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Reaction Paper on

Tinapay ng Buhay: Simbahan at Kahirapan

Poverty is one of the major problems our country is facing
right now. But why are there people who suffers in poverty? Since
Adam and Eve have sinned, each one of us has inherited the sins
from them. And poverty is one of the effect of sin. But take note
that Jesus, even though Hes God, emptied Himself for us and
made Himself a slave just for our sins to be washed away. So we
could be freed from our sins and as well as poverty. Yet, there are
still a lot of people suffering from poverty and thats what the
church is trying to resolve, to spread the Gospel. Primarily, ones
selfish desire that leads to sin and affects also those who are
around them. The church points on two main solutions. One is for
the individual level and another is for the society level. For the
individual level, were talking about the spiritual growth and
individual improvements in his or her daily life. For the social
level, it is to reach the people and help those who are needed and
to for the church to help destroy poverty. Even Non-government
organizations are also doing actions for the sake of removing
poverty. Theres the Caritas Manila which goal is to help and reach
those who is in need. Also, they always try to reach people like
people in prison just to let them know the Word of God and to
help them, through Gods Word, refrain from doing sins again.
Because of Gods love that was felt by the church, it gives
the push and motivation for the church to reach out those people
who needs to be alleviated from poverty. And also because of
Gods love, anything is possible for us to do and that goes the
same God providing our needs that could be of use in helping our
fellow brothers and sisters. We are all called to be His steward not
only for His gifts that was given to us but also steward among our
brothers and sisters.

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