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1a) obtuse
b) 39
c) i) 8 or 42
ii) 205 or 281 or 333
2. 36
3. a = 50 b = 11
10) 36
11) P = trapezium
Q = hexagon
R = parallelogram

15) a) kite
b) i) PQR = 130
16) x = 11
y = 53
z = 42

Angles & 2D Shapes

Angles & Lines
4. i) a = 33 adjacent angles
ii) b = 35 alternate angle
iii) c = 68 corresponding
5 a) x = 118
b) x = 68

8) 55

x = 180 - QRP
a + b = 180 - QRP
therefore x = a + b

9) i) 25

Quadrilaterals & other Polygons

12) a) rhombus
b) parallelogram
c) kite
13) m = 180 - 46 = 136
corresponding angles

17 i) trapezium
ii) r = 45
ii) QXR = 40
18) a) r = 30

7 i) 74
ii) 36
iii) no all angles are different so
it is a scalene triangle hich has
all sides different lengths

XYS = 110

b) s = 40

19) a) i) ABC = 90 ii) EBC = 60

b) i) x = 15
ii) y = 30
20) c = 140

ii) 105

14) a) trapezium
b) x on 3.4 & 5.2 sides
c) y on 2.7 and either 3.4 or 5.2
d) obtuse
e) b = 110

21) a)i) pentagon

ii) sides are not equal length
ii) d = 147
22) a) i) y = 36

ii) y = 18

b)i) parallel ii) z = 36

Congruent & Similar Shapes
23) a) i) C ii) B iii) A or F
26) a)
Triangle ABC angles are 50, 60
24) C and D
and 70
Triangle DEF angles are also 50,
25) QC = 3 cm
60 and 70, so their angles are the
same but the lengths of their sides
are different so they are similar
b) x = 18.75 cm

ACB = DCE (opposite angles)
CAB = CED (alternate angles)
CBA =CDE (alternate angles)
AC = CE so ther sides must
be equal too
b) PQ = 13.3 cm
28) image = 2cm

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