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Spanish bullfighter gored in groin leaving testicle

'eviscerated' at Madrid's San Isidro festival
Marco Galan was performing in front of thousands of spectators on
Lizzie Dearden, Monday 8 June 2015

A Spanish bullfighter has been gored in the testicles in

front of thousands of spectators in Madrid.
Marco Galan was performing in the Feria de San Isidro on
Sunday in Spains largest bullring, the Plaza de Toros de
Las Ventas.
Footage showed him running up to the bull and thrusting
two spears into its back before it reared its head, catching
him on its horns and throwing him to the ground.
The bull gored Marco Galan in the groin and
dragged him along by his jacket Reuters

The left horn punctured his groin before the right went
through his jacket and he was dragged along the ground by
the animal, which had started to bleed heavily.
Mr Galan was filmed walking out of the ring as other fighters ran in to distract the bull.
He was left with a bull horn wound in the scrotum which caused bruising and evisceration of the
left testicle, El Mundo reported.
The newspaper said Mr Galan underwent surgery at the bullring before being transferred to the San
Francisco de Ass hospital.

Mr Galan is a banderillero, whose job it is to stab bulls with barbed sticks called banderillas while
running as close to the animals as possible to demonstrate bravery.
The bull that gored him was eventually killed using the two banderillas and a descabello or final
Spain's parliament bestowed cultural heritage status on bullfighting in 2013, making it much harder
for further bans beyond brought in by Catalonia in 2010, and the Canaries in the early 1990s, to
take effect.
Despite controversy around the sport and global criticism from animal welfare groups, San Isidros
bullfights are still extensively covered and reviewed by Spanish newspapers.
The festival was suspended last year for the first time in more than three decades after bulls gored
two matadors and tossed a third into the air.
All three men were hospitalised with leg, arm and pelvis injuries but survived.

gored stanget, groin skridt, eviscerated skret op, spectators tilskuere, thrusting stde, reared rejste,
scrotum pungen, bruising beskadigelse, barbed sticks pinde med modhager, descabello lille svrd,
bestowed gav, cultural heritage status status af kulturarv, bans forbud, controversy strid, suspended
afbrudt, pelvis bkken, injuries - skader

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