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Chandler Zarrinnam

February 24, 2016

What is Cloning?
Cloning is the process of
taking DNA from an
organism and putting
into the egg of a second
organism of the same
species. Then after the
normal amount of time it
takes for the fetus to
develop the clone of the
first organism is born.

Cloning is only in sci-fi movies, right? Well with new scientific

advancements and new technology cloning is possible and is
being done. The first cloned animal whose name was Dolly was
born in 1996! The picture seen below shows the body of Dolly.

(Photo by: Barros, Toni)

There is a cloning factory currently being built in

China to help with their growing beef demands.
Maybe China has known about cloning longer than
us, no wonder they have 1 billion people. The
factory will start being built in mid 2016 and will
cost a minimum of 31 million dollars! The plant, or
as I like call it McDonald's main supplier, will start
by producing 100,000 cattle embryos per year. It
will be built in Tianjin, China which is also where
the 2015 Tianjin explosions took place.

Chandler Zarrinnam

How long 'til we clone

Sir John Gurdon (The
man who won the
Nobel prize for making
Dolly) predicts that we
will have cloned
humans within 50 years.
He said "Well, it could
be anywhere between
10 years and 100 years
how about 50 years?"
It turned out that wasn't
far off the mark.

February 24, 2016

Speaking of cloning factories the biggest cloning

factory in the world is in South Korea, and it has
helped to save many endangered species in the last
5 years. If theses factories can save endangered
animals what's stopping them bring back the dodo
or a T-Rex? Well, after I watched Jurassic Park I
don't think that's a very good idea!
Roger Wheatcroft said, Would it be ethical to
reproduce sexless chickens? Would it be ethical to
produce legless people to work at desks, or
peopleless legs to be used as replacement
parts? (Ethics of Genetics) Mr. Wheatcroft has a
point here, what are our limits on cloning?
After my research into cloning I think that
maybe in a couple of years after lots of research
and perfection we will have cloned humans.
Personally, I don't agree with human cloning at all;
on the other hand, I agree with all other types of
cloning such as animal cloning and plant cloning
to help with food shortages. I may change my
opinion over time.

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