qi stagnation
Heat accumulation in the lower jiao

Blossom (Phase 1-4) with Calm

Blossom (Phase 1-4) with V-Statin

Kidney yin deficiency

Blossom (Phase 1-4) with Kidney

Tonic (Yin)
Blossom (Phase 1-4) with Kidney
Tonic (Yang)
Flex (Heat)
Flex (CD)
Add Herbal Analgesic
Flex (SC)

Blood stagnation in the lower jiao

Kidney yang deficiency

Hot bi zheng (painful obstruction syndrome)
Cold bi zheng (painful obstruction syndrome)
Qi and blood stagnation
Liver yin and body fluid deficiencies
Qi and blood stagnation


Inner Ear Disorder

Pelvic inflammatory disease
With swelling and redness
Inflammation in ulcerative colitis
Inflammation due to intestinal flu or travelers diarrhea
Chronic nephritis or nephrotic syndrome
Ear infection and inflammation
Moderate to severe cases of infection and inflammation
With fever and other heat signs of red face, fast heartbeat, high blood
pressure or constipation
Inflammation of soft tissue (muscle, ligaments, tendon, cartilage)
Herniated disk
See Common Cold
Bone fracture, severe pain, bruises
Of the neck and shoulder area
Of the upper back
Of the low back
Of the arm
Of the leg, knee or ankle
With severe pain
Chronic history of injury/trauma with residual pain
Sprain and strain of muscles
Inner ear infection and pain
Dizziness, vertigo and poor balance
With severe pain

Swelling and feeling of pressure

Adverse reactions from exposure to insecticide, pesticide, herbicide
Insecticide Poisoning and other toxins
Compromised liver function due to exposure to toxins
Compromised kidney function due to exposure to toxins
Due to restlessness, stress, anxiety
Due to excessive worries and dreams, fatigue, pensiveness, poor
Due to hyperthyroidism

Damp-heat in the lower jiao
Damp-heat in the Intestines
Damp-heat in the Intestines
Toxic heat in the Kidney
Toxic heat in the Liver
Heat in the Liver channel
Accumulation of toxic heat
Excess heat

Lonicera Complex or Herbal ENT

Resolve (AI)
GI Care (UC)
GI Care II
Kidney DTX
Liver DTX
Herbal ENT
Add Herbal ABX
Add Gardenia Complex

Qi and blood stagnation

Qi and blood stagnation
Re bi (heat painful obstruction)

Flex (MLT)
Back Support (HD)
Flex (GT)

Blood stagnation
Qi and blood stagnation
Qi and blood stagnation
Qi and blood stagnation
Qi and blood stagnation
Qi and blood stagnation
Severe qi and blood stagnation
Qi and blood stagnation
Qi and blood stagnation
Toxic fire accumulation
Liver wind rising
Severe qi and blood stagnation

Add Neck & Shoulder (Acute)
Add Back Support (Upper)
Add Back Support (Acute)
Add Arm Support
Add Knee & Ankle (Acute)
Add Herbal Analgesic
Add Circulation (SJ)
Flex (SC) or Flex (MLT)
Herbal ENT
Gastrodia Complex
Gastrodia Complex and Herbal
Gastrodia Complex and Resolve (AI)
Nourish or Kidney Tonic (Yin)
Herbal DTX

Dampness accumulation
Kidney yin deficiency
Toxic heat
Toxic heat in the Liver
Toxic heat in the Kidney
Shen (spirit) disturbance with Liver fire
Shen (spirit) disturbance due to Spleen and Heart
Shen (spirit) disturbance with qi and phlegm

Liver DTX
Kidney DTX
Calm (ES)
Schisandra ZZZ



Intestinal Flu

Irritable Bowel
Syndrome (IBS)



Due to depression
Fatigue with stress and an overactive mind with difficulty falling or
staying asleep
Chronic insomnia with blood stagnation manifesting in dark
complexion, purplish tongue
Diabetes Mellitus
Causing bladder infection
Painful intercourse due to endometriosis
Difficult intercourse with yeast infection
See also Infertility, Impotence, Libido
With pain in the calf
With spasms and cramps
With severe pain
Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal discomfort
Moderate to severe cases of infection and inflammation
With bleeding
See Constipation, Diarrhea, or specific disorders
Stress, anxiety, restlessness, insomnia, nervousness, poor appetite
Above symptoms, but more severe, with or without neurosis
With crying spells and melancholy attacks during menopause
With Fidgeting, restlessness, short temper, high blood pressure
Irritability due to hyperthyroidism
With anxiety, stress, insomnia and an over-active mind in patients
with deficiency
With high blood pressure, excess heat, red face, fast heartbeat and
possible constipation
IBS due to stress
General skin itching
Genital itching
Genital itching with hypertension
Severe itching
Moderate to severe cases of infection and inflammation
With fever
To increase the success of in vitro fertilization
Yellow skin and sclera with hepatitis

Stagnation of phlegm, qi, blood and food

Liver qi stagnation and qi deficiency

Calm ZZZ

Blood stagnation

Add Circulation (SJ)

Yin deficiency
Damp-heat in the lower jiao
Qi and blood stagnation
Damp-heat in the lower jiao

Resolve (Lower) and Mense-Ease

Qi and blood stagnation

Liver yin deficiency with qi and blood stagnation
Severe qi and blood stagnation
Damp-heat in the Intestines
Accumulation of toxic heat
Heat forcing blood out of the vessels

Flex (NP)
Flex (NP) and Flex (SC)
Flex (NP) and Herbal Analgesic
GI Care II
Add Herbal ABX
Add Notoginseng 9

Liver qi stagnation
Liver fire
Liver yin deficiency with false heat
Liver fire
Shen (spirit) disturbance with qi and phlegm
Liver wind and shen (spirit) disturbance
Liver qi stagnation with qi deficiency

Calm (ES)
Balance (Heat)
Gentiana Complex

Excess heat accumulation

Add Gardenia Complex

Damp-heat in the Intestines

Damp-heat in the Intestines with Liver qi
Wind-heat at the skin level, heat in the blood
Damp-heat in the lower jiao
Damp-heat in the Liver channel
Toxic heat
Toxic heat
Accumulation of toxic heat
Toxic heat
Kidney jing (essence) deficiency
Damp-heat in the Liver

GI Harmony
GI Harmony and Calm

Calm (Jr)
Calm ZZZ

Gentiana Complex
Silerex and Dermatrol (PS)
Dermatrol (PS)
Dermatrol (PS) and Herbal ABX
Add Gardenia Complex
Blossom (Phase 1-4)
Liver DTX


Jock Itch


Kissing Disease
Klebsiella Infection

Yellow skin and sclera with cholecystitis or gallstones

Infectious jaundice
With fatty liver and obesity
Genital itching
See Neck Pain, Shoulder Pain, Back Pain, Arthritis and other related
Degeneration of joint and surrounding tissue (muscle, ligaments,
tendons, cartilages)
Spurs or stiffness or calcification
Kidney or urinary stones
Moderate to severe cases of infection and inflammation
Chronic nephritis or nephritic syndrome
Compromised kidney functions
With bleeding
With back pain
Fever, pharyngitis, enlarged lymph glands
Urinary, pulmonary, wound infections
Acute knee pain
Chronic knee pain
Ligament injury

Damp-heat in the Gallbladder

Toxic heat
Damp-heat accumulation
Damp-heat in the lower jiao and Liver channel

Dissolve (GS)
Liver DTX and Herbal ABX
Add Cholisma (ES)

Wei (atrophy) syndrome

Flex (MLT)

Qi and blood stagnation

Dysuria due to stone; shi lin (stone dysuria)
Accumulation of toxic heat
Toxic heat
Kidney deficiency
Heat forcing blood out of the vessels
Qi and blood stagnation
Toxic heat accumulation with dampness
Toxic heat
Qi and blood stagnation
Qi and blood stagnation
Qi and blood stagnation

Acute sprain and strain

Qi and blood stagnation


Toxic heat accumulation with qi and blood

Qi and blood stagnation
Severe qi and blood stagnation

Flex (Spur)
Dissolve (KS)
Dissolve (KS) and Herbal ABX
Kidney DTX
Cordyceps 3
Add Notoginseng 9
Add Back Support (Acute)
Herbal ENT
Herbal ABX
Knee & Ankle (Acute)
Knee & Ankle (Chronic)
Knee & Ankle (Acute) and Flex
Knee & Ankle (Acute) and
Flex (GT)

With fracture
With severe pain
Lack of lactation during nursing period
Due to deficiency
Lactose Intolerance Weakness of the digestive function, loose stool or diarrhea
See Diarrhea, Constipation, Ulcerative Colitis, Colitis, Crohns
Large Intestine
Disease, Enteritis, or the specific disorder
Tennis elbow
Lateral Epicondylitis For degeneration of the joint and related soft tissue (muscle,
ligaments, tendons, cartilage)
For severe pain
Elevated levels
LDL Cholesterol
With hypertension due to deficiency

Qi, blood, yin and yang deficiency
Spleen qi deficiency

Traumanex and Osteo 8

Knee & Ankle (Acute) and Herbal
Add Imperial Tonic
GI Tonic

Qi and blood stagnation

Wei (atrophy) syndrome

Arm Support
Flex (MLT)

Qi and blood stagnation

Damp accumulation
Liver yang rising with yin deficiency

Add Herbal Analgesic

Cholisma and Gastrodia Complex

With hypertension due to excess

With hepatitis
With fatty liver and obesity
See Circulation (Poor), Pain, Osteoporosis, Restless Leg, Cramps,
Knee, Ankle
Decreased libido
Excess libido

Liver fire with dampness

Toxic heat in the Liver
Damp heat accumulation

Cholisma and Gentiana Complex

Cholisma and Liver DTX
Cholisma (ES)

Kidney yang deficiency

Kidney yin deficiency with rising fire
Liver blood and Kidney yin deficiencies
Damp-heat in the lower jiao
Phlegm accumulation in the lower jiao
Kidney yang deficiency
Toxic heat in the Kidney
Toxic heat
Severe qi and blood stagnation
Excess heat
Damp accumulation

Low Back Pain


Enhancing the growth of muscles, tendons, ligaments and cartilages

Burning sensations during urination due to infection
Kidney stone
Frequent urination profuse in amount, coldness
Chronic nephritis or nephritic syndrome
Moderate to severe infection
With severe pain
With fever, painful urination and dark yellow urine
With edema and water accumulation
See Cholesterol
See Cholesterol
See Stones
See Hepatitis, Detoxification, Gallstones, Cholecystitis, Fatty Liver
and Cancer
See Back Pain
See Back Pain

Gardenia Complex with Balance
Flex (MLT)
Dissolve (KS)
Kidney Tonic (Yang)
Kidney DTX
Kidney DTX and Herbal ABX
Kidney DTX and Herbal Analgesic
Add Gardenia Complex
Add Herbal DRX


Herniated disk with pain

With recent trauma
With severe back pain

Qi and blood stagnation

Qi and blood stagnation
Qi and blood stagnation

Luteal Phase
Lyme Disease

Hard swelling with redness and pain

See Asthma, Cough, Dyspnea, Bronchitis and Pneumonia, etc.
Female infertility, Luteal Phase
Early symptoms of rash, fever, malaise, body ache

Dampness accumulation

Lymph Nodes

Swelling and pain

Damp accumulation
Dampness with toxic heat


Accumulation of lymphatic fluids causing swelling

Dampness and phlegm accumulation


Lin (Dysuria)


Toxic heat accumulation with yin deficiency

Qi and blood stagnation
Toxic heat invasion

Back Support (HD)

Add Traumanex
Add Back Support (Acute) or Herbal
Resolve (AI)
LPS Support
Blossom (Phase 4)
Dermatrol (PS) with Gardenia
Complex and Herbal ABX
Resolve (AI)
Resolve (AI) with Herbal ABX or
Herbal ENT
Resolve (AI)


Mammary Gland

Manic Depressive

All types of inflammation and swelling with heat sensation

Moderate to severe cases of infection and inflammation
Swelling and enlarged lymph nodes with possible nodules or
fibroids in the breasts
Swelling and enlarged lymph nodes with possible nodules or
fibroids in the female reproductive organs
Lymphadenopathy with immune deficiency
With edema
Degeneration of macula and diminished vision
Malabsorption, diarrhea, fatigue, poor appetite
See Cancer
Malnutrition in children with fatigue, poor energy, lack of appetite
Malnutrition with generalized deficiency and over-all constitutional
See Breast
Mild cases of hyperactivity with anger and irritability
In severe cases with blood stagnation signs of dark complexion,
purplish tongue
See Bipolar

See Breast
Mass, swelling or nodules
In the breast
In the female reproductive organs (ovarian cysts, uterine fibroids,
myomas, etc)
Medial Epicondylitis Golfers elbow
With severe pain
Forgetfulness, poor memory
Decreased mental function due to injury and/or degeneration
Decreased mental function due to excessive stress and exhaustion
Dizziness, vertigo, and loss of balance
Menieres Disease
Mood swings, emotional instability, hot flushes, night sweating
With thirst and dryness with yin deficient signs listed above
With pronounced irritability and mood swings
With pronounced anger, restlessness
With tiredness, insomnia and excessive worrying
With qi deficiency, insomnia, irritability, restlessness, stress,
restless mind

Damp accumulation
Accumulation of toxic heat
Liver qi and phlegm stagnation

Resolve (AI)
Resolve (AI) with Herbal ABX
Resolve (AI) with Resolve (Upper)

Blood and phlegm stagnation in the lower jiao

Resolve (AI) with Resolve (Lower)

Wei (defensive) qi deficiency

Damp and water accumulation
Liver and Kidney yin deficiencies
Spleen qi deficiency

Resolve (AI) with Immune +

Resolve (AI) with Herbal DRX
GI Tonic

Spleen qi deficiency
Qi, blood, yin and yang deficiencies

GI Tonic
Imperial Tonic

Liver heat with shen (spirit) disturbance

Blood stagnation

Calm (ES)
Add Circulation (SJ)

Phlegm and damp accumulation

Liver qi stagnation with phlegm accumulation
Qi and blood stagnation with phlegm
Qi and blood stagnation
Qi and blood stagnation
Heart and Kidney deficiencies
Deficiency of Kidney yin and jing (essence)
Deficiency of qi and Kidney
Liver wind rising
Yin deficiency with deficient heat
Yin deficiency with deficient heat and dryness
Yin deficiency with Liver qi stagnation
Yin deficiency with shen (spirit) disturbance
Yin deficiency with Spleen and Heart blood
Liver qi stagnation with qi deficiency

Resolve (AI)
Resolve (Upper)
Resolve (Lower)
Arm Support
Add Herbal Analgesic
Enhance Memory
Neuro Plus
Gastrodia Complex
Balance (Heat)
Balance (Heat) with Nourish
Balance (Heat) with Calm
Balance (Heat) with Calm (ES)
Balance (Heat) and Schisandra ZZZ
Balance (Heat) with Calm ZZZ

Diarrhea: Loose stool or diarrhea with lower abdominal fullness,

profuse menstrual amount, sallow complexion, edema, bland taste in
the mouth, poor appetite
Diarrhea: Watery stool, lower abdominal coldness and feeling of
prolapse, coldness of limbs, delayed menstruation
Diarrhea: Abdominal pain followed by loose stool, abdominal pain
lessens with defecation, hypochondriac distension and pain, nausea,
breast tenderness
Edema: Edema of the face and limbs, loose stool, scanty urine, light
in color
Fever: Low-grade fever during the period and subsides after each
cycle, period usually comes early, profuse in amount, purplish in
color and thick in texture, chest and hypochondriac distension,
irritability, dizziness, redness of the face and eyes, bitter taste in the
mouth, dry throat
Fever: Low-grade fever or heat sensation which is exacerbated
before each cycle, early periods, dark in color and scanty in amount,
irritability, dry mouth, throat, emaciation
Headache: Usually occurs before or during each cycle, fixed in
location and stabbing in nature, blood clots with lower abdominal
Headache: Dizziness, distension and pain before the period,
irritability, short temper, restless sleep, tinnitus, hypochondriac pain,
bitter taste in the mouth, bright red menstrual color, yellow vaginal
Headache: Feeling of emptiness and pain after cycles, dizziness,
fear of light and prefers quiet environments, palpitation, insomnia,
dry mouth, poor appetite, sallow complexion, light menstrual amount
Low back pain: Acute pain, lower abdominal bloating, possible
blood clots
Low back pain: Soreness and weakness sensation with fatigue
Nose bleeding: Bleeding occurs usually during or before periods,
bitter taste in the mouth, dry throat, redness of the face, eyes,
dizziness, irritability, short temper, insomnia, breast tenderness or
hypochondriac pain
Nose bleeding: Bleeding occurs usually during or after periods,
dizziness, tinnitus, dry mouth, throat, afternoon fever
Nose bleeding: Bleeding usually occurs during or after periods, light
colored menstrual blood, fatigue, loose stool, poor appetite
See also amenorrhea
Menstrual Amount Profuse: Early and profuse in amount or incessant bleeding, bright
red in color, emaciation, flushed cheeks, wu xin re (five-center
heat), dizziness, tinnitus, tidal fever, night sweating, insomnia,
soreness of the lower back and knees, dry eyes, dry stool
(Disorders During

Spleen qi deficiency

GI Tonic

Spleen and Kidney yang deficiencies

GI Tonic and Kidney Tonic (Yang)

Liver qi stagnation


Spleen qi deficiency with deficiency cold

GI Tonic and Herbal DRX

Liver fire

Gentiana Complex

Kidney yin deficiency with deficient heat

Balance (Heat) and Nourish

Blood stagnation

Resolve (Lower)

Liver yang rising

Gentiana Complex

Blood deficiency

Schisandra ZZZ with Migratrol

Qi and blood stagnation

Back Support (Acute)

Kidney deficiency
Liver fire

Back Support (Chronic)

Gentiana Complex

Yin deficiency


Spleen qi deficiency with inability to keep blood Schisandra ZZZ

within the vessels
Kidney and Liver yin deficiency

Nourish with Balance (Heat) and

Notoginseng 9


Profuse: Early, profuse in amount or prolonged in length, bright red

or dark and black in color, thick in texture with clots, redness of the
face, irritability, short temper, stifling sensation in the chest, breast
tenderness, dizziness, headache, bitter taste in the mouth
Profuse: Prolonged duration, light in color, sensations of emptiness
in the lower abdomen, preference for pressure, pale complexion,
listlessness, shortness of breath, spontaneous sweating, poor
appetite, loose stool, edema
Profuse: Delayed, profuse in amount or incessant in bleeding, dark
in color with clots, lower abdominal coldness and pain with
preference for warmth and pressure, possible infertility
Profuse: Profuse yellow vaginal discharge before and after cycles,
fetid in smell and thick in texture, genital itching, epigastric fullness,
heaviness sensation
Scanty: As little as a few drops, light in color, delayed onset, dull
abdominal pain, preference for pressure, pale complexion, dizziness,
blurry vision, palpitation, forgetfulness, insomnia, dry skin and hair
Scanty: Dark purple with clots, delayed onset, thick in texture,
stabbing or needling pain in the lower abdomen, dark complexion,
breast distension
Scanty: Light red or dark red in color, scanty in amount, lower
abdominal pain after each cycle, irregular menstruation, dizziness,
tinnitus, weakness of the back and extremities
Scanty: Light or dark in color, possible clots, lower abdominal
coldness and pain that lessens with warmth, cold extremities, clear
vaginal discharge
Scanty: Thick yellow in texture, turbid vaginal discharge,
overweight, epigastric fullness, nausea, heaviness sensation
Light red: Scanty in amount, delayed, lower abdominal dull pain,
lusterless complexion, dizziness, palpitation, insomnia, dry skin, hair
and nails
Light red: Scanty, early and profuse in amount, lochia, pale
complexion, fatigue, spontaneous sweating, aversion to wind, feeling
of emptiness in the lower abdomen
Light red: Clots, coldness of the limbs, lower abdominal pain that is
alleviated by warmth, soreness and weakness of the lower back,
clear leukorrhea, loose stool
Dark purple: Thick with clots, lower abdominal pain, irritability,
thirst, low grade fever before menstrual cycles, yellow thick vaginal
Dark purple: Clots, lower abdominal fullness, distension and pain
that worsens with pressure, emotional instability, breast distension
and tenderness

Liver fire

Gentiana Complex and Notoginseng


Spleen qi deficiency

GI Tonic and Notoginseng 9

Deficiency and coldness of the chong

(thoroughfare) channel

Balance (Cold) and Notoginseng 9

Damp-heat in the lower jiao

V-Statin and Notoginseng 9

Blood deficiency

Schisandra ZZZ

Blood stagnation

Resolve (Lower)

Kidney yin deficiency

Kidney Tonic (Yin)

Deficiency and coldness of the chong

(thoroughfare) channel

Balance (Cold) and Imperial Tonic

Damp-heat in the lower jiao


Blood deficiency

Schisandra ZZZ

Qi deficiency

Imperial Tonic

Kidney and Spleen yang deficiency

GI Tonic and Kidney Tonic (Yang)

Damp-heat accumulation


Liver qi stagnation





Dark purple: Blood clots with coldness in the lower abdominal and Cold accumulation
legs, purplish tongue, symptoms alleviated with warmth
Severe menstrual pain with bloating and blood clots
Blood and qi stagnation in the lower jiao
Dull menstrual pain, coldness of extremities, fatigue
Coldness and blood deficiency with blood
With severe pain and cramps due to endometriosis
Severe qi and blood stagnation
Pain with water retention
Qi and blood stagnation with damp accumulation
Prolonged: Bright red or purplish red in color, thick in texture with Kidney yin deficiency with heat
blood clots, soreness and weakness of low back and extremities,
dizziness, five-heart heat, thirst
Kidney yang deficiency
Prolonged: Light in color, coldness of extremities, low back pain,
slightly overweight
Prolonged: Light in color, edema, listlessness, poor appetite, lower Spleen qi deficiency
abdominal fullness and distension, loose stool
Blood stagnation
Prolonged: Dark purple with clots, lower abdominal pain which
worsens with pressure, pain lessens with passage of clots
Kidney yin deficiency
Shortened: Light in color, low-grade fever, night sweats, flushed
cheeks, tinnitus
During menopause
Yin deficiency with false heat
Damp-heat in the lower jiao
Early: Profuse in amount, dark red or purplish in color, thick with
fetid odor, irritability, dry mouth, preference for coldness,
constipation, yellow urine
Yin deficiency
Early: Scanty in amount, red in color with no clots, dizziness,
palpitation, insomnia, soreness of the lower back, wu xin re (fivecenter heat), flushed cheeks
Liver qi stagnation
Early: Amount may be profuse or scanty, color may be red or
purplish with clots, breast distension and tenderness, chest,
hypochondriac and lower abdominal fullness and pain, emotional
instability with possible short temper, bitter taste in the mouth or
Qi deficiency
Early: Light in color, scanty in amount, feeling of emptiness in the
lower abdomen, listlessness, palpitation, shortness of breath, poor
appetite, loose stool
Early: Profuse during the first day and dramatically decreases later Blood stagnation
or incessant bleeding that is purple with clots, lower abdominal
fullness, distension and pain
Blood deficiency
Delayed: Scanty in amount, light in color, dizziness, palpitation
absence of abdominal pain
Deficiency and coldness of the chong
Delayed: Scanty in amount, dark in color with clots, lower
(thoroughfare) channel
abdominal dull pain, preference for pressure, pain lessens with
warmth, cold extremities, dark complexion
Delayed: Scanty in amount, purplish in color, lower abdominal pain Excess cold
which worsens with pressure and lessens with warmth, purplish

Balance (Cold) with Menotrol

Balance (Cold) and Mense-Ease
Resolve (Lower) and Mense-Ease
Herbal DRX and Mense-Ease

Kidney Tonic (Yang)

GI Tonic and Balance (Cold)
Resolve (Lower)
Kidney Tonic (Yin)
Balance (Heat) or Nourish

Balance (Heat) and Nourish


Imperial Tonic

Resolve (Lower)

Schisandra ZZZ
Balance (Cold) and Kidney Tonic

Mental Health

Metabolic Disorder


Delayed: Purplish red blood with lower abdominal distension and
pain, chest and hypochondriac pain, breast tenderness
Irregular: May be twice a month or once in two months, may be
profuse or scanty in amount, breast tenderness, lower abdominal
distension and pain, hypochondriac distension, lower back soreness
Irregular: Pale in color and scanty in amount, dizziness, palpitation,
fatigue, listlessness, loose stool
With high blood pressure, fast heart rate, high temperature
Chronic case with blood stasis signs of dark complexion, purplish
tongue with distended sublingual veins
Developmental delays
See Addiction for substance dependence
See Bulimia, Anorexia, Sexual Dysfunction for eating and sexual
Obesity with excessive appetite
Slow metabolism with low energy
Slow metabolism in chronic fatigue syndrome
Slow metabolism with overall weakness and deficiency
Slow metabolism with adrenal insufficiency
Slow metabolism due to hypothyroidism
Rapid metabolism due to hyperthyroidism
See Cancer
See Headache
Weakness, fatigue, and coldness after miscarriage


Mood Swing

Habitual miscarriage with yin deficient signs of low-grade fever,

night sweats, flushed cheeks, dizziness, tinnitus, etc.
Habitual miscarriage with yang deficient signs of coldness, low
libido, soreness and weakness of the back and knees, polyuria
See Allergy
Infection causing swelling of lymph glands with fatigue
Mood swings, irritability
Insomnia, restlessness and anger in excess patients
During menopause
In depression

Liver qi stagnation


Liver qi stagnation with Kidney yin deficiency

Calm and Kidney Tonic (Yin)

Heart and Spleen deficiency

Schisandra ZZZ

Liver qi stagnation
Shen (spirit) disturbance
Qi stagnation
Excess heat accumulation
Blood stagnation

Calm (ES)
Add Gardenia Complex
Add Circulation (SJ)

Kidney jing (essence) deficiency

Enhance Memory

Dampness accumulation
Dampness accumulation
Qi deficiency
Severe qi deficiency
Qi and blood deficiencies
Kidney qi deficiency
Kidney yang deficiency
Excess heat

Cordyceps 3
Imperial Tonic

Coldness in the uterus with qi, blood, yin and

yang deficiencies
Kidney yin deficiency

Balance (Cold) and Imperial Tonic

Kidney yang deficiency

Kidney Tonic (Yang)

Toxic heat with dampness

Liver qi stagnation
Liver fire
Kidney yin deficiency with Liver qi stagnation
Food, phlegm, qi and blood stagnation

Herbal ENT with Resolve (AI)

Calm (ES)
Balance (Heat)

Kidney Tonic (Yin)



Muscle Tension

Myasthenia Gravis
Nasal Congestion


Neck Pain

Insomnia, stress, overactive mind, anxiety with weakness in patients

with deficiency
Excessive worrying, pensiveness, dream-disturbed sleep
In chronic cases with blood stagnation signs of dark complexion,
purplish tongue, distended sublingual veins
Dry mouth
Profuse yellow phlegm, chest congestion, cough and possible fever
Cough, dyspnea, chest congestion, yellow sputum
Clear or white phlegm, nasal congestion, sneezing
Moderate to severe cases of infection and inflammation
Irritable bowel syndrome with mucus in stool
Ulcerative colitis or Crohns disease with mucus in stool
Mucus in stool due to food poisoning or travelers diarrhea
With bleeding
Swollen, painful glands with infection and inflammation
Muscle tightness and tension
Muscle tension in the neck and shoulders
Tension due to stress
Tightness or degeneration of soft tissues: muscles, tendons, ligaments
and cartilages
General weakness and fatigability after exercise
Thick yellow nasal discharge, nasal obstruction, sinus infection
Clear watery nasal discharge, nasal obstruction, allergy
Moderate to severe cases of infection and inflammation
With stomach pain, acid regurgitation
With vomiting due to chemotherapy
With vomiting, abdominal pain and diarrhea due to food poisoning
With vomiting and abdominal pain due to gallstones
With poor appetite and weakness
With dryness and thirst
Unexplained cause, exhibiting dark complexion, purplish tongue
Acute neck and shoulder pain
Chronic neck and shoulder pain
Chronic neck pain due to osteoporosis

Liver qi stagnation with qi deficiency

Calm ZZZ

Spleen and Heart blood deficiencies

Blood stagnation

Schisandra ZZZ
Add Circulation (SJ)

Stomach yin deficiency

Stomach fire
Phlegm and heat in the Lung
Lung heat
Lung cold
Accumulation of toxic heat
Liver qi stagnation
Damp-heat in the intestine
Damp-heat in the intestine
Heat forcing blood out of the vessels
Toxic heat with phlegm accumulation
Liver yin and body fluid deficiencies
Qi and blood stagnation
Liver qi stagnation
Liver blood and Kidney yin deficiencies

Nourish (Fluids)
Gardenia Complex
Poria XPT
Respitrol (Heat)
Respitrol (Cold)
Add Herbal ABX
GI Harmony
GI Care (UC)
GI Care II
Add Notoginseng 9
Herbal ENT with Resolve (AI)
Flex (SC)
Neck & Shoulder (Acute)
Flex (SC) with Calm
Flex (MLT)

Yuan (source) qi deficiency

Damp-heat with fluid congestion
Wind-cold with fluid congestion
Accumulation of toxic heat
Stomach heat
Stomach yin deficiency
Damp-heat in the lower jiao
Damp-heat in the Liver and Gallbladder
Spleen qi deficiency
Stomach yin deficiency
Blood stagnation
Qi and blood stagnation
Qi and blood stagnation with Liver yin deficiency
Kidney yin and jing (essence) deficiencies

Pain due to bone spurs

Qi and blood stagnation

C/R Support
Pueraria Clear Sinus
Magnolia Clear Sinus
Add Herbal ABX
GI Care
C/R Support
GI Care II
Dissolve (GS)
GI Tonic
Nourish (Fluids)
Circulation (SJ)
Neck & Shoulder (Acute)
Neck & Shoulder (Chronic)
Osteo 8 with Neck & Shoulder
Neck & Shoulder (Acute) with Flex


With severe pain

Severe qi and blood stagnation

Compromised kidney function with edema and proteinuria

Compromised kidney and liver function
Compromised kidney function due to exposure to drugs, chemicals
and other toxins
To improve kidney function for recovery
With edema
With high blood pressure

Kidney deficiency with dampness

Kidney deficiency with damp-heat in the Liver
Kidney deficiency with toxic heat

With lupus
Nephrotic Syndrome See Nephritis
Oral herpes
Genital herpes
Neuropathy with numbness and pain of extremities
Pain due to multiple sclerosis with generalized weakness and
Temporo-mandibular joint pain
See Stress, Anxiety
See Stress, Anxiety
Peripheral neuralgia with pain, numbness, tingling and swelling
Pain due to bone spurs
With severe pain
See Neuralgia
Stress, irritability, restlessness, insomnia, nervousness
Above symptoms, more severe
Excessive worrying, pensiveness, over thinking, poor appetite
Insomnia, nervousness, anxiety, overactive mind, stress and
Severe or chronic condition with blood stagnation signs of dark
complexion, purplish tongue, distended sublingual veins
Perspiration at night
Night Sweat
Nocturnal Emission Nocturnal emission
Anywhere in the body due to infection and inflammation
In the breast area
In the lower abdominal area
In the neck due to hyperthyroidism
In the neck due to hypothyroidism
In the lymphatic system

Neck & Shoulder (Acute) with

Herbal Analgesic
Kidney DTX
Kidney DTX and Liver DTX
Kidney DTX and Herbal DTX

Kidney deficiency
Water accumulation
Kidney and Liver yin deficiency with Liver yang
Toxic heat accumulation

Kidney DTX and Cordyceps 3

Add Herbal DRX
Add Gastrodia Complex

Stomach fire flaring upward

Damp-heat in the lower jiao and Liver channel
Qi and blood stagnation
Qi and blood stagnation with Kidney deficiency

Lonicera Complex and Herbal ENT

Gentiana Complex
Flex (NP)
Neuro Plus

Toxic and damp heat accumulation

Wind attack with qi and blood stagnation

Dermatrol (HZ)

Qi and blood stagnation

Qi and blood stagnation
Severe qi and blood stagnation

Flex (NP)
Flex (Spur)
Add Herbal Analgesic

Liver qi stagnation
Liver fire
Spleen and Heart deficiencies
Liver qi stagnation with qi deficiency

Calm (ES)
Schisandra ZZZ
Calm ZZZ

Blood stagnation

Circulation (SJ)

Yin deficiency with false heat

Kidney yin deficiency
Phlegm stagnation
Phlegm stagnation
Phlegm and blood stagnation
Liver fire with phlegm stagnation
Yang deficiency with phlegm stagnation
Phlegm stagnation

Nourish and Balance (Heat)

Nourish or Kidney Tonic (Yin)
Resolve (AI)
Resolve (Upper)
Resolve (Lower)
Resolve (AI)

Add LPS Support

Profuse white or clear nasal discharge, sneezing

Allergy with clear or white nasal discharge
Allergy with yellow nasal discharge
Nose bleeding
Dry nose, throat, thirst
See Malnutrition
With excessive hunger
With high cholesterol
With diabetes
With excess type hypertension
With deficient type hypertension
With coronary artery disease
With fatty liver and high cholesterol
Presence of recurrent, unwanted and intrusive physical and mental
ObsessiveCompulsive Disorder activities
Painful elbow
Olecranon Bursitis
With severe pain
Enhances recovery and prevents adhesions and complications
To treat or reduce the risk of infection in post-operative patients
(Post-Op Care)
To enhance growth of bones
To enhance the recovery and growth of soft tissue (muscles, tendons,
ligaments and cartilage)
Post-operative recovery in deficient and weak patients
Post-operative pain: See pain or the affected parts of the body
Joint pain


Otitis Media


Decreased density of bones

Osteoporosis with bone fracture or broken bone
With low libido
With menopause symptoms such as hot flashes, irritability and night
Inflammation of the ear with pain, fever or hearing impairment
With flu or common cold symptoms of sore throat, etc.
With severe pain
Disorders of the ear, nose and throat
See Fibrocystic Disease, Endometriosis, Infertility, Menstrual

Lung cold
Wind-cold attacking the Lung
Wind-heat attacking the Lung
Heat pushing blood out of the vessels
Lung and Stomach yin deficiencies

Respitrol (Cold)
Magnolia Clear Sinus
Pueraria Clear Sinus
Notoginseng 9
Nourish (Fluids)

Stomach fire
Stomach fire with phlegm and damp
Stomach fire with yin deficiency
Stomach fire with damp-heat
Stomach fire with Liver yin deficiency
Stomach fire with phlegm stagnation
Damp-phlegm accumulation
Shen (spirit) disturbance

Herbalite and Cholisma
Herbalite and Equilibrium
Herbalite and Gentiana Complex
Herbalite and Gastrodia Complex
Herbalite and Circulation
Cholisma (ES)
Calm (ES)

Qi and blood stagnation

Severe qi and blood stagnation
Qi and blood stagnation
Toxic heat
Kidney jing (essence) deficiency
Kidney yin and Liver blood deficiencies

Arm Support
Add Herbal Analgesic
Add Herbal ABX
Add Osteo 8
Add Flex (MLT)

Qi and blood deficiency

Add Imperial Tonic

Qi and blood stagnation with Kidney jing

(essence) deficiency
Deficiency of Kidney jing (essence)
Deficiency of Kidney jing (essence) with blood
Kidney jing (essence) deficiency
Kidney jing (essence) deficiency and deficient
heat flaring
Toxic heat accumulation
Wind-heat invasion
Toxic heat accumulation
Toxic heat accumulation

Osteo 8 and a Flex formula

Osteo 8
Osteo 8 and Traumanex
Osteo 8 and Vitality
Osteo 8 and Balance (Heat)
Herbal ENT
Add Lonicera Complex
Add Herbal Analgesic
Herbal ENT

Overdose of drugs or other toxic materials

Excessive appetite
See Obesity
Ovulation difficulties due to coldness, weakness and blood clots
during menstruation
Coldness, soreness and weakness of the lower back and knees with
constitutional weakness
Stress related
Due to endometriosis or fibroids
A general formula to relieve pain
See specific condition, disease, or body part
Increased heart rate with insomnia, fatigue, and over-thinking
Increased heart rate with chest pain, coronary heart disorder
Increased heart rate and blood pressure due to hyperthyroidism
Increased heart rate in menopausal women
See Diabetes
Impaired function of the extremities or the face in post-stroke
Facial paralysis
Personality disorder
Parkinson's Disease Tremor, muscle rigidity, poor balance, impaired mental and physical
Inflammation or infection of the parotid salivary gland
Acute knee pain
Chronic knee pain
With severe pain
Yellow discharge with foul odor
Pelvic Inflammatory Foul smelling yellow discharge, pelvic pain in hypertensive patients
Disease (PID)
Chronic pelvic inflammatory disease with weakness and thirst

Pelvic Pain

Moderate to severe cases of infection and inflammation

With severe pain
Due to pelvic inflammatory disease
Due to dysmenorrhea
Due to fibroids or endometriosis
Due to genito-urinary infection
Post-surgical pelvic pain or scar tissues
With severe pain

Toxic heat
Stomach heat

Herbal DTX or Liver DTX


Blood stagnation with Kidney yang deficiency


Kidney yang deficiency

Liver qi stagnation
Qi and blood stagnation
Qi and blood stagnation

Kidney Tonic (Yang) or Balance

Resolve (Lower)
Blossom (Phase 1-4)
Herbal Analgesic

Heart and Spleen blood deficiencies

Blood stagnation
Qi and phlegm stagnation
Deficient heat

Schisandra ZZZ
Balance (Heat)

Qi and blood stagnation

Qi and blood stagnation
Shen (spirit) disturbance
Deficiencies of Kidney yin, yang and jing
(essence) with Liver yang rising
Toxic heat with phlegm accumulation
Qi and blood stagnation
Qi and blood stagnation
Severe qi and blood stagnation
Damp-heat in the lower jiao
Damp-heat in the lower jiao
Qi and blood stagnation
Damp-heat accumulation in the lower jiao with
Kidney yin deficiency
Accumulation of toxic heat
Severe qi and blood stagnation
Damp-heat in the lower jiao
Blood stagnation in the lower jiao
Blood and phlegm stagnation in the lower jiao
Damp-heat in the lower jiao
Qi and blood stagnation
Severe qi and blood stagnation

Neuro Plus
Calm (ES)
Neuro Plus
Herbal ENT with Resolve (AI)
Knee & Ankle (Acute)
Knee & Ankle (Chronic)
Add Herbal Analgesic
Gentiana Complex
V-Statin and Resolve (Lower)
V-Statin and Nourish
V-Statin and Herbal ABX
V-Statin and Herbal Analgesic
Resolve (Lower)
Gentiana Complex or V-Statin
Add Herbal Analgesic

Moderate to severe cases of infection and inflammation

With high fever
See Impotence, Premature Ejaculation, Sexual Dysfunction, Sexually
Transmitted Disease, Infection
Gastric and duodenal ulcer
Peptic Ulcer
Stress-induced gastric and duodenal ulcers
Peptic ulcer with poor appetite, fatigue, loose stool
With severe pain
With bleeding
See Menstrual Irregularity, Menstrual Cramp, Amenorrhea,
Menopausal Syndrome
Neuropathy with pain, numbness, tingling and swelling
Diabetic neuropathy
Personality Disorder See Mental Health Disorder
Adverse reactions from exposure to insecticide, pesticide, herbicide
Pesticide Poisoning and other toxins
Compromised liver function due to exposure to toxins
Compromised kidney function due to exposure to toxins
Fever, pharyngitis, enlarged lymph
Pfeiffers Disease
With sore throat
With fever, cough, dyspnea
Moderate to severe cases of infection and inflammation
With severe pain
Profuse yellow phlegm, chest congestion, cough and possible fever
Cough, dyspnea, chest congestion, yellow sputum
Clear or white phlegm, nasal congestion, sneezing
Moderate to severe cases of infection and inflammation
Nodules or swellings
Nodules or swellings with redness and pain
With cough
With bleeding
Diminished function of the adrenal glands and endocrine system
Pituitary Gland
Diabetes mellitus
See Cholesterol
See Blood
Breast distention, bloating, mood swings

Accumulation of toxic heat

Excess heat accumulation

Add Herbal ABX

Add Gardenia Complex

Stomach heat
Stomach heat with Liver qi stagnation
Stomach heat with Spleen qi deficiency
Severe qi and blood stagnation
Heat forcing blood out of the vessels

GI Care
GI Care with Calm
GI Care with GI Tonic
GI Care with Herbal Analgesic
Add Notoginseng 9

Qi and blood stagnation

Yin deficiency with stagnation

Flex (NP)
Flex (NP) with Equilibrium

Toxic heat

Herbal DTX

Toxic heat in the Liver

Toxic heat in the Kidney
Toxic heat accumulation with dampness
Wind-heat invasion
Lung heat
Accumulation of toxic heat
Toxic heat with severe qi and blood stagnation
Phlegm and heat in the Lung
Lung heat
Lung cold
Accumulation of toxic heat
Phlegm accumulation
Toxic heat with phlegm
Lung qi reversal
Heat pushing blood out of the vessels
Deficiencies of Kidney yin, yang and jing
Yin deficiency with dampness and heat
Excess heat
Kidney yang deficiency

Liver DTX
Kidney DTX
Resolve (AI) and Herbal ABX
Lonicera Complex
Respitrol (Heat) and Herbal ENT
Herbal ENT and Herbal ABX
Herbal ENT and Herbal Analgesic
Poria XPT
Respitrol (Heat)
Respitrol (Cold)
Add Herbal ABX
Resolve (AI)
Resolve (AI) and Herbal ABX
Respitrol (CF)
Add Notoginseng 9

Liver qi stagnation



PMS (Premenstrual


Poison Oak/Ivy


Polycystic Ovary



Insomnia, restlessness and anger

With lower abdominal pain and dysmenorrhea
With edema and coldness

Liver fire
Liver qi stagnation with blood stagnation
Liver qi stagnation with coldness

With insomnia, anxiety, stress, irritability, overactive mind and

weakness in patients with deficiency
Cough, dyspnea, fever
Chest congestion, fever, cough with yellow sputum
Moderate to severe cases of infection and inflammation
With high fever
Itching of the skin
With infection
Food poisoning with abdominal pain and diarrhea
Adverse reactions from exposure to insecticide, pesticide, herbicide,
heavy metal, and other toxins
Compromised liver function due to exposure to toxins
Compromised kidney function due to exposure to toxins
With fever
Chronic cases with blood stagnation signs of dark complexion,
purplish tongue with distended sublingual veins
Itching of skin
Moderate to severe cases of infection and inflammation of the skin
To strengthen the immune system
See Detox, Poisoning
See Fibrocystic Disease, Endometriosis, Infertility, Menstrual
Irregular menstruation with severe pain and coldness
Irregular menstruation with pain but no coldness
Increased intake of fluid, thirst
Increased intake of fluid, thirst in diabetes
Neuropathy with pain, numbness, tingling and swelling
Intestinal polyps
Increased intake of food in diabetic patients
Increased hunger
With coldness and weakness
Due to infection with dark urine and pain
In diabetic patients
Due to enlarged prostate

Liver qi stagnation with qi deficiency

Calm (ES)
Calm and Mense-Ease
Calm and Balance (Cold) or Herbal
Calm ZZZ

Lung heat
Phlegm and heat in the Lung
Accumulation of toxic heat
Excess heat accumulation
Toxic heat
Toxic heat
Damp-heat in the Intestines
Toxic heat

Respitrol (Heat)
Poria XPT
Poria XPT and Herbal ABX
Add Gardenia Complex
Silerex or Dermatrol (PS)
Silerex and Herbal ABX
GI Care II
Herbal DTX

Toxic heat in the Liver

Toxic heat in the Kidney
Excess heat accumulation
Blood stagnation

Liver DTX
Kidney DTX
Add Gardenia Complex
Add Circulation (SJ)

Wind-heat attacking the exterior

Accumulation of toxic heat
Wei (defensive) qi deficiency

Silerex and Herbal ABX
Immune +

Blood stagnation with cold accumulation

Qi, blood and phlegm stagnation
Lung yin deficiency with heat
Lung yin deficiency with heat
Qi and blood stagnation
Damp accumulation
Stomach yin deficiency with heat
Stomach heat
Kidney yang deficiency
Damp-heat in the lower jiao
Kidney yin deficiency
Damp-heat in the lower jiao

Resolve (Lower)
Blossom (Phase 1-4)
Nourish (Fluids)
Equilibrium and Nourish (Fluids)
Flex (NP)
Resolve (AI)
Saw Palmetto Complex or P-Statin

Due to chronic nephritis or nephritic syndrome

Moderate to severe cases of infection and inflammation
See Forgetfulness
Poor Memory
Dizziness with signs of anemia, poor sleep, excessive dreams and
Post-Menstrual Care worrying
Fatigue and generalized weakness
Soreness and weakness of the back and knees, feeling of emptiness
in the lower abdomen
Post-nasal drip that is yellow in color, possible inflammation
Post-Nasal Drip
Post-nasal drip that is white in color, nasal obstruction
Moderate to severe cases of infection and inflammation
Plum-pit syndrome with feeling of foreign object obstructed in the
Residual blood stagnation with pain
Postpartum Care
To treat or reduce the risk of infection
Generalized weakness, dizziness, post-partum tonic
Pale face, insomnia with anemia
With severe pain
Post-partum depression
With bleeding
Insufficient lactation due to blockage or deficiency

Premature Aging


Prematurely gray hair, hair loss, brittle hair with split ends
Prematurely gray hair, hair loss due to stress
With decreased mental and physical functions
With poor memory and forgetfulness
With decreased libido in men and women
To prevent osteoporosis
General Kidney yin deficiency signs such as blurry vision, weakness
of the back and knees, tinnitus, dryness, flushed cheeks, possible
low-grade fever, etc.
General Kidney yang deficiency signs such as coldness, low libido,
premature ejaculation, weakness and soreness of the back and knees,
pale complexion, polyuria, etc.
With soreness and weakness of the low back and knees, hair loss,
coldness, polyuria, or loose stool
With wu xin re (five-center heat), night sweating, dry mouth,
dizziness, tinnitus, dry stool
With irritability, bitter taste in the mouth, yellow urine, possible
genital itching

Toxic heat in the Kidney

Accumulation of toxic heat

Kidney DTX
Add Herbal ABX

Blood deficiency

Schisandra ZZZ

Qi and blood deficiencies

Kidney yin deficiency

Imperial Tonic
Kidney Tonic (Yin)

Damp-heat with fluid congestion

Wind-cold with fluid congestion
Accumulation of toxic heat
Liver qi stagnation with phlegm accumulation

Pueraria Clear Sinus

Magnolia Clear Sinus
Add Herbal ABX
Poria XPT and Calm

Blood stagnation
Toxic heat
Blood, qi, yin and yang deficiencies
Blood deficiency
Severe qi and blood stagnation
Qi, blood, phlegm and food stagnation
Qi deficiency
Qi and blood deficiencies with qi stagnation
Qi and blood stagnation and deficiencies
Liver blood deficiency
Liver blood deficiency with Liver qi stagnation
Deficiency of qi, blood, yin and yang
Kidney yin and jing (essence) deficiency
Kidney yang deficiency
Kidney jing (essence) deficiency
Kidney yin deficiency

Herbal ABX
Imperial Tonic
Schisandra ZZZ
Add Herbal Analgesic
Schisandra ZZZ and Shine
Add Notoginseng 9
Venus and Imperial Tonic
Imperial Tonic and Gentle Lax
Polygonum 14
Polygonum 14 and Calm
Imperial Tonic
Neuro Plus or Enhance Memory
Osteo 8
Kidney Tonic (Yin)

Kidney yang deficiency

Kidney Tonic (Yang)

Kidney yang deficiency

Kidney Tonic (Yang)

Kidney yin deficiency


Damp-heat in the lower jiao


Syndrome (PMS)

With emaciation, fatigue, weakness of limbs, poor appetite, loose

Generalized male sexual dysfunction with low libido
Breast distention, bloating, mood swings
Insomnia, restlessness and anger
PMS with lower abdominal pain and dysmenorrhea
PMS with edema and coldness

Spleen qi deficiency

GI Tonic

Kidney yang deficiency

Liver qi stagnation
Liver fire
Liver qi stagnation with blood stagnation
Liver qi stagnation with coldness

With insomnia, anxiety, stress, irritability, overactive mind and

weakness in patients with deficiency
Organ prolapse

Liver qi stagnation with qi deficiency

Calm (ES)
Calm and Mense-Ease
Calm and Balance (Cold) or Herbal
Calm ZZZ





Enlarged prostate with difficult, painful and burning urination
Enlarged prostate with back soreness, terminal dripping of urine,
overall coldness
Moderate to severe cases of infection and inflammation
Excessive swelling with thick tongue coating
Proteinuria due to nephritis
With edema
Itching, silvery, scaling papules and plaques on the skin
With heat sensation, red discoloration of the skin, possible burning
Mental impairment and confusion
See Mental Health Disorder

Pulmonary Disorders See Asthma, Cough, Dyspnea, Pneumonia, Bronchitis, Common
Cold, Flu or other specific disorders
Severe blood stagnation manifesting in chronic symptoms
Purple Tongue
Purpura due to fatigue, weakness and Spleen qi deficiency
Subcutaneous bleeding
Excess heat with feverish sensation, red face, red tongue, rapid pulse



Lung abscess, profuse yellow phlegm

Breast abscess
General formation of abscess due to infection and inflammation
With hard mass
Infection of the kidneys
Chronic nephritis or nephritic syndrome
Moderate to severe cases of infection and inflammation

Spleen qi deficiency with inability to hold the

organs in place
Damp-heat accumulation with blood stagnation
Damp-heat in the lower jiao
Kidney yang deficiency

C/R Support

Accumulation of toxic heat

Phlegm accumulation
Kidney deficiency with dampness
Damp accumulation
Toxic heat
Excess heat accumulation

GI Care (HMR)
Saw Palmetto Complex
P-Statin or Saw Palmetto Complex
and Kidney Tonic (Yang)
Add V-Statin
Add Resolve (AI)
Kidney DTX
Add Herbal DRX
Dermatrol (PS)
Add Gardenia Complex

Shen (spirit) disturbance with Liver fire

Calm (ES)

Severe blood stagnation

Spleen qi deficiency
Heat pushing blood out of the vessels
Excess heat accumulation

Circulation (SJ)
Schisandra ZZZ
Add Notoginseng 9
Notoginseng 9 and Gardenia
Poria XPT
Resolve (Upper)
Add Herbal ABX
Resolve (AI)
Kidney DTX
Kidney DTX and Herbal ABX

Phlegm and heat in the Lung

Phlegm stagnation in the upper jiao
Accumulation of toxic heat
Phlegm and damp accumulation
Damp-heat in the lower jiao
Toxic heat in the Kidney
Accumulation of toxic heat

See Cancer
Itching, redness and swelling of skin
Genital rash and itching
Severe itching
Rash due to exposure to drugs, chemicals, heavy metals,
environmental and airborne toxins
Raynauds Syndrome Coldness of the extremities
To increase peripheral blood circulation
Deficiency of red blood cells in anemia
Red Blood Cells
See Nausea, Vomiting, Acid Reflux
See Detoxification, Addiction
Urinary urgency, burning urination, redness and painful eyes, ulcers,
Reiters Syndrome
pain, etc.
With severe pain in the flank due to kidney stones
Renal Colic
With severe pain
With edema
Reproductive System See Sexual Dysfunction, Infertility, Infection, and other related
See Asthma, Cough, Dyspnea, Pneumonia, Bronchitis, Common
Cold, Flu
Constant movement of the leg
Restless Leg
See Stress, ADD/ADHD
See Arthritis
Rheumatoid Arthritis See Arthritis
See Sinusitis
Pain in the chest, ribs, thoracic area
Rib Pain
With spasms
With severe pain
See Tinnitus
Ringing of Ears
Acute pain and immobility
Rotator Cuff Tear /
Chronic, dull pain, immobility, numbness
Radiation Therapy

Runny Nose

With neck pain

With severe pain
With degeneration of soft tissue (muscle, ligaments, tendons,
See Common Cold
See Depression

Wind-heat at the skin level, heat in the blood

Damp-heat in the lower jiao
Toxic heat
Toxic heat

Dermatrol (PS)
Dermatrol (PS) and Herbal DTX

Yang deficiency
Qi and blood stagnation
Blood deficiency

Kidney Tonic (Yang)

Add Flex (NP)
Schisandra ZZZ

Toxic heat accumulation

Gardenia Complex and Gentiana

Dissolve (KS)
Add Herbal Analgesic
Add Herbal DRX

Dysuria due to stone; shi lin (stone dysuria)

Severe qi and blood stagnation
Damp accumulation

Liver wind rising with lack of nourishment to the Flex (SC)

tendons and muscles

Qi and blood stagnation in the upper jiao

Liver blood deficiency
Severe qi and blood stagnation
Qi and blood stagnation

Back Support (Upper)

Add Flex (SC)
Add Herbal Analgesic

Neck & Shoulder (Acute) and Arm

Qi and blood stagnation with Liver yin deficiency Neck & Shoulder (Chronic) and
Arm Support
Qi and blood stagnation
Neck & Shoulder (Acute)
Severe qi and blood stagnation
Add Herbal Analgesic
Liver blood deficiency and Kidney yin deficiency Flex (MLT)

Inflammation of the fallopian tube

To reduce adhesions and scar tissue
With fever
Dermatitis with eruptions
Pain in the scapula or in between the scapulas
Scapular Pain
With severe pain
Disturbed thoughts, delusion, hallucination, bizarre behavior
Sciatica with back pain
Sciatic pain with arthritis that worsens during cold and rainy seasons
Pain due to bone spurs
With severe pain
With redness and heat sensation
Itching of the scrotum
Infection of the scrotum, swelling with pain with possible eczema or
oozing of fluids, yellow urine, constipation
For prevention and treatment of seizure
See Sexual Dysfunction
Diminished sexual and physical performances
Sexual Dysfunction Impotence, premature ejaculation, inability to sustain erection
Sexual dysfunction due to complications of diabetes
Decreased libido in men and women
Sexual dysfunction with chronic fatigue
Excess libido in men and women with emaciation, dry stool or
constipation, dry mouth, yellow urine
Excess libido in men and women with dysuria, thirst, decreased
Male infertility due to sperm disorder (morphology, motility and
Female infertility
Sexually Transmitted Infection in the genital area with itching, pus, discharge, and pain
Disease (STD)


Shin Splints

Elevated levels of liver enzymes SGPT and SGOT (AST and ALT)
Moderate to severe cases of infection and inflammation
Elevated liver enzymes due to exposure to drugs, chemicals and
other toxins
Muscle spasms and cramps
Pain of the affected area with or without lesions

Damp-heat in the lower jiao

Blood stagnation
Excess heat accumulation
Wind-heat or toxic heat
Qi and blood stagnation
Severe qi and blood stagnation
Shen (spirit) disturbance with Liver fire
Qi and blood stagnation
Coldness and deficiency of the lower back
Qi and blood stagnation with phlegm formation
Severe qi and blood stagnation
Dampness accumulation
Heat accumulation
Damp-heat in the lower jiao
Damp-heat in the lower jiao and Liver channel

Add Resolve (Lower)
Add Gardenia Complex
Silerex and Herbal ABX
Back Support (Upper)
Add Herbal Analgesic
Calm (ES)
Back Support (HD)
Add Flex (CD)
Add Flex (Spur)
Add Herbal Analgesic
Resolve (AI)
Resolve (AI) and Herbal ABX
V-Statin and Herbal ABX

Liver wind rising

Gastrodia Complex or Symmetry

Kidney yin, yang and jing (essence) deficiencies

Kidney yang deficiency
Kidney yin and yang deficiencies
Kidney yang deficiency
Kidney and Lung deficiencies
Kidney yin deficiency with deficient fire

Vitality and Equilibrium
Vitality and Cordyceps 3
Balance (Heat) and Nourish

Damp-heat in the lower jiao

Kidney jing (essence) deficiency

Gentiana Complex with Gardenia

Vital Essence

Damp-heat in the lower jiao

Blossom (Phase 1-4)

V-Statin and Herbal ABX

Toxic heat in the Liver

Accumulation of toxic heat
Toxic heat

Liver DTX
Liver DTX and Herbal ABX
Liver DTX and Herbal DTX

Liver yin or blood deficiency

Damp-heat in the Liver channel

Flex (SC)
Dermatrol (HZ)

With severe pain
Shortness of Breath See Asthma, Cough, Dyspnea
Frozen shoulder, acute pain and immobility
Shoulder Pain
Frozen shoulder, chronic dull pain
Bone spurs
With severe pain
Shoulder pain radiating down the arm
With degeneration or for maintenance of soft tissue (muscle, tendons,
cartilage, ligaments)
Radiating to the right shoulder blade or the back due to gallstones
Frequent sighing with chest or hypochondriac distension, poor
Due to depression
With shortness of breath, spontaneous sweating, fatigue
With anxiety, stress, restlessness, overactive mind, insomnia and
Thick yellow nasal discharge, nasal obstruction, sinus infection
Clear watery nasal discharge, nasal obstruction, allergy
Moderate to severe cases of infection and inflammation
With headache
Sjogrens Syndrome Dry mouth, itchy eyes, swollen glands, dental cavity, fatigue
Yellow discoloration of the skin in jaundice patients
Dry skin and hair
Itching, redness and swelling of skin, dermatitis
Dermatitis with moderate to severe cases of infection and
Psoriasis or severe itching
Rash in the lower body and genital region
Nodules, swellings and redness
Adverse reactions on the skin from exposure to drugs, chemicals,
heavy metals, environmental and airborne toxins
Redness and burning sensation affecting the upper body
With fever, redness and burning sensation all over the body
Insomnia in weak or deficient patients with excessive worrying,
pensiveness and poor or dream-disturbed sleep

Severe qi and blood stagnation

Dermatrol (HZ) and Herbal


Qi and blood stagnation

Qi and blood stagnation with Liver yin deficiency
Qi and blood stagnation
Severe qi and blood stagnation
Qi and blood stagnation
Liver blood deficiency and Kidney yin deficiency

Neck & Shoulder (Acute)

Neck & Shoulder (Chronic)
Flex (Spur)
Add Herbal Analgesic
Add Arm Support
Add Flex (MLT)

Damp-heat in the Liver and Gallbladder

Liver qi stagnation

Dissolve (GS)

Qi, blood, food, phlegm stagnation

Lung qi deficiency
Liver qi stagnation with qi deficiency

Immune +
Calm ZZZ

Damp-heat with fluid congestion

Wind-cold with fluid congestion
Accumulation of toxic heat
Qi and blood stagnation
Lung and Stomach yin deficiency
Damp-heat in the Liver and Gallbladder
Blood deficiency
Wind-heat at the skin level, heat in the blood
Accumulation of toxic heat

Pueraria Clear Sinus

Magnolia Clear Sinus
Add Herbal ABX
Add Corydalin
Nourish (Fluids) and Herbal ENT
Liver DTX
Polygonum 14
Add Herbal ABX

Toxic heat
Damp-heat in the lower jiao
Phlegm heat accumulation
Toxic heat

Dermatrol (PS) and Gardenia

Gentiana Complex
Resolve (AI)
Herbal DTX

Toxic heat invading the upper jiao

Excess heat accumulation
Toxic heat
Deficiency of blood in the Heart and Spleen

Herbal ENT
Add Gardenia Complex
Dermatrol (HZ)
Schisandra ZZZ


Slipped Disk
Small Intestine
Social Diseases
Soft Tissue
Sore Throat


Sperm Count (Low)


Spider bite
Sports Formulas

Insomnia with stress, anxiety, irritability, overactive mind and

restlessness in patients with overall weakness and deficiency
Insomnia due to stress and anxiety in excess patients
Hypersomnia, constant sleepiness, poor appetite, loose stool,
Generalized coldness, tinnitus, polyuria, edema
Herniated disk with pain
Sluggishness or heavy sensation in the body
Sluggishness or heaviness with poor appetite, loose stool and edema
Sluggishness due to deficiency
See Diarrhea, Constipation, Enteritis, Crohns Disease
See Addiction, Detoxification
Chronic chest tightness, dyspnea or wheezing
See Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Enhancing the growth of muscles, tendons, ligaments and cartilages
Redness and swelling of the throat from common cold or influenza
Moderate to severe cases of infection and inflammation
With swollen tonsils
With fever
With yellow or greenish phlegm
Spasms and cramps of the skeletal or intestinal muscles
Spastic colon or irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
Infertility, generalized male sexual dysfunction
Infertility, generalized male sexual dysfunction with chronic fatigue
Infertility with impotence
With emaciation, fatigue, listlessness, pale complexion, shortness of
breath, spontaneous sweating, poor appetite, forgetfulness
Easily aroused, bitter taste in the mouth, yellow urine, low grade
Irritability, genital itching or feeling of dampness
Toxic reactions
See Anemia, Immunodeficiency
Desire for added energy, improved athletic performance
Lack of energy, history of low energy
Sports injuries, trauma
Spasms, muscle cramps, sprain and strains
Severe muscle pain

Liver qi stagnation with qi deficiency

Calm ZZZ

Shen (spirit) disturbance

Spleen qi deficiency

Calm (ES)
GI Tonic

Kidney yang deficiency

Qi and blood stagnation
Damp accumulation
Spleen qi deficiency with water accumulation
Qi deficiency

Kidney Tonic (Yang)

Back Support (HD)
Herbal DRX
Herbal DRX and GI Tonic

Yin deficiency
Lung qi deficiency

Nourish (Fluids)
Respitrol (Deficient)

Liver blood and Kidney yin deficiencies

Wind-heat invasion
Accumulation of toxic heat
Toxic heat accumulation
Excess heat accumulation
Toxic heat with phlegm accumulation
Liver yin and body fluid deficiencies
Liver qi stagnation
Kidney yang deficiency
Lung and Kidney deficiencies
Kidney yang deficiency
Qi, blood, yin and yang deficiencies

Flex (MLT)
Lonicera Complex
Herbal ENT
Add Resolve (AI)
Add Gardenia Complex
Add Poria XPT
Flex (SC)
GI Harmony
Vital Essence
Vital Essence and Cordyceps 3
Vital Essence and Vitality
Imperial Tonic with Vitality

Kidney yin deficiency

Nourish with Balance (Heat)

Damp-heat in the lower jiao

Toxic heat

Herbal ABX and Gardenia Complex

Qi deficiency
Qi, blood, yin and yang deficiencies
Blood stagnation
Liver yin and body fluid deficiencies
Qi and blood stagnation

Imperial Tonic
Flex (SC)
Flex (SC) and Herbal Analgesic

Sprain and Strain

Spur (Bone)




Strep Throat

For maintainance of healthy soft tissue (muscles, tendons, ligaments

and cartilage)
Acute muscle and tendon or ligaments sprain and strain
Bone spurs
Bone spur with severe pain
Pain of the neck and shoulder
Low back pain
Arm pain
Knee or ankle pain
Yellow, profuse, purulent sputum, chest congestion
Yellow sputum, fever, dyspnea, cough or asthma
White sputum, nasal obstruction or discharge, sneezing
Moderate to severe cases of infection and inflammation
Profuse white or clear sputum with poor appetite, fatigue, loose
See Neck, Shoulder, Back, Arthritis, Bone Spurs, Spasms
Heartburn, acid reflux, stomach pain, ulcers, gastritis
Stomach pain due to stress
Stomach pain due to gallstones
Dull stomach pain with poor appetite, fatigue and loose stool
Severe stomach pain
General stomach problem with thirst and dryness
Chronic, stubborn stomach pain with manifestations of blood
stagnation such as dark complexion, purplish tongue with distended
sublingual veins
Kidney or urinary stones
Moderate to severe cases of infection and inflammation
With severe pain
With bleeding
See Diarrhea, Constipation
See Sore Throat, Infection
Moderate cases of stress, anxiety, irritability, restlessness,
Moderate cases of stress with excess type hypertension
Stress with acute headache
Stress with chronic headache
Moderate cases of stress with stomach or duodenal ulcer

Liver blood deficiency and Kidney jing (essence)

Qi and blood stagnation
Qi and blood stagnation
Severe qi and blood stagnation
Qi and blood stagnation in the upper jiao
Qi and blood stagnation in the lower jiao
Qi and blood stagnation in the upper jiao
Qi and blood stagnation in the lower jiao
Phlegm and heat in the Lung
Lung heat
Lung cold
Accumulation of toxic heat
Spleen qi deficiency

Flex (MLT)

Toxic heat accumulation

Herbal ABX

Stomach fire
Stomach fire with Liver qi stagnation
Damp-heat in the Liver and Gallbladder
Spleen qi deficiency
Qi and blood stagnation
Stomach yin deficiency
Blood stagnation

GI Care
GI Care and Calm
Dissolve (GS)
GI Tonic
Add Herbal Analgesic
Nourish (Fluids)
Add Circulation (SJ)

Shi lin (stone dysuria)

Damp-heat in the Liver and Gallbladder
Accumulation of toxic heat
Severe qi and blood stagnation
Heat in the blood

Dissolve (KS)
Dissolve (GS)
Add Herbal ABX
Add Herbal Analgesic
Add Notoginseng 9

Liver qi stagnation


Liver qi stagnation with damp-heat

Liver qi stagnation with qi and blood stagnation
Liver qi stagnation with qi and blood stagnation
Liver overacting on the Stomach

Calm and Gentiana Complex

Calm and Corydalin
Calm and Migratrol
Calm and GI Care

Flex (Spur)
Add Herbal Analgesic
Add Neck & Shoulder (Acute)
Add Back Support (Acute)
Add Arm Support
Add Knee & Ankle (Acute)
Poria XPT
Respitrol (Heat)
Respitrol (Cold)
Add Herbal ABX
GI Tonic




Severe cases of stress, anxiety, irritability, restlessness, nervousness

Severe cases of stress with excess type hypertension
Severe cases of stress with headache
Stress causing weakness of the digestive system with loose stool
Stress, anxiety, restlessness, insomnia in patients with deficiency
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) due to stress
Ulcerative colitis (UC) or Crohns disease due to stress
Patients with increased risk of stroke due to excess type hypertension
Patients with increased risk of stroke due to deficient type
Patients with increased risk of stroke due to high cholesterol levels
Patients with increased risk of stroke due to coronary heart disease
Treats the complications of stroke; to be used only after hemorrhage
Facial paralysis
Neck, cervical vertebrae
Upper back, thoracic vertebrae
Low back, lumbar vertebrae
Herniated disk
With severe pain
See Diabetes, Hypoglycemia
Post-surgical weakness
Enhances post-surgical recovery, reduces adhesions
With severe pain during post-surgical recovery
Enhances bone growth
Enhances soft tissue growth (muscles, tendons, ligaments, cartilage)
Post-surgical constipation


Night sweating, irritability, hot flushes

Spontaneous sweating with impaired immune system
Sticky, yellowish sweating
Sweating due to hyperthyroidism

Liver fire with shen (spirit) disturbance

Liver fire with damp-heat
Liver fire with qi and blood stagnation
Liver wind with shen (spirit) disturbance
Spleen qi deficiency with Liver qi stagnation
Liver qi stagnation with qi deficiency
Liver qi stagnation
Liver qi stagnation with damp-heat accumulation
Liver fire rising
Liver yang rising with Liver and Kidney yin
Phlegm and damp
Blood stagnation
Deficiencies of Kidney yin, yang and jing
(essence) with qi and blood stagnation
Qi and blood stagnation
Qi and blood stagnation
Qi and blood stagnation
Qi and blood stagnation
Qi and blood stagnation
Severe qi and blood stagnation

Calm (ES)
Calm (ES) and Gentiana Complex
Calm (ES) and Corydalin
Calm (Jr)
Calm and GI Tonic
Calm ZZZ
Calm and GI Harmony
Calm and GI Care (UC)
Gentiana Complex
Gastrodia Complex

Qi, blood, yin and yang deficiencies

Qi and blood stagnation
Severe qi and blood stagnation
Kidney jing (essence) deficiencies
Liver blood and Kidney jing (essence)
Qi and blood stagnation

Imperial Tonic
Traumanex and Herbal Analgesic
Add Osteo 8
Add Flex (MLT)

Yin deficiency with deficiency heat

Wei (defensive) qi deficiency
Damp-heat accumulation
Qi and phlegm stagnation with shen (spirit)
Profuse sweating due to excess heat, red face, possible constipation, Excess heat
rapid heart rate, high blood pressure
With thirst, dryness
Stomach and Lung yin deficiencies
With common cold, See Common Cold
Swelling with edema
Water accumulation

Cholisma or Cholisma (ES)

Neuro Plus
Neck & Shoulder (Acute)
Back Support (Upper)
Back Support (Acute)
Back Support (HD)
Add Herbal Analgesic

Traumanex and Gentle Lax

Balance (Heat)
Immune +
Gentiana Complex
Gardenia Complex
Nourish (Fluids)
Herbal DRX


Swimmers Ear
Systemic Lupus
Tan yin (Phlegm

Swelling with pain and inflammation

Moderate to severe infection
With severe pain
Edema of the lower body with coldness
Swelling and inflammation of the upper body with heat sensation and
Infection with pain
With severe pain
Lupus with inflammation in joints, tendons, and other connective
tissues and organs

See Palpitation
Swelling with edema
Yellow phlegm and sputum in the chest
Bitter taste, short temper, headache, hypochondriac pain, possible
stickiness sensation in the mouth
Above symptoms with constipation
Sweet taste, fatigue, poor appetite, epigastric distension, irregular
bowel movement, possible stickiness sensation in the mouth
Sour taste
See Neck, Shoulder, Arm, Wrist, Elbow, Ankle, Knee, Back
Enhancing the growth of muscles, tendons, ligaments and cartilages
Due to food poisoning or travelers diarrhea
With feeling of incomplete evacuation, hypochondriac pain, bloating,
pain which lessens with defecation
With pain, feeling of rectal prolapse, fatigue
Stress, irritability, anxiety
Severe restlessness with insomnia, redness of the face, anger
Tension Headache Headache with stress and anxiety
Headache with excessive emotional distress, insomnia
With severe pain
Maintenance formula for chronic pain or in cases of deficient type of
headaches with dull and hollow pain
Chronic headache with possible previous head injuries manifesting
in dark complexion, purplish tongue and distended sublingual vein
Terminal, end-stage cancer patients with extreme weakness
Terminal Cancer
Urinary symptoms, painful urination that is dark in color due to
Terminal Dribbling benign prostatic hypertrophy and heat
With polyuria, coldness and frequent urinary urges at night and

Damp-heat accumulation
Toxic heat accumulation
Severe qi and blood stagnation
Kidney yang deficiency
Toxic heat invasion

Resolve (AI)
Resolve (AI) and Herbal ABX
Resolve (AI) and Herbal Analgesic
Kidney Tonic (Yang)
Herbal ENT

Toxic heat invasion

Severe qi and blood stagnation with toxic heat
Toxic heat accumulation with yin deficiency

Herbal ENT
Herbal ENT and Herbal Analgesic
LPS Support

Phlegm, damp and water retention

Phlegm and damp retention in the chest
Liver fire

Herbal DRX
Poria XPT
Gentiana Complex

Excess heat with stagnation

Spleen qi deficiency

Add Gentle Lax (Excess)

GI Tonic

Qi, blood, phlegm and food stagnation


Liver blood and Kidney yin deficiencies

Damp-heat in the Intestines
Liver qi stagnation

Flex (MLT)
GI Care II
Calm and GI Harmony

Spleen qi deficiency
Liver qi stagnation
Liver fire
Liver qi stagnation
Liver qi stagnation with shen (spirit) disturbance
Severe qi and blood stagnation
Blood deficiency

GI Tonic
Calm (ES)
Corydalin and Calm
Corydalin and Calm (ES)
Corydalin and Herbal Analgesic

Blood stagnation

Corydalin and Circulation (SJ)

Yuan (source) qi deficiency

Damp-heat in the lower jiao

CA Support
P-Statin or Saw Palmetto Complex

Kidney yang deficiency

Kidney Tonic (Yang)


Thoracic Pain

Throwing Up
Thyroid Gland

Tidal Fever



See Impotence, Premature Ejaculation, Infection

Impotence due to lack of testosterone
Lack of libido in women
General thirst and dryness
Increased desire and intake of water in diabetic patients
Pain in the chest, ribs, thoracic area
For severe pain
For stabbing pain with previous trauma history, purplish tongue, dark
distended sublingual vein, dark complexion
See Sore Throat
Decrease in number of blood platelets
Obstruction in the vessels
See Vomiting
Afternoon fever with sweating, irritability
With thirst, dryness
Dizziness and vertigo in hypertensive patients
Dizziness, night sweats, and generalized weakness
Tinnitus due to compromised Kidney and ear functions
Tinnitus due to exposure to drugs, chemical, and other toxins
General Kidney yin deficiency signs such as blurry vision, weakness
of the back and knees, tinnitus, dryness, flushed cheeks, possible
low-grade fever, etc.
Temporo-mandibular joint pain
Generalized fatigue, lack of energy, dizziness, and weakness
Short-term tiredness and lack of energy
Weakened immune system with frequent viral or bacterial infections
Respiratory and reproductive weakness
Weak digestion, fatigue, loose stool
Forgetfulness and poor memory
Female infertility due to deficiency
Thirst and dryness
General Kidney yin deficiency signs such as blurry vision, weakness
of the back and knees, tinnitus, dryness, flushed cheeks, possible
low-grade fever, etc.
General Kidney yang deficiency signs such as coldness, low libido,
premature ejaculation, weakness and soreness of the back and knees,
pale complexion, polyuria, etc.

Kidney yang deficiency

Kidney yang deficiency
Lung and Stomach yin deficiency
Lung yin deficiency with heat
Qi and blood stagnation
Severe qi and blood stagnation
Blood stagnation

Nourish (Fluids)
Back Support (Upper)
Add Herbal Analgesic
Add Circulation (SJ)

Blood deficiency
Blood stagnation

Schisandra ZZZ or Imperial Tonic

Circulation or Traumanex

Liver fire rising

Kidney, Heart and Spleen yang deficiencies
Yin deficiency with heat
Yin deficiency
Liver yin deficiency with Liver yang rising
Liver and Kidney yin deficiencies
Kidney deficiency
Toxic heat
Kidney yin deficiency

Balance (Heat)
Balance (Heat) and Nourish
Gastrodia Complex
Cordyceps 3
Kidney DTX
Kidney Tonic (Yin)

Wind attack with qi and blood stagnation

Qi, blood, yin and yang deficiencies
Qi deficiency
Wei (defensive) qi deficiency
Lung and Kidney qi deficiencies
Spleen qi deficiency
Heart and Kidney deficiencies
Kidney jing (essence) deficiency
Body fluids deficiency
Kidney yin deficiency

Imperial Tonic
Immune +
Cordyceps 3
GI Tonic
Enhance Memory
Blossom (Phase 1-4)
Nourish (Fluids)
Kidney Tonic (Yin)

Kidney yang deficiency

Kidney Tonic (Yang)




Traumatic Injuries

Sore throat with redness and swelling

Moderate to severe cases of infection and inflammation
With severe pain and swelling
With swelling and pain, worsens with intake of spicy food and
lessens with coldness
Pain with stomach ulcer
Toothache especially at the root, dry throat, palpitation, dizziness,
irritability, insomnia
With bleeding
With inflamed gums, bad breath, thirst and excess hunger
Compromised liver function due to exposure to toxins
Compromised kidney function due to exposure to toxins
Adverse reactions from exposure to drugs, chemicals, heavy metals,
environmental and airborne toxins
Headache from exposure to toxic substances
Respiratory symptoms from exposure to toxic substances
Dermatological reactions from exposure to toxic substances
Moderate to severe cases of infection and inflammation
For chronic exposure to toxins with blood stagnation signs of dark
complexion, purplish tongue and distended sublingual veins
To strengthen the immune system to guard against toxic invasion
With severe pain, inflammation, bruises, broken bones
To facilitate recovery following traumatic injuries to the bones
Broken bone or bone fracture in patients with osteoporosis

To enhance recovery of connective tissue (muscles, tendons,

ligaments, cartilage)
Moderate to severe cases of infection and inflammation
With severe pain
Chronic, old injury with recurrent pain
Injury to the head
Injury to the neck and shoulder area
Injury to the arm
Injury to the back
Injury to the upper back
Herniated disk
Injury to the knees or ankles
Diarrhea with foul-smelling stool, burning sensation of anus,
Travelers Diarrhea abdominal discomfort and pain, nausea and vomiting
Moderate to severe cases of infection and inflammation

Wind-heat invasion
Accumulation of toxic heat
Toxic heat with phlegm stagnation
Wind-heat invasion

Lonicera Complex
Herbal ENT and Herbal ABX
Herbal ENT and Resolve (AI)
Lonicera Complex

Stomach heat
Kidney yin deficiency

GI Care
Nourish or Balance (Heat)

Heat forcing blood out of the vessels

Stomach heat
Toxic heat in the Liver
Toxic heat in the Kidney
Toxic heat

Add Notoginseng 9
Gardenia Complex
Liver DTX
Kidney DTX
Herbal DTX

Toxic heat with qi and blood stagnation

Toxic heat in the Lung
Toxic heat in the exterior
Accumulation of toxic heat
Blood stagnation

Herbal DTX and Corydalin

Herbal DTX and Respitrol (Heat)
Herbal DTX and Silerex
Herbal DTX and Herbal ABX
Herbal DTX and Circulation (SJ)

Wei (defensive) qi deficiency

Blood stagnation
Kidney yin and jing (essence) deficiencies
Blood stagnation with Kidney yin and jing
(essence) deficiencies
Liver blood and Kidney yin deficiencies

Immune +
Osteo 8
Traumanex and Osteo 8

Accumulation of toxic heat

Severe qi and blood stagnation
Chronic blood stagnation
Qi and blood stagnation
Qi and blood stagnation
Qi and blood stagnation
Qi and blood stagnation
Qi and blood stagnation
Qi and blood stagnation
Qi and blood stagnation
Damp-heat in the Intestines

Add Herbal ABX

Add Herbal Analgesic
Add Circulation (SJ)
Add Corydalin
Add Neck & Shoulder (Acute)
Add Arm Support
Add Back Support (Acute)
Add Back Support (Upper)
Add Back Support (HD)
Add Knee & Ankle (Acute)
GI Care II

Accumulation of toxic heat

GI Care II and Herbal ABX

Flex (MLT)

For severe pain

With bleeding
Infection in the genital region
Moderate to severe cases of infection and inflammation
Trigeminal Neuralgia Facial nerve pain
See Cholesterol
Cough, yellow-greenish sputum, dyspnea
Dry cough with scanty sputum, dyspnea
Moderate to severe cases of infection and inflammation

Type A


Ulcerative Colitis
Upper Back Pain
Upper Respiratory

Urinary Stones

See Cancer
Of the face, dizziness, tinnitus, short temper
Of the face, intermittent in nature, dizziness, wiry, possible stiffness
and cramping of other parts of the body
Excessive competitive drive, impatience, overactive mind, stress but
with deficient constitution
All the above symptoms but excess in body constitution also
manifesting in possible red face, eyes, constipation, high blood
pressure, fast heart rate
Gastric and duodenal ulcer
Stress-induced gastric and duodenal ulcers
Ulcerative colitis, Crohns disease
Ulcer in the oral cavity
With severe pain
Moderate to severe cases of infection and inflammation
With dry mouth and thirst
Ulcerative colitis with mucus, pus and blood in the stools with
feeling of incomplete evacuation and abdominal cramps
Pain in the upper back, chest, ribs, thoracic area
Initial stage of infection with slight sore throat, feverish sensation,
cough, yellow phlegm
Severe sore throat, ear infection and yellow nasal discharge
Fever, cough, dyspnea
Sneezing, white or clear nasal discharge
Recurrent infection or to enhance the antibiotic function of any of the
formulas above
Kidney or urinary stones
Moderate to severe cases of infection and inflammation
With severe pain

Qi and blood stagnation and toxic heat

Toxic heat
Damp-heat in the lower jiao and Liver channel
Accumulation of toxic heat
Wind attack with qi and blood stagnation

GI Care II and Herbal Analgesic

GI Care II and Notoginseng 9
V-Statin and Herbal ABX

Phlegm and heat in the Lung

Yin and qi deficiencies of the Lung
Accumulation of toxic heat

Respitrol (CF) and Poria XPT

Respitrol (Deficient)
Respitrol (Deficient) and Herbal

Liver yang rising

Liver blood deficiency

Gastrodia Complex or Calm


Liver qi stagnation with qi deficiency

Calm ZZZ

Liver and Heart fire

Calm (ES)

Stomach heat with yin deficiency

Stomach heat with Liver qi stagnation
Toxic heat in the intestine
Stomach heat
Severe qi and blood stagnation
Accumulation of toxic heat
Stomach yin deficiency
Damp-heat in the Intestines

GI Care
GI Care and Calm
GI Care (UC)
Gardenia Complex
Add Herbal Analgesic
Add Herbal ABX
Add Nourish (Fluids)
GI Care (UC)

Qi and blood stagnation

Wind-heat invasion

Back Support (Upper)

Lonicera Complex

Toxic heat
Lung heat
Wind-cold invasion
Lung qi reversal
Toxic heat

Herbal ENT
Respitrol (Heat)
Respitrol (Cold)
Respitrol (CF)
Add Herbal ABX

Shi lin (stone dysuria)

Accumulation of toxic heat
Severe qi and blood stagnation

Dissolve (KS)
Add Herbal ABX
Add Herbal Analgesic

With bleeding
Painful and difficult urination with itching and discharge
Urinary Tract
Frequent recurrences of urinary tract infection due to diabetes
Infection (UTI)
Moderate to severe cases of infection and inflammation
With severe pain
With bleeding
With high fever
Recurrent infection with yin-deficient heat signs of thirst, dryness,
flushed cheeks, low-grade fever
In diabetic patients
Urination (Frequent) Frequent urination with burning sensations, cystitis, urinary tract
infection (UTI)
Moderate to severe cases of infection and inflammation
Due to prostate enlargement
Frequent urinary urges, especially at night, coldness, clear urination
Chronic nephritis or nephritic syndrome
Interstitial cystitis
With coldness, weakness and soreness of the lower back and knees,
clear urination
Clear, profuse, frequent urges especially at night, coldness
Dark, yellow, painful urination
High urine ketone level or high blood glucose level
Kidney or urinary stones
With severe pain
Rash, itching of the body
Rash of the lower body and genital region
Severe itching
Vaginal Infection

Varicose Veins

See Fibroids, Infertility, Menopause, Dysmenorrhea, Endometriosis,

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease, Irregular Menstruation
Foul smelling-yellow discharge, pelvic pain, itching due to infection
Vaginal infection due to complications of diabetes
Moderate to severe cases of infection and inflammation
Vaginal infection leading to lower abdominal pain
Vaginitis with yellow discharge and foul odor
Moderate to severe cases of infection and inflammation
Vaginal infection leading to lower abdominal pain
Causing male infertility
Distended purplish black veins mostly on the legs

Heat pushing blood out of the vessels

Damp-heat in the lower jiao
Damp-heat in the lower jiao with yin deficiency
Accumulation of toxic heat
Severe qi and blood stagnation
Heat pushing blood out of the vessels
Excess heat accumulation
Yin-deficient heat

Add Notoginseng 9
Gentiana Complex or V-Statin
Equilibrium with V-Statin
Add Herbal ABX
Add Herbal Analgesic
Add Notoginseng 9
Add Gardenia Complex

Kidney yang deficiency

Damp-heat in the lower jiao


Accumulation of toxic heat

Damp-heat in the lower jiao
Kidney yang deficiency
Toxic heat in the Kidney
Blood stagnation
Kidney yang deficiency

V-Statin with Herbal ABX

P-Statin or Saw Palmetto Complex
Kidney Tonic (Yang)
Kidney DTX
V-Statin and Resolve (Lower)
Kidney Tonic (Yang)

Kidney yang deficiency

Damp-heat in the lower jiao
Deficient fire with damp accumulation
Dysuria due to stone; shi lin (stone dysuria)
Severe qi and blood stagnation
Wind-heat at the skin level, heat in the blood
Damp-heat in the lower jiao
Toxic heat

Kidney Tonic (Yang)

Dissolve (KS)
Dissolve (KS) with Herbal Analgesic
Gentiana Complex or V-Statin
Dermatrol (PS) and Gardenia

Damp-heat in the lower jiao

Damp-heat in the lower jiao with yin deficiency
Accumulation of toxic heat
Qi and blood stagnation
Damp-heat in the lower jiao
Accumulation of toxic heat
Qi and blood stagnation
Blood stagnation
Blood stagnation

V-Statin with Equilibrium
V-Statin with Herbal ABX
V-Statin with Herbal Analgesic
V-Statin with Herbal ABX
V-Statin with Herbal Analgesic
Resolve (Lower)
Circulation (SJ)

Venereal Diseases

Viral Infection





Wasting Syndrome

Water Retention
Weak Muscle

With water retention

Distended sublingual vein
See Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Dizziness and vertigo with headache, flushed face and anger
Dizziness and vertigo with or without nausea and vomiting and yin
See Infection, Common Cold, Gastritis, Gastroenteritis, Hepatitis,
Herpes, HIV, Influenza, Pneumonia, Sore Throat, Urinary Tract
Blurry vision due to deficient type hypertension
Blurry vision due to excess type hypertension
Vision impairment due to diabetes
Dry, blurry vision
Hoarseness due to a common cold/flu with itching, painful throat
Hoarseness due to overuse, dry throat, scanty sputum
Nausea and vomiting due to chemotherapy
Nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and diarrhea due to food
Nausea, vomiting, epigastric, chest and hypochondriac distension
and pain, emotional instability, stress related
With dryness and thirst
From exposure to toxic materials or smell
Caused by gallstones
Inflammation of the vulva
Moderate to severe cases of infection and inflammation
Severe itching
Due to immune deficiency
Due to cancer with chemotherapy and radiation treatments
End-stage cancer
Weight loss, decreased energy, overall weakness
Digestive weakness, loose stool, fatigue
Degeneration of soft tissue (muscles, ligaments, tendons, cartilage)
Degeneration of bones
See Edema
Low energy and fatigue, weakness and soreness especially of the
back and knees
Weakness of muscle due to adrenal gland under-activity
Lack of muscle tone, digestive weakness, loose stool, fatigue
Post-stroke complications

Blood stagnation with water accumulation

Blood stagnation

Circulation (SJ) with Herbal DRX

Circulation (SJ)

Liver fire rising

Liver yin deficiency with Liver yang or Liver
wind rising

Gentiana Complex
Gastrodia Complex

Liver yin deficiency with Liver yang rising

Liver fire
Yin deficiency
Kidney deficiency with false heat
Wind-heat invasion
Yin deficiency
Stomach yin deficiency
Damp-heat in the Intestines

Gastrodia Complex
Gentiana Complex
Lonicera Complex
C/R Support
GI Care II

Liver qi stagnation


Stomach yin deficiency

Toxic heat invasion
Damp-heat in the Liver and Gallbladder
Damp-heat in the lower jiao
Accumulation of toxic heat
Toxic heat
Wei (defensive) qi deficiency
Yuan (source) qi and yin deficiencies
Yuan (source) qi deficiency
Qi, blood, yin and yang deficiencies
Spleen qi deficiency
Liver blood and Kidney jing (essence)
Kidney jing (essence) deficiency

Nourish (Fluids)
Liver DTX or Herbal DTX
Dissolve (GS)
V-Statin with Herbal ABX
Add Dermatrol (PS)
Immune +
C/R Support
CA Support
Imperial Tonic
GI Tonic
Flex (MLT)

Qi, blood, yin and yang deficiencies

Imperial Tonic with Back Support

GI Tonic
Neuro Plus

Kidney yang deficiency

Spleen qi deficiency
Qi and blood stagnation

Osteo 8

Degeneration of soft tissue (muscles, ligaments, tendons, cartilage)


For immediate boost of energy

Decreased energy, overall weakness of constitution
Poor appetite, loose stool
Respiratory and reproductive weakness
Anemia, restless sleep, pale complexion
Adreno-insufficiency in patients who are burned-out with
decreased mental and physical functions
Weakness of the immune system
End stage cancer patients who cannot receive chemotherapy or
Weakness in cancer patients receiving chemotherapy or radiation
Weakness of the bones
Degeneration of soft tissue (muscles, ligaments, tendons, cartilage)

Weight Control
White Blood Cells

Liver blood and Kidney jing (essence)

Qi deficiency
Qi, yin, yang and blood deficiencies
Spleen qi deficiency
Lung and Kidney deficiencies
Blood deficiency
Kidney deficiency

Flex (MLT)

Wei (defensive) qi deficiency

Yuan (source) qi deficiency

Immune +
CA Support

Yuan (source) qi deficiency

C/R Support

Kidney jing (essence) deficiency

Liver blood and Kidney jing (essence)
Weakness of the back and knees
Kidney deficiency
Weakness of the legs, knees and ankles
Kidney deficiency
Weakness of the neck and shoulders
Liver blood deficiency
General Kidney yin deficiency signs such as blurry vision, weakness Kidney yin deficiency
of the back and knees, tinnitus, dryness, flushed cheeks, low-grade
fever, etc.
General Kidney yang deficiency signs such as coldness, low libido, Kidney yang deficiency
premature ejaculation, weakness and soreness of the back and knees,
pale complexion, polyuria, etc.
See Obesity
See Asthma
See Neck Pain
Low white blood cells count in immuno-compromised patients
Qi deficiency
Compromised respiratory and reproductive functions
Lung and Kidney qi deficiencies
See Addiction
Wrist pain
Qi and blood stagnation
Degeneration of soft tissue (muscles, ligaments, tendons, cartilage) Liver blood & Kidney jing (essence) deficiencies
With severe pain
Severe qi and blood stagnation
With insomnia, weakness, poor appetite
Spleen and Heart deficiency
Short-term fatigue and lack of energy
Qi deficiency
Fatigue, coldness, decreased dietary intake, loose stool, frequent
Kidney yang deficiency
urinary urges especially at night, decreased libido
Overall weakness of the constitution
Qi, blood, yin and yang deficiencies

Imperial Tonic
GI Tonic
Cordyceps 3
Schisandra ZZZ

Osteo 8
Flex (MLT)
Back Support (Chronic)
Knee & Ankle (Chronic)
Neck & Shoulder (Chronic)
Kidney Tonic (Yin)

Kidney Tonic (Yang)

Immune +
Cordyceps 3
Arm Support
Add Flex (MLT)
Add Herbal Analgesic
Schisandra ZZZ
Imperial Tonic

Yeast Infection

With listlessness, stifling sensation in the chest, sighing, abdominal

distension, plum-pit sensation, emotional instability
With chest congestion and stabbing pain in a fixed location,
palpitation, shortness of breath, dizziness, intermittent pulse
Itching and pain in the genital region
Frequent yeast infection due to complications of diabetes
Moderate to severe cases of infection and inflammation

Liver qi stagnation


Chest bi zheng (painful obstruction syndrome)


Damp-heat in the lower jiao

Damp-heat in the lower jiao with yin deficiency
Accumulation of toxic heat

Gentiana Complex or V-Statin

Add Equilibrium
Add Herbal ABX

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