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You have a pen friend from Australia who is interested to know about Malaysian cuisine.
Write a letter to him/her explaining the variety of Malaysian food prepared by various races
in Malaysia.

Do you prefer to live in the city or in the countryside? Use the notes in the table below and
state your opinion in a composition.



Big shopping complex and various

Small shopping outlets and few

Many employment opportunities
Many colleges, universities and

Few job opportunities
Few colleges, universities





Write an article on the topic given below. Use the notes to guide you. You must elaborate on
the information given.

use of

Go greem

Ways to

by car

When writing your article:

You may use all the notes given

Elaborate on the notes given to make it more interesting
Make sure it is not less than 120 words.




50, Jalan Atap,

Taman Indah,
52000, Kuala Lumpur.
15 Mei 2015
Dear Scot,
Thank you for your interesting letter that I received yesterday. Form your letter, it is
obvious that you are in the pink of health as for me I am fine.
I was amazed to know that you are keen in Malaysian cuisine. In fact, Malaysia is
commonly known as the food heaven. This is because you have a great choice of food to
taste from.
As you know, Malaysia is a multicultural nation. As cultures differ, so do our food. In
fact, each race here has its own delicacies. The Chinese are popular with their chicken rice,
porridge, char keow teow and variety of noodles. The Malays have excellent choices of food
to choose from. You have satay, ketupat, rendang and lemang. To name just few. The Indians
are famous with their thosai, idli, sambar and capati. Besides, we also have a great variety of
western food including steak, lamb chop and pizza. No matter what you eat here, I assure you
that the food is super.
Malaysians are proud of their diversity. In fact, food is an ambassador to promote
tourist. In brief, if you want to taste the food available in the world, then you should come to
just one country Malaysia. When you eat this local food, you can also learn the culture. For
example, when you dine in chines restaurants, you will be given the option of eating with
chopsticks. The Indians are famous for their banana leaf food. This mean your food is
placed on banana leaf and not a plate! Also, you will find that the Malays and Indians are
fond of eating with their fingers because the food is finger licking good. Hence, when you
dine in Malaysia, you have an added advantage culture!
As the saying goes, The proof of the pudding is in the eating. I believe you must
make a trip here to experience the great variety of food available easily and affordably. I can
assure you that dining in Malaysia will be rich experience for you.

Well, thats all for now. Do keep in touch. Send my regards to your family. Bye!



A choice between living in the city or the countryside, I prefer to live in the city.
Living in the city has more benefit than living in the countryside.
I find life in the city more enjoyable and exciting. There are so many facilities and
amenities. I can go to the huge shopping complex and hyper supermarkets anytime I want.
My friends and I can watch a movie in the well equipped cineplexes. The food outlets are of
a wide range to choose from, be it local, Chinese, Western and many other restaurants. Even
the western restaurants serve different menus such as Italy, France and an American food. At
night, entertainment is found in this disco or karaoke lounges.
In terms of education, a variety of college is available in the city to choose from.
However, in smaller town, there might just be one or two colleges. When I graduate and work
in the city, I will have a better job opportunities with so many advantages in the city
compared to the countryside, why will I not want to stay in the city?


Ways to Reduce Global Warming

The greenhouse effect is a dangerous phenomenal as it causes the earth

temperature to rise. Thus, we experience global warming. With a warmer earth, there
may be changes in rainfall patterns, arise in sea level and much discomfort to nature
and mankind.
Hence, we have to halt global warming. In fact, there are many simple steps that we
can all at here to stop global warming.
Firstly, we have to reduce the use of electrical items. We can light up our home
naturally with sunlight instead of using electrical lamps. In fact, we can also wash our clothes
manually instead of using the washing machine. Remember, when you are not using any
electrical equipment, turn off the switch.
Secondly, we must get into the recycling habit. You ought to collect recycle items
such as paper, plastic and glassware. Then, send them to a recycling centre. Also, use items
that are recycle and encourage your friends to do so. In this way, we reduce landfills and open
burning. In addition, we reduce the number of trees being cut down for paper as we can use
recycle paper.
Next, we have to reduce fumes from vehicles by car-pooling or by using public
transports. Often, we complain of not having time for exercise. So, why drive to school or to
the restaurants? We can walk or cycle to nearby destinations. In this way, not only will we
reduce our petro expenditure, but also save the earth!
Finally, grow plants and trees around your house. By going green, not only will your
backyard and front yard look green, but the plants will also provide you and your family with
the oxygen supply. That is so essential for our existence.
Hence, we can help stop global warming. Remember, the faith of our earth is in our

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