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Political Propaganda Speech Handout/Information

Format for paper: 12 pt. font, Times New Roman

Paragraph Outline
1. Introduction
a. Introduce Candidate
b. State their running position
c. Thesis Statement (Introduce Technique and 3 Focused stand on issues)
2. Discuss first stand on issue
a. Reason
b. Research (in-text citation)
c. Candidates Opinion on stand on issue
3. Discuss second stand on issue
a. Reason
b. Research (in-text citation)
c. Candidates Opinion on stand on issue
4. Discuss third stand on issue
a. Reason
b. Research (in-text citation)
c. Candidates Opinion on stand on issue
5. Conclusion
a. Conclusion of candidates ideas
b. Explain your candidates last seven stand on issues (briefly: 2-3 sentences is
c. Explain why your candidate should become President of the United States of

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