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Spring Break Photo Contest

To participate, submit a picture of yourself with friends and/or family enjoying
Spring Break 2016, based on the categories listed below, to win prizes!
Where in the world are
you posing with a famous person? $10 gift card
you outside of South Carolina? $10 gift card
so many SCVCS students in one photo together? $10 gift card
you learning, reading, or creating something? $10 gift card
you helping or teaching others? $10 gift card
you in the best overall photo this Spring Break? $20 gift card
Submit photos via kmail to Mr. Pennington with a brief description (who is in the
photo, where it was taken, what is taking place) and category, by 4pm on April 6.
An SCVCS student must be in the photograph and all submissions must be appropriate to be shared
with the entire student body. Submitting photo grants permission for its reproduction by SCVCS,
including the names of those included in the photograph. Voting will be conducted from April 11-15.
Photos must be taken during 2016 Spring Break (March 26-April 3).

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