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Re: NHL statement regarding CTE and Derek Boogaard J

to: Teddy Katz

Bee: Brendan Shanahan

12/06/2011 07:31 AM

Teddy - I think our response to this news at this point would be consistent with our response to prior confirmed cases
of CTE in NHL Players.
Its a relevant and concerning finding, but its also a new and developing science with the lack of any real control
group to compare the findings against. We believe it would be premature and inapprropriate to draw further
conclusions and causal connections at this point in time.
From: "Teddy Katz"
Sent: 12/06/2011 06:11 AM h:Sl
To: Bill Daly
Subject: NHL statement regarding CTE and Derek Boogaard

Good morning Mr. Daly,

Teddy Katz here with CBC. Just wondering if the league has a statement regarding the findings
that Derek Boogaard had chronic traumatic encephalopathy and at his brain showed high levels
of the disease. Does this suggest that current NHLers may have the disease as well?
Thanks in advance,
Teddy Katz

Teddy Katz
CBC National Radio News Reporter


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