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One gloomy boring day Jinx lying on her mattress in her home, bored out of her mind, throwing

a grenade in the air. The grenade hits her face, thud, and with anger throws the grenade out the
window. BOOM. It explodes on a man walking his dog and she is left on bed thinking,
Well this really blows there is nothing fun to do. Wait, I can blow up the city hall! No, wait, I
did that yesterday. Oh, I can--- wait, I already killed her. Shit. She frowned in disappointment.
Then, suddenly a mysterious red man crashes into her bedroom from her ceiling and she jolts
up. It is none other than Deadpool himself; as he gets up and brushes the debris from his
shoulders he says,
Oh, well hello pretty little mama.
Jinx grins. Oooo, she sends a seductive wink, who the hell are you?
Deadpool clears his voice to sound more masculine. I am the one who knocks. Ahaha, Im just
busting your chops. I am Deadpool, the merc with a mouth!
Jinx couldn't help but raise an intrigued eyebrow. Thats cool she jumped, making a 180 in the
air and kicked him in the face.
Well listen you busted through my ceiling and for that say hello to my little friend!. She pulled
out her fishbones, a loose cannon in a shape of a shark, her deadliest weapon yet. Deadpool
laughed, What the fuck is that. Hold on senorita, before sticking that thing places that Im sure
you ordinarily would, I wanted to ask you if you have seen Ajax?
She furrows her eyebrows confusingly, a smirk of humor in her voice at his random set of words,
I have no time to show you my cleaning supplies! She mutters before she blasted her loose
cannon toward Deadpool, before missing and making a giant hole on the wall. But honestly do
you usually have that lying around? Holy cow what power from a Barbie toy. Ive met a lot of
cool babes but JESUS. That is one hell of a kink right there. Deadpool said as he was running
out in the open field. Jinx launches another rocket towards Deadpool but he barely dodges and is
set on fire. Jinx is filled with excitement and her agility is boosted 170%. She runs toward
Deadpool and stands over him as he is laying there on the ground. He looks at his audience I
know I am hot but come on! My momma made me this outfit, he pulls a bucket of water from,
somewhere, and pours the water on his flaming hot bod. Jinx confused says, Who, who are you
talking to? .
None of your business, you nosey ass. Back to our priorities, Deadpool clears his throat and
winks, I have my own set of goodies to show you he finishes before he pulls out his own set
of toys and continues, before glancing at some of the rips in his suit.
Look at this, you think I can just walk to Wal-Mart and get another suit?Or perhaps off the rack
at Urban Outfiters? Nuh-uh,honey. Deadpool caressed the tears in his suit, the latter was
completely visible, what was more visible was his I love Spiderman briefs underneath the suit.
Jinx is aroused by Deapools arsenal and gets close to him Your toys are so pretty but mine are
better she pulls out her Pow-Pow, a machine with flare.

Deadpool can't help but stare at how incredibly insane this woman is. Man, was it a turn on.

How about you just show me your other P and we can call it a night, Deadpool said with arms raised,
before looking at the holes above and beside him.

Or call it a day, he shrugged and Jinx froze for a second.

My what? She asked and Deadpool shook his head and tapped his foot, clicking his tongue as he
crossed his arms.

You are either so deaf and blind, or just plain fucking stupid, he threw his head up and groaned, hands
covering his mask.

Excuse me? Jinx stood frozen still, but this time, she clicked off another Grenade, keeping it behind her
I'm just playing, you're sexy and I want to fuck the living daylights out of you, don't kill me, Deadpool
tried to play it off, before she giggled.

Too late, she said happily before throwing the grenade in his direction. Deadpool mumbled some more
curse words as the grenade landed just a few inches behind him.
You little witty bitch, he said before the grenade went off, and he went flying towards her.

He fell on top of her, Jinx still completely surprised that he didn't die.
W..Why aren't you dead, her voice softened as Deadpool stayed on top of her, his suit growing tighter
against his groin. Man, her boobs are bigger up close, he thought.

W-what? Oh. You failed to understand that I can't really die, you cutie pie. He said as he watched her
below him. This is a nice view. Nice tatas.

Oh That's.. So hot, she somehow managed to purr out, and Deadpool rose an eyebrow, a smirk
growing on his face.

Is it now? He said, before a sudden burst of pain made him yell. He looked down at his torso that was
inches away from hers, and noticed the giant knife lodged in his right side.

Oh, you want to stick things in people now, do you. I'm the best at that, he said as he managed to pull
the knife out. She tried to escape off of him, moving her legs apart and he dropped his dead weight
against her. His groin was now against hers. She let out a moan.

Okay, I'm going to have to fuck you now, I'm sorry. Actually, sorry not sorry. But hey, If it makes you
feel any better, I have a huge penis, he said as he wiped the blood on his torso against the rug. She
giggled and rose an eyebrow.

Prove it, asshole, she pushed her hips forward, making him grunt in surprise.

He froze, his boner growing even more, and looked up at her.

I love it when you are a bitch to me, he said before Jinx proved herself impatient, and ripped off the
part of his suit that held his member.
Her eyes were lustful as she watched him flop freely, and a devious smirk grew across her face.
Not as big as I thought but it'll do, she said as she clutched it, a bit too tightly.
Deadpool grunted again, Hey, be careful with the family jewels please, he coughed out as she began to
pump him, and he instantly buckled his hips.

Good lord, were you a professional whore before this. That f-feels great, he moaned as she continued.
She slowly grabbed the knife with her other hand, but Deadpool kept one eye on her and instantly

He pushed forward, grabbing both her hands and raising them above her, keeping her down. His member
hard against her own groin.

Not so fast, future baby mama, He said and Jinx giggled.

But I like it fast, she mumbled, and Deadpool moaned a bit.

Yup, you're totally not going to be able to walk and kill me tomorrow after this. Deadpool insisted
before he repositioned himself around her, grabbing both her small hands with one hand of his, to free his
own. With his free hand, he pulled down her underwear, using his glove and his spit as a lubricant to wire
her up some more, rubbing her sensitive spots and watching her squirm above him.

Now for the big finale that's about to tear this pussyyy up, Deadpool focused as he set the head of his
penis against her wet folds, teasing a bit.

Don't be more of a dick than you actually have, Jinx moaned. Deadpool chuckled.

You sure this isn't enough? He asked sarcastically before mercilessly pushing himself inside of her,
making her yell in surprised pleasure.

And that's where it all began, the rough, long lasting sex that went from the floor, to her bedroom, to her
bathroom, to her backyard, to her attic (which has some really good Batman comics stored away in
because I guess she's into orphans and shit) , and I guess outside since we basically destroyed her house
Obviously not as much as I destroyed that pussy. Wink, wink.

Anyway, I'd tell you more to get you all horned up but you nasty sick fucks need to go do something more
productive, you pieces of shit. I hope you enjoyed my story, and if you ever see Ajax, tell him that his
dick is small and that I, Deadpool, am coming for him.

So go along and be yourselfs, try miserably to get laid while I get to every night with this badass Jinx
chick and I'll see you all in the next episode of DRAGON BALL Z!!

Just kidding, totally wrong story but who the fuck doesn't love Dragon Ball Z.

Well, bye. I've got to go get my dragon balls deep in my girl now and then make her make me some
chimichangas. I swear, that whore can cook. I'm going to marry her , no actually...I'll just leave you
hanging here. Okay bye!

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