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Aracelly Vargas

Activity: Kickball
Source: Jody Slagowski at Orchard Park Care Center.
Equipment Needed: 10 chairs and an assistant.
Activity Description: Place the chairs in a close circle with the residents seated. Have them kick
or hit the ball to other residents, this will keep the participants alert socially as well as mentally.
Leadership Considerations: When dealing with individuals that need a wheelchair at times they
might get a little discouraged because they believe that they will not be able to participate in a
game such as kick ball. For individual that need to use a wheelchair or if the individual has a no
function of the lower limbs this game can be modified by tossing the ball instead of kicking the
ball. It is also important to encourage these individuals to move around as much as possible so tha
they are enjoying kickball as much as possible.
This game can be modified by to be played by the elderly by purchasing a different type of ball
such as a giant inflatable ball it will be easier for those individuals to kick the ball and it is soft so
that there are no injuries. Loneliness, social isolation, and sexual exclusion are the important social
determinants and risk factors associated with the elderly. They affect all aspects of health as well
as well being. An activity such as kick ball will be perfect for these individuals because they will
have the opportunity to interact with other people.

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