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The Institute for Taiwanese Studies (USA)

“China’s International Influence--Strength & Weakness” Panel discussion


Theme: “Is China Invincible?”

Date: May 15, 2010 (Saturday) 1-4 pm
Place: San Gabriel Hilton
225 W. Valley Blvd., San Gabriel, CA

Moderator: Wencheng Lin ‫ݓ‬Мࢇ, Chairman, Institute for Taiwanese Studies (ITS)
Presenter: Perry Link ‫ݓ‬உ࿅, Professor, Princeton and UC Riverside
“How secure do Chinese people feel today--inside?”
Ԗ˺ϩుΕࣴ‫ز‬Ƕ2001 ԃӢ‫ڐ‬շ஭‫ؼ‬р‫ހ‬ȨϺӼߐЎҹȩǴа
1989 ԃύ୯ሦᏤΓϣ೽‫૸ޑ‬ፕ૶ᒵǴඟวдॺ،‫ۓ‬Ҕ‫ݓ‬Κჹб
݅୻ྷ௲௤ᕇԖࠖՕεᏢറγᏢՏǴд‫ޑ‬๱բхࡴȨThe Use
of Literature: Life in the Socialist Chinese Literary SystemȩǴ
Ȩъࢩᒿ฽ȩ฻Ƕ݅୻ྷΨஒ 08 Ꮶക᝿ԋमЎǶ

Discussant: Richard Baum ѓ࿅ო, Professor, UC Los Angeles

Presenter: Jeffrey Wasserstrom, Professor, UC Irvine
“From the Beijing Olympics to the Shanghai Expo:
Reflections on the Domestic and International
Impact of two Chinese Global Spectacles”
Wesserstrom ௲௤ࢂуԀεᏢɡᅟ᡼ᐕў‫س‬௲௤ǴΨࢂ٥ࢪ
ਜǴхࡴന߈р‫ހ‬ȨChina in the 21st Century: What Everyone
Needs to KnowȩǶ

Discussant: Daniel Lynch, Professor, University of Southern California

ᖄ๎ႝ၉Ǻ(562) 809-1569Ǹ(213) 422-1753

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