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1. Light your incense

2. Consecrate the four quarters (I personnel use Brujos s method. Holy spirit of the
3. Light one white candle on your altar, make the singe of the invoking Pentagram
of Earth and in invoke The Architect of the Universe.
4. The Lords Prayer.
5. The kabalistical invocation of Solomon
6. The Litany of the Saints, were I attach the names of my dead relatives
7. The formula to call the past masters
Venerable masters, who have passed the portals and accomplished the ultimate
journey,all you masters of the past who have known the secret light and have
participated in its activities, my call rises towards you; let us become united in heart and
spirit, at this moment and in this place.
You faithful knights of Truth I invoke you!
All you UN named and forgotten spirit of dead, you are welcomed at my Altar.
8. Pray and talk to them about your personal problems (Address it to you dead
9. Bless them and thank them for having answered youre call and ask them to go
back until their services are needed ( this apply mostly to the un named dead)
Note:- Tap, clasp your hand or wring a bell 3x each time you wish to invoke them, and
do same when your convocation with them is over.

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