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Assignment Sem 1

I want to tell you about our former high school classmate, Raluca Popa. As you know, she
continued her studies abroad and you'll never believe this: it turned out to be one of the most
successful women in the world and at 28 years, Raluca took her doctorate at Massachusetts
Institute of Technology (MIT) and she has developed a software that could protect our
confidential data from hackers and governments. The IT giants were willing to provide
substantial amounts to benefit of her projects. Her project is called CryptDB from 2013 and is
used by leading companies such as Google and Lincoln Labs. She designs systems hitherto
indecipherable by anyone. For example, there is a program made by her wich encrypts data
better than any other program on the market. The program was developed and published in 20132014 and is used by a hospital in Boston.
Guess what happened next: she applied for a post of university professor, and after interviews
she received job offers from all the world's top universities, including MIT, Stanford, Berkeley,
Harvard, Princeton and in the end she decided to accept the offer from Berkeley.
To cut a long story short , Raluca received the award for the best Romanian student from abroad.
The award was given by the League of Romanian Students Abroad after the jury made over a
thousand personalities from the academic, cultural, public and private , romanian students and
graduates and LSRS members from over 50 countries.
I was impressed of her life story and challenged to do more to fulfill my dreams.

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