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Isabella Terrell


Mod 4
Chinese Calligraphy

Chinese calligraphy is very important in China today. The word calligraphy in Chinese is
sh f (). They use a writing brush called a mo b ( ) to create the Chinese characters.
From how the brush was created, a hunter was very interested in a rabbits tail. He attached the
the rabbits fluffy tail onto the end of a bamboo stick. This easy and curious process created the
writing brush. Other resources that they uses for the writing brush are from sheep, wolves, and
goats. The thickness and thinness of the hair depends on the type of animal and the change in
weather. Chinese calligraphy came from writing, which made the mo b. One thousand and six
hundred years ago, a little boy worked very hard on calligraphy. To clean his brushes, he cleaned
them in a pool of water. The pool turned black as he washed out his brushes. The basic materials
that are required to make Chinese calligraphy include writing brushes, Chinese inks, rice paper,
and ink slabs. There are also specific requirements in making calligraphy. While holding the
brush, you need to maintain the proper angle from the tips of the brushes and the paper. The
structure of each Chinese character and overall arrangement are also very important when it
comes to Chinese calligraphy. When the ink is needed to make the calligraphy, you need an
inkstone. An Inkstone is made out of pine soots. A seal is the tool that is just like a stamp.
Chinese calligraphy is very interesting in my opinion. What amuses me the most is how you
control the brush and leaves a beautiful stroke that creates a Chinese character. Each stroke is
very important when it is time to write some Chinese calligraphy.

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