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Duffield Evening WI

Minutes of the monthly meeting on 15th March 2016

Place of meeting: Sixth From Centre, Ecclesbourne Sch
Chaired by: Gail Nolan
Speaker: Sheree Kennedy Meditation and Visualisation for
the 21st Century

Approval of minutes
The minutes for the meeting held on 15th February were approved without


Visitors and new members were welcomed

Venue Access arrangements have been agreed with Ecclesbourne School.

The gate to the Sixth form Centre will be open for the duration of the meeting.
Other options are still being considered but in view of our large membership,
there are few alternative venues in the village.

Thank you to the members who have made cakes for our meetings. There has
often been rather too much cake for our appetites and we do not like to see
wastage when members have taken the trouble to bake. Let the committee
know if you feel that cake in the evening is not necessary.

There will be a Pub Social in the Bridge Inn on Tuesday 22nd March at 7.30. At
the AGM in May a new committee will be formed and new President will be
nominated. At the April meeting we need to identify nominees so they can be
voted into office at the AGM in May. If you are interested in finding out more
about the committee and how you can support or join us, please come along to
the Social. Everyone is very welcome.

A special speaker has been arranged for October 4th - Jasvinder Sanghera
OBE. Jasvinder is a survivor of forced marriage and now supports other

victims of forced marriage and honour-based violence through the charity she
founded, Karma Nirvana. She is an extremely influential person in this area,
at a local, national and international level, and we are very lucky that she has
agreed to talk to our members. Tickets will be on sale at our April meeting.

A reminder that we would like suggestions for a speaker in November for our
Christmas charity. If you know of a deserving charity, which could provide a
speaker or presentation for our November meeting, please could you prepare
a simple poster describing the work of the charity and explaining why you
think it should be supported by DEWI. These posters will be presented at the
May meeting so members can vote on which charity they would like DEWI to
support. There is no need for you to speak or present yourself! Email or speak
to the committee if you need more guidance on this.

The Ecclesbourne Group of WIs is holding a Social Evening at Hazlewood Hall

on Thursday 21st April at 7pm. This is an opportunity to meet and socialise
with other WI members from the Ecclesbourne area. Entertainment will be
provided by the Black Pig Border Morris Dancers and there will be a
competition to design a hat suitable for a Morris dancer. Entry is 1. Please let
Jan know if you would like to go.

The proceeds of the raffle are used to fund a bursary for a DEWI member. If
you have any unwanted quality items at home that you would like to donate,
we would be happy to receive them.

Subgroup information

Walk and Talk

Friday 18th from the Cock Inn at Mugginton starting at 9.30.

Gardening group
We have over 30 members now. There will be an inaugural meeting on 25th
April at Meynell Langley Gardens and Tea Roomsto plan future events.
Alison is collecting money for this - 3 please. In view of the size of the
group there may have to be a limit on numbers at some events due to the
size of the gardens we plan to visit. More details on 25th April.

Our new choir leader is Kathryn and we thank Beate for organising this.
Next meeting is on Thursday 18th at St Margarets Church at 7.15 finishing
at 9 pm with a break for refreshments. Everyone is welcome, even if you
cant sing and cant read music. Pay As You Go 5 a meeting.

Trips out
Belly dancing at Ockbrook on Saturday 9th April 10.30 am - 10 - see Viv if
you are interested.
Viv has flyers about The Same Sky, a musical at Derby Guildhall Theatre,
if you are interested.

Craft club
Next meeting on Tuesday 12th April will be at St Margarets, 7 9pm, as
the Weston Centre is not available. We will be making a bound book,
perfect for keeping your seed packets, photos, recipes and walking routes.
All welcome, no skill required. Bring some pretty paper if you have some.

Cookery Club
April 27th at Ecclesbourne Sch, Gluten Free baking. Payment of 5 by the
April meeting please. Bring an apron and the ingredients to be advised.

Meeting closed at 9.30pm



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