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Material-Environment interaction

Environment is a very broad concept. Everything that affect us during our life time
is collectively known as environment. Materials are the part of environment which is
either in natural form or artifiscially made from the combinations. Material and
Environment exist because of interactions. No consumption or use of material is
possible unless it make interaction with environment.

Interactions with the environment can cause

damage to materials but also might lead to an improvement of materials
properties ,eg. Humid environment around storage area can damage the cement by
changing it into hard stone form, Sun temp helps in drying the clay products
increasing its hardness.
Materials should be manufactured in such manner such that environmental
element temp,humidity ,rain and fire will have less affect upon it .Such material
will be durable ,efficient,realiable for the construction works. As our environment
has changed very much from past. The global warming phenomenon has been
taking place,the material manufactured should be able to cope such problems. In
addition to this acid rain is taking place which also degrade the quality of materials
.Also the growing population has make settlement crowded when fire strike ,such
area are more vulnerable to damage, it is necessary that material can interact with
environment so that it can resist fire too.
The material in present context should be produced in such a manner that it can
interact with current environment condition with less impact upon itself.This will
lead construction work to be reliable,durable and efficient.

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