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Publication Plan


Plug In

slave only dreams to be king, size- 260pt

Positioning Statement: Connecting you to your favourite artists Tahoma Bold, size 15pt
Frequency of Publication: Monthly
Price: 3
Distribution: Newsagents, Supermarkets, Music shops, Gigs, Festivals.
Rationale: The approach of the magazine is from a younger audience for a young audience. We will
offer insights and exclusives through articles and interviews, and these will focus on what the target
audience will want to hear and provide answers to questions that they are interested in. The focus
will be on positive music news, rather than negatives and emphasis on bad press for artist/bands.
Style: The style will be informal, using humour, but it includes all the informative sides of articles
that will interest the audience. The magazine is for all fans of Indie Rock music and it is mainly aimed
at 16-30 year olds and therefore the vocabulary wont be too complex, with short paragraphs and
slang language. The layout will be busy but structured with eye catching elements where images
draw in the attention of the audience.
Regular Content:
- Dont Stop Me Now - Artists/bands that have become bigger within the month.
- Underdog of the Month - New artists/ bands that are working their way up the charts.
- Gigs going the extra mile - Gigs that leave people talking about them for months.
- Plugged In - News about the Indie Rock industry
- Posters
- Q&A
- Subscriptions
- Reviews all round -Reviews of albums, singles and artists/bands.
- Wanna Win?! Have your chance at winning this months gig tickets.
- Unplugged - Artists/bands that let loose and tell all.
Feature Content:
- Total Mayhem with The Opposites- Interview.- Font = Colors Of Autumn Reg and Impact Regular
- 20 Things you didnt know about Franz Ferdinand
- The Arctic Monkeys are monkeying around
- Exclusive Interview, Accepting April
- Tech rehearsals with The Volts Their original ways to lose stage fright
- The Strokes sneak peak at new song- Interview and insight to the writing process.
- Top 10 Tribute Bands
- Fanta, Lemonade and Oasis- Interview with Oasis.
- Back in Time with The 1975- Interview
- Top 50 Indie Rock Bands of all time

- Rocking around the Christmas tree- Christmas Indie Rock hits of this year.
- Spotted your Favourite artist- Fans spotting their idols in the streets, interviews about what the
artists are like not in the spotlight and pictures, Mad Mike will be included with this.
- Writing a song with Alt-J
- Hum let it all out- Interview with Hum, telling fans about what really happens behind the scenes.
- Tour Dates Changed- Artists/bands need fans to know they arent cancelling their tours, the dates
are just changing.
- The Killers- Interview.
- Imagine Dragons get creative with fans- Imagine Dragons visit their old colleges and get crafty with
fans for their upcoming concert.
- Fall Out Boy How we made it- Interview.
- Green Day vs Panic at the Disco: The ultimate Review
- The ones to watch for 2016
House Style:


Plug In

- slave only dreams to be king, size- 260pt

Main Cover Line: Total mayhem, Tahoma size 46pt + The Opposites, Tahoma size 52pt
Cover lines

Arial Narrow, size- 18pt

Headlines Tahoma, size 20pt

Standfirst Arial, size 14pt
Captions Tahoma, size 8pt
Body text Arial, size 9pt
Colour scheme Blue, Purple, Black, White
CONTENTS Arial, size 55pt
Regulars Tahoma, size 10pt

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