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Artist: El Greco

Born: 1541 in Heraklion, Greece
Died: 1614 in Toledo, Spain

What type of artist:

El Greco was a painter, sculptor, and an


What stands out as the most important facts about

the artist?
1) El Greco was a pupil of the Titan.
2) He had a love named Dona Jeronima that he never married.
3) Most of El Grecos work has been done in Vicinity and Toledo.

What are some of this artists most well-known

1) Disrobing of Christ
2) Burial of the Count of Orgaz
3) Christ Healing the Blind

What makes this persons art great?

What really made El Grecos art work great was the Fifth Seal that was an
influence on Picassos Les Demoiselles d'Avignon, and was often considered
the first cubist painting.

Why did you choose this artist?

I choose El Greco because his paintings are the ones I mostly see at
Renaissance festivals when I go. El Grecos work usually shows different
emotions within on piece of art.

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