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Little Criminals

Alyssa Suizo

In the play, Little Criminals, Des (protagonist) is involved in a series of events that lead to his
suicide. His world is very different, relentless melancholy, its a harsh reality that a lot of people
go through. Des loses his mothers and Corys support he had from everyone which in turn has
Des turning to a numb state of mind, with suicide as the outcome.

First of all, Des grew up with no father figure or father figure. His mother, who is only ten years
older than him, wasnt really the best person to give him the guidance that he needed. She was
always seen sleeping on the couch or just not giving Des any attention. The only time they ever
interacted was when Des would bring her a pack of cigarettes or when social services came to
talk her into giving Des up but he still really cared for his mother. It is also revealed that she
cannot manage Des and agrees for Des to be sent to an assessment centre for troubled
children. Des doesnt believe his mother would agree to such a thing and that angers Des.
Later, Rita, a worker at the assessment centre, tells Des that hell be taken in at a foster care.
He wont be seeing his mother and that angers his mother even more. His own mother has
agreed to officially let go of Des. Of course shes doing this Des own good but thats not how
Des sees it. Hes lost support from his mother and this changes him. He becomes more quieter
and seems numb.

In addition to Des false accusation of his mother not caring for him anymore. He turns to Cory.
Des displays Cory as someone his closest friend. Rita gives Cory a series of cards where he
has to place them in different titled boxes. He places the card Understands Me in the box with

Corys name in it. This scene tells us who Cory is to Des. After Des escapes the assessment
center Des and Cory come up with a plan to steal money from Chet. In the process, Des kills
Chet and also points the gun at Cory which wasnt supposed to happen. This scene shows the
breaking of their trust. In the next few scenes, Des escapes the foster home to find Cory. Cory is
in the car with his step father. Des waiting outside of it. Cory, frightened to leave the car, asks
Vince to lock the doors. Cory is too scared to be near Des and is also too scared to even look at
him. This is the end of their friendship and also the end character development of the two. Des
now has nobody on his side and in a depressive state.

Des loses his mother and Cory. He loses the two people who meant a lot to him. Not having
this support from them breaks Des. He feels he has nothing and this gives him a reason to
commit suicide. An end to a relentless melancholy

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