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For 2to 6 Players acts 10+ Risk ‘We will be happy to heae your questions or com ments about this game, Write to: Hasbro Games, @ ‘Ru 02862. Tel: 888-836-7025 (roll free}. Canadian es Corpontlon23sede ovine epielligc Canna 116 ? Orricers COMMAND MANUAL 1©2003 Hasbro, Paste, RI.02862, All Rights Reserved, * denotes Reg, US Bat &IM Ofc, RoR Guanes i z Welcome to RWI sk) the game of global domination. i ty the commander ‘of vast armies, a general of “ a ~ supetior strategy, and a tactician unlike any mankind has ever seen. Your goal is simple: to take aver the world, ASSEMBLY Removeall ofthe pieces from the plsticbogs. Discard the bags RISK is a game that may be different from the games you are used to. ‘The game will take ‘many turns, and during your turn, you will have choices: where to attack, when to attack, and when to stop attacking. CONTENTS +6 Sets of Military Units, cach a different color + Golden Cavalry piece + Deck of 72 cards +5 Dice + Gameboard ELEM te BREST A Loox At THE GAME First, take all ofthe pieces to the game and set them out where you can see them, As you read these rules, look at these pieces so you know how they all work The gameboard Here it isthe word, just waiting for you to conquer it, the gumeboard is divided into 42 tettories cach with its own name. Many ofthese names may seem unfamiliar, Thats because chey existed 200 years ago, when the world looked much diferent tories ate grouped ito cont nents (six of them) The continents are North America (YEL- LOW), South America (ORANGE), Burope (PURPLE), Africa (BROWN), Asia (GREEN), and Australis (GRAY). These ach a different color Example: New Gunes, ndonesa Eastern Asta, and Waster Australia ae tetris. Together, these fourteritoies make up the continent of Australia ‘As you can see, some territories ate adj cent to each other. Adjacent territories are those that either share a border or havea sexline connecting them actoss wa rlitary units will be fone territory to an adjacent one, NOTE: There isa sea line that extends from Asia, wrapping around the board, to North America. This makes the terttories of Kamchatka and Alaska adjacent Example The territory of Bail alice inesela, Re anal Argentina Bsus they share Bones. rac sabe adjacent to North Arica case asin connect them seas the sean Units Bric atak anya these adjacent ferris, But beg he unt Brasil be attacked rom any ofthese terior In the South Atlantic Oe of numbers (4,6 8,1 other side of South America is a box that hia the names ofthe continents (th some sore numbers) These will come into play later in the game and will be explained in treater det latex Also, in the Indian Ocean isa battleground. This is where your battles will take place ‘We will discuss this in more detail under Coninar on page 9 6 Risle...... HR ‘The plastic pieces There are sic armies in this me exch a differ ferent colored ary. There is also one “polden cavalry" piece that belongs to no ‘ne. Instead it keps track of bonus reinforcements, ust et it aside for now. 1 color. Each player will bea dif Ifyou look atthe pieces closely, youll see that there ae chree differene shapes — a soldier with a musket (infantry), a soldier on a horse (cavalry), and a soldier near acannon (artillery). All of these pieces represent your units, but each one represents a different number of units During the game, you wll have many pieces on the hoard, sometimes many in fone territory. When this happens, use a cavalry oratillery piece to save space. Its allot easier to have Larilery piece on the board instead of 10 infantry pieces (both equal 10 units). Just like ifs easter to carry ‘two dimes instead of 20 pennies, it easier to move two artillery pieces instead of 20 infantey pieces. At any point in the game, ‘you can “make change” by substituting different pieces into terstory. just make sure you dont change the number of units. eee | Hs Hy J yptasre ntti Seares ‘Example: In Eason Unite Stats, cavalry and» aftr Since a represents § units and an infantry pice pres {ui the Grn player has 7 wits in Easter United States (52442. The Ral player hase etl, 1 cavalry and infantry in Westen United Sats, Thi rpresents 16 unis 4015H1) The dice The dice are used when attacking and defending territories. The 3 red dice are used when attacking The 2 white dice are used when defending, The cards ‘There are two types of cards ~ Mission cards and Territory cards. Mission cards are used only when playing MISSION RISK (see page 17, for the rules to MISSION RISK): If youre playing Global Domination RISK, you can pat the Mission cards back in the box out of play There is one Territory can for each territory on the board, Each of these has the name and picture ofa tetzitory as well asa picture of an infantry, cavalry or an artillery There are also two wild cards that f dont have territories on them but do have pictures of the three unit types. wii varpler This ea wild can rior omit bul t nes hae pictures ofthe hes (Oana. has pte of hat terior as wells cavalry ‘Tertory cards are used throughout the game to gain bonus reinforcements, Well explain how they work a cle later st type “ GLOBAL DoMINATION RISK For 3 t0 6 Players ‘Set out the gameboard so everyone can reach it + ‘Shutlle the Territory cards and place them facedown near the edge of the garneboar ‘This is your draw pile, Leave room next to the draw pile fora discard pile Now get out your starting units. These units will be placed on the board hefone play begins. The number of stating units depends on the number of players, res Erm Place the golden cavalry piece on the numberof the chart atthe bottom of the gameboard, Count out your starting units and past them in front of you. ‘Now each player rolls one dieto see who goes first~ the high die oll wins. Play then passes (0 the lef er Each player chooses a color and takes all of the units ofthat color Pkice your units ina pile neat you, El 6 RRASTE osu ieeRaRRERE Claiming Territories the player with the highest die roll claims the first territory “To claim a errtory, take one of your starting units and place it into an empty terttory. You now conttol ths terttory. “The nexe player (this would be che player to the lst player lef) places unie into an ‘empty teritory, claiming chat territory, and so on, You cannot claim territory that ready has a unit in it Eventually, all 42 territories will be claimed. Some players may conttol one more territory than others. This is OK, Important Erom now, there willbe no unclaimed teritores on the board, Control of territory (We player who has units there) may ‘ange, but a territory wall never be left emply. Reinforcing Territories Now that all ofthe territories are claimed, you will stare reinforcing your testores. (he more units you have ina tertitory, the ‘easier it sto attack and defend from.) Reinforcing a creitory is simple: just place one of your starting units into a territory that you control. You cannot place reinforcements into an enemy’ territory. Afier you place your reinforce rent, the player to your left reinforces cone territory, then the next player to the p going around the table until all of each player’ stating units have been placed, left, and so on. K Tete is no limit ro the number of units ‘that can be in a territory. You can choose to reinforce one territory with a large number of units or you can spread your units out across all of your terttories. After everyone’ starting units are on the board, player rolls one die again to see who starts the game, is time to declare war. Each Note: the player who placed his/her units first may oF may not be the player who takes the fest ue Rect Your TuRN Overview At he start of each one of your turns, you will receive additional units, which you will place on the board to reinforce your army. Then you wil attack your enemies, if you want, After you are done with combat, you will get one chance to relocate some of your units. F you conquer one territory on your turn, you get to draw a Territory cad. That’ all there is to a turn, Now lets go cover things in more derail so you ean plan your world conquest. ‘Step 1; RECEIVE AND PLACE ‘REINFORCEMENTS ‘At the start of your turn, you gain addition al unis to reinforce your territories. How ‘many reinforcements you gain depends on the number of territories you control, the ‘number of continents you contol (ifny) and any Tertitory card sets you turnin, Count Your Territories: The first thing you do is cout the number of territories you control (these are the ter stories with your unis in them). Take your total number ofteritories and divide them by 3 (ignore any remainders). Thisis the number of reinforcements you receive However you receive can NEVER be fewer then 3,80 ‘even if you control only afew tetttories, youll always receive least 3 reinforce ‘ments. Take your reinforcements from your ‘unit pile and put them in frort of you. This is the starrof your "reinforcement pile.” he number of reinforce Examples Gro conto 43 tern athe start of us tur 3 del by 3 4 (Remmi: You ignore the erie), Gren gains enfcemens Example: Rel contolsslertovis a: the tart of her fur. § divided by 362. However, yu can never recive fewer han 3 reinforcements Red gains Look at thelist below to help you deter= mine your reinforcements. TERRITORIES REINFORCEMENTS s Riskk........... HM Do You Control Any Continents? You also gee reinforcements for every conti rent you control, Remember that a conti- nent isa group of territories ofthe same color The smallest continents (and the easi ‘est (0 contro) are Australia and South ‘America. The largest is Asia. I'you control ‘every territory within a continent, then you control that continent. ‘The numberof reinforcements you receive depends on which continent (or continents) you control (ifany) The char in the lower left corner of the gameboard shows how many reinforcements you receive for each continent, Count out these reinforcements from your unc pile and add chem co the reinforcement pile in front of you (the pile you started by counting your rerstories). Ni sample 1: Red controls Attala nation the weinfncerents she received for contain her let, Reals ges 2 reinfovements for contrallng Asta, ropeand Africa coments he wiv or ‘Gay reves 8(5 or Example 2: Gray conto nadiiont ontoling his terior [Europe ai 3 or Arie) reinforcements for contrainte continents. Turn in Any Card Sets You May Have: “This may seem a litle out of place because we haven’ talked about how you pet ‘Terrtory cards yer (well talk about that in Step 4), but this isthe time when, you would turn in Teritory cards for bonus reinforcements Remember how each Territory catd has an mage at the cop ~ an infantry, a cavalry or an artillery (the wild cards have all three)? ‘When you have a set of 3 cards that show either the same picture or one of each pic- ‘are, you can turn them in for reinforce ‘ments If you have a wild card, it can count as any one of the three ~ an infantry, a cavalry or an artillery. Important: When you haves oF more cans, ou mist turn a set as you wll aay hove atleast one ofthe above The number of reinforcements you get for ‘uring in cards depends on how many card sets have been turned in so far in the game. Look again at the chart on the game- board (4, 6 8, 10 etc.) these are the num- bers of bonus reinforcemenis you receive for tuening in card sets. The first card set turned in during the game is worth 4 bonus reinforcements. The next card set ‘ured in is worth 6. The next card set ‘turned in is worth 8, and so on. Eventually these card sets will give you alot of bonus seinforcements, aT ‘When you turnin card set, move the golden cavalry pices forward one space toward the next higher nunnbet This will indicace how many reinforcements the snext player to turnin a card se wll eceive ‘Ada the bonus reinforcements to your rein forcemens pile and discard your card set to the discard pile sample: Re ha and atthe start of her tr “They show 2 infantry caver, anda riley. She tures cad cone afar one en and ‘ne artillery. Althowgh his he frst card st she Fst 15 thet ear rd 9 fr this ga. Therfer, gels renfrcements. She aks these 8 onus enforcement and puts them in hor wenforceent ple. Then she moves he golden cwalry piece fru one space from the 8 onto the 10 The next player o turn in a cad sw et 30 ons enforcement 8 25h 40] Fal eal Place Your Reinforcements: ‘After gathering your reinforcements, place ALL of them into teritories that you contol. You can choose to put all of your reinforcements into one terstory or spread them out across your territories. Remember: You must place ALL of these reinforcements. Risk » Step 2: Commar ‘Combat is the main part of your turn. Its here that you attack your opponents and attempe to tak can choose how many times you want to attack, in what ord olf. You c skip (© Step 3) or co attack unl you have almost no units left, You can even attack. ‘more than one territory on yout turn ritories fron them, You and when to cal it choose not wo attack at all (ifso, A Few Words about Combat Here are some terms used during combat: + Theattacker isthe player whose turn icurrendly is, “The defender isthe player being attacked. + An invasion is when a territory is being attacked, The invasion lasts until ether the teritory is taken over or until the attacker cals off the invasion. You may be able to invade more than one tertitory fon your turn, + Abattle is one rol ofthe dice (for each, the attacker and defender) during an invasion. An invasion may require battle or it may require dozens of bat Where Can 1 Invade? You ean invade from any one territory you control into an adjacent enemys territory, Remember: Territories are adjacent if they share a border, ora sewline nuns between them You can only invade an enemy’ territory — not your own, Choose territory you control and announce the adjacent territory you wish to invade, 10 FRESE cocoon EERE TE How You Battle You must have atleast 2 units ita tertitory in order to attack, This i because one unit must stay behind in order to protect the tertitory you are invading from, Ths unit must be set aside and cannot be part of any battle ‘Now choose how many units you will send from your attacking terricory into the bat- tle, You can send 1, 2,0r3 units, Your inva sion force may be much larger than 3, but ‘no more than 3 units ean be sent into each battle, Nines tt Blue has 5 units in North Nica an wants to made Egy. Er his frst bute he can send 2 wns into Egyp. Me cannot send all 3 since one nit ast behold bac t poet North rca. Take your atacking units and place them om the attacker's spaces on the battleground. [Next the defender chooses how many units will defend from the attacked territory. You can defend with either or 2 may be more units inthe territory, but 2 is the maximum number of units you can nits There defend with during a bel. Take your defending units and place them on the defender’ spaces on the battleground ‘ed is defending Egy and ha sond 2 ent to dfod during Let the battle begin... Each sie rolls die for each unit attacking or defending This means the attacker will roll 1,2, oF 3 dice and the delenit will rll 1 ot 2 dice. Both roll a the same time, 3 units, he a oly fit bale les llng2 diet alla since he has set 2 tsi, Re defending oth 2 aso she il aio alls dice A FRI 1 Resolving the Battle After both sides roll ehe dice, pat your dice in order from highest to lowest. You will then compare your highest die to your ‘opponent highest die to see who won, IMPORTANT: Incase of tie rll, the defender always wins, ‘The player with the higher die oll wins ‘The loser removes a unit from the battle- ground. This unit has been defeated. Put the defeated unit back into its unit pile olf the board, After you and your opponent compare the highest dice, you compare your next highest dice Tae attacer rls sand a2 The defender alls and a2 iste players compare ther highest dhe Blue yand Red 6. Rad wins end Bue removes ‘one of us attacking units fom the batleground Navy the player compare ther nex highest des Blue ni Red 2 Ths eB since defenses win i, win and le removes his other tacking Jrom the buttegound Ifyou rolled more dice than your oppo nent, ignore those extra dice When the bate is over all remaining units recurn to their respective tericoties bbuc dont worry, you may send chem imme: diately back into battle Calling Off an Invasion ‘Afr any battle, you (the attacker) may choose to call off the invasion. You may choose to invadea new territory, invade territory you attacked earlier curing combat, to end the combat part of you turn. Changing the Attacking Territory During an tavasion [In between battles, you can change the ter ritory from whieh you are invading and ‘continue the invasion from afferent, aujacent tetvitory. What you cannot do is battle with units from different territories avthe same time. During one bute, all ‘your units must be from the seme territory Since Novth Afra only has «uni fin hue aninot continue the asin fro there (Remember ‘one uni must stay end in a tron fo prt 1B Bh has 2 uns in ast Afric, whic aso sdjcet to ¥gyp. ue continues the invsion from East fea and send 3 ws th stack) out invade Egypl. Rel defend with 2 wis (dhe masini to defn, hell the dc ome foreach tacking unit nd fs 06 a amd aj Red defends with tw 5. Blues highest die isa and Red’ hgest die isa s. Since 6 iehigher dha 5, Red ous defending uit amd removes it from the blleround. Blu nea-highes Aieisa 4 and Reds next highs die isa. Sines higher than 4, Blue loses an attacking wt and removes from the ballon, ls Last di ol, (15, se not used since hey i no defending dito compare ia Winning an 1 and Moving In You win the invasion when you defeat the fast defending unit from a territory. You have now conquered this territory. Fake the units used to win the battleand move them from the battleground into the tersi- tory you invaded. You may now move any additional units from your invading terrvory into join them. So even though you can only battle youve won the invasion, you can move mote troops into your new teritory You must do this before you declare a vith 3 units, once eo Riskk oc tee cata eTNGHREE Ral only has me defending ni fn ya Blue atacks apn fom East Afric, Blu moves 5 tunis from East Africa oo the baterond to lack yp Red moves her + unit onto the bale ron spe wins the baton the fnvason. He moe hs 3 acing as nto Eg then he moves ofthe 6 remaining units fom Eas frie ina Egy leaving 1 behind Eliminating Another Player You eliminate another player if you defeat ‘nish last unit on the board. This player is now out ofthe game. Asa reward, you get al of that player's Territory cards (if hhe/she has any). Add these Territory cards to your hand, toclaim the te 1f your new hand of Terirory cards is nov 5 or more, you must stop and immediately ‘urna sec in for bonus reinforcements. You place these reinforcements into any of your territories. Ifyou still have 5 or more cards, then turn in another set and place these reinforcements as well. Finally, when you wwe 4 or fewer cards, continue your turn. Forriey Your Postrion ‘fier you are finished! attacking, you get ONE fortification (or “free move") with your nits. ‘To fortify your position, take as many units as youid like from one of your territories and move them to another con- nected territory. (Remember: you MUST leave atleast one unit behind ~ you can: not abandon a territory) Territories are “connected” if ll the territories in between are also CONTROLLED BY YOU. You cannot pass through enemy territories. ‘his is not an attacks itis simply @ movement from one of your tertitories toanother in order to protect your front line ot 1o get into posttion for your 1 sample At th ond of your ta, you ean ory from Indonesia throw iam, Droug i, ough Nghanistan, nd no ane vine yo fant all hese trios, Since you only went wn leritore Indonesia ad Uke HG Risk Stev 4: Cortecr a Ternrrory CARD At the end of your turn, you may be able 1o collect Territory catd If you conquered atleast one enemy territory on your a. turn, then you get one ‘Territory card, Draw ic off the top of the deel and add itto your hand. ¢ doesnt ‘matter if you conquered multiple tertito- ties, you sill only get one Tertitory card at the end of your turn. If you didnt conquer any territories on your tum, then you do not get a card WINNING ‘You win if you are che last player inthe game, meaning you control all 42 territories fon the board. You are the ruler ofthe world u Risk... HHitiiain 2-PLAYER RISK “The following rules give two different ‘ways to play 2Player RISK. tn both versions there are neutral armies (called neutrals) that occupy the board along swith the two players. In the first version, these neutrals are passive, They cannot move or attack, These neutrals acts roadblocks for both players In the second version, these neutrals are active and can be allied with one player orthe other: Follow the rules for Global Domination RISK with these changes Goal Eliminate your opponent. Setup ‘The two players start with 36 units exch, Set out 24 units for each of the + neutrals (the 4 colors not used by the players). Remove the 2 wild cards from the Territory card deck. Deal out 9Tervitory cards to each player and 6 to each neutral, Place one unit for that army into the territory. After every territory has been claimed, reeurn the wild cards and Territory cards 10 one deck, shut fle it and set the deck facedown near the gameboaed. Roll the dice to see who places teinforee- ments first. Players then aleernate. Each player places 3 of his/her units (you ean place them all into one of your territories cr split them up) and then 1 unit for each neutral into a territory they control), Players then roll wo see who goes frst High roll wins, PASSIVE NEUTRAL GAME ‘na game with passive neutrals, if you attack a neutral, your opponent rolls defense. These neutral armies will tay on the board until eliminated. Neutrals do not move, get reinforcements or atic, You now have all the rules you need, so stat playing! ACTIVE NEUTRAL GAME In this version of the game, neutrals act as ‘more than just roadblocks ~ they ean become allies of one ofthe players and switch alliances throughout the game. Neutrals have three statuses ~ Uninvolved, Allied with Player 1,or Allied with Player 2. Place a cannon (for each neutral) near the gameboard 10 keep track of each neutrals status, Neutrals stare as uninvolved, so place the cannon halfway between both players Asa neutel changes status, move its cannon tothe side ofthe player whe allies with it RRTORNA ‘Turn Order Your turn order is similar to Global Domination RISK but with a few extra steps. The new steps are in italic. STEP STEP 1: Brine Nrvreats At the start of your turn, you may give «Tersitory cad toa neutral to make it more favorable co you. Move that neutral’ ‘cannon one position closer to you, ‘meaning anally of your opponent becomes uninvolved (the cannon moves from in front of your opponent to in ‘between you and your opponent) and an uninvolved neutral becomes your ally {the cannon moves from in between you and your opponent ton front of you) Place any Tetritory card(s, used to bribe 4 neutral, facedown under that neutrals cannon, This ear(s) now stays with that neutral + You may give avo cards toa neutral ina turn to move them two places. + You may give cards to mote than one neutral, Move all ofthe neutrals cannons that you've given cards to, + You cannot give a card toa neutral that already has 5 cards this neutral can no longer be bribed Example Rei and Gren ae playing ans! eck the sing heb, black, gy and yellow ares as euteiches to ba te ye low army by placing evry cen feo under the ll conn. Red ho mvs the ol ear ron from the uninvolved potion (betwen hor and the green ployer fo dnt in fom! of her fo show hat ths army 8 no ir aly STEP 2: Recenvs REINFORCEMENTS You receive and place your reinforcements as usual. Do not count territories or conti- nents controled by your allies when deter- ‘mining your reinforcements Fiske... HAMNER STEP 3; ReaNronce Attits Each of your allies may also receive rein- forcements if you want, Choose analy, rll 4 die, and place that many units into that ally territories. You may put the units into fone territory or divide them among several territories held by thar lly Repeat forall of ‘your allies that you want to reinforce. + You do NOT have to reinforce anally. + Allies do not count territories when, determining reinforcements. + Allies do not get bonuses for holding continents + Allies do not cur in“Teritory card sets for reinforcements STEP 4: Comma (On your turn, you may atack with allied troops asif they were your own, These troops may attack your opponent, other neutrals or other allies. Attacking neutrals or attacking with an allied army may use them to move closer to your opponent. fer you finish an invasion into a neues territory whether you conquer itor not) and/or after you finish an invasion using anal army, roll 1 die. On a tol of 1-4, tmove that neutrals cannon one position away from you, Ona roll of § or 6, che new: tral orally keeps is cureent status. If you use anally to attack another neutral, roll for both bur roll one ata time, Ifyou eliminate @ neutral, you get all ofits ‘Territory cards, fany. Ifyou use an ally 0 climinate a neutral, you (not the ally) get the eliminated neutral’ Territory cards, Example: On hist, tke Gre ployer decides to ‘vale Quel (a triry conned byte ray tary wc surely uninold esr nl twin the invasion. Crea as now al det ef the gay army states henge The oll sa 3. Cree ‘moves the gray army’ cannon one pesto mvay From hin making the gray army Really Gaon alos the ene any ohh sv rently his aly to ved Austr (hic on tlle bythe Ra player. Than he wns ev rls dit ef the Ble anys sats ‘hangs. The roll i, The Blue army stays aed tut the Given payer STEP 5: Foriev Your Posttios Afterall attacks are Bnished, fortify your position the same way asin Global Domination RISK, STEP 6: Forriry Your Auturs You may make one “free move" for each of ‘your allies, Fortfy these troops using the same rules as in Global Domination RISK. STEP 7; Couscr 4 Teanniony Cano Allies do not get caeds for conquering a tor ricory. You get no ard for using a ally to conquer a tertitory. You only receive a Territory cad for conquering a tersitory with your owa oops HT Risk v7 Mission RISK For 3 to 6 Players: [In Mission RISK, the object ofthe game is nor to eliminate your opponent by taking ‘over the work. Your goal now isto com- plete the 4 missions that you receive atthe star of the game, Some missions are easy 0 complete; some arent so easy. Follow the ‘ules for Global Domination RISK with these changes. Setup Separate the Mission cards into 4 ples, according to the card backs (General, ‘Major, Colonel, Captain). Now shuffle teach separately and place them facedown oon the table, Each player draws one Mission car from each pile to form a hand of 4 Mission cards Players can look at their Mission cards but make sure they are kept secret from your ‘opponents, Without looking at them, place the extra Mission cards back in the box. Acer players have their missions, setup continues inthe sume way as Global Domination RISK. Reinforcements “Turning in card sets is different in Mission RISK. Instead of using the chart on the ‘bottom ofthe gameboard to determine the value ofthe card set, us the following chart to determine how many bonus reinforcements youll receive for ase: Reinforcement Table So turning ina set of 3 Cavalry always gives ‘you 6 bonus reinlogcements, no matter if it is che firs set turned in or the 15th. ‘Turning ina "l of each" set will give you the most bonus reinforcements Eliminating an opponent ‘When you eliminate an opponent, you still get his/her Tecritory cards but not the Mission cards. Those are kept secret unsil the end of the game. Completing a mission ‘You may claim a completed mission once you have achieved what it says on the card But you cannot claim more than one ‘To claim a completed mission, show the Mission card (a he time it indicates) ‘al players, confirming that you have completed what it asks for. Now place the Mission cand back in the box, out of pla. vo Rise... HHehiiiinatiaiid + Ifa Mission card reads "Play the start of your turn’ show the card at the very start of your turn, before you receive reinforcements + Ifa Mission card reads "Play after you gain reinforcements show the card after you have received your teinforcements, + Ifa Mission card reads "Play atthe end of your turn, show the card asthe last thing you do on your turn, after drawing a Territory card (any). ‘After player has completed three mis- sions, he/she must reveal his/her fourth (and last) mission, so all players know what mission needs to be completed to win the game, This last Mission card stays revealed for the rest of the game ~ so leave it faceup where everyone can se it NOTE ON MISSION CARD: [A mision may require yout canto an sland. ‘sland sa testy completely surounded by water tnd ony connected to oter lrioris by seine, for expe Indonesia. WINNING ‘The first player to complete all 4 missions, wins, You can also win by eliminating allother opponents, bur that’ the hat way to doi TEAM RISK Kor 4 oF 6 Players in 2 Teams An this game, players do not win individ- ally, but instead win asa team. Players set up in their own territories. Over the course ofthe game, players on the same team may share tervtories. GOAL the game is over when ONE player on a team is eliminated, The other team wins. Setup Determine which players are going to be ‘on which teams, Players should sit so the two teams alternate taking turns team 1, team 2, team 1, ream 2, ec Players setup in their own tertitories Receive reinforcements ‘When determining the number of territories you contro, check to see if you are sharing any territories with other embers of your team (players can move into friendly territories during fortification, as explained below), ‘The player that has che most units in a territory controls that territory. Ivo players tie for the most, then NO ONE controls that cerritory Example: Re lack, ned Gree ate om the seme too the stan of Gren tr, he controls 7 semntoms on his ou. br Grand he and ack ft have mis tn ths os neher Green nor ‘lack contals Greenland, bn Eastern Unite Slates, ‘lak has» units, ad has 2 units, an Green has 3 sul Gre contol hic erlry since he has more sass hve han either Black or Res RTT Risk [Note that ifa territory is not controlled by any player (since there isa tie for majority), then the continent bonus is lost as wel. Example: Black conta New Guinea, Kasten ‘Ausivaia, and Wester Austala, However, in Indonesia luck has 2 units and Re also has 2 unas. Since 8 te, nether player controls the terior, Asa real, lack does NOT collet the 2 bonas reinforcements for contralling the ‘Avsralien continent Also, use che following chart to determine bonus reinforcements for card sets instead of the chart on the bottom of the gameboard Reinforcement Table So turning ina set of 3 Cavalry always gives you 6 bons reinforcements, no mater ie is the first set turned in or the 15th Turning in a"L ofeach” set gives you the ‘most reinforcements, Combat ‘You may not attack another player on ‘your team, Fortify your position “There are «wo rules that are different when fortifying your position. You may fortify from one territory where you have units to any other territory where you or other team members have units Tis means you may move into other team members territories ~ even if they dont want you t. Also, when fortifying from one territory t0 another, you ries (or tertitori count teammates’ terito- containing a mix of team ‘mates’ units) a friendly and can use them when figuring out what is eonnected ample At thes of he ar, Rad sae to forfy from tndnesia through Siom (contol by Cree, ‘moter eam member) rough aa (omtalled by Rad vol Middle Eat containing ams of Coen and Black unis) and inl Eas Nia Collect a'ferritory card Territory cards are shared bythe team ‘When you collects card add itt the hand of Territory cards held by the team. At the end of your curn, pass your team’s cards to the next player on your team. Any player may turn in a set of cards for reinforcements atthe start of his/her turn. fa player gets the teamiscands and there are s cards, he/she must turn ina set. WINNING When one player from a team is liminated, the opposing tearm wins.

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