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My Cool Life


Hi My name is Anugra my full name is
Anugra Matthew Timbuleng you can call me
Anugra or nug or gra. I born in hospital,
manado at 2 January, 2004. I'm the 3rd child
in my family after my sister kak Regina and
kak maria.

First walked
(Physical) First 4 month At this time I
can sit. After I sit, when first 5 month I
can crawl. After that I started to stand
then I started to creep. After that Ive
been just able to walk properly when I
was first 10 month.

My face ohh nooo(10

(Social) I also started to recognize my
family when I was first 10 month also I
already can say 1 or 2 words.
(Intellectual) In this age I have been to pick
something by myself.

Many changes.
(Intellectual)On this age 2 years
old I started to speak clearly.
(physical) I can run when Im 11/2
years old but I still like to fall
down. (Intellectual) I already can
be told by my parents when 11/2
also I can be ordered by parents
or my sister. (physical) when 11/2 I
already begun to climb the stairs,
(intellectual) can eat by my self
and I can brush my teeth by

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on this age I
started to make
friend or hanging
out with them.
Ive been use cloth
by myself. Also I
already can draw a
I can jump with 1 leg
when I was 3 years

4 years
(Physical) I can
dance when I was
4 years old
(Intellectual) Also I
start to go to the
(Social) I started to
go to the church
when I was 4 years

5 years
(intellectual) In 5 year old I already can
count with my finger also can know more
than 4 color like black, yellow, blue and
green. In this age my teeth grow 2-3.

7 years
On this year I started to sing and know more song.
Also I start to be independent to doing everything
by myself.
On this age also I started to enjoy
to play football, basketball
And many more. And I started fallow
all spots in PSPE.
Get taller

8 years
(Physical )
On this age Ive been grow muscle, become more
taller. Sorry if just 1 info.
Also in this age I can

Sorry if just 1 info

9 years
(intellectual) In this age I've started to diligently
Pray. Also I can be more organized by my work.
increase 1 age
Get taller, I can
play basketball
i can chat with my
friend from social

11 year
(Social) On this age I prefer to hang out with my
friend not with my family. Also grow a pimple in
my face and my voice
is deeper.
Get taller

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