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Preservice Teachers Union

Who we are
We are an unincorporated advocacy organization at the University of Oklahoma
comprised of future and current educators, including students in the TE+ Program as
well as graduate students. We are education students from all programs who recognize
the need to strive for a brighter future and a stronger profession as educators, starting in
the years before certification and continuing into the professional arena.

What do want?
We want to have our voices heard as preservice teachers both within the
Jeannine Rainbolt College of Education and the state of Oklahoma. Beginning with our
own community, we ask that the College of Education waive tuition and fees as well as
provide a stipend to students during the semester of their student teaching internship.

As preservice teachers, our student internship provides us with a wealth of
opportunities for learning and perfecting our craft. However, in fiscal terms, many of us
are left with little financial aid and thousands of dollars of debt. This debt is then carried
into a career that is commonly praised as being done for the outcome and not the
income. Though this adage is most definitely true, the reality still exists that a career in
the field of education is not lucrative. Additionally, it is hard to swallow that the countless
hours of labor associated with our student teaching internship is not only unpaid, but
costs us thousands of dollars out of pocket.

So you want take part?

With regard to structure, PTU will be organized into nine caucuses. Each caucus
will represent one of the nine areas of study within the College of Education (i.e.
Secondary Language Arts, Early Childhood, Special Education, etc.). Within these nine
caucuses, one person will be elected to represent their caucus as the caucus chair.

Next Steps
If you are interested in becoming a member of PTU, the first step is giving us
your contact information! After the interest meeting, we will contact you to arrange a
follow up meeting with the intent of organizing a course of action for achieving our goals.

First Community Meeting

Monday March 28, 2016 at 6:30-7:30 PM, location TBA

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