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Industry Value Growth

Growth CAGR 2008-2012 :
Forecasted Growth CAGR 2008-2012 :

US 3.8%
US 4.6%

Canada 4.4%
Canada 5.8%


US 955.3
US 1193

Canada 106.2
Canada 140 .0

Dari segi market (prospek growth sales, risk, etc) Canada lebih baik/ menguntungkan. there is an
GDP per capita :

Canada $38,065.13 per capita

US $45,759.46 per capita

GDP per capita

US $51,700.00

Stores : US 412 , Canada 10 , UK 9

2015 Sales :
United sales 96.9%
Canada and UK 3.1%

A diverse consumer base is driving the sector, with 58% of all Canadians
buying organic products every week.

In 2006, organic products made up

just under 1% of grocery sales (excluding fresh) in mainstream retail in Canada,
by 2008 this climbed to 1.3% and in 2012 reached 1.6% nationally
Fruit and vegetables are the clear leaders in organic sales, capturing over 40%
of total sales
Of over 3,000 organic food items captured in the market research scan, 43% by
volume identied themselves as being grown, packaged or processed
in Canada.
However, these Canadian products are capturing more value in the market than
imported products, with 46% of market share by value. Thirty percent of
organic products by volume were identi ed as US imports,
Canadians choose organic foods in line with their broader social, health and
environmental values.
Over half of Canadians feel that organic farming is better for a healthy environment. Nearly half of
all Canadians:

consider organic foods a healthier, more nutritious choice


believe ecological sustainability is an important consideration when choosing food

want to choose products that are not genetically engineered (GMO)

Canadians who buy organic

only spend $17.50 more per week than
those who do not purchase organic, and
the research shows that households in all socio-economic categories choose
organic, discrediting the common misconception that organic products are too
expensive for many Canadians.
98% of Canadians expect to increase or maintain their spending on organic fruit
and vegetables over the next year. Spending increases are most frequently
expected in the organic fruit and vegetable, meat and poultry, dairy and bread
and grains categories
Value of canadian organic food market has grown 3x since 2006

The total Canadian organic market is now valued at $3.7 billion per year in
sales. Food and beverages (including alcohol) account for roughly 96% of this

As noted in research conducted by the Alive Publishing Group (2010), the

higher number of pioneering natural health retailers per capita in western
Canada has led to a higher level of support for organic and natural health
products in comparison to eastern and central Canada. From the point of
view of Alive, natural health retailers have helped build community
around natural health concepts in western Canada, which has proven to be
an effective influencer of consumers attitudes and behaviours. Though
the rest of the country does not share this concentration (ibid), those in the
industry note natural health retail is experiencing notable growth in some
areas, such as Ontario and Alberta.

Outside of BC and Quebec, provincial regulatory programs do not exist. In the

rest of the country, the launch of the Canada Organic Regime in 2009 was the
first domestic organic initiative. Organic food, at a national scale,
is still a relatively young concept when compared to the long-established and
regulated markets in the US, Europe and Japan. However, the Canadian market
has also shown considerable growth during this time, and is now considered the
worlds fourth-largest organic market


level of influence of products labelled organic

under the Canad ian organic system

has nearly double the influence of the USDA Organic seal

Canada Organic certified is the 4th most

influential and trustworthy claim to accompany
food products.
Canada, urban educated, older

National consumer research in 2006 (Nielsen 2007) found a direct correlation

between income and organic purchasing, with those with household incomes of
$70,000 or higher showing the highest numbers of organic buyers and the
highest spending.

In 2012, the income distribution for Canadian organic buyers very closely
follows the pattern for average income with only a slightly higher number of
organic buyers reporting the highest household income category
of $100,000 or above
Nationally and in BC, household type remains a factor influencing organic
purchasing behaviour. In BC, households with children under two are the
highest buyers of organic groceries by household type (75%), while those with
children aged 2-17 still buy at a higher frequency (70%) than households
without children (65%).

age 25-64 with university degree

ont 2012 31 %
BC 2012 29.1 %
Alta 24.8%
Quebec 25.9
Sask 22.6%
The latest data shows that in 2014, a total of 3780 organic producers were operating in Canada.
This is a 5% increase since 2012
Quebec accounts for 66.3% of organic fruit acres grown in Canada. In 2014, Quebec reported
6,397 acres of organic blueberries, accounting for 78.5% of the provinces total organic fruit acres.
Quebec accounts for 93.4% of the countrys organic forest & wooded land due to its high acreage
of organic maple.

Though the rest of the country does not share this concentration (ibid), those in
the industry note natural health retail is experiencing notable growth in
some areas, such as Ontario and Alberta.


Families Organic Attitudes & Beliefs 2014 Tracking Study of more than 1,200 U.S.
households showed eight out of ten American families purchased organic products at
least once in the past two years. In nearly half of those families, concern about their
childrens health is a driving force behind that decision. Parents purchasing baby food are
quite committed to organic, with more than a third saying they always choose organic for
their infant or toddler. Meanwhile, 74 percent of daycare operations reported they offer
organic options for the children they serve.

Total Canada Organic Market: $3,531.08 M

of organic products exceed
$39 billion

51% of families are buying more organic products than a year ago
Over 3,000 farms are transitioning to organic across the country. There are nearly 19,500
certi ed organic operationsfarms and processing facilities
There are 296 organic inspectors in the U.S. Every organic operation involved between the
farm and market is inspected to verify compliance with the USDA organic regulations

This made Canada the fifth largest organic market worldwide and ninth highest
in per capita consumption of organics

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