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Educational Technology:
A Perspective for Secondary Science
Wendi Straub
High School Science Teacher, Idaho Falls High School, Idaho
Fall, 2016

A good K-12 education should provide all students with the foundational skills, knowledge and
attitudes necessary for lifelong access to future education, training and experiences. Pervasive
technological advancements have redefined the parameters of these essential basic skills and
expanded the capacities that proficient individuals must possess to fully participate in societys
responsibilities and opportunities. Twenty-first century skills include traditional subjects such as
math, history, science, language arts, etc.; but also collaboration, self-directed learning, problemsolving, and aptitudes with technology, communication, and global awareness (Woolf, 2010).
This necessitates a parallel shift in the teaching paradigm toward a more process-based, digitally
literate, individualized yet social, and technology-rich learning environment. Educational
technology is the study and ethical practice of facilitating learning and improving performance
by creating, using and managing appropriate technological processes and resources,(Roblyer &
Doering, 2013). Technology is no longer a facilitator of good pedagogy, but an integral element
of preparing students for the real world.
In an effort to embrace this new standard of good teaching, I have been developing my own
skills and pedagogy through the Masters in Education Technology program at Boise State
University. I am a high school science teacher in my seventh year in Idaho Falls. I teach a variety
of biology-based classes to 10th-12th graders. This paper documents my journey to connect my
graduate work with my classroom, and provides a rationale for my mastery of the Association of
Educational Communications and Technology (AECT) standards (Januszewski & Molenda,
2008). Each standard is addressed with an artifact and a brief explanation connecting theory,
standard and practice to my professional development as a 21st century educator in a secondary
science department.

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Creating - Candidates demonstrate the ability to create instructional materials and learning
environments using a variety of systems approaches.
Climate Change PBL: Project Timeline (EdTECH542) outlines instruction for a six week
project-based learning module in which sophomore biology students explore climate change and
develop a multimedia project to raise awareness in their community.
Systematic instructional models encompass significant scope and utilize a series of
comprehensive steps to analyze, develop, test and revise instruction to ensure a holistic
blueprint for cogent instruction (Branch & Gustafson, 2002). Rooted in constructivism and
collaborative learning theories, project-based learning (PBL) is a learner-directed design in
which students collaborate to solve complex, authentic problems in order to construct content
knowledge and develop novel strategies (Savery, 2006). Students are encouraged to pool their
expertise and experience to identify and address their problems intricacies while instructors
guide the students problem-solving processes and solicit habitual reflection on methods, skills
and knowledge. Keys to success include deep, but focused, projects aligned to both student
capacities and content objectives, structured group work with built-in accountability,
multifaceted assessments with frequent feedback, and instructor participation in professional
learning communities (Vega, 2012). PBL requires significant preparation and orchestration by
the instructor to reap these benefits because most students struggle to independently conduct
systematic inquiries (Mergendoller and Thomas, 2005). Instructors must create a culture of
self-management in their classrooms with systematically reinforced progress checks, prepared
scaffolding and interventions when needed, and regular feedback (Mergendoller and Thomas,
The Climate Change PBL project timeline demonstrates my application of instructional design
principles in a PBL model for a secondary high school biology course. The timeline provides
a blueprint of instructional goals, practices, assessments and responses to address individual
learning objectives, as well as, overarching project goals. It is a complex, challenging and
multidisciplinary undertaking with appropriate student analysis, scaffolding, feedback and
product authenticity that foster significant student learning within systematic approach.

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I deployed elements from this project as I was developing during the spring of 2015 and
anticipate greater use this spring with my 10th grade blended biology class. Challenges
remain, however, particularly related to time dedicated in one content strand as the state of
Idaho has yet to adopt the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), and my own
proficiency as a novice facilitator. I still struggle to strike the perfect balance between guiding
and directing both in the big picture and in the day-to-day processes; but I am improving.
Using - Candidates demonstrate the ability to select and use technological resources and
processes to support student learning and to enhance their pedagogy.
Letters from Darwin Lesson Page (EdTECH541) is a student page for learning about Darwin
through his own letters, journal exercises and Google Maps. This lesson is appropriate for 1012th grade science students.
Under the most current national science standards, technology should be paired with inquirybased learning to prepare students for the demands of the 21st century (American Association
for the Advancement of Science - AAAS, 2013; Guzey & Roehrig, 2009; NETP, 2010;
Roblyer & Doering, 2013). Digital literacy can no longer be viewed as a luxury afforded by
our best and brightest, but rather a necessary skill set as so many people acquire information
from web-based sources. In particular, our students will be expected to navigate digital
databases, post to forums and other social media, and make use of a variety of web tools.
In this lesson, students are asked to explore Darwins diary entries using a digital database of
primary documents, relate his experiences to their own, model his practices by creating a
journal, and then draw conclusions about animal adaptation based on a Google map they
generate. The use of primary documents, in particular, can reveal the history and art of science
and provide opportunities for personal connection and reflection about the processes of
science and its influence on society. I used the relative advantage model (Roblyer & Doering,
2013) to select technology-based strategies for content specific learning goals related to digital
skills, literacy and science and developed related standards-based lessons with appropriate and
engaging tools, critical analysis of content, and innovative demonstrations of knowledge.

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Assessing/Evaluating - Candidates demonstrate the ability to assess and evaluate the effective
integration of appropriate technologies and instructional materials.
Voice Thread: Preliminary Analysis of Maya Thomas Case Study (EdTECH503) is my
analysis of a case study in which a 7th grade teacher dreads teaching a lower level pre-algebra
course and seeks the expertise of an instructional designer (Maya Thomas) to recreate her course
with greater student engagement and achievement.
Evaluation is the last phase in ADDIE (analysis, design, development, implementation, and
evaluation; Branch & Gustafson, 2002) process model, however, Smith and Ragan (2005)
refer to three points in the instructional development process that evaluation occurs:
preliminary analysis of students, formative evaluation during development and summative
evaluation after the materials have been implemented.
Good instructional design begins with a front-end needs analysis to define the issue (problem,
innovation or discrepancy), substantiate the correlation with instruction, evaluate the learning
context, and characterize the learners (Smith and Ragan, 2005). The right questions can save
you time and frustration. One cannot generate effective solutions to a situation without first
obtaining a thorough understanding of the challenges. As a teacher, I often assume that
instruction is the panacea of my students academic needs. If only I could find the perfect way
to teach some idea, then they will embrace it and incorporate it into their useful knowledge.
Obviously this notion is, at best, pompous though well intentioned; and at worst, completely
I chose to analyze the case study: Maya Thomas: Implementing New Instructional Approaches
in a K12 Setting because Ruth Anns situation really resonated with my own struggle to
shift current practices. Like Ruth Ann, I am constantly battling my prior experiences as both a
student and as an instructor. I appreciate direct instruction from good teachers who effectively
sequence pre-digested material there truly is no more efficient way for me to acquire huge
amounts of information. However, I routinely observed disconnects between my students
skills, learning preferences and motivations, and my course materials. How do I design
effective instruction for them? Ultimately, instructional design principles challenge me to
examine my teaching from a more systematic and objective perspective and use an array of

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assessment tools before and after instructional design in order to best match the needs of my
actual students.
Managing - Candidates demonstrate the ability to effectively manage people, processes,
physical infrastructures, and financial resources to achieve predetermined goals.
Graphic Analysis of Natural Selection using Popplet: Instructor Guide (EdTECH503) is the
teacher resource for my instructional design project on natural selection using Popplet graphic
organizers for a high school biology class.
Instructional designers are responsible for discerning the learning needs of a target audience
and developing learning experiences that effectively address those gaps using sound
pedagogy. As best educational practices have shifted to include current technologies and more
learner-centered opportunities, so have the principles of instructional design. The overlap in
responsibilities for teachers and instructional designers is significant; both develop instruction
based on student needs coupled with sound learning theory, employ a variety of content
delivery methods, and use assessment to guide the learning process. However, they are also
appreciably different, particularly in scope of instructional process, relationships to students
and connection with content. As a teacher, I teach students and as an instructional designer, I
help other teachers teach students better.
In this lesson, I am wearing both hats. I have designed the structure and packaged learning
materials for optimum student attainment by matching modern resources with needs. The
instructor guide creates a blueprint for successful learning. I have developed a cogent scope
and sequence based on preliminary student analysis, available resources, and best practices in
learning theory, educational philosophy and technology. Finally, another teacher in my
building successfully used this guide and lesson with her students last year.
I also used this lesson in my sophomore biology course. As a teacher, I work with particular
groups of students, forming relationships that shape the learning environments in my
classroom. Instruction, evaluation and revision must be done constantly, and even on
occasion, during a lesson. Minute adjustments due to student responses or unpredictable
environmental challenges like technology glitches, fire drills, etc., demand immediate
resolution. I am also in the trenches, slogging through the routine chores of delivering,

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assessing, tracking, motivating and prodding individuals. Subsequently, I also enjoy the
rewards of successful deployment on a personal level as students grow from my careful
planning and hard work.
Ethics - Candidates demonstrate the contemporary professional ethics of the field as defined and
developed by the Association for Educational Communications and Technology. (p. 284)
Digital Inequality Presentation (EdTECH501) is a narrated Powerpoint analysis of the digital
divide in the United States posted in a YouTube video.
The digital era is redefining what it means to be educated in the 21 st century. There is a shift
away from pedagogy - the art, science, and profession of teaching - to the creation of learning
partnerships and learning cultures, (Tapscott, 1998). Not only do students need more
challenging and engaging content that better reflects and interacts with their daily lives, but
also the digital literacy skills to be critical consumers and producers of knowledge in online
communities (Brown, 2002). Subsequently, digital literacy may make the difference between
those who succeed and participate in society and those who become further disenfranchised.
Information is a valuable commodity and those who lack digital skills may be denied basic
access to jobs, education, financial aid, economic opportunities, political information, public
media and social connections (Collins & Halverson, 2009).
When I began this assignment, the digital divide meant that some students in my classroom
did not have a computer or internet at home or did not have a cell phone or lacked a data plan
I was also aware that technology access primarily aligned with socioeconomic status. These
disparities were taken in account when planning instruction to avoid penalizing students
without technology. As a consequence, I usually confined technology dependent activities to
those that students can reasonably complete during class time. Of course, this results in fewer
technology based lessons. I no longer consider this a reasonable accommodation to digital
inequalities. I now realize that I need to increase the number of technology experiences to
which my students are exposed because many do not have access outside of school. I have to
keep finding more and better ways to integrate technology into my lessons and to extend the
times that they can come in and use equipment in my classroom. I also need to be more
proactive in assessing student digital literacy and adapt/create lessons that address these

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components more directly. And finally, I have to advocate for this change in other classrooms
as well.

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Creating - Candidates apply content pedagogy to create appropriate applications of processes
and technologies to improve learning and performance outcomes.
Climate Change PBL: Project Timeline (EdTECH542) outlines instruction for a six week
project-based learning module in which sophomore biology students explore climate change and
develop a multimedia project to raise awareness in their community.
Strong PBL requires clear project expectations with visible connections to content standards
and final assessments; plus an underlying structure of scaffolding, formative assessment,
reflection and revision. Early in project development, standards and content limits are
identified to define the projects final outcomes and the hierarchy of sub-objectives. This
allows the designer to clarify how the final product allows students to demonstrate their
mastery, plus ways to incorporate formative assessments on subtasks during the project. By
working backwards to meet previously determined student capacities, scaffolding forms the
framework of the project and opportunities for reflection and revision. Students taught in
effective constructive and collaborative environments like PBL should demonstrate more
independent learning strategies, more creative problem solving and better social skills (Strobel
& van Barneveld, 2009; Rice, 2012 )
The Products and Performance section of the Climate Change PBL provides the rubric for the
final multimedia product that students collaboratively create. They also use this rubric for selfevaluation and peer-review before final presentations at a local community event. Also, in
this segment are the reflection questions for both the students and instructor and the instructor
guide to assist teams develop their product. All of these elements represent a culmination of
the backwards design process previously discussed. Finally, rubrics have been incorporated
into more and more of my lessons and my students are becoming more adept as using them to
guide their learning strategies, product revisions and reflections.

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Using - Candidates implement appropriate educational technologies and processes based on

appropriate content pedagogy.
Spreadsheets and Databases (EdTECH541) provides a rationale, several lesson ideas for
incorporating databases and spreadsheets into the science classroom.
Information is a modern currency; collected, traded and applied to further knowledge and
power. According to National Education Technology Plan (2010) research and information
fluency to represent, manipulate and communicate data, information and ideas are critical
skills for the 21st century citizen. Data collection and analysis have always been trademarks
of science. Both spreadsheet and database programs permit users to store, organize and
manipulate data, but the types of information they manage, their purposes and their functions
differ (Roblyer & Doering, 2013). Integrating databases and spreadsheets into our curriculum
empowers our students with authentic research and analytical skills, and affords greater
opportunities for inquiry, experimentation, problem-solving and other higher order thinking
My students are routinely asked to collect data, graph data, analyze their data using common
statistical analyses in Excel or Google Sheets, and use their findings to support their
conclusions. Databases are not as regularly incorporated and I cannot recall having them
create one. However, I used the genetics lesson and students did view The Human Genetics
database in 2015 and we hope to contribute in 2016. This year biology students will also
search the DNA BLAST database during a barcoding module.
Assessing/Evaluating - Candidates demonstrate an inquiry process that assesses the adequacy
of learning and evaluates the instruction and implementation of educational technologies and
processes grounded in reflective practice.
Project #3: Coherence Analysis (EdTECH513) is an in-depth discussion of the coherence
principle in multimedia design (Clark & Mayer, 2011) including personal experiences as an
audience member and as a presenter.

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What makes You - you? (EdTECH513) is the application of the redundancy and modality
principles (Clark & Mayer, 2011) to create an effective multimedia presentation for introducing
genetics in any classroom.
These artifacts address principles associated with effective multimedia instruction. Cognitive
Learning Theory proposes that humans possess two simultaneous channels for processing,
auditory and visual, which have independent limited capacities. Therefore, learning and
learning transfer are diminished when either channel is overloaded. The most effective
learning occurs when the two channels are used in tandem to integrate related and essential
elements into prior knowledge (Clark & Mayer, 2011; Moreno & Mayer, 2000).
As discussed in the Coherence Analysis artifact, Clark & Mayer (2011) state that learning is
impacted by extraneous elements in multimedia instruction because these elements add
unnecessary cognitive demands. Essentially people learn better with both words and pictures
(multimedia principle), but especially, if the words are narrated (modality) at the same time
images are presented (contiguity principle). Because both processing channels are used
simultaneously, the learner does not need to to hold either in working memory while waiting
for the other. Further, it is important to not overload either channel with redundant on-screen
text (redundancy principle) or extraneous images, words, sounds or animations (coherency
The Haiku Deck artifact is designed for live delivery using the script provided on the right
side of the screen. The visuals are limited and supportive, while the script is direct and
informative. Together, this deck demonstrates the multimedia principles outlined in the
coherence analysis post.
Together, these learning activities revealed how much I had been overtaxing my students
working memories. With decorative and flashy visuals that did not further their understanding,
I often exceeded their visual processors. Since then, I have made a cognizant effort to pare
unnecessary graphics and choose clearer, less complex images; plus I have taken better
advantage of audio to diversify their cognitive load.

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Managing - Candidates manage appropriate technological processes and resources to provide

supportive learning communities, create flexible and diverse learning environments, and develop
and demonstrate appropriate content pedagogy.
Ecology Webquest (EdTECH502) is a multi-page ecology webquest for high school biology or
environmental science students. They are asked to design a closed ecosystem for extraterrestrial
use using multiple principles of ecology.
Webquests are inquiry-based learning strategies in which students use online resources to
complete a higher level learning task (Dodge, 1995). Students are provided introductory
documents, a process guide, a list of linked resources and a rubric to help them achieve the
learning goal. Webquests are distinguished from internet research or web-based scavenger
hunts by the novel manner in which students must synthesize or apply the information to
generate a final product.
The Ecology Webquest is an inquiry learning project designed for high school students to
learn about ecological relationships and human impact. Students develop a collaborative
multimedia plan for a model biosphere based on one biome and complete a reflective paper.
Ultimately, learners are asked to think about their own roles in the biosphere and add
knowledge and action. Students are guided by steps in the process to scaffold and formatively
assess their progress (Smith & Ragan, 2005), but intentional classroom management is
essential in this type student undertaking. Regardless of the age group, as I think this project
could be adapted for grades 7-12, the instructor will need meet regularly with student groups
to ensure adequate understanding of expectations and progress toward goals.
This project was developed during my first semester and I have since adopted a Climate
Change PBL that covers similar content, but I still find this project relevant and rich.
However, I would develop a more comprehensive instructor guide with additional pacing
information, more formative assessment strategies and planned responses, and explicit
supports for diverse learners.

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Ethics - Candidates design and select media, technology, and processes that emphasize the
diversity of our society as a multicultural community.
Social Media and Applied Ecology (EdTECH541) is rough unit plan for my environmental
sciences class in which students expand their knowledge about ecology and sustainability, and
address one ecological challenge with global consequences by raising awareness about the
situation and recommendations for resolution through a social media campaign.
For our students to become lifelong learners, they must connect what they learn in school with
what they experience outside of school (Roblyer & Doering, 2012). Many of our students are
immersed in a rich hyperlinked multimedia universe; seeking, sharing and creating text,
images, audio and video. Much of their knowledge is socially constructed from diverse
resources beyond the classroom and learning is enriched by authentic cultural experiences
access to people telling their stories, primary documents, artwork, etc. Similarly, connections
to real-world issues are more readily established when they are linked to current, real-time
In this module, students investigate in a complex, multicultural environmental issue. Baseline
knowledge is developed through a collaborative wiki and examining their own and local
perspectives on the sustainability. Then they have a rich opportunity to appreciate the views of
students from a different culture via ePals. Finally, they synthesize their experiences and
collaborate to create, review, revise and publish an original awareness campaign using social

Harnessing the potential to communicate effectively and with merit cannot be

undervalued in our information intensive environment (Courts, & Tucker, 2012).


Creating - Candidates create instructional design products based on learning principles and
research-based best practices.
Metric Staircase Tutorial (EdTECH513) is a screen-casted tutorial on the metric system for
students in blended or flipped secondary science classroom.

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Clark and Mayer (2011) present significant evidence to support the employment of specific
principles during instructional design to promote increased retention and transfer of learning
and skills. The Metric Staircase Video tutorial is the culminating project for the Multimedia
course. While not perfect, this tutorial does integrate research-based principles of multimedia
learning, cognitive learning theory, and digital technology. It also represents solid
coordination of dual channel processing with integrated practice and the metacognition typical
of science. Working through problems and understanding the rationales behind solutions are at
the heart of scientific thinking and screen casting is a natural fit.
This course really highlighted how often I had been violating multiple principles in my
presentations (especially contiguity and coherence), inducing non-essential cognitive
processes and potentially making learning more difficult for my students. I also mastered a
new tool that I had dismissed as too difficult or overwhelming in an earlier course. In many
ways, this artifact represents perfect timing to meet my own zone of proximal development
Since, I have been applying these new found skills and principles to the instructional materials
I am currently reworking for my own students and will continue to use them in the future.
Finally, I included this tutorial with my students earlier this year with positive results. Student
application and feedback are the ultimate test of any lesson I have designed in this program.
Using - Candidates make professionally sound decisions in selecting appropriate processes and
resources to provide optimal conditions for learning based on principles, theories, and effective
Mitosis in Motion Lesson (EdTECH521) is a weeklong project-based lesson plan for mitotic
cell division in a blended high school general biology class. Students are provided learning
activities to develop and deepen their knowledge about cell division and then demonstrate their
understanding by creating their own animated model of mitosis.
Skilled educators coherently apply theory to their instructional design and develop learning
opportunities with respect to the implications and assumptions of their education philosophy
and pedagogy; coupled with sound research-based practices. Jonassen et al (2007) present
learning science and design research given the ubiquity of current constructivist learning
theories. Rooted in the works of Dewey, Bruner and Vygotsky, constructivism contends that

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(1) learning is an active process of constructing rather than acquiring knowledge, and (2)
instruction is a process to support that construction rather than to communicate knowledge
(Ertmer & Newby, 1993). The understanding of any concept depends on how the learner
grapples with all implications of new information with respect to their prior knowledge and
integrates new insights into their existing schema. Pervasive constructivism in educational
models has shifted the emphasis from effective instructional delivery to instructional design
for learning experiences that challenge, reveal and refine understandings and skills. The
parameters for those experiences may be defined by Vygotskys Zone of Proximal
Development such that the material is within the grasp of the students capacities given
appropriate supports or scaffolds (Mayer, 2008).

Further, Constructivists argue that

knowledge is both individually constructed and socially co-constructed from interactions and
experiences with the world (Jonassen et al, 2007). Learning outcomes are focused on
collaborative knowledge-building, self-regulation and reflection.
Science is essentially a constructivist process with elements of social consensus building and I
have been gradually moving toward a more learner-centered classroom with more
opportunities for exploration, investigation and concept construction. In the Mitosis lesson,
students are self-directed learners actively engaged in building knowledge through selfregulated investigation and collaboration. In particular, students are charged with solving the
mechanics of cell division in a collaborative Padlet that elicits prior knowledge and critical
thinking in socially mediated activity. Not only constructivist in nature, but the activity also
reflects authentic scientific practices of inductive reasoning, hypothesis, testing and peer
review. Similarly, in the Process-oriented Guided Inquiry Learning (POGIL) assignment,
students work in learning teams with specific role assignments to analyze models and the
consequences of cellular error. Finally, the product of this assignment integrates knowledge
and skills in a collaborative and creative demonstration with built in reflection on their own
understanding and that of others.
Assessing/Evaluating - Candidates use multiple assessment strategies to collect data for
informing decisions to improve instructional practice, learner outcomes, and the learning

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Mitosis in Motion Lesson (EdTECH521) is a weeklong project-based lesson plan for mitotic
cell division in a blended high school general biology class. Students are provided learning
activities to develop and deepen their knowledge about cell division and then demonstrate their
understanding by creating their own animated model of mitosis.
The "teach unit then test unit" model of assessment is ineffective and outdated. Summative
assessments rarely identify needs in a timely fashion for current students (although they can
be useful measures of growth and to inform future practices). Frequent formative assessments
are opportunities to identify student needs and adjust instruction precisely when needed. In an
effective classroom students are assessed routinely and seamlessly during lessons, given
regular and specific feedback, and personalized responsive instruction throughout the learning
process (Conrad & Donaldson, 2011; Smith & Ragan, 2005). Too often assessment is used to
measure but NOT to respond to student learning. It is the cycle of teach, assess, adapt, assess,
and reflect that fosters steady individual progress.
Similarly, students benefit from a learning environment where trying, over-reaching and
failing are part of the process of growing. Outside of school, when we try to learn new things
like yoga, fly-tying, or a new recipe, trial and error are necessary and expected before mastery.
Students deserve an equal opportunity to learn and adapt before they are scored on well they
have mastered new material. Subsequently, formative assessments should be low-stakes,
infused with specific feedback, and promote metacognition and revision by the student (Smith
& Ragan, 2005).
The Mitosis in Motion lesson routinely incorporates formative assessments with planned
instructional responses, and opportunities for students to self-evaluate and peer evaluate. The
flipped learning videos have embedded formative questions and loop back to relevant material
when a question is missed, inquiry discussion on Padlet encourages students to collaborate
and strategize out-loud, there is an exit ticket, formative assessments of their storybooks and a
critical friends peer review using the project rubric. Students demonstrate mastery via a
creative project, plus on a cumulative trimester exam and state-generated Biology EOC.
Managing - Candidates establish mechanisms for maintaining the technology infrastructure (p.
234) to improve learning and performance.

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Genetic Testing: A lesson integrating the internet (EdTECH541) is high school research
project on personal genetic testing, the role of the environmental and genetic factors on disease,
and the potential benefits and harms associated with personal genetic testing. Students produce a
4-6 minute news video segment that informs viewers about the benefits and risks of personal
genetic testing.
Recommendations to integrate technology with student-centered instruction have come from
the national level (American Association for the Advancement of Science - AAAS, 2013;
NETP, 2010). However, adoption has been sluggish and uneven (Earle, 2002; Roblyer &
Doering, 2013). Technology and student-centered learning are also not mutually inclusive, so
teachers must make an effort to develop rich, complex learning opportunities in which
learners self-manage and support each other to apply a variety of 21t century skills.
In this lesson, students are provided independent and collaborative opportunities to derive
meaning, context and outcomes through research, discussions, and jigsaw activities using a
variety of web-based media. Technology is employed to strengthen student teams and promote
learning across home and school boundaries. Students are encouraged to create and share
appropriate learner-generated content using more technologies of their choice as both a
learning process and a performance for assessment. This amplifies feedback and social
negotiation of meaning as they construct new knowledge but it also allows them to expand
their personal interests and digital skills.
Ethics - Candidates foster a learning environment in which ethics guide practice that promotes
health, safety, best practice, and respect for copyright, Fair Use, and appropriate open access to
Netiquette page (EdTECH502) is a brief overview of web etiquette for high school students in a
blended learning environment.
Guide to Netiquette (EdTECH521) is lesson landing page with an embedded video and
scavenger hunt and webhunt particularly related to social interaction at a professional level.
Hunting for Plagiarism (EdTECH502) is a student activity on responsible and fair use of web

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Community building to foster social interaction and trust, ownership, knowledge, participation
and individual identity are central elements of any classroom (Misanchuk & and Anderson,
2001). The vast majority of our students use technology every day to gather information,
communicate and exchange ideas (Lenhart, 2012). Although our students may have been
raised with a cell phone in their hands, they may not be particularly adept at the social
conventions associated with its use. They reply all, forward interesting but unsubstantiated
information, and share ideas and images that they would never reveal in person. Students also
struggle to communicate respectfully and responsively without cues from body and facial
expressions. Teenagers are already egocentric, and the illusion of anonymity can increase their
insensitivity. Students often plagiarize, intentionally and unintentionally, too rarely evaluate
content critically, and waste time with digital distractions; and everyone is concerned about
internet safety. It is more important than ever that we teach our students to think critically
about their technology use regardless of location or supervision and empower them to protect
themselves and others and to effectively navigate the overwhelming stream of unfiltered
information and social interactions.
We have three rules in our classroom: Be Safe, Be Respectful and Be Aware. In this artifact, I
connect our brick and mortar classroom rules about how we treat ourselves, others and their
property to our online environment. Acceptable behaviors online should mirror those in any
cooperative situation with additional guidelines provided by the instructor to illustrate specific
applications. For example, shouting in class is unacceptable and rude, much the same as using
all caps is rude in a post. The respect and concern we should devote to another's feelings,
viewpoint, or time is irrespective of setting.
All of the artifacts listed above are resources for students to become better digital citizens; one
teaches about netiquette and social interactions on the web and the other about fair use of web
resources to avoid plagiarism. I have used all three at different times during my curriculum,
but in reality, these are guidelines that are revisited on a daily basis.
Diversity of Learners - Candidates foster a learning community that empowers learners with
diverse backgrounds, characteristics, and abilities.

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Accessibility Weblinks (EdTECH502) outlines legal and ethical responsibilities for accessible
design and includes links to relevant resources.
Technology for Special Needs (EdTECH541) is a descriptive tool collection for instructors and
students to address learning accommodations.
Students with special needs are found in nearly every classroom; often bringing learning
difficulties, at-risk behaviors or concerns, or gifted abilities into a single class. All teachers
need an array of strategies and tools to ensure that every student has access to a rich and
productive education. Fortunately advances in technology, coupled with more student-directed
opportunities, have expanded student choice in inputs and outputs and greater freedom to
work collaboratively and at an individualized pace (Roblyer & Doering, 2012).
The Accessiblity Weblinks artifact provides the ethical and legal rationale for building learner
accommodations through accessible design. It also includes guidelines for appropriate digital
development to increase equitable access to the page. These principles are applied in all of the
self-designed artifacts published in this portfolio.
The second artifact, Technology for Special Needs, is a collection of tools to assist students in
and out of the classroom with a variety of challenges. As a teacher, I spend less time
designing digital products from scratch and more time applying strategies to help specific
students. This artifact has been an invaluable resource for myself and my students. Just this
year, two students with significant language disabilities became more independent learners
because we downloaded a text to speech application. Beneficial technologies assist with
reading, writing, math, and memory so students can work with higher thinking problem
(Roblyer & Doering, 2012). Even more significant to them, however, was the ability to join
their peers on social media because they learned how to change accessibility settings on
personal devices.


Collaborative Practice - Candidates collaborate with their peers and subject matter experts to
analyze learners, develop and design instruction, and evaluate its impact on learners.

EdTECH592, Straub 19

IDLA Blended Teachers Conference, 2015 - Tool Presentation (Zaption) is the digital
handout for the presentation I gave at this conference; Meeting Record is a document of my
participation in other presentations and breakout sessions during the conference.
Biology Curriculum Blueprint (ED-CIFS 553) is the collaborative product of taking the IDLA
lessons back to a district PLC.
Educators must be learners as well as instructors, participating in communities of practice for
sustained professional learning in a supportive context directly related to their daily work
(Herrigton & Kervin, 2007). The digital revolution has increased opportunities for any
learners to participate in a wealth of knowledge building communities, expanding their
network of peers, mentors and resources for developing comprehension and depth of
knowledge, plus feedback on learner-generated content (Greenhow et al, 2009). Authentic
learning communities have context, authentic activities, multiple perspectives, expert
performance, reflection, collaboration, articulation, coaching and integrated assessment
(Herrigton & Kervin, 2007). Participation in learning communities cultivates innovative ideas
through public dialogues with a broader audience; fosters critical evaluation own work and the
work of others; contributes persistent, searchable and replicable information and experiences
through collaborative scholarship. Knowledge construction in digital learning ecologies can
transcend the barriers of geography, time and culture to support a more holistic and heuristic
learning community.
In the summer of 2015 I participated as a presenter and student in Idaho Digital Learning
Academies first blended teachers conference. I have included three artifacts: a copy of the
digital handout for flipped video learning tool (Zaption) I presented; my meeting record and
the Biology Curriculum blueprint developed with my blended biology PLC after the
conference. The first two artifacts demonstrate my commitment to professional learning
communities as both a leader and a participant. As part of IDLA Blended Consortium
Community on Google Plus (and at least 20 other G+ communities for blending, flipping,
PBL, STEM, etc.), I am an active member of digital learning communities outside of my
district and school. The final artifact, the Biology Curriculum Blueprint is the collaborative
product from my district level Blended Biology PLC using the tools and knowledge from the
conference. Together, these artifacts demonstrate a commitment to collaboration in a

EdTECH592, Straub 20

knowledge-building community in order to enhance my personal practices, but also the

practices of others.
Leadership - Candidates lead their peers in designing and implementing technology-supported
Google-fu Presentation: District Professional Development (2015) is my presentation for a
district level professional development session given at the start of this academic year.
The literature points to a handful of variables associated with teacher adoption of new
technologies: increased teacher knowledge and confidence with technology in their specific
content areas, experiences that transform perceptions about what exemplifies good
teaching, and a school culture that embraces the fusion of technology with best practices
across curricula and student diversity (Butler, & Sellbom, 2002; Earle, 2002; Ertmer &
Ottenbreit-Leftwich, 2010; Johnson et al, 2012). We must recognize that teachers
pedagogical models have been shaped by years, possibly decades, of acquired knowledge and
by past successes and disappointments in teaching; and thus, are very resistant to change. We
must provide small, consistent and pervasive opportunities for teachers to incorporate
specifically applicable technology into their own classrooms such that they experience
affirmative student outcomes. Teachers must be encouraged to participate in new schema as a
learner with room to experiment and time to reflect so that lots of successful events foster
confidence and inspire shifts in beliefs and practices (Ertmer & Ottenbreit-Leftwich, 2010).
Because I serve in several leadership capacities in my school and in my district; I have
delivered professional development at both levels in the last couple of years. This year I am
the technology lead teacher in my school and sit on our Building Leadership Team, plus
mentor a cohort of blended teachers and lead my content area PLC for the district. As such, I
have complementary opportunities to provide feedback on how technology is integrated at
both levels. The artifact I have included is from a professional development workshop I
conducted for teachers and administrators last fall. It is a lesson I use in my own classroom
and encourage others to use in theirs. It is designed to improve digital skills for both
educators and students. Initial feedback focused on teachers using their new skills to find
resources for instruction, but now, their comments tell the story of its ingress with students. It
is a mixed blessing that I work in a building with very experienced teachers - they are an

EdTECH592, Straub 21

extremely supportive and knowledgeable resource for so many instructional challenges;

however, they are also very resistant to new-fangled ideas and have been reluctant to
embrace technology on a schoolwide basis. My role is to continue to champion, model and
share as many positive experiences as possible, and continue to serve as a mentor and leader
in helping other teachers become proficient with best practices.
Reflection on Practice - Candidates analyze and interpret data and artifacts and reflect on the
effectiveness of the design, development and implementation of technology-supported instruction
and learning to enhance their professional growth.
Learning Reflections Log (EdTECH501) is reflective digital journal initiated during EdTECH
501 but continued throughout my MET coursework.
Going back at least as far as John Dewey (1933), reflective thinking and metacognition have
been tied to the learning process. It is through the iterative processes of doing, recording,
reviewing and revising that knowledge is elicited, shaped and internalized. Critical reflection
involves a deliberate analysis of the learning processes to question and resolve experiences
within a broader context (Murray, Kujundzic, 2005). Through metacognition, students achieve
a deeper understanding about themselves and how to improve their practices and outcomes.
For my entire MET program, I have been documenting research, products and reflections to
an ongoing reflective journal. It has been a way to track and clarify my thinking about what I
was reading, what I was producing, my challenges and celebrations and finally, how this new
knowledge should influence my practices. In an example of best learning outcomes, I
transferred some of these metacognitive techniques to my own classroom. Reflection, in
discussion and in writing, has become an integral part of my instructional design.
Assessing/Evaluating - Candidates design and implement assessment and evaluation plans that
align with learning goals and instructional activities.
Climate Change PBL: Project Timeline (EdTECH542) outlines instruction for a six week
project-based learning module in which sophomore biology students explore climate change and
develop a multimedia project to raise awareness in their community.

EdTECH592, Straub 22

Effective assessments in PBL allow students to demonstrate their knowledge with authentic
products or performances in which they are personally vested. PBL is infused with student
choice and voice with regard to both course and creation of their artifact, so appropriate
assessments must have both latitude for innovative approaches, and focus to meet essential
objectives (Miller, 2011). PBL encourages students to apply clear learning targets with welldefined criteria to develop and revise student directed outcomes throughout the process. PBL
projects demand precise targets and assessments that are visible to students from the outset
plus frequent, specific formative feedback on both content and process to guide their progress.
Similarly, practice with rubrics, peer review, self-evaluation are crucial to the revision and
reflection procedures integral to PBL.
While I have confidently generated clear objectives and complementary learning strategies, I
had been less attentive to student driven interests and outcomes. For this project, I was very
cognizant of providing more opportunities for students to individualize their learning route
and products while still meeting crucial learning targets. Using Millers (2001) RAFT model,
students will choose related Roles, target Audiences and Formats for their project based on
the provided Topic, climate change. I also increased the number of formative assessments
throughout the project with a greater spotlight on metacognitive practices. Encouraging
students to articulate their thinking and actions gives me better data on their progress and
needs, plus allows them to better self-assess and adjust their own conceptions. Responsive
interventions to common misconceptions and follow up assessment are similarly addressed in
this project.
Ethics - Candidates demonstrate ethical behavior within the applicable cultural context during
all aspects of their work and with respect for the diversity of learners in each setting.
Mitosis in Motion Lesson (EdTECH521) is a weeklong project-based lesson plan for mitotic
cell division in a blended high school general biology class. Students are provided learning
activities to develop and deepen their knowledge about cell division and then demonstrate their
understanding by creating their own animated model of mitosis.
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a framework for providing equitable access to
rigorous learning for all students by incorporating multiple methods of representation,

EdTECH592, Straub 23

engagement and expression during instructional design (CAST, 2011). Every teacher is
responsible for an array of diverse learners with unique strengths, challenges, interests and
needs. UDL is a comprehensive strategy for building flexible learning materials that address
multiple needs.
UDL demands a shift in perception by teachers and instructional designers. Often educators
believe that students should adjust to the mode of instruction, whereas UDL suggests that
instruction should adapt to the student. Accommodations are no longer confined to needs of
special populations, but rather the domain of all learners. UDL is made more feasible by
technology. Teachers have better tools for diversifying content for both representation and
engagement and allow more methods for expression and assessment. In fact, students can
even find their own resources after a little guidance that best match their needs and interests.
With programs that move between text and speech, record audio and video, translate
languages, students become more independent and self-directed learners. Academic success is
only the beginning of a positive learning journey for a newly capable student.
UDL is demonstrated in the Mitosis in Motions lesson because I chose materials that use
evidence-supported design principles and the three core principles of multiple representation,
engagement and expression. Students are presented with visual and auditory information that
are well integrated in time, place and emphasis for dual-channel processing. Three versions of
introductory materials for independent (flipped) learning include higher and lower level
language skills and an alternate language. Students with reading difficulties have text to
speech capability using Chromes SpeakIt for directions and background reading and I can
provide iPads with touch screens and mice for students with tactile challenges. Representation
also covers language and comprehension supports so students are appropriately scaffolded
with guided note-taking with images, explicit vocabulary instruction, and manipulatives offer
additional methods for interfacing with the content. UDL engagement should elicit and
maintain student interest and persistence through choice, relevancy and clarity. UDL
expression dovetails with engagement as students can tailor their interactions and outputs to
meet individual needs. Clear expectation of performance-based outcomes with rubric and
examples are provided, but otherwise students have considerable latitude in final product and
collaboration. Feedback is regular and individualized based on student work.

EdTECH592, Straub 24

Theoretical Foundations - Candidates demonstrate foundational knowledge of the contribution
of research to the past and current theory of educational communications and technology.
Embracing Technology in Constructivist Learning Environments (EdTECH504) is a final
paper connecting constructivist learning in technology rich classrooms for authentic science
I think scientific knowledge is subjectively constructed using evidence (empiricism) and logic
(rationalism), and should be coherent (consistent with other evidence) and verifiable (tested
by peers). Obviously, it would be unreasonable or even impossible to rediscover historical
scientific knowledge, but students should be made aware of the processes and assumptions of
science. Consequently, I pursued quite a bit of research to refine my views on the social
aspects of constructivism and how technology could facilitate this type of learning
environment for this artifact and wrote a paper about constructivist learning is facilitated by
technology in science classrooms.
Situated Learning Theory, a social learning theory with constructivist underpinnings, demands
that students learn through authentic practice to acquire the knowledge and behaviors of a
group (Brown & Duguid, 1989; Lave, 1991). In science, this means learning science by
engaging in the activities and social interactions that typify scientific processes. In the past my
students performed scientific investigations and personally reflected on their strategies and
conclusions, but did not socially negotiate meaning with other groups in the classroom or
outside the classroom. Scientists depend on peer review for clarity, validity, and multiple
perspectives so too should my students. Subsequently, I began restructuring my classes in
2014 to actively engage students in more student-directed learning within expansive,
responsive, and social knowledge-building communities. I also want to bring into my
classroom the same dynamic and interactive digital experiences to which many students are
already habituated and all will need for participation in the next century.
Method - Candidates apply research methodologies to solve problems and enhance practice. (p.

EdTECH592, Straub 25

Research Educational Technology Authentic Scientific Literacy (EdTECH501) is an

annotated bibliography specifically connecting literacy in science classrooms with educational
Current Events in Biology (EdTECH501) is the redesigned lesson for sophomore Biology with
links to a lesson plan and student documents including a new self/peer assessment based on the
research in the first artifact.
New common core standards, technology, critical reading and writing initiatives in Idaho and
my district demanded a renewed commitment to scientific and digital literacy in my
classrooms. As a consequence, I took advantage of increased research availability and a better
personal understanding of digital capacities afforded by EdTECH 501 to redesign my current
events assignments in biology, which I then implemented as part of my class last year.
The overarching conclusion from the research is that students should be engaged in activities
that mimic the processes of science. To reflect the authentic research and motivation that drive
science, students need opportunities to direct their investigations and participate in wider
community of learning (Kubieck, 2005). Further, collaboration and peer review are
fundamental to the scientific approach to challenge and strengthen knowledge; and generate
novel solutions or applications. Modern technology has enhanced scientists capacities for
inquiry, reading, sharing, critiquing, and revising with collaborative tools (Linn, 2003; Creech
& Hale, 2006).
In response to the literature, I have deepened my Current Events lesson with more research,
collaboration, peer review and presentation. Students are grouped into research teams to
identify and analyze articles related to classroom content. The use Googles tools to locate
related articles, critically evaluate sources and content and collaborate on a common
multimedia presentation. In its second year, I have observed a greater appreciation in my
students for scientific literacy and how media representation of science influences public
Assessing/Evaluating - Candidates apply formal inquiry strategies in assessing and evaluating
processes and resources for learning and performance.

EdTECH592, Straub 26

Evaluation Project - IFHS Academic Advisory Program (EdTECH505) is the culminating

project to evaluate the Academic Advisory Program in my high school.
Evaluation is a systematic process of collecting and analyzing data to assess the efficiency,
effectiveness and impact of a program toward its goals with the obvious potential to influence
program improvement (Boulmetis and Dutwin, 2011). Less conspicuous benefits are
productive discussions with stakeholders identify or clarify standards, evidence and resources;
establish or expand the target audience and/or their needs; and develop knowledge about
unanticipated outcomes.
For this project, I conducted a sustained and comprehensive analysis of the protocols and
outcomes for Academic Advisory Program. I began by approaching an administrator with my
idea, initiated a committee, conducted surveys of both staff and students and tracked a lot of
performance data over a 3 month period. The suspected lack of effectiveness of our program
was confirmed by evidence and some revisions to the program were made for this year based
on the data collected and analyzed. However, we are still far from successful implementation.
Finally, I came to realize that education has several challenges with regards to evaluation: 1)
the goals of evaluation are oft misunderstood and misused; 2) educators, and especially
teachers, do not have enough experiences with data collection and analysis to make informed
decisions; and 3) frequently outcomes for education lack clarity, focus and consensus. All of
these elements conspire to keep the fear of evaluation by all stakeholders.
Ethics - Candidates conduct research and practice using accepted professional (p. 296) and
institutional (p. 297) guidelines and procedures.
Evaluation Project - IFHS Academic Advisory Program (EdTECH505) is the culminating
project to evaluate the Academic Advisory Program in my high school.
The goal of our advisory program was to provide additional support to students at risk for
failure in their classes by assigning them to an extra 30 minute period each week. However,
even in our third year, staff was struggling to accurately assign students, attendance tracking
was cumbersome and no comprehensive data had been collected to support or not support the
current iteration of our program. Staff had already expressed dissatisfaction with the program

EdTECH592, Straub 27

in non-formal settings and we were under new administration. Completion of this project
required careful handling of staff and student surveys to preserve anonymity of responses and
access to privileged student data. Finally, because administration was vested in the outcomes,
it was particularly important that I applied sound research practices and transparent statistical
analyses to draw fair and supported conclusions (Boulmetis and Dutwin, 2011).
Our students will enter a significantly different education and career market than we did; todays
employers already value a different, though ill-defined, set of skills and proficiencies in real
world practices. How can we prepare students for a future that we can barely envision today?
This question is at the heart of education reform as students find themselves engrossed by a rich
dynamic modern world while too often confined to a static and didactic classroom (Strommen &
Lincoln, 1992). One response in contemporary education is to embrace the complementary
relationships between constructivism, social learning and educational technologies.
A common thread through all of my assignments has been integration of social constructivism to
create a more effective student-centered learning environment that better mimics the practices of
science. I have been moving toward a more constructivist approach in my instruction and
embracing social learning communities for myself and for my students. I have been giving my
students more opportunities to interact and more time to develop relationships with other
students in their research teams, class, school, and beyond. Students are co-constructing more of
their knowledge through inquiry and social negotiation with peers and experts, much as the peer
review process in science operates. Defending their thoughts and ideas helps to reveal
weaknesses and strengths in their concepts and connections, and leads students toward more
harmonious knowledge schemes.
Engagement and authenticity are keys to the success of knowledge-building communities, and
technology is a significant gateway. With unprecedented access to digital and human resources
through Web 2.0 tools, I believe all students benefit from increased digital literacy and skills
which allows greater participation in a global society. Probably more than any other educational
goal, I would like my students to become more self-directed learners capable of metacognition. I
think a well-educated person appreciates learning, is aware of their current knowledge and its

EdTECH592, Straub 28

limits, and has a solid grasp on best means to help themselves learn. This person has both the
motivation and aptitude to learn anything they choose; technology then provides access to human
and digital resources.

EdTECH592, Straub 29

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