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Come find me!

Kareem today you were being very playfull and

wanted to play a game with me. Im going to hide
teacher and you can find me, dont look. I hid my eyes
with my hands and then when waited for you to call
me Ok teacher you can find me now. I started to
look around the room and I couldnt see you
anywhere, where could Kareem be I said out loud,
hes not in here, and I moved some toys around, then
I saw your little hand on the small couch, could this
be where you are Kareem I said as I moved the
cushion. Yay you found me teacher I was hiding in
here and you couldnt find me, its a good place to
hide, he said with a big smile on his face.
You found a great hiding place Kareem Im glad no one
came and sat on you and yes it was a great hiding
You have begun to find your place in the centre
Kareem and you are building up strong relationships
with the other children.

Teacher Lynda
November 2015

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