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Name: Ben Frey

Hour: 6
Date: 2/21/22

English 12 Capstone
Film Review/Analysis
PART I: Choose a film related to your topic area to watch. (Documentaries are
recommended and strongly encouraged, but not required.) Then, answer the background
questions below to create a well written paragraph. (5 points)

Title of Film: The Heart of the Matter

Genre: Documentary
Date watched: February 14-20
Personal rating: 8 /10
Explain the rating you awarded: I awarded this rating because it was a very enjoyable film that
was not stagnant but offered many different sites. In addition to many medical breakthroughs and

PART II: Answer each question below in a well-developed paragraph using professional
language and proper spelling, grammar, and mechanics. Each paragraph is worth 5 points
for a total of 35 points. Remove the questions before submitting.

This film covers the effects of Cardiovascular defects or congenital heart disease (CHD.)

At the start, a brief overview is given of the condition with many doctors to back statistics up.

They cover how these defects form at birth and Logan’s giving personal story and Tiana’s heart

transplants procedure. Throughout the documentary, different topics like the effects of CHD on

conditions like ADHD are covered. AS well as some procedures and measures that are taken to

improve the future of CHD patients.

The documentary was one of the few longer films talking about CHD that was found

online. During the search, many short videos were talking about heart disease. However, this

film I found was all an hour but provided a lot of info packed into so little. Although it is older
Name: Ben Frey
Hour: 6
Date: 2/21/22

being from 2014 it addresses many of the problems that we still face today. In addition, it

provides a unique perspective of how far we have come in the medical field in treating this

disease. From the start of birth, these defects are a continuous battle that sticks with the patient

from childhood to adult life. I wanted to look at this film to get a better understanding and a

different perspective of the defect from my view.

Within this documentary, it covers a range of procedures and defects, which has a special

connection to why this fits my capstone. Although it is just a defect it is still a disease within the

heart that plagues so many such a young age. It also adds to my personal story of why I am

interested in the heart at all. I know only a fraction of what there is to learn and want to learn

more about the heart. All in all, this documentary covered a niche aspect of the heart which was a

true documentary about my topic.

This film was not only very entertaining and engaging, but it also incorporated medical

backed procedures and studies. Things like the effects of childbirth and the effects CHD has on

those women are discussed. AS well as how mental and physical issues affect someone with

CHD. I believe the main picture of this film was to raise awareness of CHD and the problems

that come along with it. From discussing breaking through medical procedures and personal

stories of children and adults with CHD.

The documentary provided many stories and procedures that I had yet to learn about.

Even though this documentary came out over 7 years ago, it was still an informative and

interesting documentary. I learned that conditions like ADHD and learning disorders have a

connection to CHD patients. Patients that had congenital heart disease are more likely to have or
Name: Ben Frey
Hour: 6
Date: 2/21/22

developed learning disorders. Although they don’t know why the time of the documentary, there

is physical evidence in the forms of studies and brain scans that indicate this proof. This was a

connection I did not know at the time but wish to investigate more during the capstone.

As I have stated earlier this film does a great job of combining entertainment with solid

medical information. This film does exactly correlate to my topic but does give me insight into a

different aspect of the heart. The procedures stated about this disease offer insight into the

medical advances that we have made from them today and show the improvement of treatment

over the years. I plan to research more into these procedures and find out how they relate to this

documentary now and in the future.

Throughout this documentary many topics and procedures are covered but what to make

of it all in the bigger picture? Congenital Heart Disease(defects) affects many children and adults

and I believe are a very under-addressed issue in the world. Heart health has a profound impact

on our lives and our future, it starts with raising awareness about the topic and its impact on

lives. Each day advances are made in heart health and if people understand these advancements,

we can have a brighter future for many generations. This documentary does just that and gives

personal stories and achievements of heart procedures to prove it.

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