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1. Studies have shown that not only men and women differ
in how they experience disease but also they ---- to medical
treatment in considerably varying ways.
A) observe

B) respond

D) inquire

C) estimate

7. Our understanding of the human brain has long been

hampered ---- our inability to observe its activity, but now
scientists have developed advanced imaging techniques
that could provide valuable insight ---- brain behaviour.
A) about / with

E) haste

B) by / into

D) for / up to

2. According to a study, young people in the Middle East

between 15 and 29 years of age ---- about onethird of the
regions population.
A) constitute

B) resign

D) spread

C) absorb

E) derive

B) Above / under

D) By / from

A) merges

B) depletes

D) shrinks

C) adorns

E) at / out

8. ---- studying other stars, astronomers can predict what

the rest of the suns life will be like; about 5 billion years --now, the core of the sun will shrink and become hotter.
A) Of / until

3. In recent times, scientific research has been providing

evidence that prolonged tobacco consumption vastly ---the risk of developing fatal medical conditions.

C) against / of

C) At / below

E) Without / around

9. Although male and female roles ---- less different in

some societies than they ---- in the past, they are still a very
important source of inequality and discrimination.

E) increases
A) had become / are
B) were becoming / to be
C) have become / were

4. An exciting new fossil of a now extinct land mammal

features ---- well-preserved hair and soft tissues, making it
the oldest specimen with fossilized internal organs by
some 60 million years.
A) ambiguously B) indifferently
D) remarkably

D) will become / has been

E) have become /will be

C) superficially
10. The invention of writing seems to have occurred in
several places and ---- to at least 3100 BC, when different
scripts ---- both in Egypt and in Sumer.

E) inconsiderably

A) dates back / appeared

B) was dated / had appeared
5. Although women ---- nearly half of the labour force in
South Africa, most of them work in lower-wage sectors,
particularly domestic service.
A) result in

B) put off

D) put up with

C) dating back / were appearing

D) dated back / appearing
E) date back / has appeared

C) make up
E) embark on

6. Nations with different political agendas have initiated

bold projects to take Russia out of the economic recession,
but in the long run, they may ---- colliding with each other.

11. With no moon as a stabilizer, the tilt of the Earths axis

---- more, thus ---- potentially strong climatic effects and
extreme differences in daylight and global temperatures.
A) varied / caused
B) has been varying / has caused

A) make out

B) give in

D) fight off

C) act out

E) end up

C) had varied / causes

D) would vary / causing
E) is varying / had caused



12. The overwhelming majority of scientists who have

published peer-reviewed articles believe that ---- the global
warming is real ---- man-made emissions are causing it.
A) more / than

B) the more / the better

D) whether / or

E) not only / but also

C) neither / or

---- (17) drawing human figures, children often make the head
too large for the rest of the body. A recent study offers some
insight into this common disproportion in childrens illustrations.
As part of the study, researchers asked children aged ---- (18)
four and seven years old to make several drawings of adults.
When they drew frontal views of these subjects, the size of the
heads was markedly enlarged. ---- (19), when the children drew
rear views of the adults, the size of the heads was not nearly so
exaggerated. The researchers ---- (20) that children draw bigger
when they know they must leave room for facial details. Thus,
the distorted head size in childrens illustrations is a form of
planning ahead and not an ---- (21) of a poor sense of scale.

13. Whales and dolphins produce complex underwater

sounds to communicate with each other, ---- scientists
have yet to unravel their meanings.
A) in view of

B) but

D) because

E) thus

C) whenever

A) Despite

B) While

C) Unless

D) Just as

E) Whereas

14. There is no air on the moon, because the moons

gravitational field is ---- weak ---- retain an atmosphere.
A) too / to

B) so / that

D) such / that

E) as / as

C) more / than

A) with

B) against
D) between

15. ---- solar energy is becoming cheaper and more widely

adopted in commercial industries, solar trends are on the
rise across a broad spectrum of products.
A) Unless

B) Until

D) Even so

E) Therefore

C) by

E) to

A) Prior to

B) Only if

D) As a result

E) However

C) As

C) Now that

A) suggest
B) could be suggested
C) were suggesting
D) must have suggested
16. ---- business partnerships enjoy certain advantages
over business entities owned and run by one natural
person, there are drawbacks as well.

E) had suggested

A) Since

B) Once


D) Even if

E) When

C) In that

A) expenditure

B) approval

D) investment

E) obstacle

C) indication



Memory is vital to forming a persons identity and providing

the stable sense of reality we need to function in daily life.
Despite memorys ---- (22) importance, its basis in the brain
remains largely mysterious. Attempts to develop computer
models of the brain show that memory is far ---- (23) complex
and often counter-intuitive than any system yet devised by
software designers. A memory is completely distinct from the
information stored on a hard drive or in the cloud: it can not only
fade and disappear, but also be falsified. Lately, scientists
---- (24) to probe for memorys basis in the brain on a cellular
level, using tools ---- (25) optogenetics to manipulate neural
circuits in living animals. In spite of the rapid progress, they are
still far from grasping the neuronal processes ---- (26) a fullyfledged memory is formed, stored, and retrieved.

27. Scenes of factory interiors account for only about onethird of the movie Modern Times,
A) just as it was a 1936 comedy film written and directed by
Charlie Chaplin.
B) but they contain some of the most pointed social
commentary, as well as the funniest comic situations.
C) so the film is a comment on the desperate employment and
fiscal conditions people faced during the Great Depression.
D) that portrays Chaplin as a factory worker employed on an
assembly line.
E) when Chaplin began preparing the film in 1934 as his first
sound film

A) fundamental

B) immature

D) threatened

C) adjacent

E) ambiguous
28. Doing regular exercise might be beneficial for reducing
the risk or delaying the onset of dementia, ---A) because neurons in the brain regenerate throughout life

A) much

B) too
D) the more

C) the most
E) more

B) though the most common early symptom is difficulty in

remembering recent events, or short-term memory loss.
C) as a person's condition declines, they often withdraw from
family and society
D) while the cause of Alzheimer's disease is poorly understood


E) these diseases also have a significant effect on a person's


A) began
B) would begin
C) are beginning
D) have begun
E) are to begin

29. Whereas Chinese is the most widely spoken first

language in the world, ----.
A) just as

B) such as

D) as though

C) in order to

E) as if

A) it is divided into seven major dialect groups, whose study is

considered a distinct academic discipline in China
B) standard Chinese is the official national spoken language for
the mainland and serves as a lingua franca
C) language laws of China do not apply to either Hong Kong or
Macau and hence have different official languages
D) English is the most widely used second language used in
various fields like business, science and technology

A) whom

B) by which

D) which

E) that

C) where

E) many modern forms of spoken Chinese languages have

their own distinct writing system using Chinese characters


30. Once located at the entrance of Alexandria's Eastern
Harbour, ----.
A) French archaeologists discovered some remains of the
lighthouse on the floor of the harbour.
B) they would have survived to our day if it was not severely
damaged by the earthquakes between AD 956 and 1323.
C) the Lighthouse of Alexandria was one of the tallest manmade structures in the world for many centuries.
D) yet such an ancient wonder was carefully planned by the
Ptolemaic Kingdom.
E) Ptolemy I Soter announced himself king in 305 BC, and
commissioned its construction shortly thereafter.


34. Although some species survive with virtually no change
for hundreds of millions of years, ----.
A) extinction is considered to be the death of the last individual
of the species.
B) the relationship between animals and their ecological niches
has been firmly established.
C) local extinction occurs when species ceases to exist in the
chosen area of study.
D) a typical species usually becomes extinct within 10 million
years of its first appearance.
E) currently an important aspect of extinction is human attempts
to preserve critically endangered species.

31. Whether somewhere is hot or cold is mainly to do with

how close it is to the equator, ----.
A) global warming results from greenhouse gas emissions.
B) since direct observations of climate were not available
before the 19th century.
C) as any climate change may occur over long and short timescales
D) this vegetation coverage affects solar heat absorption, water
retention, and precipitation.
E) yet other factors, such as terrain, ocean currents and
altitude, also play a role in climate.

35. ---- just as the sustainability of wind power depends on

the local wind patterns.
A) The availability of solar energy heavily relies on the climatic
conditions and how much sunlight is received
B) Many industrialized nations have installed significant solar
power capacity into their grids
C) A wide range of renewable energy technologies exists

32. Fulfilling the outdoor play needs of young children is a

challenging task, ----.
A) since a variety of factors such as supervision and safety
must be considered

D) Development of solar technologies stagnated in the early

20th century
E) Worldwide growth of wind energy has averaged 40% per
year since 2000

B) so children, especially those at preschool age, spend more

time in the playground
C) and playgrounds are controlled spaces where children
release some physical energy
D) but children experience fewer opportunities to explore nature

36. Besides performing domestic services and manual

labor, ----

E) even though focusing on what children should be able to do

outside is important

A) Rome differed from Greek city-states in allowing freed slaves

to become citizens.
B) slaves in ancient Rome were also employed at highly skilled
jobs and professions, such as teaching and accounting.

33. If an article is to be published in a scientific journal, ----.

A) under such conditions authors should have been strongly
encouraged to produce short summaries

C) a major source of slaves was Roman military expansion

during the Republic Period.
D) so that escaped slaves would be hunted down and returned.

B) they made every effort to ensure fair assessment of papers

C) it should meet several quality and publication criteria
D) all manuscripts were handled electronically in the process
E) those who deserve credit can take responsibility for the work

E) there are various estimates for the prevalence of slavery in

the Roman Empire.


37. In the past, many writers spread their reputation by
travelling and lecturing on a variety of public issues.
A) Gemite hretini artrmak isteyen yazarlarn ou, bol bol
seyahat ediyor ve eitli konulardaki konferanslara katlyordu.
B) Gemite pek ok yazar seyahat ederek ve eitli toplumsal
konularda konferanslar vererek hretini yaymtr.
C) Gemiteki yazarlar, gerek hretini artrmak gerekse toplum
sorunlar ile ilgilenmek iin sk sk seyahat ediyordu.
D) hretini artrmak isteyen pek ok yazar hem seyahat ediyor
hem de toplumsal konular zerinde konuuyordu.
E) Yazarlarn ou gemite seyahat ederek ve toplumsal
konulardaki derslere katlarak hrete ulayordu.

38. About a third of the sounds we pronounce for speech do

not use the lips or the front of the mouth and therefore they
cannot be distinguished by lip readers.
A) Konumak iin kardmz seslerin yaklak te biri,
dudaklarmz veya azmzn n ksmn kullanmadmzda dudak
okuyucular tarafndan ayrt edilemez.
B) Konumak iin kardmz seslerin yaklak te biri, dudaklar
veya azn n ksmn kullanmaz ve bu yzden dudak okuyucular
tarafndan ayrt edilemezler.
C) Konumak iin kardmz seslerin yarsndan fazlas dudaklar
ve azn n ksmn kullanmaz ve srf bu nedenden dolay dudak
okuyucular tarafndan kolayca ayrt edilemez.
D) Dudak okuyucular, konumak iin kardmz seslerin te
birine yaknn ayrt edemezler nk bu sesler dudaklar veya
azn n ksmn kullanmaz.
E) Dudak okuyucular, konumak iin kardmz seslerin te
birinden fazlas dudaklar veya azn n ksmn kullanmad
takdirde bu sesleri ayrt etmede olduka zorlanrlar.

39. It is a common belief that children are more successful

foreign language learners than adults, but the findings on this
issue are actually surprisingly suspicious.
A) ocuklarn yabanc dil reniminde yetikinlerden daha baarl
olduklar yaygn bir inantr, ancak bu konudaki bulgular aslnda
artc derecede phelidir.
B) ocuklar, yabanc dil reniminde yetikinlerden daha baarl
olsalar bile bu konudaki bulgularn aslnda son derece pheli
olduu inan yaygndr.
C) Yaygn bir inana gre ocuklar, yabanc dil reniminde
aslnda yetikinlerden daha baarldr ve bu konuda son derece
artc bulgulara rastlanlabilir.
D) ocuklar, yabanc dil reniminde yetikinlerden daha baarl
olmalarna ramen bu konudaki bulgularn pheli olduuna dair
gerekte yaygn bir inan vardr.
E) Her ne kadar ocuklar yabanc dil renmede yetikinlere gre
daha baarl olsalar da bu konudaki bulgular esasnda artc
oranda phelidir.


40. 24 Temmuz 1923te svirede imzalanan Lozan Antlamas,
Osmanl mparatorluu ile ttifak Kuvvetleri arasndaki
atmaya resmi olarak son vermi ve modern Trkiye
Cumhuriyetinin snrlarn belirlemitir.
A) The Treaty of Lausanne was signed in Switzerland on 24 July
1923, ending the war between the Ottoman Empire and the Allied
Forces and drawing the borders of the modern Turkish Republic.
B) After the Treaty of Lausanne was signed in Switzerland on 24
July 1923, the dispute between the Ottoman Empire and the Allied
Forces was settled and the borders of Turkish Republic were set.
C) Once the Treaty of Lausanne was made in Switzerland on 24
July 1923, the conflict was settled by the Ottoman Empire and the
Allied Forces and thus Turkish Republic was established.
D) In the Treaty of Lausanne, signed in Switzerland on 24 July
1923, the conflict between the Ottoman Empire and the Allied
Forces was settled with the borders of modern Turkish Republic.
E) Signed in Switzerland on 24 July 1923, the Treaty of Lausanne
officially ended the conflict between the Ottoman Empire and the
Allied Forces and defined the borders of modern Turkish Republic.

41. Anadolunun eitli yerlerinde yaplan kazlar, Hititlerin M

1350 civarnda yksek bir uygarlk dzeyine ulatklarn ortaya
A) Hittite settlements in Anatolia have been excavated in order to
show that there was a high level of civilization before 1350 BC.
B) Excavations conducted in certain parts of Anatolia suggest that
the Hittite civilization came to its highest point around 1350 BC.
C) Excavations carried out in various parts of Anatolia demonstrate
that the Hittites achieved a high level of civilization about 1350 BC.
D) Excavations suggest that the Hittites of Anatolia only reached a
high level of civilization after 1350 BC.
E) Various parts of Anatolia are being excavated to confirm that
there was a high level of Hittite civilization there around 1350 BC.

42. Sahra lnn ylda on kilometreye varan bir hzla gneye

doru genilemekte olduu bilimsel olarak ispatlanmtr.
A) Recent scientific investigations have shown that the southerly
movement of the Sahara remains at under 10 kilometers per year.
B) There is scientific evidence to suggest that the Sahara is
expanding southwards at a rate of roughly 10 kilometers a year.
C) The rate at which the Sahara is expanding southwards has been
scientifically established as not exceeding 10 kilometers a year.
D) It has been scientifically proven that the Sahara is expanding
southwards at a rate of up to 10 kilometers a year.
E) According to recent scientific data, the Sahara is moving in
a southerly direction at a rate just under 10 kilometers a year.


The White House, the official home of the United States

president, was not constructed in time for George Washington
to live in it. It was begun in 1792 and was ready for its first
inhabitants, President and Mrs. John Adams, who moved in on
November 1, 1800. When the Adams family moved in, the
White House was not yet complete, and the Adams family
suffered many inconveniences; for example, the main staircase
was incomplete, which hindered movement from floor to floor,
and the future laundry yard was merely a pool of mud, so wet
laundry was hung in the unfinished East Room to dry. Thomas
Jefferson, the third president, improved the comfort of the White
House in many respects and added new architectural features,
such as the terraces on the east and west ends. When the
British forces burned the White House in 1814, President
Madison was forced to leave. All that remained after the fire
was the exterior walls; the interior was completely destroyed. It
was not until December of 1817 that the following president,
James Monroe, was able to move into a reconstructed
residence. Since then, the White House has continued to be
modified but has been continuously occupied by each
succeeding USA president.


44. According to the passage, why did George Washington
not reside in the White House?
A) Because he thought the architectural design of the interior
was not elaborate enough.
B) Because the White House had been devastated by the
British army.
C) Because he did not want to experience the inconveniences
the Adams had to suffer.
D) Because the construction of the White House had not yet
been completed.
E) Because he was not elected president for the second time.

45. It can be inferred from the passage that John Adams

was ----.
A) the first president of the United States
B) the first US president to live in the White House
C) not an elected president but a temporary one
D) the second inhabitant of the White House
43. Which of the following would be the most appropriate
title for this text?

E) the third president of the United States

A) George Washingtons life in the White House

B) The Early History of the White House
C) The burning of the White House
D) Presidential Policies of Early U.S. Presidents
E) Architectural Features of the White House

46. The underlined word hindered is closest in meaning

to ----.
A) benefited

B) reinforced

D) facilitated

C) favoured

E) obstructed


Feng Shui, which literally translates from Chinese as "wind and
water", is a 4000-year-old system of analyzing and altering the
flow of energy in any environment to produce desired change.
The principle behind Feng Shui is that every physical object in
our surroundings has an influence on our lives. By simply
altering how energy, or "chi", flows around and through these
surroundings, we can promote happiness, prosperity and good
health, and feel more energetic, positive and passionate about
life. Because in its basic definition Feng Shui is the "Art of
Placement", Feng Shui practitioners believe that by arranging
your furnishings and decor in a way that aligns with nature, you
invite positive energy (chi) to aid you in drawing harmony and
good health into your life. According to Feng Shui practitioners,
the easiest way to begin, without hiring a trained Feng Shui
consultant or totally transforming your home or work place, is to
include some strategically placed Feng Shui enhancers in your
environment. Numerous objects have long been recognized as
having the ability to enhance the flow of energy and stimulate
positive changes within the mind. If you add a few of these
simple objects by following some basic Feng Shui placement
guidelines, your space will look more attractive and you will
reap the many benefits of a more favourable life.


48. We understand from the passage that, before you place

Feng Shui enhancers in your own surroundings, ----.
A) you need to get some knowledge about the basic Feng Shui
placement guidelines
B) you must hire a Feng Shui consultant who knows how to
arrange things in a house or office
C) you must first make positive changes within your life
D) you have to be certain that you believe in the healing power
of wind and water
E) you should purchase expensive natural furnishings and
decorations with healing power

47. It is clearly pointed out in the passage that ----.

A) changing the place of furniture and objects based on Feng
Shui standards might bring pleasure, wealth and well-being

49. We can infer from the passage that ----.

A) Feng Shui has supporters almost everywhere in the world

B) Feng Shui alters our passions, behaviors and attitudes

toward physical objects in our houses

B) Feng Shui is not a cheap way of furnishing your house

C) Feng Shui is an ancient energy source circulating around

the world for thousands of years

C) not all objects have the same ability to affect the flow of

D) Modern Feng Shui practices are rather costly and require

great deal of effort

D) Feng Shui enhancers are not affordable for most people

E) Feng Shui is regarded as a type of fine art, with millions of

adherents all around the world

E) having something red in your environment is a must in the

Feng Shui style of furnishing

50. According to the passage, Feng Shui is a system of

placement which ----.
A) is most effective for writers, who need to be creative all the
B) helps you furnish your house rather cheaply,
C) requires you to change your way of life radically
D) only trained consultants know how to use effectively
E) emphasizes the harmony between furnishings and nature


Right now about one billion people suffer from chronic hunger.
The world's farmers grow enough food to feed them, but it is not
properly distributed and, even if it were, many cannot afford it,
because prices are considerably escalating. However, here
arises another challenge; by 2050, the world's population will
have increased by two billion or three billion, which will likely
double the demand for food, according to several studies.
Demand will also rise, because many more people will have
higher incomes, which means they will eat more, especially
meat. Increasing use of cropland for biofuel will put additional
demands on our farms. Therefore, even if we solve today's
problems of poverty and access, which is a daunting task, we
will also have to produce twice as much to guarantee adequate
supply worldwide. By clearing tropical forests, farming marginal
lands, and boosting industrial farming in sensitive landscapes,
humankind has made modern agriculture the planet's dominant
environmental threat. Agriculture already consumes a large
percentage of the earth's land surface and is destroying habitat,
using up freshwater, polluting rivers and oceans, and emitting
greenhouse gases more extensively than almost any other
human activity. To guarantee the globe's long-term health, we
must dramatically reduce agriculture's adverse impacts.


52. As pointed out in the passage, modern agriculture ----.

A) will contribute to the long-term health of the world
B) fails to create much employment in the developed countries
C) has become the primary danger to the environment, as it
causes pollution and destruction of natural habitats
D) can fulfill the challenging task of producing more biofuel and
clearing greenhouse gases from atmosphere in the future
E) should adopt innovative farming techniques to feed the
increasing global population

53. According to the information given the passage, which

of the following questions can easily be answered?
A) What damages is agriculture causing to our world?
B) What are the advantages of modern farming techniques?

51. One point emphasized in the passage concerning the

problem of hunger is that ----.

C) What is the real reason behind the rapid population growth?

D) How many tropical species have become extinct?

A) farmers across the globe fail to produce adequate food

E) Why are prices of consumer goods escalating this fast?
B) people should accustom themselves to eating less so that
chronic hunger can be decisively eliminated
C) half of the world population is also suffering from deadly
chronic diseases
D) the food currently produced is actually sufficient to feed
everyone, but it is not well distributed and is rather expensive
E) the current demand of food is far ahead of the supply, which
is the real culprit

54. The author's attitude towards the modern agriculture

is ----.
A) nostalgic

B) critical

D) neutral

E) optimistic

C) indifferent


Texting or checking social media or responding to email or
reading the news or checking the weather or watching a video
while walking is a popular phenomenon. It is so common that it
no longer causes the annoyance it once did. We have all been
captivated by the notification icons on our phones, so virtually
no one is paying attention to where they are going. Our mobile
devices are heavily integrated into our lives. It is one of the first
things we reach for in the morning, and when we get out, the
phone is often in our hands as we walk through the parking lot
to the store we visit. The distraction actually makes us a
vulnerable target or put us in front of a moving vehicle.
However, the text-walkers are less awkward than we might
think. Why don't they fall down or walk into other people?
Research suggests that these text-walkers adopt protective
measures to minimize the risk of accidents when walking. They
are less likely to trip, because they shorten their step length,
reduce step frequency, lengthen the time during which both feet
are in contact with the ground, and increase obstacle clearance
height. Taken together this creates an exaggerated image of
walking, but it apparently slows the walker enough so that he
can register some of what is happening around him and can
compensate for it.


56. It can be inferred from the passage that ----.

A) everyone using a smart phone in the street is distracted
B) social media provides many important benefits
C) scientists advise taking drastic measures while using social
media on the phone
D) texting or messaging while walking was previously
considered annoying but now it is rather normal
E) recent research reveals the dangers of using phones when
walking in the street

57. The phrase an exaggerated image of walking refers to

A) unusual walking style of text-walkers
B) the distractions in the street
C) precautions taken during walking

55. It is pointed out in the passage that although text

walking is dangerous, ----.

D) the text walking lanes

E) people annoyed by text-walkers

A) some texting walkers exaggerate the health risks

B) people reach out for their smart phones as soon as they
wake up in the morning
C) thanks to dedicated walking lanes, people who like playing
with phones never fall over.
58. The passage mainly focuses on ----.
D) the city government is encouraging the text-walking by
regulating the traffic lights
E) the text-walkers are less likely to have an accident, as they
walk more slowly and carefully

A) the hazards associated with using social media on public

B) how people have improved their walking style while using
mobile phone in order to avoid accidents
C) why people have become so addicted to technology
D) benefits of text-walking in urban environments
E) the types of distractions creating risks in the street



Yasuni National Park in Ecuador is considered by many

scientists to be the single most biodiverse spot on the planet,
but one in danger of being lost. Oil companies have found rich
deposits beneath the parks trees and rivers worth billions of
dollars. Ecuador is a small country in which a third of the
population lives below the poverty line and petroleum already
makes up more than half of its export revenue. It badly needs
the money that oil companies will be happy to provide if further
drilling is allowed to go forward. If Ecuador follows the usual
path of development, this is exactly what will happen, with
disastrous consequences for the park. However, there may be
another way. Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa told the
international community that his country would be willing to
cease drilling and leave Yasuni intact in exchange for donations
equal to $3.6 billion over 13 years, or about half the expected
market value of the parks oil deposits. The Yasuni Plan, while
conserving the parks unique biodiversity, would be a first for
global environmental policy, recognizing that the international
community has a financial responsibility to help developing
nations preserve nature.

60. The Yasuni Plan is unique in that ----.

59. It is understood from the passage that ----.

61. The reason why Yasuni National Park is valuable for

many scientists is that ----

A) it requires the international community to take responsibility

and financially support environmental preservation
B) it will get donations from the locals as well as the
international community
C) it actively supports the destruction of a national park in
D) it has stated that other countries should follow the
Ecuadorian example
E) it recognizes the need to conserve some parts of the national
park while drilling for oil in other parts

A) oil companies favour those countries that are rich in

A) it supports a third of the population of Ecuador
B) South American countries are particularly prone to
environmental problems
C) developing countries are often forced to destroy their natural
habitat in return for money

B) oil companies are in competition to drill in the area

C) there are rich oil reserves beneath the park
D) it possesses precious tree species nourished by a river

D) the international community has to work closely with oil

companies to find alternative fuels

E) it is the richest area in the world in terms of its biodiversity

E) the global environmental policy has always required oil

companies to help oil-exporting countries financially

62. According to the passage, Ecuador is a country ----.

A) that is insensitive towards the environment
B) that heavily depends on the revenues derived from oil
C) which has started to overcome poverty
D) that has already decided to further exploit its oil reserves
E) where politicians are indifferent to the plans of oil companies



Jake: During exercise, most of us will sweat more than 1
litre per hour.

Steve: The scale of global warming tells us that something
must be done as soon as possible.


Betty: So, precautions seem mandatory.

Jake: You can suffer seizure and heart failure once youve
lost much of the water in your body.
Susan: I guess its a good idea to keep a bottle of water at
hand during exercise.

---Betty: Neither would work. Actually a more viable solution
would be better.
A) I guess you imply reducing the costs, dont you?

Jake: Youre definitely right.

B) How would long it take to impose sanctions on hazardous
A) What are the situations where we can lose more than that?
B) Why do we sweat excessively during some physical

C) Do you mean enforcing harsh penalties or increasing the

D) Well, you know I think thats the best solution ever proposed

C) How can we protect ourselves from the negative effects of

too much sweating?

E) Can you please be more specific and give some details?

D) What are the possible consequences of excessive sweating?

E) Does this amount increase if one has a health problem?

Student: Sir, what do we know about the very first ways that
humans measured the time?
Tom: I'm planning to buy an expensive camera and take up
photography to produce high quality pictures of nature.

Professor: At the most basic level, there were sundials,

water clocks and hourglasses that appeared first.

Michael: That's really interesting, but just buying an

expensive camera is not the only answer to photography.


Tom: Why do you say so?


With the industrial revolution, electricity and mass
production, the exact time measurement became
necessary in society.

Tom: You may be right. Some professional help could be

useful for me to get better prepared.

A) How was it possible for humans to get from sundials to

atomic clocks?

A) I don't understand why you've chosen photography while you

could have chosen something else.

B) What do you think is the most accurate device that can tell
us the time precisely?

B) I think you'll just waste your money simply buying an

expensive camera.

C) What exactly is a water clock? What were the principles and

mechanisms used in its functioning?

C) You should also learn adequate knowledge before you start,

so you should have some course on photography.

D) Why have humans throughout the history given so much

importance to time and timekeeping?

D) I'm also interested in photography, but I'd rather take

architectural pictures rather than nature pictures.

E) When did people feel the need of measuring time so

precisely rather than just thinking "The Sun's up, so let's go out
and work"?

E) You also need to be careful about choosing the right type of

memory card for your camera.


Kevin: Do you have any idea why I always feel exhausted
after drinking more than two cups of coffee?
Molly: I read in a magazine that if your caffeine intake is too
high, serotonin levels can fall, leading to a crash.
---Molly: It might be. But I suggest you see a doctor in case
there are other factors contributing to this.
A) So this could be the reason why I also feel anxious,
depressed and tired.
B) Caffeine is also found in tea, which can make you feel more
C) Then, I should avoid buying caffeineladen drinks to stop
feeling like this.
D) There are a number of ways to enjoy coffee, but without
good water, the results will be disappointing.
E) I had better stop drinking coffee then, as it could make me ill.

68. Tourists have been visiting Niagara Falls in large

numbers since the 1800's. Annual visitor number now
averages over 10 million tourists per year. Because of
concern that all these tourists would destroy the natural
beauty of this scenic wonder, the US government created
Niagara Falls Park in 1885 in order to protect the land
surrounding American Falls. ----. With the area coming
under the jurisdiction of both government agencies,
appropriate steps could be taken to preserve the pristine
beauty of the area.
A) Niagara Falls, one of the most famous North American
natural wonders, has long been a popular tourist destination.
B) About 85% of the water that goes over the falls actually goes
over Horseshoe Falls, with the rest going over American Falls.
C) Most visitors come between April and October, and it is quite
a popular activity to go on a boat trip on the river.


69. There has never been an adult scientist who has been
half as curious as any child between the ages of four
months and four years. ----. However, the truth is that
children begin to learn at birth, and by the time they begin
formal schooling at the age of 5 or 6, they have already
absorbed a fantastic amount of information, perhaps more
than they will learn for the rest of their lives. Adults can
multiply by many times the knowledge children absorb if
they appreciate this curiosity while simultaneously
encouraging the children to learn.
A) Babies are born learners, with a natural curiosity to figure out
how the world works.
B) Adults sometimes mistake this superb curiosity about
everything as a lack of ability to concentrate.
C) In fact, research shows that it is a childs internal desire to
learn that motivates him to seek out new experiences and leads
to greater success in school.
D) A newborn follows sounds, faces and interesting objects with
his or her eyes.
E) Children learn so much more through activities that capture
their attention and imaginations.

70. Some people associate migration mainly with birds.

Birds do travel vast distances, but mammals also migrate.
For example, the wild reindeer graze on the grassy slopes
of northern Canada. When the weather turns cold, these
animals travel south until spring. Their tracks are so well
worn that they are clearly visible from the air. Another
example is the Alaskan fur seal. These seals breed only in
the Pribilof Islands in the Bering Sea. ----. Together they
swim down the Pacific Coast of North America. The
females and young seals travel as far as southern
California. The males do not journey so far; they swim only
to the Gulf of Alaska.
A) Whales are among the greatest migrators of all; the blue
whales migrate each year from the polar seas to the tropics.
B) In winter, seals eat huge quantities of tiny plants and
C) In the spring, males and females all return to the islands, and
there the cycle begins again.

D) It is also possible to get a spectacular view of the falls from

the strategic locations along the Niagara River.

D) The young are born in June and by September are strong

enough to go with their mothers on a journey of more than
3,000 miles.

E) One year later, Canada created Queen Victoria Park on the

Canadian side of the Niagara.

E) This unique and astonishing achievement has attracted

many producers of seal documentaries to the Atlantic Ocean.


71. Earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, floods no part of
the United States is immune to natural disasters. ----. For
example, "Designing for Disaster" at the National Building
Museum in Washington, D.C. showcases how scientists,
engineers and government officials work together to guard
the country's infrastructures against disasters. On entering
the exhibit, visitors are immediately confronted with
tangible reminders of the destruction that natural disasters
can inflict.
A) Most of the disasterresistant structures rest on large blocks
that can slide independently of each other.
B) While no one can prevent these hazards, people can
adequately prepare for them.
C) Some governments around the world seem unwilling to take
action to increase the number of hazardresistant buildings.
D) It often takes a catastrophic disaster for officials to enact
strict building codes and laws.
E) Methods used by engineers to make buildings resistant to
natural hazards should be revised and improved.


73. A recent study by researchers at the University of
Cambridge has shown that second-hand cigarette smoke
does more harm to non-smokers than to smokers.
A) Non-smokers are more adversely affected by passive
smoking than those smoking cigarettes, which has been
demonstrated in new research by the Cambridge University.
B) As an illustration of the health risks associated with smoking,
Cambridge University researchers have proved that secondhand tobacco consumption is highly damaging to smokers.
C) Rather than breathing someone elses cigarette smoke, firsthand smoking is much more dangerous to health, as shown by
a recent study by researchers from the University of Cambridge.
D) As well as smoke experienced by people in their daily lives,
smoking also produces substantial adverse effects on a
persons health says a survey by the University of Cambridge.
E) Lately conducted by the Cambridge University, a study
indicates that passive smoking is not as harmful to a persons
health as active smoking.

72. The European Union currently imports 50% of the

energy it needs, but it is predicted that its dependence on
imported energy will rise to 70% by 2030.
A) Besides being the worlds largest energy consumer with its
own reserves, the European Union also imports half of its
energy, which will rise 70% by 2030.
B) The European Union is the worlds largest energy consumer
with 50% of energy imports, and it is estimated that its
dependence on imported energy will rise by 70% in 2030.
C) Despite its unlimited energy reserves, the European Union
imports around 50% of the energy it needs, and it will be more
dependent on energy import with a 70% increase by 2030.
D) As the worlds largest energy consumer, the European
Unions dependence on energy will increase to 70% by 2030, if
it buys 50% of its energy from other countries.
E) Although the European Union presently meets half of its
energy requirement through imports, its reliance on energy
imports is projected to increase to 70% by 2030.

74. Nikola Tesla was an outstanding inventor widely

regarded as a genius second only to Leonardo da Vinci in
terms of profound technological virtuosity.
A) If we compare Nikola Tesla to Leonardo da Vinci in terms of
high intelligence, he is the highest technological genius of all
times, rather than being a great inventor.
B) Nikola Tesla was a unique genius among all other previous
scientists and a far better inventor than Leonardo da Vinci in
technological developments.
C) With regard to great technical skill, Nikola Tesla was an
extraordinary innovator with a genius commonly considered to
come next after Leonardo da Vinci.
D) Nikola Tesla is generally regarded as an excellent inventor
and technical genius, but he cannot be compared to Leonardo
da Vinci in terms of second-hand inventions.
E) Nikola Tesla and Leonardo da Vinci were the most
celebrated historical figures in terms of significant technological
virtuosity, as well as practical inventions.



75. But for the invention of the needle, which allowed

people to sew clothes from animal skin, mankind could not
have endured the harsh ice-age conditions.
A) Without needle, humans might not have invented sewn
clothes from animal skin, and therefore they would have
become extinct in ice age.
B) Humans invented the making of needle from animal skin
during cold winters of ice age; otherwise, they could not have
endured such harsh conditions.
C) Even if the invention of needle allowed making of clothes,
humans continued to wear animal skin, as it was more
protective in ice age conditions.

78. (I) The human race is facing a sort of problem it has never
been up against before. (II) Not only are the implications of
climate change enormous, but the general public also seems
unwilling to look the problem in the eye. (III) Drastic action is
going to have to be taken at some point in the future, but
without public support, governments will have a hard time being
able to do anything significant. (IV) Rich countries are both
responsible for the warming caused by climate change and in
far better position to cope with it due to strong economies and
comfortable lifestyles. (V) It is a whole lot easier to take action if
everyone agrees there is actually something to take action
A) I




E) V

D) If humans had not invented the needle that enabled turning

animal skin into clothing, they would not have survived the
severe conditions of the ice age.
E) Mankind could not withstand the extreme ice-age cold, but
they made needles from animal skin, which was used in sewing
different clothes.

76. (I) In 1066, the Norman invasion of England brought the

tremendous impact of the French language to England. (II) For
two centuries, French was the language of the English nobility,
while English remained the language of the peasants. (III)
English is now the principal language of twelve countries, and
the official language in over a dozen more. (IV) It was only in
the 14th century that English finally became the most important
language in England, with the London dialect as standard. (V)
However, as late as 1700, there were only 8.5 million English
A) I




E) V

77. (I) The Persians built the first windmills sometime in the 6th
or 7th century AD, for the purpose of powering irrigation pumps.
(II) In some early large irrigation projects, mostly in arid and
semiarid regions, little attention was paid to drainage. (III)
Evolving over the years, by the eighteenth century, windmills
were commonly used in Europe and America for grain grinding
and irrigation. (IV) Along with waterpower, these provided the
basic energy source for the Industrial Revolution. (V) In fact,
two centuries ago, nearly every industrial process in existence
ran on wind power.
A) I




E) V

79. (I) By the 1980s, a tide of new technologies such as the

personal computer, the fax machine and the cellular phone
caused a great change in China. (II) These devices increased
the amount of information available and improved access to
information. (III) What had once been accessible only to the
powerful became accessible to all. (IV) Many people had
difficulty in keeping up with the complexity and control of new
devices. (V) They made it easier for people to exchange
information and people became more aware of what was
happening around.

A) I




E) V

80. (I) Materials that are to be used for teaching young learners
should be associated with their overall development level.
(II) With standardized test scores in the US dropping in recent
years, some administrators believe students need to spend
more time in the classroom instead of on the playground.
(III) However, findings show that exercise and academics may
not be mutually left aside. (IV) Physical activity can improve
blood flow to the brain, fuelling memory, attention and creativity,
which are essential to learning. (V) So, while it may seem as if
children are just exercising their bodies when they are running
around, they may actually be exercising their brains as well.

A) I




E) V




































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